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       【资料共享】规制理论论文 3

    • A Guide to Health Care Reform.pdf
    • Asymmetric Information and the Pricing of Natural Resources-The Case of Unmetered Water.pdf
    • @The Dynamic Efficiency of Regulatory Constitutions .pdf
    • a new paradigm of economic regulation.pdf
    • A Renegotiation-Proof Mechanism for a Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection.pdf
    • A Theory of Price Rigidities When Quality is Unobservable.pdf
    • Adverse Selection in Dynamic Moral Hazard.pdf
    • Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
    • Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • An Incentive Approach to Banking Regulation.pdf
    • Are Invisible Hands Good Hands- Moral Hazard, Competition, and the Second-Best in Health Care Markets.pdf
  • 20.63 MB
  • 2005-7-20