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  • David P. Goldman - You Will Be Assimilated_ China’s Plan to Sino-form the World.zip
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  • 高盛excel估值建模6个模板.zip

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  • HBS.rar

    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2018 Dell Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation.pdf
    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 2019 Ride-Hailing Services Forecasting Uber’s Growth.pdf
    • 1982 Johnson & Johnson The Tylenol Tragedy.pdf
    • 1994 Nucleon, Inc..pdf
    • 1997 Silicon Valley of the East Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.pdf
    • 1998 Perrier, Nestle, and the Agnellis.pdf
    • 1999 How Process Enterprises Really Work.pdf
    • 2000 Cafes Monte Bianco Building a Profit Plan.pdf
    • 2000 Coca-Cola's New Vending Machine (A) Pricing to Capture Value, or Not.pdf
    • 2000 Dell Selling Directly, Globally.pdf
    • 2001 Mountain Dew Selecting New Creative.pdf
    • 2001 Nestle Quality on the Boardroom Agenda (A).pdf
    • 2001 Nike, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2001 Nokia Corp. Innovation and Efficiency in a High-Growth Global Firm.pdf
    • 2002 Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice The adidas Connection.pdf
    • 2002 Nestle's Globe Program (A) The Early Months.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil Negotiating at the State Level.pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Coca-Cola's Marketing Challenges in Brazil The Tubaιnas War.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Carrefour S.A..pdf
    • 2005 Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (A).pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2006 FedEx and Environmental Defense Building a Hybrid Delivery Fleet.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs.pdf
    • 2008 Hyundai CardHyundai Capital and GE Money Re-branding Decisions in a Successful Joint Venture.pdf
    • 2008 Research in Motion Managing Explosive Growth.pdf
    • 2009 ATH MicroTechnologies, Inc. (A) Making the Numbers.pdf
    • 2009 Boeing The Fight for Fasteners.pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2010 Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Lessons from the Beijing Olympics.pdf
    • 2010 Homeless World Cup Social Entrepreneurship, Cause Marketing, and a Partnership with Nike.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Shanzhai! MediaTek and the White Box Handset Market.pdf
    • 2011 Bombardier Aerospace The CSeries Dilemma.pdf
    • 2011 Finland and Nokia Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 2011 GE Healthcare (A) Innovating for Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Nokia India Battery Recall Logistics.pdf
    • 2011 State Bank of India Transforming a State Owned Giant.pdf
    • 2011 Vertu Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.pdf
    • 2012 Alphabet Energy.pdf
    • 2012 Coca-Cola in 2011 In Search of a New Model.pdf
    • 2012 Coke and Pepsi from Global to Indian Advertising.pdf
    • 2012 Merck (in 2009) Open for Innovation.pdf
    • 2012 Nestlé SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 Netflix Inc. Streaming Away from DVDs.pdf
    • 2013 Airbus vs. Boeing (A).pdf
    • 2013 Citigroup’s Shareholder Tango in Brazil (A).pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Back in Burma.pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Liquid and Linked.pdf
    • 2013 Governance and Sustainability at Nike (A).pdf
    • 2014 Corporate Governance at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Not A Good Thing.pdf
    • 2014 Facebook and WhatsApp Acquire or Ally.pdf
    • 2014 Hyundai Motor Company Design Takes the Driver's Seat.pdf
    • 2014 Microsoft New Wine in an Old Bottle.pdf
    • 2015 Uber An Empire in the Making.pdf
    • 2016 Adidas RussiaCIS and the Russian Crisis Retrench or Double Down (A).pdf
    • 2016 Airbnb, Etsy, Uber Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers.pdf
    • 2016 Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens.pdf
    • 2016 Cisco India (A) Innovation in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2016 GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analytics.pdf
    • 2016 Netflix International Expansion.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2016 Pricing the EpiPen This is Going to Sting.pdf
    • 2016 Reach Capital Performance in Education Technology.pdf
    • 2017 Fasten Challenging Uber and Lyft with a New Business Model.pdf
    • 2017 i-flex solutions limited (B) The Oracle Years.pdf
    • 2017 Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell.pdf
  • 97.59 MB
  • 2019-11-29
  • 26篇投行报告.zip

    • 2018-Oil-Gas-Industry-Trends.pdf
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    • BAML Outlook Summary (click on sections).pdf
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    • Blackrock Global Investment Outlook 2019.pdf
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    • IEA-Oil-Information-2018.pdf
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    • Lazard 2019.pdf
    • Macquarie Asset Management 2019.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley 2019 - The Turning Point - update.pdf
    • re-imagining-big-oils-report-pdf.pdf
    • Russell Investments 2019.pdf
    • T Rowe 2019 Disruptive Forces.pdf
    • The Economist 2019.pdf
    • Top 10 FX Trades.pdf
    • Turning point.pdf
    • 保障资产—在动荡时期建立更强的投资组合.pdf
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  • 2019-1-29
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    • Goldman Sachs-EM Strategy Views:Moving past the Stock Drop,what is priced and what to trade in EM.pdf
    • 从财务报表看美国页岩油完全成本.pdf
    • 机器人-两种路径及三种维度打造机器人的成功并购-机器人并购趋势分析及龙头企业经验借鉴.pdf
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    • 美国NGL储运体系详析-瓶颈在哪里,.pdf
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    • 中公& 华图双寡头全数据剖析“ 公职” 培训行业.pdf
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    • Goldman Sachs-MAKING SENSE OF MIDTERMS.pdf
    • 农药-草铵膦:非选择性除草剂中的小巨人.pdf
    • 软体家居-系列报告之一:美国床垫行业演变启示:技术与营销造就高端,互联网电商方兴未艾.pdf
    • 智能制造-行业系列报告二:人工智能核“芯”,GPU迎来发展良机.pdf
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  • 2016-9-10
  • 研报大全201601共25篇-上半部分.rar

    • 20160114-招商证券-传媒行业虚拟现实(VR)产业深度报告(一):虚拟世界这么大,我想去看看.pdf
    • 虚拟现实vrar产业将迎来大发展.pdf
    • 20151202-兴业证券-兴业证券电子行业研究:紧抱半导体,电动汽车,虚拟现实三大方向.pdf
    • 20151208-平安证券-平安乐起来虚拟现实行业系列报告:影像虚拟,投资现实.pdf
    • 20151021-华泰证券-华泰证券虚拟现实(VR)行业深度研究报告:一场必胜的持久战.pdf
    • 东半球最干货的虚拟现实(VR)报告:万亿市场规模,一场必胜的持久战.doc
    • Goldman_-_Virtual_and_Augment_Reality.pdf
    • 虚拟现实VR和AR深度行业研究报告.pdf
    • 20160121-海通证券-传媒行业虚拟现实系列II:交互方式新革命.pdf
    • 营赢VR别册.pdf
    • 华泰证券-虚拟现实是持久战.pdf
    • 20151122-兴业证券-传媒与互联网行业虚拟现实行业深度研究:未来已来,VR Here.pdf
    • 20151125-中银国际-计算机行业虚拟现实行业深度报告:下一代人机交互平台.pdf
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  • iot-report.pdf
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  • Goldman Sachs_AR13_AllPages.rar
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    • 20140730-国泰君安-钟表行业系列深度报告之二,瑞士钟表:辉煌历史铸就品牌,精湛工艺掌控高端.pdf
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    • Cengage Advantage Books Business Law, 8th edition.pdf
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  • 2014-2-11
  • 2014年宏观策略1.zip

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    • Merrill Lynch - Asia 2014 Year Ahead.pdf
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    • What Happened to Goldman Sachs Insider Story.epub
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  • 2012-11-16
  • 2012年6月以后的外行研究报告.zip

    • BoFA ML-Expectations reset / valuation attractive – reiterate Buy.pdf
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    • Credit Suisse-Insurance Sector:Seeing clearly now the rain has gone.pdf
    • Goldman Sachs-Asia Pacific:Financial Services:The elephant slims down and gets focused:Prefer HSBC to STAN.pdf
    • Goldman Sachs-Automobiles:OEM actions in Europe inadequate for acceptable returns,prefer global players with scale.pdf
    • HSBC-Evolution or Devolution?Whats next for European bank credit.pdf
    • HSBC-GEM Chemicals:Growth math.pdf
    • HSBC-On top of the data:Breaking lower, again.pdf
    • J.P.Morgan-Asia Pacific Transport Logistics Strategy:Focus on Asian demand.pdf
    • J.P.Morgan-HK/China Consumer:Leave macro aside and focus on bottom-up drivers.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley-Airlines:Co-Pilot: AMR M&A FAQs Part 3.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley-Maritime Industries:Is Asia slowing.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley-The Commodity Manual:Asian Crude Demand Lackluster on Turnarounds.pdf
    • UBS-What is happening to the Chinese tourist/?.pdf
    • UBS-When will the Chinese inventory drag ease/?.pdf
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  • 2012-10-31
  • 国海.rar

    • 数量化-投资 定位技术解决风格轮换 评分系统构建投资组合.pdf
    • 2008-11-05 定位技术解决风格轮换构建投资组合.pdf
    • 2009-02-25 通缩风险加大 GDP增速有望回升.pdf
    • 2009-06-26 GDP增速回升 经济走出低谷.pdf
    • 2009-08-11 实用有效的量化投资策略 一 .pdf
    • 2009-08-21 数量化研究II 动量策略 博取稳定超额收益.pdf
    • 2009-08-25 新思维 新产品 一 .pdf
    • 2009-09-30 实用有效的量化投资策略 二 适合牛皮市的GHPORS 波段操作策略.pdf
    • 2009-11-24 打破量化资产配置的黑匣 运用Goldman Sachs模型进行配置.pdf
    • 2010-03-13 股市动力学分析 Hurst 分形结构变化 A 股调整将持续.pdf
    • 2010-04-15 分级基金迭出,你该选择哪只?.pdf
    • 2010-05-28 善用动量与反转策略选股 让利润快速奔跑 .pdf
    • 2010-06-01 筹码集中度量化选股 牛股纳入囊中.pdf
    • 2010-06-10 指数期货影响股市案例:6.9逆转行情点评.pdf
    • 2010-06-18 国海量化策略指数 筹码集中策略50指数.pdf
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    • 2010-07-26 A股另类量化α 行业配对交易 Pairs Trading 策略.pdf
    • 2010-08-06 国海筹码量化20股票池.pdf
    • 2010-08-19 国海量化导报:阶段性顶部已现,再次下探!.pdf
    • 2010-08-20 新量化择时指标MVIV 从异质波动中挖掘市场走向.pdf
    • 2010-09-01 新量化择时指标MVIV:九月大势评级卖出.pdf
    • 2010-10-08 新量化择时指标MV-IV:四季度看空,不排除先高后低.pdf
    • 2010-10-28 新量化择时指标之二Tsharp 时变夏普比率把握长中短趋势.pdf
    • 2010-10-29 国海量化择时导报:大盘短命行情结束,中小盘风格牛市不言顶!.pdf
    • 2010-10-30 量化择时:风格回到中小盘,大盘股短命行情终结.pdf
    • 2010-11-29 新量化分类选股 Cluster量化选股策略.pdf
    • 2011-01-10 国海2010年量化择时绩效全年盘点报告.pdf
    • 2011-01-10 新量化择时指标之三BBCurve——牛熊线实现完美择时.pdf
    • 2011-02-23 市场情绪量化指数MSI——把脉投资者情绪.pdf
    • 2011-03-02 技术分析选股 一 “蜻蜓点水”.pdf
    • 2011-03-21 新量化选股策略之二——ZIPPO策略掘金次新股.pdf
    • 2011-04-07 国海全A股攻防指数研究之一 BETA动量策略200指数.pdf
    • 2011-04-07 技术分析选股 二 “蜻蜓点水”之进阶.pdf
    • 2011-04-19 高精度风格指数.pdf
    • 2011-05-03 布拉特中长期投资组合 格雷厄姆价值投资的量化诠释.pdf
    • 2011-05-04 按图索骥:长阳指路式选股.pdf
    • 2011-05-16 国海布拉特30基本面策略指数: 连续九年战胜大盘.pdf
    • 2011-06-15 GARP 选股策略 等待戴维斯双击.pdf
    • 2011-08-23 基于EPS增长趋势选股 汇聚分析师预测 捕捉优质盈利股.pdf
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    • 20101214-JP+Morgan-Asia+First+to+Market.pdf
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