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  • OGHIST.xlsx
       Historical classification by income

  • 100.61 KB
  • 2023-6-6
  • HAR-RV.zip

    • A Simple Approximate Long-Memory Model of Realized Volatility.pdf
    • Bollerslex 增强波动率预测.pdf
    • Econometric analysis of realized volatility and its.pdf
  • 3.45 MB
  • 2022-12-12
  • OGHIST.xlsx

  • 95.09 KB
  • 2020-2-19
  • OGHIST.xls
       historical classifications by income

  • 287 KB
  • 2017-8-24
  • D(41-60).rar

    • David Dosa.zip
    • Dante Alighieri.zip
    • Daphne Kalotay.zip
    • Darin Bradley.zip
    • Darren Shan.zip
    • Daryl Gregory.zip
    • Dava Sobel.zip
    • Dave Duncan.zip
    • Dave Eggers.zip
    • David Allen.zip
    • David Archuleta.zip
    • David Baldacci.zip
    • David Benedictus.zip
    • David Brin.zip
    • David Byrne.zip
    • David Carnoy.zip
    • David Cloud.zip
    • David Corbett.zip
    • David Cristofano.zip
    • David Cross.zip
  • 45.35 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • Genghis Khan and the Quest for God_How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave .zip

    • Genghis Khan and the Quest for God_How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom.epub
  • 1.91 MB
  • 2016-12-14
  • Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190–1400.zip

    • Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190–1400.pdf
  • 21.09 MB
  • 2016-12-2
  • haghirian2007.zip

    • haghirian2007.pdf
  • 209.23 KB
  • 2016-8-5
  • JFE-2016-05-06-07.zip

    • JFE-2016-05-Adverse selection, slow-moving capital, and misallocation .pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Asset allocation and monetary policy_ Evidence from the eurozone.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Bankruptcy law and bank financing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Discerning information from trade data.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Does the geographic expansion of banks reduce risk_.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Local financial capacity and asset values_ Evidence from bank failures.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Rethinking reversals.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Revolving doors on Wall Street.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Sentiments, financial markets, and macroeconomic fluctuations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Shareholder nonparticipation in valuable rights offerings_ New findings for an old puzzle.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Time-to-produce, inventory, and asset prices.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Underwriter deal pipeline and the pricing of IPOs.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Does rating analyst subjectivity affect corporate debt pricing_.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Indexing and active fund management_ International evidence.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Roughing up beta_ Continuous versus discontinuous betas and the cross section of expected stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Taxes and bank capital structure.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The causal effect of option pay on corporate risk management.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The commitment problem of secured lending.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The leverage externalities of credit default swaps.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The value of a good credit reputation_ Evidence from credit card renegotiations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why do firms use high discount rates.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why does the option to stock volume ratio predict stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Accruals, cash flows, and operating profitability in the cross.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Borrower protection and the supply of credit_ Evidence from foreclosure laws.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Does variance risk have two prices_ Evidence from the equity and option markets.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Have we solved the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-How costly is corporate bankruptcy for the CEO.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Liquidity, resiliency and market quality around predictable trades_ Theory and evidencE.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Passive investors, not passive owners.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Performance measurement with selectivity, market and volatility timing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Short interest and aggregate stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-The value of creditor control in corporate bonds.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Under new management_ Equity issues and the attribution of PAST RETURN.pdf
  • 30.4 MB
  • 2016-6-5
  • OGHIST.rar

    • OGHIST.xls
  • 31.37 KB
  • 2016-4-7
  • CHIP2008_or_RUMiC2009_migration_old_data_20140109.rar

    • MHSo_w2_d.dta
    • MHSo_w2_e1.dta
    • MHSo_w2_e2.dta
    • MHSo_w2_e3.dta
    • MHSo_w2_e4.dta
    • MHSo_w2_fghijl.dta
    • MHSo_w2_abc.dta
  • 464.46 KB
  • 2016-1-10
  • CHIP2008_or_RUMiC2009_migration_new_data_20140109.rar

    • MHSn_w2_d.dta
    • MHSn_w2_e1.dta
    • MHSn_w2_e3.dta
    • MHSn_w2_e4.dta
    • MHSn_w2_fghijl.dta
    • MHSn_w2_abc.dta
  • 762.45 KB
  • 2016-1-10
  • Robot & MATLAB Introduction .rar

    • [Robot]Dan B. Marghitu-Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with Matlab-Springer (2009).pdf
    • [Robot]S.G. Tzafestas (Auth.)-Introduction to Mobile Robot Control-Elsevier (2014).pdf
    • [Robot](Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 101)-Introduction to Humanoid Robotics-Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • [Robot]_ Mathematical Principles and Applications with MATLAB Programming-Springer Berlin Heidelbe.pdf
  • 64.06 MB
  • 2015-3-28
  • Fi.rar

    • Fish2013_ywzb_TablePlayingHide.bmp.dtm
  • 8.18 KB
  • 2015-3-16
  • ECB zero.zip

    • Money matters_ Perspectives on Monetary Policy_ Where could ECB interest rates go_.pdf
    • Draghi May Enter Twilight Zone Where Fed Fears to Tread - Bloomberg.pdf
    • ECB_ Central banks and the challenges of the zero lower bound.pdf
    • ECB_ international spillovers of US QE.pdf
    • ECB_ Interview with Die Zeit.pdf
    • ECB_ Monetary policy communication in turbulent times.pdf
    • ECB_ Outright Monetary Transactions, one year on.pdf
    • ECB_non-standard monetary policy.pdf
    • Fed_Four Stories of QE.pdf
    • LSE_The potential instruments for moentary policy.pdf
    • Money matters_ Perspectives on Monetary Policy_ Should the ECB go quantitative_.pdf
    • Money matters_ Perspectives on Monetary Policy_ Should the European Central Bank do more and go negative_.pdf
  • 9.15 MB
  • 2014-6-6
  • gkgughi.zip

    • sdewww.zip
    • 新建 文本文档 (2).txt
    • 新建 文本文档 (3).txt
    • sdddd.zip
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2013-3-13
  • Access 学习与工具包1.zip

    • Access2003 MGHILL英文版.rar
    • Access&Excel 转换工具.rar
    • Access2002 数据库应用(ppt电子教程).rar
    • ACCESS 数据库技术与应用培训(ppt电子教程) .rar
  • 18.01 MB
  • 2011-5-19
  • Choices, Values, and Frames.rar

    • 38. Evaluation by moments_past and future.pdf
    • 39. Endowments and contrast in judgments of well-being(in Chapter 6).pdf
    • 40. A bias in the prediction of tastes.pdf
    • 41. The effect of purchase quantity and timing on variety-seeking behavior.pdf
    • 01. Choices, Values, and Frames.pdf
    • 02. Prospect theory_an analysis of decision under risk.pdf
    • 03. Advance in prospect theory_Cumulative representation of uncertainty.pdf
    • 04. The probability weighting function.pdf
    • 05. Weighing risk and uncertainty.pdf
    • 06. A belief-based account of decision under uncertainty.pdf
    • 07. Loss aversion in riskless choice_A reference-dependent model.pdf
    • 08. Anomalies_The endowment effect, loss aversion, and status quo bias.pdf
    • 09. The endowment effect and evidence of non reversible indifference curve.pdf
    • 10. A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 11. Diminish marginal utility of wealth cannot explain risk aversion.pdf
    • 12. Rational choice and the framing of decisions.pdf
    • 13. Framing, probability distortions, and insurance decisions.pdf
    • 14. Mental accounting matters.pdf
    • 16. Prospect theory in the wild_evidence from the field.pdf
    • 17. Myopic loss aversion and the equity premium puzzle.pdf
    • 18. Fairness as a constraint on profit seeking_entitlements in the market.pdf
    • 19. Money illusion.pdf
    • 20. Labor supply of New York City cab drivers_one day at a time.pdf
    • 21. Are investors reluctant to realize their losses.pdf
    • 22. Timid choices and bold forecasts_a cognitive perspective on risk taking.pdf
    • 23. Overconfidence and excess entry_an experimental approach.pdf
    • 24. judicial choice and disparities between measures of economic values.pdf
    • 25. Contrasting rational and psychological analyses of political choice.pdf
    • 29. Context-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 30. Ambiguity aversion and comparative ignorance.pdf
    • 31. Attribute evaluability and its implications for joint-separate evaluation reversals and beyond.pdf
    • 32. Preferences for sequences of outcomes.pdf
    • 33. Anomalies in intertemporal choice_evidence and an interpretation.pdf
    • 34. Reason-based choice.pdf
    • 36. Economists have preferences, psychologists have attitudes_an analysis of dollar responses to public issues.pdf
    • 37. Experienced utility and objective happiness a moment-based approach.pdf
  • 36.45 MB
  • 2010-1-31
  • 322885.rar
       [下载]Optimisation,Econometric and Financial Analysis by Erricos John Kontoghiorghes and

    • Optimisation, Econometric and Financial Analysis, Springer 2006.pdf
  • 2.21 MB
  • 2009-5-7
  • 234181.rar
       免费共享《经济增长手册》2005,编者:Aghion and Durlauf.总共28章,共计28篇经济增长领域经典

  • 17.49 MB
  • 2008-8-6
  • 225922.zip
       中级宏观经济学讲义(Aghion 阿吉翁)

    • Lecture_Notes_03_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_04_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_05_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_06_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_07_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_09_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_10_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_11_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_12_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_13_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_16_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_17_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_18_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_19_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_01_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_02_Spring_2005.pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2008-7-10
  • 200910.rar
       Aghion&Howitt的 三篇论文

    • Growth and Unemployment.pdf
    • A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction.pdf
    • Competition, Imitation and Growth with Step-by-Step Innovation.pdf
  • 2 MB
  • 2008-3-26
  • 117339.pdf
       30金求文:Aghion & Bolton 1997

  • 502.71 KB
  • 2007-5-16
  • 83314.pdf

  • 295.45 KB
  • 2007-1-10
  • 83313.pdf

  • 442.74 KB
  • 2007-1-10
  • 83312.pdf

  • 823.88 KB
  • 2007-1-10
  • 83311.pdf

  • 425.68 KB
  • 2007-1-10
  • 47573.rar

    • koopman.pdf
    • romer1986.pdf
    • uzawa.pdf
    • cass.pdf
    • aghion.pdf
    • romer.pdf
    • arrow.pdf
    • romer1990.pdf
  • 12.85 MB
  • 2006-4-7
  • 47232.rar

    • Aghion0Howitt .pdf
    • arrow.pdf
    • cass.pdf
    • koopman.pdf
    • 1990Romer.pdf
    • romer1986.pdf
    • romer1.pdf
    • uzawa.pdf
  • 4.62 MB
  • 2006-4-6
  • 17632.zip

    • Lecture_Notes_03_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_04_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_05_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_06_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_07_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_09_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_10_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_11_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_12_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_13_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_16_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_17_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_18_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_19_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_01_Spring_2005.pdf
    • Lecture_Notes_02_Spring_2005.pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2005-6-23
  • 7736.rar

    • aghion-tirole97(9).pdf
  • 2.34 MB
  • 2005-1-13
  • 5609.rar

    • Aghion-Bolton_1989.pdf
  • 411.25 KB
  • 2004-12-17
  • 2807.rar

    • Aghion_An ‘incomplete contracts’ approach to financial contracting.pdf
  • 2.24 MB
  • 2004-11-14
  • 2742.rar

    • Aghion_imcomplete social contracts.pdf
  • 248.45 KB
  • 2004-11-13
  • 1376.rar
       Endogenous Political Institutions(Philippe Aghion)

    • Endogenous Political Institutions(Philippe Aghion).pdf
  • 390.96 KB
  • 2004-9-23