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       [下载]情奉献本人最近收集的Risk Management实证文献100篇!

    • Hedging using simulation - a least squares approach.pdf
    • Exploration of the role of expectations in foreign exchange risk management.pdf
    • Extent of hedging in the US lodging industry.pdf
    • Family ownership, dual-class shares, and risk management.pdf
    • Financial versus operative hedging of currency risk.pdf
    • Foreign currency debt in emerging markets - firm-level evidence from Mexico.pdf
    • Foreign exchange exposure of exporting and importing firms.pdf
    • Foreign exchange exposure, risk management, and quarterly earnings announcements.pdf
    • Foreign exchange rate exposure of US multinational corporations - a firm-specific approach.pdf
    • Foreign exchange risk management by Swedish and Korean nonfinancial firms - A comparative survey.pdf
    • Foreign-denominated debt and foreign currency derivatives - complements or substitutes in hedging foreign currency risk.pdf
    • Forward contracts and market power in an electricity market.pdf
    • From Brownian motion to operational risk - Statistical physics and financial markets.pdf
    • Hedgers, speculators and forward markets - Evidence from currency markets.pdf
    • Hedging behavior in small and medium-sized enterprises - The role of unobserved heterogeneity.pdf
    • Hedging Carbon Risk - Protecting Customers and Shareholders from the Financial Risk Associated with Carbon Dioxide Emissions.pdf
    • Hedging downside risk - futures vs. options.pdf
    • Hedging Exposure to Volatile Retail Electricity Prices.pdf
    • Hedging grain price risk in the SADC - Case studies of Malawi and Zambia.pdf
    • Hedging Price Risks of Farmers by Commodity Boards - A Simulation Applied to the Indian Natural Rubber Market.pdf
  • 3.63 MB
  • 2007-12-3