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  • International Statistics Yearbook 2023.zip

    • Part I_World. Regions of the world. Groups of the countries.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 1_Population.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 10_Industry.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 11_Foreign trade.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 12_National accounts.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 2_Environmental protection.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 3_Labour market.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 4_Wages and salaries. Living conditions.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 5_Education.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 6_Population health condition.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 7_Retail sales. Prices.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 8_Science. Information society. Telecommunications.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 9_Agriculture, forestry, fishing.xlsx
  • 1013.11 KB
  • 2024-2-24
  • 2014考研基础班精选35篇阅读文章 audio3.rar

    • Fishing and rights.doc
    • Energy conservation节约用能.doc
    • Facing the consequences.doc
    • Faster than the speed of light.doc
    • Financial innovation.doc
  • 83.33 KB
  • 2014-8-11
  • Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam 2006.zip

    • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing.pdf
    • Administrative Unit and Climate.pdf
    • Education.pdf
    • Enterprise and Individual business establisment.pdf
    • Health, Culture, Sport and Living standard.pdf
    • Industry.pdf
    • International Statistics.pdf
    • Investment.pdf
    • National Accounts and State budget.pdf
    • Population and Employment.pdf
    • Trade, Price and Tourism.pdf
    • Transport, Postal Services and Telecommunications.pdf
  • 4.3 MB
  • 2012-4-3
  • 319904.rar

    • On Models of Commercial Fishing.pdf
    • A Defense of the Traditional Literature.pdf
    • Policy Prescriptions in Bionomic Models.pdf
  • 580.33 KB
  • 2009-4-28
  • 182111.zip
       The R Book 950的数据文件

    • a.txt
    • Ancovacontrasts.txt
    • anova.data.txt
    • aplam.txt
    • asymptotic.txt
    • B1.txt
    • B2.txt
    • B3.txt
    • B4.txt
    • B5.txt
    • B6.txt
    • B7.txt
    • B8.txt
    • b.txt
    • berks.txt
    • bioassay.txt
    • bloodcells.txt
    • blowfly.txt
    • bowens.csv
    • box.txt
    • boxy.txt
    • bubble.txt
    • c.txt
    • cancer.txt
    • car.test.frame.txt
    • cases.txt
    • cells.txt
    • chicks.txt
    • chris.txt
    • clusters.txt
    • colony.txt
    • competition.txt
    • compexpt.txt
    • contrasts.txt
    • crossover.txt
    • cull.txt
    • curvedata.txt
    • cv.map.txt
    • daphnia.txt
    • das.txt
    • dates.csv
    • dates.txt
    • Decay.txt
    • density.txt
    • diminish.txt
    • distribution.txt
    • dombryo.txt
    • dups.txt
    • epilobium.txt
    • error.bars.txt
    • ethanol.txt
    • exceldates.csv
    • expt1.txt
    • f.test.data.txt
    • factorial.txt
    • factories.txt
    • farms.txt
    • fertilizer.txt
    • fh.txt
    • fisher.txt
    • fishery.txt
    • fishes.txt
    • fishing.txt
    • flies.txt
    • flo.txt
    • flowering.txt
    • fltimes.txt
    • fol.txt
    • freqs.txt
    • functionalresponse.txt
    • fung.txt
    • Fungi.txt
    • Gain.txt
    • gales.txt
    • gammaplot.txt
    • garden.ozone.txt
    • gardens.txt
    • germination.txt
    • grasshopper.txt
    • growth.txt
    • herbicides.txt
    • hier.txt
    • hist.txt
    • houses.txt
    • hre.txt
    • hump.txt
    • hypermasc.txt
    • idealfreeducks.txt
    • incidence.txt
    • induced.txt
    • infection.txt
    • insects.txt
    • interaction.txt
    • ipomopsis.txt
    • irrigation.txt
    • island.txt
    • isolation.txt
    • jantemp.txt
    • jaws.txt
    • kelly.txt
    • kmeansdata.txt
    • kmnos.txt
    • kmx.txt
    • kmy.txt
    • lackoffit.txt
    • lambdas.txt
    • Levels.txt
    • lex.txt
    • lifeforms.txt
    • light.txt
    • lizards.txt
    • lmedata1.txt
    • lmedata2.txt
    • lmedata3.txt
    • lodata.txt
    • logistic.txt
    • logplots.txt
    • longdata.txt
    • Lynx.txt
    • manova2.txt
    • manova.txt
    • map.places.csv
    • map.places.txt
    • mm.txt
    • mode.txt
    • monocultures.txt
    • multivariate.txt
    • murders.txt
    • myco.txt
    • mytest.txt
    • naydf2.txt
    • naydf.txt
    • nays.txt
    • nbnumbers.txt
    • nl.txt
    • nlme.txt
    • nonlinear.txt
    • nvc.txt
    • occupation.txt
    • om.txt
    • oneway.txt
    • Ovary.txt
    • owlrings.txt
    • oxford weather.txt
    • oy.txt
    • ozone.data.txt
    • pair.txt
    • paired.txt
    • panels.txt
    • Parasite.txt
    • parasites.txt
    • pgfull.txt
    • pgnine.txt
    • pgr.txt
    • pgstability.txt
    • pgvar.txt
    • phosphorus.txt
    • photoperiod.txt
    • pieces.txt
    • piedata.csv
    • piedata.txt
    • pig.txt
    • plotdata.txt
    • plotfit.txt
    • plots.txt
    • pointsdata.txt
    • Pollute.txt
    • poly.txt
    • power.txt
    • power.x.txt
    • power.y.txt
    • Practice.txt
    • productivity.txt
    • rabbitfences.txt
    • ragwort.txt
    • ragwortmap2006.txt
    • rats.txt
    • reaction.txt
    • refuge.txt
    • regdat.txt
    • regression.txt
    • repeated.txt
    • repmeasures.txt
    • report.txt
    • results.txt
    • roaches.txt
    • robreg.txt
    • rt2.txt
    • rt.txt
    • sales.txt
    • sapdecay.txt
    • sasilwood.txt
    • scatter1.txt
    • scatter2.txt
    • seedlings.txt
    • seedoutput.txt
    • seeds.txt
    • seedwts.txt
    • sexratio2.txt
    • sexratio.txt
    • silwoodrank.txt
    • silwoodspecies.txt
    • SilwoodWeather.txt
    • sizes.txt
    • skeletons.txt
    • skewdata.txt
    • sleep.txt
    • slugsurvey.txt
    • smoothing.txt
    • soaysheep.txt
    • soaytest.txt
    • soil.txt
    • sortdata.txt
    • sp1.txt
    • sp2.txt
    • spatialdata.txt
    • species.txt
    • Speciesarea.txt
    • spending.txt
    • splitcounts.txt
    • splitplot.txt
    • splityield.txt
    • sslogistic.txt
    • stat051.txt
    • stream.txt
    • streams.txt
    • sulphur.dioxide.txt
    • sward.txt
    • sweepdata.txt
    • t.test.data.txt
    • table.txt
    • tabledata.txt
    • tannin.txt
    • taxa.txt
    • taxon.txt
    • taxonomy.txt
    • tdata.txt
    • temp.txt
    • test.txt
    • threes.txt
    • timber.txt
    • time formats.txt
    • times.txt
    • transgenic.txt
    • trees.txt
    • twosample.txt
    • twoseries.txt
    • twoway.txt
    • varcalc.txt
    • Varcell.txt
    • w.test.data.txt
    • weibull.growth.txt
    • wings.txt
    • worldfloras.txt
    • worms2.txt
    • worms.missing.txt
    • worms.txt
    • wormsna.txt
    • xh.txt
    • xv2.txt
    • xv.txt
    • xvals.txt
    • yields.txt
    • Yoda.txt
    • ys2.txt
    • ys.txt
    • yvals.txt
    • zvals.txt
  • 453.72 KB
  • 2007-12-16