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  • Futures Options &Other Derivatives, Eighth Edition.zip

    • Ch35HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch01HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch02HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch03HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
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    • Ch26HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
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    • Ch28HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch29HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch30HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch31HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch32HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch33HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
    • Ch34HullOFOD8thEdition.ppt
  • 39.02 MB
  • 2011-2-16
  • futures options and other derivatives_ slides_ 7ed.zip

    • Ch01HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
    • Ch34HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
    • Ch02HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
    • Ch03HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
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    • Ch32HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
    • Ch33HullOFOD7thEd.ppt
  • 14 MB
  • 2010-6-17
  • 322414.pdf
       [下载]Fundamentals of Futures Options Markets 4ed

  • 9.94 MB
  • 2009-5-6
  • 250498.rar
       john hull futures options and other derivatives 6

  • 10.27 MB
  • 2008-9-25
  • 192196.rar
       [下载]futures options and other derivatives第六版前十五章答案

  • 365.92 KB
  • 2008-2-6
  • 192195.rar
       [下载]futures options and other derivatives第六版前十五章答案

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2008-2-6
  • 192194.rar
       [下载]futures options and other derivatives第六版前十五章答案

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2008-2-6
  • 44036.rar
       [下载]人大版 卡思伯森的英文ppt

    • Chp01 Derivatives An Overview.ppt
    • Chp01-figures.ppt
    • Chp02 Futures Markets.ppt
    • Chp02-figures.ppt
    • Chp03 Stock Index Futures.ppt
    • Chp03-figures.ppt
    • Chp04 Currency Forwards and Futures.ppt
    • Chp04-figures.ppt
    • Chp05a Forward Rates and Yield Curve.ppt
    • Chp05a Fxorward Rates and Yield Curve.ppt
    • Chp05b Interest Rate Futures.ppt
    • Chp05-figures.ppt
    • Chp06 T-Bond Futures.ppt
    • Chp06-figures.ppt
    • Chp07 Options Markets.ppt
    • Chp07-figures.ppt
    • Chp08 - fixed.xls
    • Chp08a Options Pricing(B-S).ppt
    • Chp08b Options Pricing(BOPM).ppt
    • Chp09 - fixed.xls
    • Chp09 Hedging and Volatility.ppt
    • Chp09-figures.ppt
    • Chp10 Option Spreads and Stock Options.ppt
    • Chp11 Foreign Currency Options.ppt
    • Chp11-figures.ppt
    • Chp12 Futures Options.ppt
    • Chp12-figures.ppt
    • Chp13 - fixed.xls
    • Chp13 Portfolio Insurance.ppt
    • Chp15 - fixed.xls
    • Chp15 Interest Rate Derivatives.ppt
    • Chp15-figures.ppt
    • Chp16 - fixed.xls
    • Chp16 Complex Derivatives.ppt
    • Chp16-figures.ppt
    • Chp17 - fixed.xls
    • Chp17 Asset Price Dynamics.ppt
    • Chp17-figures.ppt
    • Chp18 - fixed.xls
    • Chp18 Pricing Int Rate Derivatives.ppt
    • Chp18-figures.ppt
    • Chp19 Real Options.ppt
    • Chp19-figures.ppt
    • Chp20 Regulation of FIs.ppt
    • Chp21 Regulatory Framework UK-USA.ppt
    • Chp22a VaR-RiskGrades.ppt
    • Chp22b VaR-Market Risk.ppt
    • Chp22-figures.ppt
    • Chp23 VaR-Mapping Cash Flows.ppt
    • Chp23-figures.ppt
    • Chp23-fixed.xls
    • Chp24 - fixed.xls
    • Chp24 VaR-Statistical Issues.ppt
    • Chp24-figures.ppt
    • Chp25 Credit Risk.ppt
    • Chp25-figures.ppt
    • Excel chapter 08.xls
    • Excel chapter 13.xls
    • Excel chapter 15.xls
    • Excel chapter 16.xls
    • Excel chapter 17.xls
    • Excel chapter 18.xls
    • Excel chapter 23.xls
    • Excel chapter 24.xls
    • Excel chfapter 08.xls
    • index.htm
  • 6.07 MB
  • 2006-3-17
  • 19908.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

  • 1.3 MB
  • 2005-7-19
  • 19907.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

    • FUTURES & OPTIONS(Dr. Maozu Lu).pdf
  • 339.94 KB
  • 2005-7-19
  • 19811.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

  • 12.14 MB
  • 2005-7-18
  • 19802.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

  • 8.22 MB
  • 2005-7-18
  • 19792.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

    • Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed(Solutions to Suggested Homework Problems from Hull).pdf
  • 1.14 MB
  • 2005-7-18
  • 19791.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed相关

  • 8.33 MB
  • 2005-7-18
  • 5297.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • glosary.pdf
  • 1.96 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5296.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter26-30.pdf
  • 3.93 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5295.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter22-25.pdf
  • 4.03 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5294.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter18-21.pdf
  • 4.43 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5293.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter14-17.pdf
  • 3.79 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5292.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter10-13.pdf
  • 3.83 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5291.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter5-9.pdf
  • 4.51 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5290.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • chapter1-4.pdf
  • 4.39 MB
  • 2004-12-13
  • 5289.rar
       Futures Options and Other Derivatives_5ed

    • toc.pdf
  • 2.22 MB
  • 2004-12-13