大小 上传时间
  • EBIT.rar

    • 06-15-EBIT-vs-EBITDA-vs-Net-Income-Before.xlsx
    • 06-15-EBIT-vs-EBITDA-vs-Net-Income.mp4
    • 06-15-EBIT-vs-EBITDA-vs-Net-Income-After.xlsx
  • 57.06 MB
  • 2024-6-16
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2022 光盘版 EXCEL.zip

    • bottom.htm
    • help.htm
    • Helpe.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2022.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightc.htm
    • notepyrighte.htm
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
    • 《使用说明》(4个首页).txt
  • 58.82 MB
  • 2023-12-14
  • mock.rar

    • 2022_CFA_LIII_MockExam-PM.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExam+B-PM.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExamA-AM.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExamA-Answer+Key.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExamA-PM.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExamB-AM.pdf
    • 2023_CFA_LIII_MockExamB-Answer+Key.pdf
    • 2020 Mock Exam - Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2020 Mock Exam - LIII.pdf
    • 2020 Mock Exam - Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2021 Mock Exam Sample.pdf
    • 2021_CFA_LIII_MockExam-AM.pdf
    • 2021_CFA_LIII_MockExamAnswers.pdf
    • 2021_CFA_LIII_MockExam-PM New.pdf
    • 2022_CFA_LIII_MockExam-AM - 副本.pdf
    • 2022_CFA_LIII_MockExam-AM.pdf
    • 2022_CFA_LIII_MockExam-Answer Key.pdf
    • 2022_CFA_LIII_MockExam-PM - 副本.pdf
  • 8.29 MB
  • 2023-5-18
  • 分省份出口总额.zip

    • CRE_Ftec01[DES][xlsx].txt
    • jck.xlsx
  • 4.44 KB
  • 2023-4-11
  • 辽宁统计年鉴2022(光盘格式+EXCEL格式).zip

    • bottom.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
  • 61.79 MB
  • 2023-2-16
  • 社会经济政策的计量经济学评估-理论与应用-book+data+code.rar

    • AFTER.gph
    • fertil1.dta
    • fertil2.dta
    • jtrain1.dta
    • nls80.dta
    • nls81_87.dta
    • BEFORE.gph
    • JTRAIN_CPS1.dta
    • psid-1.dta
    • cps_controls2.dta
    • nsw_dw.dta
    • psid_controls.dta
    • jtrain2.dta
    • Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs_ Theory and Applications.pdf
    • 社会经济政策的计量经济学评估-理论与应用+stata code.do
    • children.dta
    • DID_2.dta
    • DID_1.dta
    • card.dta
    • cps78_85.dta
    • cps91.dta
  • 29.07 MB
  • 2023-2-10
  • 中国劳动统计年鉴2022(光盘版).zip

    • Helpe.htm
    • bottom.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightc.htm
    • notepyrighte.htm
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
  • 71.07 MB
  • 2023-1-31
  • 无锡统计年鉴2022.zip

    • 2022无锡统计年鉴使用说明.txt
    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
  • 49.91 MB
  • 2022-12-1

  • 763.68 KB
  • 2022-11-24
  • Deng2021_Article_AgglomerationOfTechnologyInnov.zip

    • Deng2021_Article_AgglomerationOfTechnologyInnov.pdf
  • 806.27 KB
  • 2022-8-15
  • 1990-2021企业风险承担.rar

    • 资产负债表.dta
    • 总资产.dta
    • 风险承担整理.do
    • 交易状态.txt
    • 盈余能力.txt
    • 资产负债表.txt
    • 管理者过度自信与企业风险承担_余明桂.pdf
    • 交易状态.xlsx
    • 盈余波动性.xlsx
    • 盈余能力.xlsx
    • 资产负债表.xlsx
    • after交易状态.dta
    • 交易状态.dta
    • 息税前利润.dta
    • 盈余波动性.dta
    • 盈余能力.dta
  • 72.72 MB
  • 2022-6-3
  • 中国第三产业统计年鉴2021 光盘版.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • left中国第三产业统计年鉴2021.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 83.92 MB
  • 2022-4-25
  • 分省份外商投资企业年底注册登记情况1994-2020.zip

    • CRE_Ftec04[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec04.xlsx
  • 244.86 KB
  • 2022-4-21
  • 分省份外商投资企业货物进出口总额1993-2020.zip

    • CRE_Ftec03[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec03.xlsx
  • 248.83 KB
  • 2022-4-21
  • 分省份按境内目的地和货源地分货物进出口总额1993-2020.zip

    • CRE_Ftec02[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec02.xlsx
  • 248.45 KB
  • 2022-4-21
  • 分省份按经营单位所在地分货物进出口总额1993-2020.zip

    • CRE_Ftec01[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec01.xlsx
  • 248.84 KB
  • 2022-4-21
  • 中国劳动统计年鉴(2021光盘版).zip

    • bottom.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightc.htm
    • notepyrighte.htm
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
  • 86.8 MB
  • 2022-3-11
  • 中国能源统计年鉴2013(光盘版).rar

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • help.htm
    • Helpe.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • notepyrightee.htm
    • notepyrighteh.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
  • 32.35 MB
  • 2022-1-25
  • 分省份外商投资企业年底注册登记情况155315145.zip

    • CRE_Ftec04[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec04.xlsx
  • 244.86 KB
  • 2022-1-24
  • 分省份外商投资企业货物进出口总额155312262.zip

    • CRE_Ftec03[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec03.xlsx
  • 248.82 KB
  • 2022-1-24
  • 分省份按境内目的地和货源地分货物进出口总额155310271.zip

    • CRE_Ftec02[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec02.xlsx
  • 248.46 KB
  • 2022-1-24
  • 分省份按经营单位所在地分货物进出口总额155208323.zip

    • CRE_Ftec01[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CRE_Ftec01.xlsx
  • 248.84 KB
  • 2022-1-24
  • 内蒙古统计年鉴2021(光盘html+excel).zip

    • bottom.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
  • 90.22 MB
  • 2021-10-1
  • 无锡统计年鉴2021(光盘html+excel).rar

    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • 2021年统计年鉴使用说明.txt
    • autorun.inf
    • 1.txt
  • 45.28 MB
  • 2021-10-1
  • 2016-2020mock cfa 3.zip

    • 2016 level-III-essay-questions-2016.pdf
    • 2016 level-III-guidelines-answers-2016.pdf
    • 2017 level_III_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2017.pdf
    • 2017 level_III_mock_exam_afternoon_questions_2017.pdf
    • 2017 level_III_mock_exam_morning_answers_2017.pdf
    • 2017 level_III_mock_exam_morning_questions_2017.pdf
    • 2017 level-III-essay-questions-2017.pdf
    • 2017 level-III-guidelines-answers-2017.pdf
    • 2018 level-III-essay-questions-2018.pdf
    • 2018 level-III-guidelines-answers-2018.pdf
    • 2018 Mock Exam Afternoon Session.pdf
    • 2018 Mock Exam Morning Session.pdf
    • 2018 Mock Exam Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2018 Mock Exam Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam Afternoon Session.pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam Morning Session.pdf
    • 2020 Mock Exam - Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2020 Mock Exam - Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
  • 21.13 MB
  • 2021-9-17
  • 2021年无锡统计年鉴.rar

    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • 2021年统计年鉴使用说明.txt
    • autorun.inf
  • 45.28 MB
  • 2021-9-14
  • 中国第三次全国农业普查(综合资料).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 1.txt
  • 28.44 MB
  • 2021-8-3
  • 中国劳动统计年鉴2020.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 87.03 MB
  • 2021-7-7
  • 新疆统计年鉴2020.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 71.5 MB
  • 2021-5-17
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2020(光盘版).zip

    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
  • 62.35 MB
  • 2021-2-21
  • 西藏统计年鉴2015.rar

    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
  • 37.21 MB
  • 2021-1-4
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2012(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • top.htm
    • 免费下载更多年鉴.jpg
  • 4.49 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2011.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • top.htm
  • 3.2 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2009.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • top.htm
  • 2.66 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 新疆统计年鉴2019(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 71.41 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2018(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 75.16 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2017(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 73.23 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2016(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce中文版EXCEL入口.htm
    • indexch中文版入口.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 80.69 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2015(光盘版).zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 98.17 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • 2020年无锡统计年鉴.rar

    • 2020年统计年鉴使用说明.txt
    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
  • 67.19 MB
  • 2020-9-12
  • brand_hb20200501after_cleaning.rar

    • brand_hb20200501after_cleaning.xlsx
  • 2.57 MB
  • 2020-7-26
  • brand_wsd_20200520after_cleaning.rar

    • brand_wsd_20200520after_cleaning.xlsx
  • 25.87 MB
  • 2020-7-26
  • 2013中国第三产业统计年鉴.rar

    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • top.htm
    • autorun.inf
    • start.exe
  • 43.69 MB
  • 2020-6-17
  • 252-1117-1-SP.zip

    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected_dec13.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Prior_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_revised_main.m
    • vare.m
    • wish.m
    • apm.m
    • beta_inv.m
    • beta_pdf.m
    • bfgsi.m
    • carter_kohn_hom2.m
    • carter_kohn1.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • coda.m
    • convcheck.m
    • corrvc.m
    • csminit.m
    • csminwel.m
    • csolve.m
    • Data_US_Q.mat
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_constant.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP_dec13.m
    • draw_beta_conditional.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_constant.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_hierarchical.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_lr.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_reparametrized.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_single.m
    • draw_sigma_constant.m
    • draw_sigma_constant_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH2.m
    • draw_sign_restrictions.m
    • empquant.m
    • Example.m
    • exp_approx.m
    • fdis_prb.m
    • g1.mat
    • H.dat
    • ident_SZ06_alt.prn
    • indtest.m
    • inv_wishpdf.m
    • keep.m
    • logdet.m
    • loglike_svar_AB.m
    • mcest.m
    • mctest.m
    • MDD_TVP_SVAR_Harmonic_final.m
    • mlag.m
    • mlag2.m
    • momentg.m
    • mprint.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • mvnrnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • numgrad.m
    • ols.m
    • ppnd.m
    • prior_ML_final_40_2_1_2_1_20_0.mat
    • prt_coda.m
    • quantile.m
    • raftery.m
    • Readme.xlsx
    • round2.m
    • sacf.m
    • tdis_inv.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • thin.m
    • transx.m
    • trimr.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Figures_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected.m
    • Supplementary.pdf
    • paper.pdf
  • 875.88 KB
  • 2020-5-25
  • 国际统计年鉴2019(光盘版+Excel).rar

    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • notepyrightce.htm
    • notepyrightch.htm
    • notepyrightee.htm
    • notepyrighteh.htm
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
    • Zn2FOrg5.html
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
  • 49.93 MB
  • 2020-5-9
  • 中国第三产业统计年鉴2019.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 85.79 MB
  • 2020-4-10
  • 中国科技统计年鉴2018.rar

    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
  • 49.39 MB
  • 2020-3-1
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2019.zip

    • autorun.inf
    • bottom.htm
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
    • left_.htm
    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • main.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 62.61 MB
  • 2020-2-5
  • 2016 VBA and Macros Files.zip
       For 2016

    • ProjectFilesChapter27.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter25.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter23.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter22.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter20.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter14.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter13e.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter13b.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter13.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter10.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter09.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter08.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter07.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter06.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter03.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter24-HandleErrors.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter21-Access.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter19-TextFiles.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter19-LoadToDataModel.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter18c-ContentMgtSystem.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter18b-HTMLFileForEachCustomer.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter18a-FirstWebQuery.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter17b-SparklinesB.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter17a-SparklinesA.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter16-Visualizations.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter15g-PivChart.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter15c-ComboChart.xlsm
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    • Test.docx
    • 24-StoreMap.jpg
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    • Professional Memo.docx
    • SalesPipe.prn
    • LeftDash.gif
    • New Client.dotx
    • sales.txt
    • sales.csv
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  • 2020-1-22
  • 中国能源统计年鉴2018.zip

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  • 2020-1-12
  • 天津统计年鉴2010(光盘版).zip

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    • start.exe
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
    • 关注免费领取2013-2017年.png
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  • 2019-12-22
  • Handbook of the Economics of Finance.rar

    • Index.pdf
    • 0 Introduction to the Series.pdf
    • 0 Preface.pdf
    • Chapter 1 - Securitization.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - Dynamic Security Design and Corporate Financing.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Do Taxes Affect Corporate Decisions - A Review.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Executive Compensation - Where We Are, and How We Got There.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Behavioral Corporate Finance - An Updated Survey.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Law and Finance After a Decade of Research.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Endogeneity in Empirical Corporate Finance.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - A Survey of Venture Capital Research.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - Entrepreneurship and the Family Firm.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Financing in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Financial Intermediation,Markets and native Financial Sectors.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Advances in Consumption-Based Asset Pricing - Empirical Tests.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Bond Pricing and the Macroeconomy .pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Investment Performance_ A Review and Synthesis.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Mutual Funds.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Hedge Funds.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Financial Risk Measurement for Financial Risk Management.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Bubbles, Financial Crises, and Systemic Risk.pdf
    • Chapter 19 - Market Liquidity—Theory and Empirical Evidence.pdf
    • Chapter 20 - Credit Derivatives.pdf
    • Chapter 21 - Household Finance - An Emerging Field.pdf
    • Chapter 22 - The Behavior of Individual Investors .pdf
    • Chapter 23 - Risk Pricing over Alternative Investment Horizons.pdf
  • 14.6 MB
  • 2019-10-20
  • 中国第三次全国农业普查(综合资料).zip

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  • 2019-9-12
  • EdwardTufte.zip
       Edward Tufte的4本可视化书籍

    • Beautiful_Evidence.pdf
    • Envisioning Information.pdf
    • The_Visual_Display_of_Quantitative_Information(Second_Edition).pdf
    • Visual Explanations.pdf
  • 91.22 MB
  • 2019-9-2
  • 2017-2019CFA三级Mock exam.zip

    • 2017cfa三级mock.pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A Afternoon Session.pdf
    • 各种习题名单.jpeg
    • 2019cfa3mock.pdf
    • 2018cfa三级mock.pdf
    • CFA Level III 2019 Mock.pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
  • 14.44 MB
  • 2019-7-30
  • 河南调查年鉴-2017.rar

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  • 2019-7-8
  • ScienceDirect_articles_27Jun2019_01-00-32.724.zip

    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-5---Behavioral-Corporate-Finance--An_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Law-and-Finance-After-a-Decade_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Dynamic-Security-Design-and-Corp_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Do-Taxes-Affect-Corporate-Decis_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-o.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Financial-Intermediation--Markets--a_2013_Handbook-of-the-Econo.pdf
    • Copyright_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Preface_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Executive-Compensation--Where-We-Ar_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economi.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Financing-in-Developing-Cou_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Securitization_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Index_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-8---A-Survey-of-Venture-Capital-_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Entrepreneurship-and-the-Fam_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Endogeneity-in-Empirical-Corpor_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-o.pdf
  • 8.25 MB
  • 2019-6-27
  • Financial Times Europe 14 May 2019 B.zip

    • FTE-14-05-2019.pdf
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  • 2019-5-19
  • 内蒙古统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

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  • 2019-5-14
  • mock.zip

    • Mock Exam A - Afternoon Session.pdf
    • Mock Exam A - Morning Session.pdf
  • 4.28 MB
  • 2019-4-29
  • 河北经济年鉴2018.zip

    • bottom.htm
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  • 2019-4-11
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_versionb_questions_2014.rar

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  • 2019-4-9
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_versionb_answers_2014.rar

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    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_versionb_answers_2014.pdf
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  • 2019-4-9
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  • 2019-4-9
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2014.rar

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  • 2019-4-9
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013_ans.rar

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    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013_ans.pdf
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  • 2019-4-8
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013.rar

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  • 2019-4-8
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2011_ans.rar

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  • 2019-4-8
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2011.rar

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  • 2019-4-8
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2010_ans.rar

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  • 2019-4-8
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2010.rar

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  • 2019-4-4
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2009_ans.rar

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  • 2019-4-4
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2009.rar

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  • 2019-4-4
  • SA0373~1.RAR
       有声书 (10 of 10)

    • 21 Afterword_ The Animal that Became a God.mp3
    • 18 A Permanent Revolution.mp3
    • 19 And They Lived Happily Ever After.mp3
  • 95.82 MB
  • 2019-3-28
  • 内蒙古统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

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  • 2019-3-26
  • 辽宁统计年鉴2018.zip

    • lefte.htm
  • 2.42 MB
  • 2019-3-5
  • DA4139 Level I CFA Mock Exam 1 - Afternoon.rar

    • DA4139 Level I CFA Mock Exam 1 - Afternoon.pdf
    • CFA更多资料地址.txt
  • 282.3 KB
  • 2019-2-20
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_versionb_answers_2014.rar

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    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_versionb_answers_2014.pdf
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  • 2019-2-17
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2014.rar

    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2014.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_questions_2014.pdf
    • CFA更多资料地址.txt
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  • 2019-2-17
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013.rar

    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2013_ans.pdf
    • CFA更多资料地址.txt
  • 1.32 MB
  • 2019-2-17
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2011.rar

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    • CFA更多资料地址.txt
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2011.pdf
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    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2010.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2010_ans.pdf
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  • 2019-2-14
  • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2009_ans.rar

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    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2009.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_2009_ans.pdf
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  • 河南调查年鉴-2015.rar

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  • 2019-1-28
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2015.zip

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  • 2019-1-26
  • 2017年黑龙江统计年鉴.zip

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  • 2019-1-26
  • 贵阳统计年鉴2017(光盘版).rar

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  • 2019-1-17
  • 中国统计年鉴2018(光盘).rar

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  • 13.56 MB
  • 2019-1-12
  • 内蒙古统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

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  • 15.11 MB
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  • 陕西统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

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  • 7.76 MB
  • 2019-1-11
  • 陕西统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

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    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
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    • left_e.htm
    • lefte.htm
  • 7.76 MB
  • 2019-1-11
  • 2019 Mock.rar
       Mock Exam 2019

    • 2019 Mock Exam A - Afternoon Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A - Afternoon Session.pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A - Morning Session (with Solutions).pdf
    • 2019 Mock Exam A - Morning Session.pdf
  • 6.34 MB
  • 2019-1-4
  • 天津滨海新区统计年鉴2016(光盘版).rar

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  • 30.76 MB
  • 2018-12-29
  • David Eagleman-Sum_ Forty Tales from the Afterlives-Pantheon.rar

    • David Eagleman-Sum_ Forty Tales from the Afterlives-Pantheon.epub
  • 118.91 KB
  • 2018-12-8
  • 中国统计年鉴2018.zip

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  • 3.89 MB
  • 2018-11-22
  • hollywood math and aftermath - the economic image and the digital recession (2018).rar
       hollywood math and aftermath - the economic image and the digital recession (2018)

    • hollywood math and aftermath - the economic image and the digital recession (2018).epub
  • 10.78 MB
  • 2018-11-14
  • Nordhaus2000-2018合集.zip

    • Arrow, Kenneth J. & Cropper, Maureen L., 2012. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_ The Views of an Expert Panel,.pdf
    • Kenneth Gillingham & William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Change_ A Multi-Model Comparison,.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Economics, Politics and the 2004 Election Electoral Victory and Statistical Defeat.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Schumpeterian Profits and the Alchemist Fallacy Revised.pdf
    • Richard S. J. Tol & Kenneth J. Arrow , 2013. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus Andrew Moffat, 2017. Evolution of Modeling of the Economics of Global Warming Changes in the DICE model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Andrew Moffat, 2017. _A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change_ Replication, Survey Methods, and a Statistical Analysis,_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett, 2009. The Effects of the Security Environment on Military Expenditures Pooled Analyses of 165 Countries, 1950-2000.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Xi Chen, 2012. Improved Estimates of Using Luminosity as a Proxy for Economic Statistics New Results and Estimates of Precision.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. New Data and Output Concepts for Understanding Productivity Trends.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. Alternative Methods for Measuring Productivity Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. The Progress of Computing,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. _Productivity Growth and the New Economy.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Mildest Recession Outputs, Profits, and Stock Prices as the U.S. Emerges from the 2001 Recession.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Economic Consequences of a War with Iraq.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. _The Health of Nations_ The Contribution of Improved Health to Living Standards.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. Retrospective on the Postwar Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. _Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy_ Theory and Measurement.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _Baumol's Diseases_ A Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The Economics of Hurricanes in the United States,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The _Stern Review_ on the Economics of Climate Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Alternative Policies and Sea-Level Rise in the RICE-2009 Model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Measurement of Income with Time Use with Applications to Hedonic Indicators of Happiness and Misery.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _An Analysis of the Dismal Theorem.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _The Perils of the Learning Model For Modeling Endogenous Technological Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Integrated Economic and Climate Modeling,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon Background and Results from the RICE-2011 Model,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity_ Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2016. _Projections and Uncertainties About Climate Change in an Era of Minimal Climate Policies.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2017. _Evolution of Assessments of the Economics of Global Warming_ Changes in the DICE model, 1992 – 2017.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2018. _Global Melting_ The Economics of Disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet,_.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2004. _Retrospective on the 1970s Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _Life After Kyoto_ Alternative Approaches to Global Warming.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _The Sources of the Productivity Rebound and the Manufacturing Employment Puzzle.pdf
    • Xi Chen & William D. Nordhaus, 2010. _The Value of Luminosity Data as a Proxy for Economic Statistics.pdf
  • 16.4 MB
  • 2018-10-16
  • Applied Macroeconomics for Public Policy.zip

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    • Appendix-A_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Appendix-C_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Glossary_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • About-the-Authors_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Afterword_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Chapter-Five---Debt-Related-Models-So_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public.pdf
    • Chapter-One---Problems-and-Tools-of-Applie_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-P.pdf
    • Chapter-Three---How-Dangerous-Is-Natio_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Publi.pdf
    • Appendix-D_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Chapter-Two---Fiscal-Stimulus-Poli_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Po.pdf
    • Chapter-Four---Realization-of-Establis_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Publi.pdf
    • Preface_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Index_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Copyright_2018_Applied-Macroeconomics-for-Public-Policy.pdf
  • 1.62 MB
  • 2018-10-11
  • sfbook_ado.zip

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  • 2018-10-7
  • 中国卫生统计年鉴2006.zip

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  • 2018-7-23
  • 贵州统计年鉴2016(光盘版).rar

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  • 82.81 MB
  • 2018-7-20
  • DA4387-Level-I-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018.zip

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    • DA4387-Level-I-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Morning.pdf
    • DA4387-Level-I-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Afternoon.pdf
  • 4.49 MB
  • 2018-6-16
  • DA4387-Level-III-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018.zip

    • DA4387-Level-III-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Answers and Solutions.pdf
    • DA4387-Level-III-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Morning.pdf
    • DA4387-Level-III-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Afternoon.pdf
  • 5.38 MB
  • 2018-6-16
  • DA4387-Level-II-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018.zip

    • DA4387-Level-II-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Answers and Solutions.pdf
    • DA4387-Level-II-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Morning.pdf
    • DA4387-Level-II-CFA-Mock-Exam-2018-Afternoon.pdf
  • 4.06 MB
  • 2018-6-16
  • 新疆统计年鉴2017.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2016.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2014.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2012.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2011.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 新疆统计年鉴2010.rar

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2017.zip

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2015.zip

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  • 2018-5-24
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2013.zip

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  • 88.6 MB
  • 2018-5-24
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2007.zip

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  • 5.75 MB
  • 2018-5-24
  • CFA一级历年mock(2009-2016).zip

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    • 2009 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon_answers.pdf
    • 2009 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning.pdf
    • 2009 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning_answers.pdf
    • 2010 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon.pdf
    • 2010 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon_answer.pdf
    • 2010 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning.pdf
    • 2010 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning_answer.pdf
    • 2011 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon.pdf
    • 2011 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon_answer.pdf
    • 2011 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning.pdf
    • 2011 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning_answer.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam afternoon_answer.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam morning_answer.pdf
    • 2013 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam _afternoon.pdf
    • 2013 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam _afternoon_ans.pdf
    • 2013 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam _morning.pdf
    • 2013 CFA Level 1 Mock Exam _morning_ans.pdf
    • 2015 Level I Mock Exam AM questions and answers.pdf
    • 2015 Level I Mock Exam AM questions.pdf
    • 2015 Level I Mock Exam PM questions and answers.pdf
    • V1_2016年6月_level_1_Mock113_模考一答案.pdf
    • V1_2016年6月_level_1_Mock113_模考一题目.pdf
    • V1_2016年6月_level_1_Mock114_模考二答案.pdf
    • V1_2016年6月_level_1_Mock114_模考二题目.pdf
  • 74.19 MB
  • 2018-5-17
  • 2016CFA2 MOCK.zip

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    • level_II_mock_exam_morning_answers_2016.pdf
    • level_II_mock_exam_afternoon_questions_2016.pdf
    • level_II_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2016.pdf
  • 2.35 MB
  • 2018-4-28
  • 2014常州统计年鉴.zip

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  • 2018-4-27
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    • 免费下载更多年鉴.jpg
  • 50.57 MB
  • 2018-4-25
  • 10160405_428247.zip

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  • 2018-3-30
  • 贵州统计年鉴-2017.rar

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  • 60.5 MB
  • 2018-3-18
  • JEBO3107.pdf
       Before and after: The impact of a real bubble crash on investors’ trading behavior in the lab

  • 909.87 KB
  • 2018-2-12
  • 2017年中国科技统计年鉴.rar

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  • 2018-2-2
  • 常州统计年鉴2017.zip

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  • 2018-1-15
  • 黑龙江统计年鉴2017nj.zip

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  • 96.32 MB
  • 2018-1-11
  • 中国科技统计年鉴2017.rar

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  • 50.48 MB
  • 2018-1-11
  • 中国固定资产投资统计年鉴(2015年).rar

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  • 31.72 MB
  • 2017-12-25
  • 中国县城建设统计年鉴2016.rar

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  • 64.16 MB
  • 2017-12-20
  • 四川调查年鉴2016.rar

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  • 41.3 MB
  • 2017-12-14
  • Mock-L1-2017 .zip

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    • level_I_mock_exam_morning_answers_2017.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_morning_questions_2017.pdf
    • level_I_mock_exam_afternoon_answers_2017.pdf
  • 1.88 MB
  • 2017-11-13
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2017.zip

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  • 77.55 MB
  • 2017-10-14
  • Sciencedirect_articles_25Sep2017_07-07-02.395.zip

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    • Chapter-22-Cocaine-and-Brain-Acid-Sensing-Ion-Channels_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-12-Cocaine-and-Transcription-Factors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-8-Global-Approaches-in-the-Analysis-of-Cocaine-Induced-Gene-Expression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-71-Negative-Allosteric-Modulators-of-the-Metabotropic-Glutamate-Receptor-Subtype-5-for-the-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neurosci.pdf
    • Chapter-4-Strokes-Associated-With-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-43-Cocaine-Addiction-and-Adenosine-A1-and-A2A-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-23-Oxytocin-s-Effects-in-Cocaine-and-Other-Psychostimulant-Addictions_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-72-Treating-Cocaine-Addiction-With-Motivational-Interviewing_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-61-Toxicological-Analysis-for-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-35-Very-Long-Term-Effects-of-Chronic-Cocaine-on-Anxiety-and-Stress_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-18-The-Proteomics-of-Cocaine-in-the-Nucleus-Accumbens_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Index_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-55-Ventromedial-Prefrontal-Cortex-Glutamate-and-Cocaine-Craving-During-Abstinence_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-29-Mesolimbic-Dopamine-Signaling-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-41-Cocaine-Seeking-Behavior-Comparisons-to-Food-Seeking-Behavior-and-Potential-Treatments_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-25-Prenatal-Cocaine-Induced-Alterations-in-Dendritic-Spine-Density-and-Glutamate-Neurotransmission_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-44-Cocaine-and-5-HT1B-Receptor-Induced-Long-Term-Depression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-66-Biperiden-in-the-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Crack-Dependence-Clinical-Perspectives_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-40-Cognitive-Dysfunctions-in-Chronic-Cocaine-Users_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-64-Antipsychotic-Drugs-in-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-17-Neurological-Aspects-of-Cocaine-and-the-Suprachiasmatic-Circadian-Clock_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Recommended-Research-and-Resources-on-the-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine-Mechanisms-and-Treatment_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-52-Cocaine-Induced-Metaplasticity-in-the-CA1-Region-of-the-Hippocampus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Front-matter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-67-Actions-of-Butyrylcholinesterase-Against-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Concentrations-of-Cocaine-in-Blood-Samples-From-Impaired-Drivers-and-Drug-Related-Deaths_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-54-Cocaine-and-Dysregulated-Synaptic-Transmission-in-the-Bed-Nucleus-of-the-Stria-Terminalis_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-58-Nicotine-and-Cocaine-Interactions-Focus-on-Dopamine-Pharmacology-Neuroadaptations-and-Behavior-Relevant-to-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-.pdf
    • Chapter-42-Impact-of-Prenatal-Cocaine-Exposure-on-Adolescent-Behavior_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-37-Headache-in-Cocaine-Users-Epidemiology-Clinical-Features-and-Putative-Pathophysiological-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-30-Cocaine-and-Striatal-Projection-Neuron-Subtype-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Contribution-of-Stress-to-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-59-Pharmacological-Treatments-for-Alcohol-Cocaine-Interactions-A-Preclinical-Focus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-38-Cocaine-and-Intertemporal-Decision-Making_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-27-Cocaine-Addiction-and-mGluR5-Recent-Advances-From-Behavioral-and-Positron-Emission-Tomography-Studies_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-28-Cocaine-Ghrelin-and-the-Mesolimbic-System_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Preface_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-34-Stroop-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Intrinsic-Connectivity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Copyright_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-39-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • List-of-Contributors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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  • 2016-12-30
  • AFA-2017-Part01.zip

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  • 辽宁统计年鉴2016(光盘版)(1).rar

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  • 2016-12-28
  • An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics_A Guide to Laws and Theorems Named after Ec.zip

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  • 中国城乡建设统计年鉴2015.rar

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    • Chart Patterns_After the Buy.pdf
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  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2016.zip
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  • 2016-9-20
  • acc3100TB kieso 15 edition.zip
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    • kieso15e_testbank_ch01.doc
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  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2013.rar

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  • 2016-7-29
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2012.rar

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  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2011.rar

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  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2010.rar

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  • 2016-7-29
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2009.rar

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  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2008.rar

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  • 2016-7-29
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2007.rar

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  • 3.49 MB
  • 2016-7-29
  • After the Break-Up.zip

    • After the Break-Up.pdf
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  • 2016-7-21
  • 中国固定资产投资统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 2016-4-3
  • How Does the Ossification Area of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Progress A.rar

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    • Does the market value value-added_ Evidence from housing prices after a public release of school and teacher value-added.pdf
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    • Negative home equity, economic insecurity, and household mobility over the Great Recession.pdf
    • Workforce location and equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with matching frictions.pdf
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  • 中国工业统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 2016-3-4
  • 30-7-8.zip

    • Financial-control-managerial-control-and-accountability-evidence-from-the-British-Cotton-Industry-1700-2000_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Economic-and-equity-effects-on-tax-reporting-decisions_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • After-30-years_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Assessing-the-quality-of-evidence-in-empirical-management-accounting-research-The-case-of-survey-studies_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers-accounting-business-and-financial-history_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • IFC-Editorial-Board_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Enterprise-resource-planning-systems-management-control-and-the-quest-for-integration_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Not-because-they-are-new-Developing-the-contribution-of-enterprise-resource-planning-systems-to-management-control-research_2005_Accounting-Organizati.pdf
    • Volume-30-Contents-and-Author-Index_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • A-time-space-odyssey-management-control-systems-in-two-multinational-organisations_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Managing-budget-emphasis-through-the-explicit-design-of-conditional-budgetary-slack_2005_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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  • 2016-2-21
  • 35-3.zip

    • Call-for-papers-The-roles-of-accounting-in-advancing-sustainability_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers-Debating-the-link-between-creativity-and-control_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • From-inspection-to-auditing-Audit-and-markets-as-linked-ecologies_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-for-the-dissolution-of-a-nation-state-Scotland-and-the-Treaty-of-Union_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-benchmarked-performance-measures-and-strategic-analysis-on-auditors-risk-assessments-and-mental-models_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and.pdf
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    • Accounting-information-and-managerial-work_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Traditional-accountants-and-business-professionals-Portraying-the-accounting-profession-after-Enron_2010_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.51 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 2015黑龙江统计年鉴.zip

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  • 2016-1-31
  • 2015黑龙江统计年鉴.zip

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  • 2016-1-31
  • 新疆调查年鉴-2014.rar

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  • 2016-1-21
  • After the Break-Up_ The Relational and Reputational Consequences of Withdrawals .rar

    • After the Break-Up_ The Relational and Reputational Consequences of Withdrawals from Venture Capital Syndicates.pdf
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  • 2016-1-8
  • 2015高技术产业统计年鉴.zip

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  • 2016-1-6
  • 常州统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 54.49 MB
  • 2015-12-29
  • Accounting Review. Jan2015, Vol. 90 Issue 1.zip

    • CEO Equity Incentives and Financial Misreporting,The Role of Auditor Exper....epub
    • Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect Crash Risk.epub
    • How Does Readability Influence Investors' Judgments Consistency of.epub
    • Nominal versus Interacting Electronic Fraud Brainstorming in Hierarchical A....epub
    • Non-Executive Employee Ownership and Corporate Risk.epub
    • Noncompliance with Mandatory Disclosure.epub
    • Speech Analysis in Financial Markets..epub
    • Substitution between Real and Accruals-Based Earnings Management after.epub
    • The Economic Consequences of Financial.epub
    • The Effect of Competition Intensity and Competition Type on the Use of Cust....epub
    • The Effect of Superiors’ Exogenous.epub
    • The Effects of Client Identity Strength and Professional Identity Salience ....epub
    • The Impact of Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation on Shareholder Wealt....epub
    • Training Auditors to Perform Analytical Procedures Using Metacognitive Skil.epub
    • Unintended Consequences of Lowering Disclosure Thresholds.epub
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2015-12-13
  • Archive.rar

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  • 52.5 MB
  • 2015-12-8
  • Prices48547fn48.rar
       Prices are sticky after all

    • Prices are sticky after all.pdf
  • 322.71 KB
  • 2015-11-17
  • 中国劳动统计年鉴2013.zip

    • autorun.inf
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  • 47.82 MB
  • 2015-11-13