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  • FAJ__On_a_New_Approach_for_Analyzing_and_Managing.rar

    • FAJ__On_a_New_Approach_for_Analyzing_and_Managing.pdf
  • 610.67 KB
  • 2014-12-1
  • 1.zip
       AFE FE-C166-09 Black Monday and Black Swans

    • Black Monday and black swans.vsd
    • dig.v38.n3.pdf
    • faj.v64.n2.pdf
  • 386.83 KB
  • 2012-1-23
  • FAJPaper[1].pdf
       Growth, Corporate Profitability, and Value Creation

  • 674.67 KB
  • 2011-11-14
  • FAJ-10.93[1].pdf
       Institutional Demand and Security Price Pressure

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2011-11-14
  • FAJ2002[1].pdf
       increased Correlation in Bear Markets

  • 1.05 MB
  • 2011-11-9
  • faj1995[1].pdf
       Nonlinear Dynamics in Financial Markets: Evidence and Implications

  • 114.35 KB
  • 2011-11-9
  • BLMT2_FAJ[1].pdf
       Reassessing the returns to analysts' stock recommendations

  • 689.95 KB
  • 2011-11-8
  • 51833.rar

    • Twenty Myths-FAJ_SO96.pdf
    • Generality-FAJ_MA9.pdf
    • Disentangling-FAJ_MJ88.pdf
    • portfolio Optimization.pdf
    • Ls Port Mgt.pdf
    • optim alityLs.pdf
    • optimality Ls.pdf
    • Long short strategy.pdf
    • Alpha TransportDer.pdf
    • Residual Risk How Much.pdf
    • Engineering Portfolios Unified Approach.pdf
    • Law One lpha.pdf
  • 7.13 MB
  • 2006-5-8
  • 51832.rar

    • Forecasting-FAJ_MJ89.pdf
    • The Rise And Transformation Of The Chief Risk Officer.pdf
    • The Key to Risk Management.pdf
    • An Introduction to the Mathematicis of Financial Derivatives(Neftci)--Solution Manual.pdf
    • Risk Budgeting.pdf
    • Complexity Stock Market.pdf
    • Case Quant Equity Man.pdf
    • High Definition Style Rotation.pdf
    • Calendar Abnomalies.pdf
    • Earnings Estimates.pdf
    • On The Value Of Value.pdf
    • Convertible Bonds Valuation and Optimal Strategies for Call and Conversion.pdf
  • 8.32 MB
  • 2006-5-8