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  • the economic impact of water tax charges in china:a static computable general e.rar

    • the economic impact of water tax charges in china:a static computable general equilibrium analysis.pdf
  • 142.95 KB
  • 2014-5-8
  • Handbook of Redional and Urban Economics.VOL.1.rar
       Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics vol1

    • Chapter 8 Regional, interregional and multiregional input-output analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Spatial interaction, transportation, and interregional commodity flow models.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Regional econometric and dynamic models.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Qualitative statistical models for regional economic analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Multiple objective decision analysis in regional economics.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Regional labor market analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 14 Regional energy and environmental analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 15 Innovation and changes in regional structure.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Regional policies in developing countries.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
    • List of contributors.pdf
    • Subject index.pdf
    • Author index.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Advances in regional economics.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The location of production activities(1).pdf
    • Chapter 2 The location of production activities.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Residential mobility and household location modelling.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Public facility location A multiregional and multi-authority decision context.pdf
    • Chapter 5 Spatial equilibrium analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Regional economic dynamics.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Regional and multiregional economic models A survey.pdf
  • 37.15 MB
  • 2011-10-20
  • Renda luntan article.rar
       all the articles you want

    • The rise of labor cost and the fall of labor input- Has China reached Lewis turning point.pdf
    • The strategy process, middle management involvement, and organizational performance.pdf
    • What does the Lewis turning point mean for China, A computable general equilibrium analysis.pdf
    • Will Chinese growth slow after the Lewis turning point.pdf
    • Macro-economic implications of the turning point.pdf
    • The Effects of Domestic Environmental Policies on Patterns of World Trade- An Empirical Test.pdf
    • The Lewis turning point of Chinese economy- Comparison with Japanese experience.pdf
  • 1.97 MB
  • 2011-9-23
  • 诺贝尔得主的几篇论文.rar

    • An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, I Steady States.pdf
    • AssociationSavings and Portfolio Choice in a Two-Period Two-Asset Mode.pdf
    • Competitive Pricing and Efficiency in Search Equilibrium.pdf
    • Disembodied Technical Change in a Two-Sector Model.pdf
    • Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages with Trade Unions.pdf
    • Efficiency Aspects of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance and Other Government.pdf
    • Equilibrium Unemployment Dynamics.pdf
    • Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve Reply.pdf
    • Learning by Trading and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Aspects of Social Security Reform.pdf
    • Mobility Costs, Frictional Unemployment, and Efficiency.pdf
    • Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity.pdf
    • Optimal Income Taxation An Example with a U-Shaped Pattern of Optimal Marginal Tax Rates.pdf
  • 21.7 MB
  • 2010-11-14
  • 81-101.rar

    • The Role of Agriculture in Nigeria’s Economic Growth:A General Equilibrium Analysis.pdf
    • A Global Model for Agriculture and Bioenergy:Application to Biofuel and Food Security in Peru and Tanzania.pdf
    • A Quantitative Analysis of Trade Policy Responses to High Agricultural Commodity Prices.pdf
    • Assessing the potential for synergy in the implementation of Payment for Environmental Services(PES) programs:an empirical analysis in Costa Rica.pdf
    • Commodity prices,structural constraints and food price shocks in Tanzania.pdf
    • Consumer’s choice on GM labeling:evidences from China.pdf
    • Consumers’ WTA for GM rice cookie:an experiment study in China.pdf
    • Cotton Production in Uganda:Would GM technologies be the Solution?.pdf
    • Evaluating the Impact of Land Tenure and Titling on Access to Credit in Uganda.pdf
    • Getting Implicit Shadow Prices Right for the Estimation of the Malmquist Index:The Case of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Grain Markets and Large Social Transfers - An Analysis of Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia.pdf
    • Monetary Impacts and Overshooting of Agricultural Prices in a Transition Economy:The Case of Hungary.pdf
    • Policy Options for Improving Market Participation and Sales of Smallholder Livestock Producers:A case study of Ethiopia.pdf
    • Specification and Estimation of Heterogeneous Risk Preference.pdf
    • The Retail Services,The Market Power,and the Vertical Relationships in the Breakfast Cereals Industry.pdf
    • Valuing Animal Welfare Labels with Experimental Auctions:What do we learn from Consumers?.pdf
    • What are the social impacts of land use restrictions on local communities? Empirical evidence from Costa Rica.pdf
    • Why African governments underinvest in agric_final.pdf
  • 4.45 MB
  • 2009-11-2
  • 312235.pdf
       [下载]General Equilibrium Analysis of the Eaton-Kortum Model of International Trade

  • 1001.26 KB
  • 2009-4-6
  • 48368.rar
       [分享]2005年Journal of Empirical Finance

    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (1).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (2).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (3).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk .pdf
    • Equilibrium analysis of volatility clustering .pdf
    • European exchange rate volatility dynamics_ an empirical investigation .pdf
    • Evaluating the importance of missing risk factors using the optimal orthogonal portfolio approach .pdf
    • Forecasting asymmetries in aggregate stock market returns_ Evidence from conditional skewness .pdf
    • Forecasting daily variability of the S&P 100 stock index using historical, realised and implied volatility measurements .pdf
    • Foreign acquisitions by UK limited companies_ short- and long-run performance .pdf
    • Index futures and positive feedback trading_ evidence from major stock exchanges .pdf
    • Index futures arbitrage before and after the introduction of sixteenths on the NYSE .pdf
    • Internationally cross-listed stock prices during overlapping trading hours_ price discovery and exchange rate effects .pdf
    • Measuring tail thickness under GARCH and an application to extreme exchange rate changes .pdf
    • Order imbalance and liquidity supply_ Evidence from the bubble burst of Nasdaq stocks .pdf
    • Ownership concentration and executive compensation in closely held firms_ Evidence from Hong Kong .pdf
    • Price limit performance_ evidence from transactions data and the limit order book .pdf
    • Pricing American options when the underlying asset follows GARCH processes .pdf
    • Regime shifts in interest rate volatility .pdf
    • STAR and ANN models_ forecasting performance on the Spanish ______Ibex-35______ stock index .pdf
    • Testing dividend signaling models .pdf
    • Testing for contagion_ a conditional correlation analysis .pdf
    • Testing forward rate unbiasedness allowing for persistent regressors .pdf
    • The econometrics of efficient portfolios .pdf
    • The pricing discount for limited liquidity_ evidence from SWX Swiss Exchange and the Nasdaq .pdf
    • The relationship between stock returns and inflation_ new evidence from wavelet analysis .pdf
    • The relationship between stock returns and volatility in international stock markets .pdf
    • Trading volume and contract rollover in futures contracts .pdf
    • Winter blues and time variation in the price of risk .pdf
    • Yet another look at mutual fund tournaments .pdf
  • 8.08 MB
  • 2006-4-14
  • 36575.rar

    • A general equilibrium analysis of value-added tax reforms in the Philippines..pdf
  • 5.11 MB
  • 2006-1-3
  • 20061.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 2

    • @Product Quality and Price Regulation- A General Equilibrium Analysis .pdf
    • @State Regulation and Hospital Costs .pdf
    • @@Government and the Regulation of Hospital Care .pdf
    • @@Price Regulation Under Uncertainty in an Asymmetric Decision Environment .pdf
    • @@Price Regulation, Product Quality, and Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • @@Regulation and the Rising Cost of Hospital Care .pdf
    • @@Rent Regulation and Housing-Market Dynamics .pdf
    • @Asymmetry of Information, Regulatory Lags and Optimal Incentive Contracts- Theory and Evidence .pdf
    • @Hospital Rate Regulations, Fee Schedules, and Workers Compensation Medical Payments .pdf
    • @Incomplete Markets, Price Regulation, and Welfare .pdf
    • @Incomplete Markets, Price Regulation, and Welfare.pdf
    • @Regulatory Pricing and Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information about Cost .pdf
  • 11.2 MB
  • 2005-7-20