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  • 2022-12-12
  • MIT Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data,solution panel data for.rar
       MIT Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • weitzman1965-1999(75篇).rar

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    • Weitzman-1999-Pricing the Limits to Growth from Minerals Depletion.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1967-On Choosing an Optimal Technology.pdf
    • Weitzman-1968-A Model of the Demand for Money by Firms Comment.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Iterative Multi-Level Planning with Production Targets.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Optimal Growth with Scale Economies in the Creation of Overhead Capital.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Soviet Postwar Economic Growth and Capital Labor Substitution.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1971-Duality Theory of Convex Programming for Infinite Horizon Economic Models.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1971-Shiftable vs. Non-Shiftable Capital A Synthesis.pdf
    • Weitzman-1973-Duality Theory for Infinite Horizon Convex Models.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1978- Manove M. Aggregation for Material Balances.pdf
    • Weitzman-1978-Aggregation for Material Balances.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1979-Optimal Search for the Best Alternative.pdf
    • Weitzman-1980-Efficient Incentive Contracts.pdf
    • Weitzman-1980-The ‘Rachet Principle’ and Performance Incentives.pdf
    • Weitzman-1981-Funding Criteria for Research, Development, and Exploration Projects.pdf
    • Weitzman-1981-Sequential R&D Strategy for Synfuels.pdf
    • Weitzman-1982-Asymmetries in Price and Quantity Adjustments by the Competitive Industry.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1983-Contestable Markets An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure Comment.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1983-On the Meaning of Comparative Factor Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Some Macroeconomic Implications of Alternative Compensation Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory An Explanation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Profit Sharing as Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-The Simple Macroeconomics of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-Macroeconomic Implications of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-The Share Economy Symposium A Reply.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Bonuses and Employment in Japan.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Employment and Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Macroeconomic Aspects of Profit Sharing..pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Share Arrangements and Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Steady State Unemployment Under Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Comments on Can the Share Economy Conquer Stagflation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Consumer's Surplus as an Exact Approximation When Prices are Appropriately Deflated.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory Rejoinder.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-A Theory of Wage Dispersion and Job Market Segmentation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-The Promise of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Profit Sharing and Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Reflections on Macroeconomics and Share Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-A Proposal for Using Incentive Pre-Commitments in Public Enterprise Funding.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-Price Distortion and Shortage Deformation or What Happened to the Soap.pdf
    • Weitzman-1992-On Diversity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1993-Economic Transition Can Theory Help.pdf
    • Weitzman-1993-What to Preserve An Application of Diversity Theory to Crane Conservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Chinese Township-Village Enterprises as Vaguely Defined Cooperatives.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Monopolistic Competition with Endogenous Specialization.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-On the 'Environmental' Discount Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Diversity Functions.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Incentive Effects of Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Competition and the Evolution of Efficiency.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Hybridizing Growth Theory.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Patterns of Behavior in Endangered Species Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997- On the Welfare Significance of Green Accounting as Taught by Parable.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997-Sustainability and Technical Progress.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Conflicts and Choices in Biodiversity Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-On the Welfare Significance of National Product under Interest-Rate Uncertainty.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1998-Why the Far-Distant Future Should be Discounted at its Lowest Possible Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1999-Just Keep Discounting, But.pdf
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  • 2020-8-17
  • Greene_7th_Econometric Analysis.zip

    • Greene_7th_Econometric Analysis.pdf
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  • 2020-4-7
  • The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data.rar

    • 2.0 Part II - Inference.pdf
    • 3.2 bibliography.pdf
    • 3.3 Index.pdf
    • 3.1 Appendix 2 - Some Properties of the Laplace Transform.pdf
    • 3.0 Appendix 1 - The Gamma Function and Distribution.pdf
    • 2.11 - Residual Analysis.pdf
    • 2.10 - Misspecification Analysis.pdf
    • 2.9 - Limited Information Inference.pdf
    • 2.8 - Fully Parametric Inference.pdf
    • 2.7 - Identifiability Issues.pdf
    • 1.0 Part I - Model Building.pdf
    • 1.5 - Some Important Processes.pdf
    • 1.4 - Mixture Models.pdf
    • 1.6 - Some Structural Transition Models.pdf
    • 1.3 - Parametric Families of Duration Distributions.pdf
    • 1.2 - Covariates and the Hazard Function.pdf
    • 1.1 - Some Basic Results.pdf
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  • 2016-11-12
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  • 2016-1-27
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  • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data - Wooldridge.rar

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  • Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime.rar

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       Econometric Analysis by Greene_Ch11

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       Econometric Analysis by Greene_Ch3

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  • 2014-4-7
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  • 2013-8-6
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  • 2012-10-3
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    • 1999-Inflation Dynamics-A structural econometric analysis.PDF
    • 1999-Monetary Policy and Asset Price Volatility.PDF
    • 1999-The Science of Monetary Policy-a new keynesian perspective.PDF
    • 2000-MONETARY POLICY RULES AND MACROECONOMIC Stability-evidence and some theory.PDF
    • 2001-A simple framework for international monetary policy analysis.PDF
    • 2001-European in#ation dynamics.PDF
    • 2001-Notes on Estimating the Closed Form of the Hybrid New Phillips Curve.PDF
    • 2001-Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve.PDF
    • 2003-Comments on-'The Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetery Policy'by Eggerston and Woodford.PDF
    • 2003-External Constraints on Monetary Policy.PDF
    • 2003-Markups, Gaps, and the Welfare Costs of.PDF
    • 2007-Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation.PDF
    • 2008-A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation.PDF
    • 2008-An Estimated Monetary DSGE Model with Unemployment and staggered nominal wage bargaining.PDF
    • 2008-Unemployment Fluctuations with Staggered Nash Wage Bargaining.PDF
    • 2009-A Model of Unconventional Monetary Policy.PDF
    • 2009-Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy.PDF
    • 2009-Technology Innovation and Diusion as Sources of output and asset price fluctuations.PDF
    • 2010-Financial Crises, Bank Risk Exposure and Government Financial Policy.PDF
    • Financial Crises,Bank Risk Exposure and Government Ginancial Policy.PDF
    • Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset Prices.PDF
    • 数量化经济周期框架下的金融加速器理论(货币经济学第21章).PDF
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    • 46.Regional Poverty Targeting in China.pdf
    • 47.Peng YS. 2004. Kinship networks and entrepreneurs in China's transitional economy.pdf
    • 48.Peng YS. 2001. Chinese villages and townships as industrial corporations- Ownership, governance, and market discipline.pdf
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    • 52.REARDON, T C. PETER TIMMERThe rise of supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.pdf
    • 53.Richard Green; Julian M. Alston. 1990. Elasticities in AIDS Models.pdf
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    • 68.Zhao YH. 1999. Labor migration and earnings differences- The case of rural China.pdf
    • 67.Yao, Y. 2000. The Development of the Land Lease Market in Rural China.pdf
    • 66.Yao SJ. 2000. Economic development and poverty reduction in China over 20 years of reforms.pdf
    • 64.Walder Andrew G.,1995. Local Governments as Industrial Firms- An Organizational Analysis of China's Transitional Economy.pdf
    • 63.Uchida E, Xu JT, Rozelle S. 2005. Grain for green- Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of China's conservation set-aside program.pdf
    • 62.Tiebout Charles M. 1956.A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures.pdf
    • 60.Stiglitz, J. E. and A. Weiss. 1981. Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information.pdf
    • 59.Steven Buccola; Yoko Iizuka. 1997. Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components.pdf
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    • 57.Schultz. Theodore W. 1965. Investing in Poor People An Economist's View.pdf
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    • Bond(2007 Lecture)Dynamic PD further extention GMM.pdf
    • GMM in stata.pdf
    • A Practical Guide for Macroeconomists.pdf
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    • Maize poster June 2009.pdf
    • Maize poster June 2009.pub
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    • The role of consumers’ perceptions in the valuation of food safety and convenience attributes of vegetables in Vietnam.pdf
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    • Agricultural Inter-Sectoral Linkages and Its Contribution to Economic Growth in the Transition Countries.pdf
    • Can Bt Technology Reduce Poverty Among African Cotton Growers? An Ex Ante Analysis of the Private and Social Profitability of Bt Cotton Seed in Mozambique.pdf
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  • 2010-1-26
  • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.rar

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    • Wooldridge - errata1.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata2.pdf
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    • Applied Econometrics Using the SAS_ System.pdf
    • BOOK Introductory Econometrics-A__ Modern Approach_ 2e BY Jeffrey M[1]. Wooldridge.pdf
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  • 2009-11-16
  • 141-161.rar

    • Determinants of Agricultural Cash Rents in Germany: A Spatial Econometric Analysis for Farm-Level Data.pdf
    • Agricultural land tax and farm-level resource use and output supply response.pdf
    • Assessing programmes for the provision of agri-environmental services– An efficiency analysis realized in Southern Germany.pdf
    • China’s Agricultural Policy Transition:Impacts of Recent Reforms and Future Scenarios.pdf
    • Developing country consumers’ demand for food safety and quality: Is Mumbai ready for certified and organic fruits?.pdf
    • Does Composition of Government Spending Matter to Economic Growth?.pdf
    • Does geography matter in nutrient abatement? Bioeconomic model of heteregoneus farm nutrient loads.pdf
    • Does heterogeneity in goals and preferences affect allocative and technical efficiency?A case study in Northern Nigeria..pdf
    • Dynamic modelling of agricultural policies:the role of expectation schemes.pdf
    • Effect of contract farming on productivity and income of small holders: The case of tea production in north-western Vietnam.pdf
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    • Food Aid Allocation Policies:Donor Coordination and Responsiveness to the Needs of Recipient Countries.pdf
    • Food Security,Energy Equity,and the Global Commons:a Computable Village Model applied to sub-Saharan Africa.pdf
    • Globalization and Poverty in Senegal: A Worst Case Scenario?.pdf
    • How robust are indicator based poverty assessment tools over time?Empirical evidence from Central Sulawesi,Indonesia.pdf
    • The economic value of releasing parasitoid for the control of maize stemborers in East and Southern Africa.pdf
    • The effect of soil quality on fertilizer use rates among smallholder farmers in western Kenya.pdf
    • The impact of non-tariff barriers on maize and beef trade in East.pdf
    • The paradox of household resource endowment and land productivity in Uganda.pdf
    • Willingness to co-financing Collective Agricultural Marketing in Hungary.pdf
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    • Econometric Analysis Green.pdf
    • econometrics syllabus[1].pdf
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    • Basic Econometrics--by Damodar Gujarati.pdf
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    • (Wooldridge) Corrigendum of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data 1.pdf
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  • 294316.pdf
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  • 2009-2-17
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       Wooldridge, Jeffrey M - Econometric Analysis Of Cross Section And Panel Data Solutions Ma

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  • 2008-12-21
  • 275322.pdf
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  • 275213.pdf
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  • 275212.pdf
       [下载][下载]1-6章课后全部答案 to Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 2008-12-10
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       [下载][下载]1-6章课后全部答案 to Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 2008-12-10
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       [下载][下载]1-6章课后全部答案 to Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 275203.pdf
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  • 2008-12-10
  • 275202.pdf
       [下载]solution manual to Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 274748.pdf

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  • 265570.pdf
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  • 262450.pdf
       [分享]Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 2008-11-2
  • 257750.rar

    • ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS by Greene(Fifth Edition).PDF
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  • 249243.pdf
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  • 248047.pdf
       Greene 的《Econometric Analysis》第五版1答案

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  • 2008-9-19
  • 246720.pdf
       面板数据的经济计量学分析Econometric Analysis of Panel Data ( by Badi H. Baltagi ) (3rd ed

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  • 2008-9-14
  • 242443.pdf
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  • 240972.rar
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    • Econometric Analysis (W. Greene).PDF
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  • 2008-8-28
  • 238104.pdf
       Badi H Baltagi; econometric analysis of panel data 2005年第三版

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  • 2008-8-19
  • 235122.pdf
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  • 222493.pdf
       econometric analysis of financial and economic time series (免费)

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  • 2008-6-25
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       Econometric Analysis of Panel Data(Badi H. Baltagi 3rd editon)

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  • 2008-6-23
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  • 200968.zip
       solution and applications manual(econometric analysis)william h. greene

    • Greene_6e_Solutions_Manual.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2008-3-26
  • 196294.rar

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata1.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata2.pdf
  • 3.31 MB
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  • 196111.pdf
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  • 193657.pdf
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  • 193656.pdf
       [原创]Greene 的《Econometric Analysis》第五版 及答案

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  • 193635.rar
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    • Identification of potentially emerging food safety issues by analysis of reports published by the European Community’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) during a four-year p
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    • Defining uncertainty in projects – a new perspective.pdf
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    • An overlapping process model to assess schedule risk for new product development.pdf
    • Considerations in developing complete and quantified methods for risk assessment.pdf
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  • 2008-2-21
  • 184394.zip
       Solutions and Applications Manual for Econometric Analysis(Sixth Edition)

    • Greene_6e_Solutions_Manual.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2007-12-26
  • 182035.pdf
       Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series Part B, Volume 20 (Advances in

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       Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series Part B, Volume 20 (Advances in

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  • 165510.pdf
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  • 2007-10-18
  • 165087.pdf
       [下载] Econometric Analysis of Panel Data(Badi H. Baltagi 3rd editon)

  • 3.14 MB
  • 2007-10-17
  • 165082.pdf
       [下载] Econometric Analysis of Panel Data(Badi H. Baltagi 3rd editon)

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  • 2007-10-17
  • 153646.pdf
       [分享]woolderidge 的经典书籍《Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data》加上e

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  • 153643.rar
       [分享]woolderidge 的经典书籍《Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data》加上e

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  • 2007-9-13
  • 152562.rar

    • (Wooldridge) Corrigendum of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data 1.pdf
    • (Wooldridge) Corrigendum of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data 2.pdf
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  • 149760.pdf
       [下载]绝对经典:Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 2007-8-30
  • 149729.pdf
       绝对经典:Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

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  • 2007-8-30
  • 149582.rar
       计量应用博士论文斯坦福大学,2005年,《An economic and econometric analysis of market sort

    • 摘要.doc
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       计量应用博士论文斯坦福大学,2005年,《An economic and econometric analysis of market sort

    • An economic and econometric analysis of market sorting with an application to venture capital.pdf
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       计量应用博士论文斯坦福大学,2005年,《An economic and econometric analysis of market sort

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  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
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  • 1000 KB
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  • 1000 KB
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  • 1000 KB
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    • Wooldridge - errata1.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata2.pdf
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    • Chapter 5 Information diffusion and best practice adoption.pdf
    • Acknowledgments.pdf
    • Author Index.pdf
    • Author index1.pdf
    • Chapter 1 International comparisons of health expenditure- Theory, data and econometric analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 2 An overview of the normative economics of the health sector.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Medical care prices and output.pdf
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       [下载]Greenes Econometric Analysis

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    • hazard.txt
    • nerlove.txt
    • grnp158.prg
  • 218.54 KB
  • 2007-2-1
  • 88776.zip
       [下载]Greenes Econometric Analysis

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    • hazard.txt
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  • 193.14 KB
  • 2007-2-1
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       [下载]免费!B.Baltagi全部数据集_Econometric Analysis of Panel Data_3e Data

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  • 2006-12-10
  • 76919.zip
       odd -answer-for-Wooldridge-Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

    • odd1_6.pdf
    • odd7_11.pdf
    • odd12_14.pdf
    • odd15_17.pdf
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  • 76582.rar
       [Badi H. Baltagi] Econometric analysis of panel data面板数据分析习题解答

    • Chapter5.pdf
    • Chapter11.pdf
    • Chapter2.pdf
    • Chapter3.pdf
    • Chapter4.pdf
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    • Chapter6.pdf
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    • Chapter8.pdf
    • Chapter9.pdf
    • preface.pdf
    • preface1.pdf
  • 580.02 KB
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  • 75770.pdf
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  • 3.63 MB
  • 2006-12-4
  • 70488.rar
       [下载]Modern econometric analysis Theory and applications

    • Modern econometric analysis Theory and applications.pdf
  • 4.28 MB
  • 2006-11-4
  • 70063.rar
       Jeffrey M. Wooldridge.《Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data》

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata1.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata2.pdf
    • odd12_14.pdf
    • odd15_17.pdf
    • odd18_20.pdf
    • odd1_6.pdf
    • odd7_11.pdf
  • 3.65 MB
  • 2006-11-2
  • 66411.rar
       英文版 wooldridige - Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf
  • 3.15 MB
  • 2006-10-6
  • 65257.pdf
       Baltiagi -- econometric analysis of panel data (2nd ed.)

  • 14 MB
  • 2006-9-26
  • 58121.pdf
       [下载][Je¤rey M. Wooldridge]Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

  • 27.63 KB
  • 2006-7-15
  • 58120.rar
       [下载][Je¤rey M. Wooldridge]Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf
  • 3.14 MB
  • 2006-7-15
  • 55668.pdf
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  • 77.74 KB
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  • 55666.pdf
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  • 176.87 KB
  • 2006-5-16
  • 52732.pdf
       [推荐][Badi H. Baltagi] Econometric analysis of panel data

  • 62.09 KB
  • 2006-5-16
  • 52459.pdf
       ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS by Willian H.Greene(Free)

  • 4.69 MB
  • 2006-5-13
  • 51827.pdf
       W.H.Greene Econometric Analysis 习题答案 第四版

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       [下载]面板(panel)分析书籍下载包括(baltagi,Cheng Hsiao,Wooldridge,J. SCOTT LONG)

    • [Badi H. Baltagi] Econometric analysis of panel datai.pdf
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    • Econometric Analysis of Qualitative Response Models.pdf
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    • Panel Data.pdf
    • Random and Changing Coefficient Models.pdf
    • Time Series and Spectral Methods in Econometrics.pdf
    • Wald, Likelihood Ratio, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests in Econometrics.pdf
    • Approximating the Distributions of Econometric Estimators and Test Statistics.pdf
    • Continuous Time Stochastic Models and Issues of Aggregation Over Time.pdf
    • Dynamic Specification.pdf
    • Inference and Causality in Economic Time Series Models.pdf
    • Latent Variable Models in Econometrics.pdf
    • Monte Carlo Experimentation in Econometrics.pdf
  • 8.77 MB
  • 2006-4-29
  • 47595.zip
       W.H.Greene Econometric Analysis 习题答案 第四版

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  • 2006-4-1
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       [下载]GREENE Econometric Analysis(fifth edition)数据(免费)

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  • 2006-3-17
  • 44097.rar
       [原创]Greene Econometric Analysis(fifth edition)勘误表

    • ERRATA fifth edition.doc
  • 62.53 KB
  • 2006-3-17
  • 37853.rar
       [原创]Appendix and Index of Econometric Analysis, Greene 5ed.

    • Appendix and Index.pdf
  • 11.62 MB
  • 2006-1-19
  • 37645.rar
       Index, corrections and odd-number answers for Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and P

    • errata2.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • errata1.pdf
  • 2.1 MB
  • 2006-1-17
  • 37131.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37130.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37129.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

  • 4.77 MB
  • 2006-1-9
  • 37128.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

  • 4.77 MB
  • 2006-1-9
  • 37127.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

  • 4.77 MB
  • 2006-1-9
  • 37126.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

  • 4.77 MB
  • 2006-1-9
  • 37125.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

  • 4.77 MB
  • 2006-1-9
  • 37124.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37123.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37122.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37114.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37113.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37112.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37111.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37110.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37103.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 37102.rar
       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
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       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
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       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
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       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
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       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
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       [分享][Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis 6th and 5th edition, and solution manu

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  • 2006-1-9
  • 36947.rar
       [Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis, 5th ed

    • [Prentice Hall, Greene] Econometric analysis, 5th ed.djvu
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  • 2006-1-7
  • 31965.rar
       Econometric Analysis(Green)练习题

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  • 2005-10-30
  • 31964.rar
       Econometric Analysis(Green)练习题

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  • 2005-10-30
  • 31963.rar
       Econometric Analysis(Green)练习题

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  • 2005-10-30
  • 31962.rar
       Econometric Analysis(Green)练习题

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  • 2005-10-30
  • 31884.rar
       [分享]Green 5th data

    • Econometric Analysis, 5th Edtion, Data Sets.htm
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    • TableF2-2.txt
    • TableF3-1.txt
    • TableF4-1.txt
    • TableF4-2.txt
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    • TableF5-2.txt
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    • TableF7-2.txt
    • TableF8-1.txt
    • TableF9-1.txt
    • TableF9-2.txt
  • 44.1 KB
  • 2005-10-29
  • 27772.rar

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf
  • 3.14 MB
  • 2005-9-23
  • 22368.rar
       [下载]Chapter29.Econometric Analysis Of Longitudinal Data

    • Chapter29.Econometric Analysis Of Longitudinal Data.pdf
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2005-8-9
  • 20959.rar
       [下载]Handbook of Econometrics

    • Chapter24.Econometric Analysis of Qualitative Response Model.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2005-7-28
  • 18484.rar
       [Badi H. Baltagi] Econometric analysis of panel data

  • 416.87 KB
  • 2005-7-4
  • 18483.rar
       [Badi H. Baltagi] Econometric analysis of panel data

  • 5.56 MB
  • 2005-7-4
  • 15155.zip
       格林的ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS(第五版)!!!!

  • 5.96 MB
  • 2005-5-19
  • 14580.zip
       W.H.Greene Econometric Analysis 习题答案 第四版

    • CH20ANS.DOC
    • CH2ANS.DOC
    • CH5ANS.DOC
    • CH3ANS.DOC
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  • 888.12 KB
  • 2005-5-12
  • 13922.rar
       《Econometric analysis》作者Greene写的讲义

  • 359.83 KB
  • 2005-5-5
  • 12736.rar
       Econometric Analysis of Health Data

  • 956.26 KB
  • 2005-4-20
  • 12735.rar
       Econometric Analysis of Health Data

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2005-4-20
  • 12589.rar
       [推荐]handbook of econometrics II

    • Econometric Analysis of Qualitative Response Models.pdf
    • Multiple Hypothesis Testing.pdf
    • Panel Data.pdf
    • Random and Changing Coefficient Models.pdf
    • Time Series and Spectral Methods in Econometrics.pdf
    • Wald, Likelihood Ratio, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests in Econometrics.pdf
    • Approximating the Distributions of Econometric Estimators and Test Statistics.pdf
    • Continuous Time Stochastic Models and Issues of Aggregation Over Time.pdf
    • Dynamic Specification.pdf
    • Inference and Causality in Economic Time Series Models.pdf
    • Latent Variable Models in Econometrics.pdf
    • Monte Carlo Experimentation in Econometrics.pdf
  • 8.77 MB
  • 2005-4-20
  • 10790.rar
       Appendix for Econometric Analysis 5E by Prof. Greene

    • GreeneREVappendices.PDF
  • 689.45 KB
  • 2005-3-24
  • 9173.rar
       Econometric Analysis of Health Data

  • 1.12 MB
  • 2005-2-23
  • 9172.rar
       Econometric Analysis of Health Data

  • 1.2 MB
  • 2005-2-23
  • 7513.rar
       Econometric Analysis&Solutions Manual

  • 5.99 MB
  • 2005-1-10
  • 6568.rar
       [下载]Wooldridge的Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data的答案和errata

    • Wooldridge - oddpdf.ZIP
    • Wooldridge - errata1.pdf
    • Wooldridge - errata2.pdf
  • 528.52 KB
  • 2004-12-31
  • 6336.rar
       [分享] Wooldridge的另外一本书 Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

    • Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data - Wooldridge.pdf
  • 3.14 MB
  • 2004-12-29
  • 1058.rar

    • Econometric Analysis_a.pdf
  • 3.8 MB
  • 2004-8-9