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  • HBS.rar

    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2018 Dell Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation.pdf
    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 2019 Ride-Hailing Services Forecasting Uber’s Growth.pdf
    • 1982 Johnson & Johnson The Tylenol Tragedy.pdf
    • 1994 Nucleon, Inc..pdf
    • 1997 Silicon Valley of the East Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.pdf
    • 1998 Perrier, Nestle, and the Agnellis.pdf
    • 1999 How Process Enterprises Really Work.pdf
    • 2000 Cafes Monte Bianco Building a Profit Plan.pdf
    • 2000 Coca-Cola's New Vending Machine (A) Pricing to Capture Value, or Not.pdf
    • 2000 Dell Selling Directly, Globally.pdf
    • 2001 Mountain Dew Selecting New Creative.pdf
    • 2001 Nestle Quality on the Boardroom Agenda (A).pdf
    • 2001 Nike, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2001 Nokia Corp. Innovation and Efficiency in a High-Growth Global Firm.pdf
    • 2002 Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice The adidas Connection.pdf
    • 2002 Nestle's Globe Program (A) The Early Months.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil Negotiating at the State Level.pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Coca-Cola's Marketing Challenges in Brazil The Tubaιnas War.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Carrefour S.A..pdf
    • 2005 Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (A).pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2006 FedEx and Environmental Defense Building a Hybrid Delivery Fleet.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs.pdf
    • 2008 Hyundai CardHyundai Capital and GE Money Re-branding Decisions in a Successful Joint Venture.pdf
    • 2008 Research in Motion Managing Explosive Growth.pdf
    • 2009 ATH MicroTechnologies, Inc. (A) Making the Numbers.pdf
    • 2009 Boeing The Fight for Fasteners.pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2010 Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Lessons from the Beijing Olympics.pdf
    • 2010 Homeless World Cup Social Entrepreneurship, Cause Marketing, and a Partnership with Nike.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Shanzhai! MediaTek and the White Box Handset Market.pdf
    • 2011 Bombardier Aerospace The CSeries Dilemma.pdf
    • 2011 Finland and Nokia Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 2011 GE Healthcare (A) Innovating for Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Nokia India Battery Recall Logistics.pdf
    • 2011 State Bank of India Transforming a State Owned Giant.pdf
    • 2011 Vertu Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.pdf
    • 2012 Alphabet Energy.pdf
    • 2012 Coca-Cola in 2011 In Search of a New Model.pdf
    • 2012 Coke and Pepsi from Global to Indian Advertising.pdf
    • 2012 Merck (in 2009) Open for Innovation.pdf
    • 2012 Nestlé SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 Netflix Inc. Streaming Away from DVDs.pdf
    • 2013 Airbus vs. Boeing (A).pdf
    • 2013 Citigroup’s Shareholder Tango in Brazil (A).pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Back in Burma.pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Liquid and Linked.pdf
    • 2013 Governance and Sustainability at Nike (A).pdf
    • 2014 Corporate Governance at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Not A Good Thing.pdf
    • 2014 Facebook and WhatsApp Acquire or Ally.pdf
    • 2014 Hyundai Motor Company Design Takes the Driver's Seat.pdf
    • 2014 Microsoft New Wine in an Old Bottle.pdf
    • 2015 Uber An Empire in the Making.pdf
    • 2016 Adidas RussiaCIS and the Russian Crisis Retrench or Double Down (A).pdf
    • 2016 Airbnb, Etsy, Uber Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers.pdf
    • 2016 Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens.pdf
    • 2016 Cisco India (A) Innovation in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2016 GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analytics.pdf
    • 2016 Netflix International Expansion.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2016 Pricing the EpiPen This is Going to Sting.pdf
    • 2016 Reach Capital Performance in Education Technology.pdf
    • 2017 Fasten Challenging Uber and Lyft with a New Business Model.pdf
    • 2017 i-flex solutions limited (B) The Oracle Years.pdf
    • 2017 Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell.pdf
  • 97.59 MB
  • 2019-11-29
  • 文化传媒行业.zip

    • 【联讯传媒】2018年度中期策略.pdf
    • 中信建投:互联网传媒.pdf
    • 中信建投:互联网传媒2018年中期投资策略报告.pdf
    • 中泰证券:传媒行业深度报告:版权付费市场高景气,三维度寻找受益标的.pdf
    • 中银国际:网络综艺行业深度报告.pdf
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    • 光大证券:Netflix20年商业模型、护城河变迁与市值成长.pdf
    • 华创证券:体育场馆主题报告.pdf
    • 天风证券:传媒行业报告.pdf
    • 联讯传媒:美股视频付费标的大涨,爱奇异隔夜美股涨11个点.pdf
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  • 2018-7-14
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    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_教育-教育信息化:国家意志,智慧生态——教育行业跨市场研究报告之五_Jun_13_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_环保-LKQ:渠道+再制造成就全球汽车拆解之王-——国际环保巨头系列报告之三_Jun_10_2018 (1).pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_海外TMT-关注护城河来源,聚焦确定性增长-——港股民办教育行业综合对比分析_Jun_11_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_医药生物-拨云见日,路在前方-——医药行业2018年下半年投资策略_Jun_11_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_聚焦核心竞争力,逢低谨慎布局-——海外汽车行业2018年下半年投资策略_Jun_12_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_策略研究-大博弈,利成长-——2018年下半年A股投资策略_Jun_11_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_娱乐巨头OR科技巨头?-—Netflix20年商业模型、护城河变迁与市值成长_Jun_12_2018.pdf
    • EverbrightSecuritiesCoLtd_海外市场研究-韧性与压力并存不碍长期潜力,均衡配置价值与成长均有空间-——香港市场2018年下半年投资策略-——香港市场2018年下半年策略报告_Jun_13_2018 (1).pdf
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    • 战略档案第12期:互联网公司做硬件的十大陷坑.pdf
    • 战略档案第13期:移动支付线下生存报告.pdf
    • 战略档案第14期:YouTube原创内容如何商业化?.pdf
    • 战略档案第15期:做好餐饮业O2O的五条法则.pdf
    • 战略档案第16期:视频网站如何做好移动端.pdf
    • 战略档案第17期:新闻媒体如何做视频节目.pdf
    • 战略档案第八期:Snapchat如何获得年轻人青睐.pdf
    • 战略档案第二期:跟FB学习移动广告创收秘笈.pdf
    • 战略档案第九期:传统培训机构如何做好在线教育.pdf
    • 战略档案第六期:90后移动互联网深度调查报告.pdf
    • 战略档案第七期:Vine如何让用户爱上短视频.pdf
    • 战略档案第三期:中小在线旅游服务商生存指南.pdf
    • 战略档案第四期:服装企业如何做好O2O电商.pdf
    • 战略档案第五期:Netflix如何做视频会员服务.pdf
    • 战略档案第一期:手游发行商如何备战2014.pdf
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    • 智酷档案第22期:在线教育市场深度报告.pdf
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    • 战略档案第10期:智能电视的阵营、桎梏与突围.pdf
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  • 企鹅智酷报告PDF集合3.zip

    • 中国移动社群生态报告.pdf
    • 中国网络视频独家大数据报告.pdf
    • 战略档案第一期:手游发行商如何备战2014.pdf
    • 战略档案第七期:Vine如何让用户爱上短视频.pdf
    • 战略档案第三期:中小在线旅游服务商生存指南.pdf
    • 战略档案第五期:Netflix如何做视频会员服务.pdf
    • 战略档案第六期:90后移动互联网深度调查报告.pdf
    • 战略档案第四期:服装企业如何做好O2O电商.pdf
    • 智酷档案第21期:懒人经济新机会.pdf
    • 智酷档案第22期:在线教育市场深度报告.pdf
    • 智酷档案第24期:掌心里的娱乐时代.pdf
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  • 2015-12-10
  • 10月.rar

    • What the Data Say - European Edition, October 2014.pdf
    • Whiteboard Video: Oil & Gas: Consequences of Low Oil Prices:Beware of the “Capex Cliff”.pdf
    • Fieldtrip Video : Technology:Live from California: ARM and the Internet of Things.pdf
    • European Economics Weekly:Inflation Up, Activity Down.pdf
    • European Banks: Time to Add Back Risk.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Short Cross-Market.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Raising the Consumer Sector to Overweight.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • US Economics: Pondering the Political Economy.pdf
    • Article-PER- Private Equity Funds 2013 Cayman Islands (NYB_IZM).pdf
    • Ally Financial Inc:Why We Are Long Ally in Face of Falling Used Car Prices.pdf
    • Abbott Laboratories:Thesis Is Coming Together.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.:3Q14 Review: Challenging Environment, Clouded by Uncertainty.pdf
    • Abbott Laboratories: Thesis Is Coming Together.pdf
    • Video : AT&T: 3Q14 Earnings.pdf
    • Abbvie Inc.: Legal tango likely to delay Humira biosimilars for years.pdf
    • Coca-Cola Co.: Detailed Review of CEO-CFO Meeting.pdf
    • major reports list.pdf
    • United Technologies : Ahead of the Curve.pdf
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:US Car Rental: A Fake Oligopoly.pdf
    • Abbvie Inc.: Resuming with OW; Hep-C bigger and Humira longer.pdf
    • Greene-Freight: Truck Stop:TLFI Trends Inline With Seasonality.pdf
    • Morning Grain Comments.pdf
    • Verizon Communications: 3Q14 Review: Results Mixed, With More Color to Come on the iPhone Launch.pdf
    • Video -Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment:The Offshore Drilling Manual - Fall 2014.pdf
    • Retail: Category Sales Outlook: Consumers Sitting in Restaurants, Chatting on iPhones.pdf
    • Video : From A to Z: At Your Discretion.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: iPhone 6 Dials Up Profits.pdf
    • Merck & Co., Inc.: Immuno-oncology expert takeways.pdf
    • Cobalt International Energy Inc: Extreme Dislocation.pdf
    • Medical Technology: Halyard Health: More Likely a Gathering Storm.pdf
    • Cable Satellite: 3Q Earnings Preview: Will HBO Break the Bundle?.pdf
    • General Electric Co: Is Big Data a Big Deal?.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power:Range Provides Deep Dive on Basis.pdf
    • T-Mobile US, Inc.: Sell-Off Creates Opportunity; Resuming Coverage at OW.pdf
    • US Equity strategy .pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:More Positive News for Oil and Copper.pdf
    • Nestle: Sharper than expected growth slowdown in 3Q driven by EMs - reiterate OW.pdf
    • Accor:Getting HotelInvest for Free?.pdf
    • Royal Mail PLC: Not out of the woods, but risk - reward more balanced.pdf
    • Portugal Telecom:Resuming coverage at UW.pdf
    • EEMEA Strategy: Markets becoming oversold – move tactically OW Russia.pdf
    • Leisure and Hotels:“Weekend Break” No. 592.pdf
    • European Banks: ADI Risk in AT1.pdf
    • SanDisk Corporation: Supply Constraints Cap Upside But Conditions are Strong.pdf
    • Software: SaaS Q314 Preview:Solid Fundamentals, Volatile Stocks.pdf
    • Schlumberger: 3Q14 Earnings Comment.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights: Cautious into Earnings on FX Risk.pdf
    • CRE Tracker - CRE Demand in a Lower Rate Environment:October 2014.pdf
    • US Economics:What Has Changed?.pdf
    • CBS Corporation: CBS Steps Over The Top.pdf
    • REITs 3Q14 Earnings Preview.pdf
    • Freight Transportation: Railroad M&A Primer.pdf
    • Time Warner Inc.: Streaming toward the bull case.pdf
    • Netflix Inc:Bruised, But Not Broken.pdf
    • Global Airline Compass Ebola Concerns Make US Cheapest in the World.pdf
    • Bank of America: Stock Reaction Overdone, Buy the Dip.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling and Equipment: North America Playbook: Spending and Pressure Pumping Analysis.pdf
    • Global Airline Compass: Ebola Concerns Make US Cheapest in the World.pdf
    • Video : Pushing Parker:Loading Up the Minivan.pdf
    • Halliburton Co.: Defensive Position and Favorable R-R; Overweight.pdf
    • Intel Corporation As Good as It Gets; Downgrading to UW.pdf
    • Energy Transfer Equity, LP: No Signs of Slowing Down.pdf
    • Microsoft: Making It Work In a Solid Q1.pdf
    • Caterpillar Inc.: Crude Awakening.pdf
    • Video : Telecom Services & Equipment: Carrier CapEx: A Tale of Routers & Towers.pdf
    • Genera Motors Company: Saving GM: Are They Asking the Right Questions?.pdf
    • Leveraged Finance Insights: EUR Not as Cheap as US.pdf
    • US Economics:FOMC Preview:Yellen Alone.pdf
    • BT Group plc: Downgrade to Underweight.pdf
    • Gemalto N.V.: Three Questions to Address.pdf
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  • 2014-11-8
  • 9月-3.rar

    • Non-US Bond Futures Report.pdf
    • Occidental Petroleum:Buyback Raised; MENA sale next.pdf
    • Oil & Gas: E&P:Cycling around to M&A.pdf
    • Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment:NAm at a Tipping Point.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Cloud is Loud at OOW, But What’s Next?.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Silver Lining in the Clouds.pdf
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    • Hong Kong Property: HK Property Pulse #47: Outlook after 1H14 Results.pdf
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    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally(1).pdf
    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally.pdf
    • India Materials:Coal Blocks De-allocated: Ball In Government's Court Now.pdf
    • Industrials: Takeaways from SH-HK Stock Connect Corporate Day(1).pdf
    • Industrials: Takeaways from SH-HK Stock Connect Corporate Day.pdf
    • J.C. Penney Co.: Analyst Day Preview: Very Few Roads Lead to Rome.pdf
    • Japan Strategy: Further Yen weakness poses upside risks to our base case Earnings – Yen Sensitivity at Market and Sector Level.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks: 3Q14 Preview: Long AXP, BAC Going Into Earnings.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks: Bank Mid-Year Internal Stress Tests… Window into 2015 CCAR Ask?.pdf
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    • Life Science Tools & Diagnostics: The Top-Down Approach to Life Science Tools; Initiating on A-PKI-TMO-WAT.pdf
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    • Major Pharmaceuticals: Correction: MS Conference BMY, LLY, MRK, PFE highlights.pdf
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    • Maruti Suzuki India Limited: Margin Surprise Next.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report(1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corporation: Dividend Increased – 38 Years and Counting.pdf
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    • Medtronic Inc.:The 40% Solution.pdf
    • Michael Kors Holdings Ltd: Fundamentals Intact + Compelling Valuation = Buying Opportunity.pdf
    • Micron Technology Inc.: Solid Results from Strength in Mobile.pdf
    • Microsoft: Closing the Hood: How Fast Can This Car Go?.pdf
    • Mid-Cap E&P:Marcellus-Utica:Strong Headwinds.pdf
    • Mid-Cap Exploration & Production: Where's the Bottom?.pdf
    • Midstream Energy : Niobrara Pipeline Competition.pdf
    • Midstream Energy :MLP、YieldCo Structuring and Tax Trends Call Recap.pdf
    • Midstream Energy MLPs.pdf
    • Mobileye NV: Growing Confidence Results in Growing PT; Up to $65.pdf
    • MRK:Why IMPROVE-IT is likely to fail and why it matters.pdf
    • MS:China Oil & Gas:Big 3 Underperformed CNOOC A Bit Better, Yizheng Surged After Restructuring, but Why Did Small-Cap Peers Plunge?.pdf
    • MS:Hong Kong Economics:August Retail Sales – 1st Month of Positive Growth in Seven Months.pdf
    • MS_Thailand EconomicsPolicy Rate On Hold As Expected.pdf
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    • Muni Monthly Dashboard:September-Munis Flatten Out.pdf
    • Myer: 1st Take: FY14 Result – Miss & Soft Outlook.pdf
    • Myer:Correction:Profit Growth Unlikely.pdf
    • NA Metals & Mining Chartbook: We Like Aluminum; Copper、Gold Face NT Headwinds.pdf
    • National Grid plc:National Grid: Reassuring on RIIO.pdf
    • Natixis-An overview of the global economy by major region-140926.pdf
    • Netflix Inc: Europe Gives, and Europe Takes Away.pdf
    • New World Development: F2014 Operating Profit in Line, HK-China Sales Target Lowered.pdf
    • Nike Inc.: Video & Note - Raising Price Target to $105; Nike Remains Our Top OW Idea.pdf
  • 87.8 MB
  • 2014-10-7