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  • From Attention to Action The Influence of Cognitive and Ideological Diversity in.rar

    • From Attention to Action The Influence of Cognitive and Ideological Diversity in Top Management Teams on Business Model Innovation.pdf
  • 16.83 MB
  • 2022-3-15
  • 土地.rar

    • Characterising urban concentration and land-use diversity in simulations of future land use.pdf
    • Connecting local environmental knowledge and land.pdf
    • fulltext.pdf
    • Land management in Lithuania.pdf
    • Land Use Changes in Regional Economic Theory.pdf
    • Land use patterns and urbanization in the holy city of Varanasi.pdf
    • Land-use Selection by Dandelions in the Tokyo Metropolitan.pdf
    • Linking land use and transportation in a rapidly urbanizing.pdf
    • The Acquistion and Application of Basic Land Use Data in Urban.pdf
    • The influence of urban land use on seed dispersal.pdf
    • 1.pdf
    • A Rational Expectations Equilibrium Model of Urban.pdf
  • 9.37 MB
  • 2010-4-3
  • 161-181.rar

    • Price-based Valuation of Rice Genetic Diversity in Nepal.pdf
    • Italian Consumer Acceptance of Nutritionally Enhanced GM Food.pdf
    • Monitoring of Public Spending in Agriculture in Southern Africa.pdf
    • Rapid urbanization and food security:Using food density maps to identify future food security hotspots.pdf
    • Smallholder Incomes, Vegetable Marketing and Food Safety:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Agricultural Technology Adoption on Poverty:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Benin.pdf
    • Trade Liberalization and Agricultural Terms of Trade in China:Price Scissors Revisited.pdf
    • What Does Liberalization without Price Competition Achieve?The Case of Cocoa in Ghana.pdf
    • A non-compensatory choice modeling analysis of Japanese consumers’ preferences for beef:A choice experiment approach.pdf
    • An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations.pdf
    • Borrowing Amongst Friends:The Economics of Informal Credit in Rural China.pdf
    • Contract Designs and Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program in the Era of Biofuel Production.pdf
    • Determinants of productivity change of crop and dairy farms in Germany,the Netherlands and Sweden in 1995-2004.pdf
    • Dynamics of the restructuring fresh produce food markets in the southern African region.pdf
    • Efficiency Measurements in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis with Shared Inputs:An Application to Farmers’ Organizations in Taiwan.pdf
    • Estimation of Actual and potential adoption rates and determinants of a new technology not universally known in the population:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Guinea.pdf
    • Fluctuation and Cycle of Pork Price in China.pdf
    • Impact of Land Institutional Factors on Farm Management and Soil Quality.pdf
  • 5.59 MB
  • 2010-1-26
  • 1-21.rar

    • An Analysis of Demand Elasticities for Fluid Milk Products in the U.S..pdf
    • An analysis of the challenges of the maize seed industry in eastern and southern Africa.pdf
    • Assessing Water Policies and Farmers’ Vulnerability in Groundwater Irrigation Systems.pdf
    • Does election lead to populism or to elite capture in rural China? IAAE conferene.pdf
    • Does Increase in Women’s Income Relative to Men’s Income Increase Food Calorie Intake in Poor Households? Evidence from Nigeria.pdf
    • Educational Function of Agriculture and Farm Diversification:Evidence from Dairy Farming Experience Services in Japan.pdf
    • Effect of decoupling and agri environmental policy on biodiversity in the uplands in UK.pdf
    • Effects of Inclusive Village Level Public Agricultural Extension Service Policy Reform Experiment in Western China.pdf
    • Evaluating the 1996 EU food aid reform:Did it really lead to better targeting?.pdf
    • Farm Payments in the EU–their Distribution and Justification.pdf
    • Government support,transfer efficiency,and moral hazard within heterogeneous regions in Canadian Agriculture.pdf
    • Impact of China’s Agriculture Policies on Domestic and World Commodity Markets.pdf
    • Improving Market Access:The Role of Auctions in Converting Tariff-Rate Quotas into Single Tariffs.pdf
    • Issues in examining the impact of WTO reform on the Beef and Dairy Sectors in the European Union.pdf
    • Measure the measure:the impact of differences in pesticide MRLs on Chilean fruit exports to the EU.pdf
    • Modeling Biofuels Expansion in a Changing Global Environment.pdf
    • Modelling the value of a multifunctional landscape—A discrete choice experiment.pdf
    • Scope Economies of Lending and Collecting Deposits in Microfinance.pdf
    • Technical efficiency of organic milk-farms in Germany-the role of subsidies and of regional factors.pdf
    • Technology Capital:The Price of Admission to the Growth Club.pdf
    • Towards Measurement of Farm Sustainability–an Irish case study.pdf
  • 3.9 MB
  • 2009-9-3