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  • 2008年American Economic Review 文章精选.zip

    • Income and Democracy.pdf
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    • Using Tax Expenditures to Achieve Energy Policy Goals.pdf
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  • 美国经济评论2014年第二期论文合集.zip

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  • [世界名著英文版136部.rar

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  • Acemoglu 2.rar

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    • Economic Backwardness in Political Perspective.pdf
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    • Emergence and Persistence of Ine? cient States Acemoglu 35.pdf
    • Equilibrium Re?nement in Dynamic Voting Games Acemoglu 14.pdf
    • Evolution of Perceptions and Play Acemoglu 23.pdf
    • Experimentation, Patents, and Innovation Acemoglu 32.pdf
    • Flow Control, Routing, and Performance Acemoglu 22.pdf
    • Fragility of Asymptotic Agreement under Bayesian Learning Acemoglu 18.pdf
    • Generalized Poincaré-Hopf Theorem for Compact Nonsmooth Regions.pdf
    • How Large Are Human-Capital Externalities Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Laws.pdf
    • Incentives in Markets, Firms, and Governments.pdf
    • Income and Health Spending Evidence from Oil Price Shocks Acemoglu 17.pdf
    • Input and Technology Choices in Regulated industries.pdf
    • Institutions, Factor Prices, and Taxation.pdf
    • Labor- and Capital-Augmenting Technical Change.pdf
    • Learning and Disagreement in an Uncertain World Acemoglu 19.pdf
    • Local Indices for Degenerate Variational Inequalities.pdf
    • Markets versus governments.pdf
    • Modeling Inefficient Institutions.pdf
  • 15.12 MB
  • 2011-1-1
  • 桌面.rar

    • Corporate Governance and 'Economic Democracy_ An Attack on Freedom.pdf
    • Coordination, Control, and the Management of Organizations_ Course Notes (2nd of 4 CCMO documents.pdf
    • Theory of the Firm_ Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.pdf
    • Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • The Nature of Man.pdf
    • Agency Cost Of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers.pdf
    • Self Interest, Altruism, Incentives, and Agency Theory.pdf
    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Stockholder, Manager, and Creditor Interests_ Applications of Agency Theory.pdf
    • The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information.pdf
    • Divisional Performance Measurement.pdf
    • CEO Incentives_It's Not How Much You Pay, But How.pdf
    • The Capital Asset Pricing Model_ Some Empirical Tests.pdf
    • Discussion of Corporate Financial Reporting_ A Methodological Review of Empirical Research_ Comment.pdf
    • Risk and the Discount Rate for Public Investment.pdf
  • 9.28 MB
  • 2009-10-2
  • China Profile 2009.rar

    • 9.Democracy index (for methodology, see Appendix).pdf
    • 10.Recent political developments.pdf
    • 11.Important recent events.pdf
    • 12.International relations and defenc.pdf
    • 13.Population.pdf
    • 14.Demographics and resources.pdf
    • 15.Education.pdf
    • 16.Natural resources.pdf
    • 17.Infrastructure.pdf
    • 18.Economic structure.pdf
    • 19.The econom.pdf
    • 20.Economic policy.pdf
    • 21.Economic performance.pdf
    • 22.Regional trends.pdf
    • 23.The external sector.pdf
    • 24.Reference.pdf
    • 25.Appendix Index methodology.pdf
    • 1.Country Profile 2009 China..pdf
    • 2.Comparative economic indicators, 2008.pdf
    • 3.Basic data.pdf
    • 4.Highlights.pdf
    • 5.Politics.pdf
    • 6.Political background.pdf
    • 7.Political forces and institutions.pdf
    • 8.Main political figures.pdf
  • 2.85 MB
  • 2009-7-16
  • 278965.rar
       萨格登 奥尔森等人的论文 制度经济学

    • Possession as the origion of property.pdf
    • Possession as the root of title.pdf
    • Ray Challen.pdf
    • reversal of fortune-geography and institution in the making of the modern world incme distribution.pdf
    • Spontaneous order.pdf
    • The colonial origins of comparative development.pdf
    • The economics of autocracy and majority rule.pdf
    • The economics of convention.pdf
    • The evolution of convention.pdf
    • A pure theory of local expenditures.pdf
    • An essay on fiscal federalism.pdf
    • competition and custom.pdf
    • conventional contracts.pdf
    • cultural beliefs.pdf
    • Dictatorship,democracy and development-olson 1993.pdf
    • Economic Competition Among Jurisdictions.pdf
    • Federalism as a commitment to perserving market incentives.pdf
    • federalism with and without political centralization.pdf
    • legal origins.pdf
    • Market-preserving federalism and economic development.pdf
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  • 2008-12-21
  • 206660.pdf
       [下载]经典著作《Making Democracy Work》(使民主运转起来)

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  • 2008-4-18
  • 206227.pdf
       [求助]文献Przeworski, Adam,1980,“Social Democracy as an Historical Phenomenon”,New le

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  • 2008-4-17
  • 193044.rar
       Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy(原版)[原创]

    • 民主和独裁的经济起源(原版)[www.ampoc.org].pdf
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  • 2008-2-17
  • 188447.pdf
       shleifer07新作Why Does Democracy Need Education

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  • 2008-1-15
  • 143908.rar

    • Democracy and income inequalityan empirical analysis.pdf
    • Should the Kuznets Effect be Relied on to Induce Equalizing Growth Evidence from Post- 1950 Development.pdf
    • The Cause and Cure of China’s Widening Income Disparity.pdf
    • The Kuznets hypothesis An indirect test.pdf
    • The links between poitical democracy and income inequality.pdf
    • Urban income inequality in china revisited.pdf
    • Why is income inequality so low in China compared to other.pdf
    • 111income inequaility and development.pdf
    • 111Income inequality and growth—does the relationship vary with.pdf
    • 111Income Inequality and the Informal Economy.pdf
    • A flexible nonlinear inference to the Kuznets hypothesis.pdf
    • A Reassessment of the Relationship Between inequality and growth.pdf
    • A review of decomposition of income inequality.pdf
    • Accounting for income inequality in rural Chinaa regression-based approach.pdf
    • China’s Income Distribution over TimeReasons for Rising Inequality.pdf
    • China’s pattern of growthmoving to sustainability and reducing inequality.pdf
    • Competitive pressures on China.pdf
    • Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking,with applications to china and Vietnam.pdf
    • Does corruption affect income inequality and poverty.pdf
    • Economic Growth and Income InequalityReexamining the Links.pdf
    • Education vouchers,growth and income inequality.pdf
    • Education,growth and income inequality.pdf
    • Educational opportunity and income inequality.pdf
    • Effects of Government Policies on Income distribution and welfare.pdf
    • Empirical evidence on income inequality in industrialized countries.pdf
    • Explaining the changes of income distribution in China.pdf
    • Exploring the Carbon Kuznets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Factor Decomposition of Chinese Rural Income Inequality.pdf
    • Factors influencing income inequality in transition economies.pdf
    • Factors of income inequality and their influence mechanisms.doc
    • Factors of income inequality and their influence mechanisms3-46.pdf
    • Fast Development with a Stable Income Distribution Taiwan, 1979-1994.pdf
    • Growth, Inequality and Poverty Looking Beyond Averages.pdf
    • Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • Human capital formation,income inequality and growth.pdf
    • Improving estimates of inequality and poverty from urban china’s household income and expenditure survey.pdf
    • income inequality and development.pdf
    • Income inequality and efficiency A decomposition approach and.pdf
    • Increasing returns, human capital, and the Kuznets curve.pdf
    • Inequality and Economic Growth Data Comparisons and Econometric Tests.pdf
    • inequality and economic growth the perspective of the new growth theory.pdf
    • Inequality and Growth in a Panel of Countries.pdf
    • inequality and growth what can the data say.pdf
    • inequality,poverty and development.pdf
    • Inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, the poverty trap and growth.pdf
    • Inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, the poverty trap and long-term growth.pdf
    • kuznets curve a reassessment.pdf
    • Kuznets Curveball.pdf
    • New Ways of Looking at Old Issues Inequality and Growth.pdf
    • One or many kuznets curvesshort and long run effects of the impact of skill-biased technological change on income inequality.pdf
    • Opportunity egalitarianism and income inequality.pdf
    • Productivity growth, increasing income inequality.pdf
    • Productivity growth, increasing income inequality and social insurancethe case of china.pdf
    • Rapid income growth adversely affects diet quality in China—.pdf
    • Semiparametric Bayesian inference of the Kuznets hypothesis.pdf
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  • 2007-8-6
  • 112420.pdf
       Determinants of Democracy

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  • 2007-4-30
  • 89591.zip
       [下载]Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy

    • ch21 The Classical Doctrine of Democracy.pdf
    • ch22 Another Theory of Democracy.pdf
    • ch1 Marx the Prophet.pdf
    • ch2 Marx the Sociologist.pdf
    • ch3 Marx the Economist.pdf
    • ch4 Marx the Teacher.pdf
    • ch5 The Rate of Increase of Total Output.pdf
    • ch6 Plausible Capitalism.pdf
    • ch7 The Process of Creative Destruction.pdf
    • ch8 Monopolistic Practices.pdf
    • ch9 Closed Season.pdf
    • ch10 The Vanishing of Investment Opportunity.pdf
    • ch11 The Civilization of Capitalism.pdf
    • ch12 Crumbling Walls.pdf
    • ch13 Growing Hostility.pdf
    • ch14 Decomposition.pdf
    • ch15 Clearing Decks.pdf
    • ch16 The Socialist Blueprint.pdf
    • ch17 Comparison of Blueprints.pdf
    • ch18 The Human Element.pdf
    • ch19 Transition.pdf
    • ch20 The Setting of the Problem.pdf
    • ch23 The Inference.pdf
    • ch24 The Nonage.pdf
    • ch25 The Situation that Marx Faced.pdf
    • ch26 From 1875 to 1914.pdf
    • ch27 From the First to the Second World War.pdf
    • ch28 The Consequences of the Second World War.pdf
    • Contents.pdf
    • Contents.txt
    • Introduction.pdf
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  • 7755.rar

    • An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy.pdf
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  • 2005-1-13
  • 1979.rar

    • Does Democracy Engender Equality.pdf
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  • 2004-10-27
  • 1374.rar
       An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy

    • An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy.pdf
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  • 2004-9-23