大小 上传时间
  • Use R!(2009A-2012G).rar

    • 2011.Data Mining with Rattle and R_ The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery(2011).pdf
    • 2009.Applied Statistical Genetics with R_ For Population-based Association Studies(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Bayesian Computation with R(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Dynamic Linear Models with R(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Functional data analysis with R and MATLAB(2009).pdf
    • 2009.ggplot2_ Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Introductory Time Series with R(2009).pdf
    • 2009.R Through Excel_ A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics(2009).pdf
    • 2010.Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Introduction to probability simulation and Gibbs sampling with R(2010).pdf
    • 2011.An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Business Analytics for Managers(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Chemometrics with R_ Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Forest Analytics with R_ An Introduction(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Numerical Ecology with R(2011).pdf
    • 2012.Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Behavioral Research Data Analysis with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Biostatistics with R_ An Introduction to Statistics Through Biological Data(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Competing Risks and Multistate Models with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Graphical Models with R-Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
  • 91.17 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Torgo.pdf
       Data Mining with R Learning with case studies

  • 5.33 MB
  • 2015-8-7
  • Data Mining with Rattle and R.rar

    • Data Mining with Rattle and R.pdf
  • 9.62 MB
  • 2015-1-30
  • R-lang.rar
       R lang

    • Data Mining with R.pdf
    • R.Cookbook.pdf
    • The Art of R Programming.pdf
    • The Art of R Programming_code.zip
    • R in Action.pdf
    • R in Action_Code.zip
  • 20.02 MB
  • 2013-5-24
  • 保留的R资料(不含The R Book).rar

    • Data Mining with R.pdf
    • 用R做数据挖掘-by-sizhe-liu.pdf
    • (R系列教程)函数公式命令全集.pdf
    • Liu-FAQ.pdf
    • Liu-R-refcard.pdf
    • R导论.pdf
    • R入门.pdf
    • R资料readme.txt
    • software for data analysis programming with R(Springer2008).pdf
    • The R Reference Index.pdf
    • Xu-Statistics_and_R.pdf
    • 统计建模与R软件(上册).pdf
    • 统计建模与R软件(下册).pdf
  • 24.92 MB
  • 2011-9-20
  • 数据挖掘3.rar

    • Data Mining with R.pdf
    • Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management_A literature review and classification.pdf
    • R编程语言简介.pdf
    • R功能简介.pdf
    • 数据挖掘原理与算法.rar
    • 数据挖掘中分类方法综述.pdf
    • 知识发现.pdf
    • 主成分分析在满意度权重确定中的应用.pdf
  • 24.15 MB
  • 2010-4-5
  • 333887.zip

    • Data Mining With R.pdf
  • 707.75 KB
  • 2009-6-6
  • 188152.pdf
       [下载]Data Mining with R(一本正宗pdf的数据挖掘好书)

  • 1.68 MB
  • 2008-1-13
  • 59733.pdf
       Data mining with R

  • 1.68 MB
  • 2006-8-3