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  • Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting 9ed -- Hoyle,Schaefer,Doupnik -- McGrawHill.rar

    • Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting 9ed -- Hoyle,Schaefer,Doupnik -- McGrawHill.pdf
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  • LMSLNS 319 - Cherednik I. - Double affine Hecke algebras - CUP 2005 - ISBN 0521609186.zip
       Double Affine Hecke Algebras

    • LMSLNS 319 - Cherednik I. - Double affine Hecke algebras - CUP 2005 - ISBN 0521609186.djvu
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  • 豆瓣Top250爬虫,jupyter Notebook 相关演示程序源代码Douban_DataAnalyze.zip

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    • Top250details.py
    • top250details.py - python_project - Visual Studio.mp4
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  • python爬虫程序源代码-链家房产去哪儿携程网机票豆瓣电影书籍小组相册小说下载分布式爬虫.zip

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  • Introduction to Graph Theory 2ed-Douglas B. West.zip
       Introduction to Graph Theory 2nd International Edition

    • Introduction to Graph Theory 2ed-Douglas B. West.pdf
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  • 2022-11-13
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之四.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • Towards Identifying the Challenges Associated with Emerging Large Scale Social Networks.pdf
    • Visual representation of knowledge networks- A social network analysis of hospitality research domain.pdf
    • Why people use social networking sites- An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory.pdf
    • 标签系统中基于潜在社会网络的知识传播研究_易明.pdf
    • 从知识传播的角度看问答型社交网站_知乎_.pdf
    • 基于_弱关系理论_的知识问答社区知识传播研究_以知乎网为例_宁菁菁.pdf
    • 基于Bass模型的知识扩散演化分析_罗天虎.pdf
    • 基于Tag的知识主题网络构建与Web知识推送研究_易明.pdf
    • 社会性标签系统中的信息搜寻_基于豆瓣网的实证调查.pdf
    • Power and the perception of social networks(视角特别,可参考,难模仿).pdf
    • Privacy threat model for data portability in social network applications.pdf
    • Recommendation of similar users, resources and social networks in a Social Internetworking Scenario(好文章).pdf
    • Relationship between the level of intimacy and lurking in online social network services(实证,选题和综述参考).pdf
    • Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance(张大鲁可参考).pdf
    • Scholars and faculty members lived experiences in online social networks.pdf
    • Set Pair Community Mining and Situation Analysis Based on Web Social Network.pdf
    • Simulation-based workforce assignment in a multi-organizational social network for alliance-based software development(可参考).pdf
    • SNS社区中知识传播演化仿真模型:simulation based on Chinese Douban.docx
    • SNS社区中知识扩散演化仿真模型.docx
    • Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks(没看明白,可参考).pdf
    • Social integration and post-adoption usage of Social Network Sites An analysis of effects on learning performance(实证).pdf
    • Social network analysis in virtual learning community at faculty of information technologies (fit), Mostar(实证).pdf
    • Social network productivity in the use of.pdf
    • Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing(实证).pdf
    • Social networks – access all areas.pdf
    • Social structure of Facebook networks(复杂网络分析,有高度参考价值,可模仿分析其他数据).pdf
    • Structural investigation of supply networks- A social network analysis approach(社会网络跨领域应用参考).pdf
    • The contribution of social network sites to exposure to political difference.pdf
    • The dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm in social network services.pdf
    • The provision of online public goods- Examining social structure in an electronic network of practice.pdf
    • The social networks of collaborative process.pdf
    • The ties that bind- Social network principles in online communities.pdf
    • Topic oriented community detection through social objects and link analysis in social networks(社区发现方面有参考价值).pdf
  • 15.98 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • cobb_douglas.dta.rar

    • cobb_douglas.dta
  • 981 Bytes
  • 2021-10-25
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • ee559-handout-all-part2.zip

    • ee559-handout-11-1-GAN.pdf
    • ee559-handout-11-2-Wasserstein-GAN.pdf
    • ee559-handout-11-3-conditional-GAN.pdf
    • ee559-handout-11-4-persistence.pdf
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    • ee559-handout-12-2-LSTM-and-GRU.pdf
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    • ee559-handout-13-2-attention-mechanisms.pdf
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  • 2020-8-31
  • ee559-handout-all-part1.zip

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    • ee559-handout-1-2-current-success.pdf
    • ee559-handout-1-3-what-is-happening.pdf
    • ee559-handout-1-4-tensors-and-linear-regression.pdf
    • ee559-handout-1-5-high-dimension-tensors.pdf
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    • ee559-handout-10-2-causal-convolutions.pdf
    • ee559-handout-10-3-NVP.pdf
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    • ee559-handout-2-2-overfitting.pdf
    • ee559-handout-2-3-bias-variance-dilemma.pdf
    • ee559-handout-2-4-evaluation-protocols.pdf
    • ee559-handout-2-5-basic-embeddings.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-1-perceptron.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-2-LDA.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-3-features.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-4-MLP.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-5-gradient-descent.pdf
    • ee559-handout-3-6-backprop.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-1-DAG-networks.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-2-autograd.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-3-modules-and-batch-processing.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-4-convolutions.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-5-pooling.pdf
    • ee559-handout-4-6-writing-a-module.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-1-cross-entropy-loss.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-2-SGD.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-3-optim.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-4-l2-l1-penalties.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-5-initialization.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-6-architecture-and-training.pdf
    • ee559-handout-5-7-writing-an-autograd-function.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-1-benefits-of-depth.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-2-rectifiers.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-3-dropout.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-4-batch-normalization.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-5-residual-networks.pdf
    • ee559-handout-6-6-using-GPUs.pdf
    • ee559-handout-7-1-transposed-convolutions.pdf
    • ee559-handout-7-2-autoencoders.pdf
    • ee559-handout-7-3-denoising-autoencoders.pdf
    • ee559-handout-7-4-VAE.pdf
    • ee559-handout-8-1-CV-tasks.pdf
    • ee559-handout-8-2-image-classification.pdf
    • ee559-handout-8-3-object-detection.pdf
    • ee559-handout-8-4-segmentation.pdf
    • ee559-handout-8-5-dataloader-and-surgery.pdf
    • ee559-handout-9-1-looking-at-parameters.pdf
    • ee559-handout-9-2-looking-at-activations.pdf
    • ee559-handout-9-3-visualizing-in-input.pdf
    • ee559-handout-9-4-optimizing-inputs.pdf
  • 69.72 MB
  • 2020-8-31
  • 【书名】_基础会计(英文版)(第二版) 【作者】_郭桂杭 主编.rar
       【书名】_基础会计(英文版)(第二版) 【作者】_郭桂杭 主编

    • Supplement3 Applications of Present Value.ppt
    • Chapter01 The Accounting Equation and Double-entry Bookkeeping.ppt
    • Chapter02 Accounting Cycle (I) Journalizing, Posting and Preparing Trial Balance.ppt
    • Chapter03 Accounting Cycle (II) Adjustments, Work Sheet and Financial Statements.ppt
    • Chapter04 Accounting Cycle (III) Closing Entries and Post-closing Trial Balance.ppt
    • Chapter05 Sales and Sales Journal.ppt
    • Chapter06 Purchases and Purchases Journal.ppt
    • Chapter07 Cash Receipts Joournal and Cash Payments Journal.ppt
    • Chapter08 Adjusting Entries and Work Sheet for a Merchandising Sole Proprirtorship.ppt
    • Chapter09 Financial Statements and Closing Entries for a Merchandising Sole Proprietorship.ppt
    • Chapter10 Accounts for Partnership and Distribution of Net Income.ppt
    • Chapter11 Changes and Liquidation of a Partnership.ppt
    • Chapter12 Corporation Organization and Stockholders'Equity.ppt
    • Chapter13 Corporation Earnings per Share and Dividends.ppt
    • Chapter 14.ppt
    • Chapter 15.ppt
    • Chapter 16.ppt
    • Chapter 17.ppt
    • Introduction.ppt
    • Supplement1 Fixed Assets and Depreciation Methods.ppt
    • Supplement2 Bank Accounts and Cash Funds.ppt
  • 1.91 MB
  • 2020-3-2
  • Examples Scripts.zip

    • algae.R
    • ar1.R
    • ar3.R
    • autism.R
    • biochem.R
    • bus.R
    • epilepsy.R
    • ExactFit.R
    • flour.R
    • identAR2.R
    • identMA1.R
    • leukemia.R
    • MA1-AO.R
    • mineral.R
    • oats.R
    • resex.R
    • shock.R
    • skin.R
    • step.R
    • vehicle.R
    • wine.R
    • wine1.R
    • wineDougtest.R
    • wood.R
  • 16.13 KB
  • 2019-12-23
  • HBS.rar

    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2018 Dell Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation.pdf
    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 2019 Ride-Hailing Services Forecasting Uber’s Growth.pdf
    • 1982 Johnson & Johnson The Tylenol Tragedy.pdf
    • 1994 Nucleon, Inc..pdf
    • 1997 Silicon Valley of the East Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.pdf
    • 1998 Perrier, Nestle, and the Agnellis.pdf
    • 1999 How Process Enterprises Really Work.pdf
    • 2000 Cafes Monte Bianco Building a Profit Plan.pdf
    • 2000 Coca-Cola's New Vending Machine (A) Pricing to Capture Value, or Not.pdf
    • 2000 Dell Selling Directly, Globally.pdf
    • 2001 Mountain Dew Selecting New Creative.pdf
    • 2001 Nestle Quality on the Boardroom Agenda (A).pdf
    • 2001 Nike, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2001 Nokia Corp. Innovation and Efficiency in a High-Growth Global Firm.pdf
    • 2002 Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice The adidas Connection.pdf
    • 2002 Nestle's Globe Program (A) The Early Months.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil Negotiating at the State Level.pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Coca-Cola's Marketing Challenges in Brazil The Tubaιnas War.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Carrefour S.A..pdf
    • 2005 Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (A).pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2006 FedEx and Environmental Defense Building a Hybrid Delivery Fleet.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs.pdf
    • 2008 Hyundai CardHyundai Capital and GE Money Re-branding Decisions in a Successful Joint Venture.pdf
    • 2008 Research in Motion Managing Explosive Growth.pdf
    • 2009 ATH MicroTechnologies, Inc. (A) Making the Numbers.pdf
    • 2009 Boeing The Fight for Fasteners.pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2010 Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Lessons from the Beijing Olympics.pdf
    • 2010 Homeless World Cup Social Entrepreneurship, Cause Marketing, and a Partnership with Nike.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Shanzhai! MediaTek and the White Box Handset Market.pdf
    • 2011 Bombardier Aerospace The CSeries Dilemma.pdf
    • 2011 Finland and Nokia Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 2011 GE Healthcare (A) Innovating for Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Nokia India Battery Recall Logistics.pdf
    • 2011 State Bank of India Transforming a State Owned Giant.pdf
    • 2011 Vertu Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.pdf
    • 2012 Alphabet Energy.pdf
    • 2012 Coca-Cola in 2011 In Search of a New Model.pdf
    • 2012 Coke and Pepsi from Global to Indian Advertising.pdf
    • 2012 Merck (in 2009) Open for Innovation.pdf
    • 2012 Nestlé SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 Netflix Inc. Streaming Away from DVDs.pdf
    • 2013 Airbus vs. Boeing (A).pdf
    • 2013 Citigroup’s Shareholder Tango in Brazil (A).pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Back in Burma.pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Liquid and Linked.pdf
    • 2013 Governance and Sustainability at Nike (A).pdf
    • 2014 Corporate Governance at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Not A Good Thing.pdf
    • 2014 Facebook and WhatsApp Acquire or Ally.pdf
    • 2014 Hyundai Motor Company Design Takes the Driver's Seat.pdf
    • 2014 Microsoft New Wine in an Old Bottle.pdf
    • 2015 Uber An Empire in the Making.pdf
    • 2016 Adidas RussiaCIS and the Russian Crisis Retrench or Double Down (A).pdf
    • 2016 Airbnb, Etsy, Uber Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers.pdf
    • 2016 Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens.pdf
    • 2016 Cisco India (A) Innovation in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2016 GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analytics.pdf
    • 2016 Netflix International Expansion.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2016 Pricing the EpiPen This is Going to Sting.pdf
    • 2016 Reach Capital Performance in Education Technology.pdf
    • 2017 Fasten Challenging Uber and Lyft with a New Business Model.pdf
    • 2017 i-flex solutions limited (B) The Oracle Years.pdf
    • 2017 Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell.pdf
  • 97.59 MB
  • 2019-11-29
  • James Douglas Hamilton - Time Series Analysis-Princeton University Press (1994).rar

    • James Douglas Hamilton - Time Series Analysis-Princeton University Press (1994).djvu
  • 7.17 MB
  • 2019-9-27
  • 资料.zip

    • 10.1111@j.1467-9361.2011.00639.x.pdf
    • 10.2307@117025.pdf
    • 10.2307@41954318.pdf
    • 1603(1).pdf
    • 1603.pdf
    • 20150528144426_3776.pdf
    • 27-99-1-PB.pdf
    • 432-F638.pdf
    • 4604-Stanley-OBES-2008-MEta-regresion-methods-for-detecting-and-estimating-empirical-effects-in-the-presence-of-publication-selection.pdf
    • 7_ding.pdf
    • a41e8f09e0ef4695c39af351bf25f333eefa.pdf
    • ahmed2016.pdf
    • anzures-cabrera2010.pdf
    • batten2009.pdf
    • bonnal2015.pdf
    • cabral2012.pdf
    • DollarOutwardEDCJ92.pdf
    • doucouliagos2005.pdf
    • doucouliagos2008.pdf
    • doucouliagos2009.pdf
    • dufrenot2010.pdf
    • edwards1998.pdf
    • greenaway1998.pdf
    • harrison1995.pdf
    • how_changes_in_international_trade(1).pdf
    • inflation-and-central-bank-independence-a-meta-regression-analys.pdf
    • iwasaki2014.pdf
    • kali2007.pdf
    • multi0page(1).pdf
    • multi0page.pdf
    • Sachs_Warner_1995.pdf
    • shahbaz2012.pdf
    • stanley2001.pdf
    • stanley2005.pdf
    • subasat2003.pdf
    • w3210.pdf
    • w7457.pdf
    • wp0311.pdf
    • 知识贸易_技术进步与经济增长_苏志庆(1).pdf
    • 经济学中的META回归分析_彭俞超.pdf
    • 贸易开放度与经济增长_理论及中国的经验研究_包群(1).pdf
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  • 2019-3-6
  • handout.pdf

  • 2.91 MB
  • 2019-3-2
  • Archive.zip

    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lecture+1+2018.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lectures+2018+2-3 (1).pdf
    • 773+recitation+5+-+protests+mar2018+handout.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lectures+11-13+2018.pdf
    • 2012Feb22Recitation3.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lectures+5-7+2018.pdf
    • 773+recitation+3+-+bureaucratic+capacity+feb2018+handout.pdf
    • 14773_syllabus_2018_v3_new.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lecture+9+2018.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lecture+8+2018.pdf
    • 773+recitation+4+-+peer+effects+1mar18+handout.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lectures+10+2018.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lectures+2018+2-3.pdf
    • daron%27s+notes.pdf
    • daron+polec+notes.pdf
    • Political+Economy+Slides+Lecture+4+2018.pdf
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  • 2019-2-1
  • Dou, Yijie_ Sarkis, Joseph-Green supply chain management _ a concise introductio.zip
       Green supply chain management : a concise introduction 作者:Dou, Yijie; Sarkis

    • Dou, Yijie_ Sarkis, Joseph-Green supply chain management _ a concise introduction-Routledge (2018).pdf
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  • 2018-11-13
  • (2017)Intuitive Introductory Statistics__1st__Douglas A. Wolfe, Grant Schneider.rar

    • (2017)Intuitive Introductory Statistics__1st__Douglas A. Wolfe, Grant Schneider.pdf
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  • 2018-11-4
  • Cost comparison-spraying, separated part, double injection.rar

    • Cost comparison-spraying, separated part, double injection.xls
  • 518.81 KB
  • 2018-10-27
  • WMS.rar

    • Warehouse Management System _11 - Putaway and Picking Strategies.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _12 - Storage Unit Management.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _13 - Inventory.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _14 - Interfaces.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _15 - Mobile Data Entry (LE-MOB).doc
    • Warehouse Management system _16 - cross-docking (le-wm-dck).doc
    • Warehouse Management System _17 - Value-Added Services (LE-WM-VAS).doc
    • Warehouse Management System _01 - Warehouse Structure.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _02 - Basic Function.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _03 - Planning and Monitoring.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _04 - Basic Stock Management.doc
    • Warehouse Management system _05 - hazardous materials management.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _06 - Warehouse Movement.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _07 - Stock Receipt.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _08 - Goods Issue.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _09 - Stock Transfers and Replenishment.doc
    • Warehouse Management System _10 - Posting Changes.doc
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  • 2018-10-20
  • instrument technical doc.zip

    • bond_futures.pdf
    • bond_futures_options.pdf
    • bond_options.pdf
    • BonusCertificates.pdf
    • CapitalProtection.pdf
    • CapitalProtectionWithCoupon.pdf
    • caps_floors_and_collars.pdf
    • cash.pdf
    • cash_flow_stream.pdf
    • cds_index_option.pdf
    • cds_options.pdf
    • CliquetOption.pdf
    • CMS_spread_options.pdf
    • coco.pdf
    • commodity.pdf
    • commodity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_options.pdf
    • commodity_futures.pdf
    • commodity_options.pdf
    • commodity_swaps.pdf
    • CommodityAverageRateOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • CommodityFutureGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityFutureOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityFuturesSpreadOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityIndexSwapFutures.pdf
    • CommodityOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityRollingFuturesAverageRateOption.pdf
    • CommoditySingleBarrier.pdf
    • ContingentSwaption.pdf
    • convertible_bond.pdf
    • convertible_bond_option.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps_revisited.pdf
    • credit_index.pdf
    • credit_index_revisited.pdf
    • DiscountCertificates.pdf
    • DSF.pdf
    • DualAssetOption.pdf
    • DualBinaryOption.pdf
    • equity.pdf
    • equity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • equity_future_options.pdf
    • equity_futures.pdf
    • equity_options.pdf
    • equity_swaps.pdf
    • EquityCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • EquityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • EquitySingleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityVarianceSwap.pdf
    • forward_vol_agreement.pdf
    • fra.pdf
    • fund.pdf
    • fx_average_rate_options.pdf
    • FX_digital_option.pdf
    • fx_forward.pdf
    • fx_futures.pdf
    • FX_futures_option.pdf
    • FX_option.pdf
    • FXBarrierDigital.pdf
    • FXCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • FXDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • FXGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • FXSingleBarrier.pdf
    • FXTouchOption.pdf
    • FXVarianceSwap.pdf
    • general_sensitivity_instrument.pdf
    • generic_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond_best_practice.pdf
    • GenericPayoffInstrument.pdf
    • HWOneFactorTree.pdf
    • ILB_Extension_of_GB.pdf
    • Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • InflationCapsAndFloors.pdf
    • InflationIndexedLiability.pdf
    • interest_rate_futures_options.pdf
    • IR_Bundle_futures.pdf
    • IR_futures.pdf
    • mandatory_convertible_bond_new.pdf
    • money_market.pdf
    • OutperformanceCertificates.pdf
    • overnight_indexed_swap.pdf
    • PassThroughModels.pdf
    • ReverseConvertible.pdf
    • SecuritizedProductsModelingOverview.pdf
    • SecuritizedTrancheModels.pdf
    • SOFR_Futures.pdf
    • SummaryTable.pdf
    • swap.pdf
    • Swaption.pdf
    • synthetic_CDO.pdf
    • TreasuryLock.pdf
    • UK_index-linked_Gilt.pdf
    • VIX_futures.pdf
    • Warrants.pdf
    • YoY_Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • Australia_New_Zealand_Capital_Index_Bonds.pdf
    • AutoCallableNote.pdf
    • BankLoan.pdf
    • BarrierDiscountCertificates.pdf
    • BDT_swaption_pricing.pdf
  • 83.26 MB
  • 2018-9-21
  • coffee can investing - the low risk road to stupendous wealth (2018).rar
       coffee can investing - the low risk road to stupendous wealth (2018)

    • coffee can investing - the low risk road to stupendous wealth (2018).mobi
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  • 2018-9-12
  • LOMS Transcripts and Handouts.zip

    • case_interview_frameworks.pdf
    • case_interview_slides.pdf
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  • 2018-9-1
  • Doughnut Economics - Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist.rar

    • Doughnut Economics - Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist.azw3
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  • 2018-6-25
  • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaBaijiuSector_UBSEvidenceLabDemandoutlook(ChineseVersion)_.zip

    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaBaijiuSector_UBSEvidenceLabDemandoutlook(ChineseVersion)__Dec_04_2017.pdf
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  • 2018-6-1
  • Experimental Design.zip

    • Design and Analysis of Experiments Montgomery, Douglas C. 8th_Edition.pdf
    • Optimal Design of Experiments A Case Study_.pdf
    • Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples By Richard Valliant, Jill A. Dever, Frauke Kreuter.pdf
    • Sampling Design and Analysis.pdf
    • Sampling Techniques Cochran.pdf
    • Statistics for Experimenters_ Design, Innovation, and Discovery, Second Edition (2005).pdf
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  • 2018-5-31
  • 医药生物(化药、中药、生物药、医疗器械、医药流通、医疗服务)_3.rar

    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究三-新版基药目录投资机会:分享基本药物的下一轮放量.pdf
    • 申银万国-移动医疗行业深度报告:医疗服务平台蓝海扬帆起航.pdf
    • 兴业证券-医药行业:政策专题报告之三-后医改红利时代,寻找处方药行业新的增量.pdf
    • 兴业证券-新型制剂医药行业的下一片蓝海.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之一:医药行业投资核心要素探讨.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之二:日本研究(上篇)降价背景药企生存之路.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之三:日本研究(下篇)降价背景医药投资思路.pdf
    • 国金证券医药行业专题分析(日本为例三篇).zip
    • 国信证券-医药行业2014年(第四届)投资年会会议纪要:风雨彩虹、铿锵玫瑰.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业:无边界扩张2.0,另类医药细分行业深度报告.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业:医药投资,三维体系.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业中国“健康消费品“系列报告之行业篇:最后贵族,消费盛宴.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业全球“健康消费品“产业探路:全球药企,消费新生.pdf
    • 国海证券-血液净化行业深度报告:透析服务政策逐步开放 启动血液净化黄金时代.pdf
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    • 高华证券-问诊中国系列(1):转型中国:仿制药发展将重塑市场格局,买入中国生物制药.pdf
    • 高盛-问诊中国系列(3):探寻中国未来的重磅药品;将石药集团评级上调至买入-通过三维构架来评估中国在研产品的价值.pdf
    • 高盛问诊中国系列报告(三篇).zip
    • 高盛高华-问诊中国系列(2):转型中国:保健品行业将受益于可支配收入的增长.pdf
    • 川财证券-医疗新观察.zip
    • 中投证券-医药生物行业大型综合型医药企业发展趋势分析:王者终将归来.pdf
    • 中投证券-医药终端数据研究:神经系统用药、靶向肿瘤制剂高成长值得期待.pdf
    • 中金公司-医疗保健行业:DoubleA模式抢抓全球专利断崖机遇.pdf
    • 中金公司-消费中国(三)中国医药、全球梦想走向海外的中国制药企业.pdf
    • 中信证券-“后地产时代“宏观产业系列之三:健康产业 下一个规模最大的产业.pdf
    • 中信证券-医药行业深度研究报告:三大医药产业生态系统的崛起.pdf
    • 中信证券-保健品行业:保健食品,黄金十年.pdf
    • 中信建投-移动医疗深度报告:持三大甄选标准,掘移动医疗真金.pdf
    • 方正证券-互联网医疗行业系列报告(二):互联网医疗:重度垂直 闭环为王.pdf
    • 方正证券-互联网医疗行业系列报告(三):互联网医疗:2014高端峰会精粹集锦.pdf
    • 东方证券-互联网医疗:一场移动互联带来的医疗健康革命.pdf
    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究一-国企改善.pdf
    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究二-景气提升催生投资机会.pdf
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  • 2018-5-5
  • 10月份企业IPO与并购重组培训课件.rar

    • 5新三板上市前后应注意的30个财税问题(讲义版).ppt
    • 6企业上市新政与运作流程-人大.pptx
    • 7企业境内上市财务问题.ppt
    • 8企业发行上市法律实务.ppt
    • 1企业并购与整合实务-人大-handout.ppt
    • 2企业并购与整合实务培训补充资料.doc
    • 3公司治理与资本运营学员版.ppt
    • 4于波-企业上市前筹备与股权操作(人大)2017-提纲.ppt
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  • 2018-4-10
  • MapReduce代码8个例子.zip

    • MR4FourSortAndGrouping.java
    • MR5FiveMapperDoubleTimes.java
    • MR6SixMultiFileInMappers.java
    • MR7SevenReverseIndexes.java
    • MR8EightMutualFriend.java
    • P0Job.java
    • PJob.java
    • MR1One.java
    • MR2TwoCompanyNameToAvgSal.java
    • MR3ThreePartitones.java
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  • Presentations with Beamer pt 5 -Themes and Handouts.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 5 -Themes and Handouts.mp4
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  • 双十一销售数据.rar

    • double11_addvar.csv
    • double11_addvar变量说明表.xlsx
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  • 2018-3-14
  • Debt Market.zip

    • Debt_Syllabus_FALL_2014.pdf
    • Demand-supply-session-1.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-2014.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-1-spreadsheet-2014.xlsx
    • Bio of Professor Sundaresan.pdf
    • risk-return-2014.pptx
    • Basel-III-Analysis.pptx
    • credit_channels-2014.pptx
    • SEC Approves Tighter Money Fund Rules - WSJ.pdf
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 1 - Fall 2014.docx
    • Market Transparency_2014.pptx
    • Dark-pools.pdf
    • Rich-Levin-Cravath-Binder.pdf
    • CB_Tools-2014.pptx
    • CB_Handout_2014.pptx
    • Spread_trade_2014.pptx
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 2 - Fall 2014.docx
    • Allan_Levin.docx
    • Deepak-bio.docx
    • Spread_trade_2014-1.pptx
    • Debt-auctions-2014.pptx
    • Bond-Math-Duration-2014.pptx
    • Fixed Income Investment Strategies-2014.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-1-spreadsheet-2014-1.xlsx
    • repo_spread_trade_solution_2014.xlsx
    • Fixed Income Investment Strategies-2014-1.pptx
    • pension_overview_2014a.pptx
    • MBS_2014.pptx
    • Hbg Report Extract.pdf
    • Ch 11-Ch 9 Comparison.pdf
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 3-Fall-2014.docx
    • Detroit Emerges From Bankruptcy, Yet Pension Risks Linger - NYTimes.pdf
    • TIPS Columbia 1 Dec 2014 - Final.ppt
    • Metacapital CBS Presentation Nov 19 2014.pptx
    • Interest_rate_swaps_2014.pptx
    • Review_B8308_2014.doc
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  • 2018-1-22
  • UBS_Fundamental_Equity_Analytics.zip

    • UBSInvestmentBank_FundamentalAnalytics-Earningsqualityredflags–aprimer-Weyns_Sep_14_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_FundamentalAnalytics-Missedout-Q-SeriesHowtoidentifyMAvalue-_Jul_12_2017.pdf
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    • 2010Symposia-WP-YakisDouglasWhittington.pdf
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  • 2017-12-20
  • 陈强数据.rar

    • gdp_china.dta
    • geodata_short.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grilic_small.dta
    • grilic_small.xls
    • Growth.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • icecream.dta
    • lin_1992.dta
    • loanapp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • munnell.dta
    • nelson_plosser.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • sunspot_year.dta
    • szzs.dta
    • titanic.dta
    • Woody3.dta
    • acemoglu.dta
    • airpassengers.dta
    • airq.dta
    • bai_kung.dta
    • border.dta
    • cobb_douglas.dta
    • consumption.dta
    • cpi_month.dta
    • fertility_small.dta
    • food.dta
    • galton.dta
    • gasoline.dta
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  • 2017-11-29
  • 191-200.rar

    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 191) Queues_ A Course in Queueing Theory-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 192) Handbook of Stochastic Models and Analysis of Manufacturing System.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 193) Handbook of OR_MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transport.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 194) Game Theory and Business Applications-S.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 195) Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process_ Economic, Political, Social and Techno.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 196) Linear programming_ foundations and extensions-Springer US (2014).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 197) Handbook of EOQ Inventory Problems_ Stochastic and Determinist.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 198) Models and Methods in Economics and Management Science.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 199) Handbook of Risk Management in Energy Production and Trading.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 200) Essays in Production, Project Planning and Scheduling.pdf
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  • 2017-11-6
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 111-120.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 120) Roderick P. McDonald (auth.), Maia Berkane (eds.)-Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality-Springer-Verlag New York (1997).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 111) Leon Willenborg, Ton de Waal (auth.)-Statistical Disclosure Control in Practice-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 112) Paul R. Cohen, Dawn E. Gregory, Lisa Ballesteros, Robert St. Amant (auth.), Doug Fisher, Hans-J. Lenz (eds.)-Learning from Data_ Artificial Intelligence and Statistic.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 113) Rainer Schwabe (auth.)-Optimum Designs for Multi-Factor Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 114) F. Thomas Bruss, Thomas S. Ferguson (auth.), C. C. Heyde, Yu V. Prohorov, Ronald Pyke, S. T. Rachev (eds.)-Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series An.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 116) Genshiro Kitagawa, Will Gersch (auth.)-Smoothness Priors Analysis of Time Series-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 117) J. G. Dai, John H. Vande Vate (auth.), Paul Glasserman, Karl Sigman, David D. Yao (eds.)-Stochastic Networks-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 118) Radford M. Neal (auth.)-Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 119) Masanao Aoki (auth.), Masanao Aoki, Arthur M. Havenner (eds.)-Applications of Computer Aided Time Series Modeling-Springer-Verlag New York (1997).pdf
  • 81.67 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 131-140.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 140) Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics Volume IV.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 131) Joel L. Horowitz (auth.)-Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 132) Lawrence H. Cox, Douglas Nychka (auth.), Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch, Lawrence H. Cox (eds.)-Case Studies in Environmental Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 133) Michael D. Escobar, Mike West (auth.), Dipak Dey, Peter Müller, Debajyoti Sinha (eds.)-Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics-Springer-Verlag .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 134) Yu. A. Kutoyants (auth.)-Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 135) Christian P. Robert, Sylvia Richardson (auth.), Christian P. Robert (eds.)-Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 136) Gregory C. Reinsel, Raja P. Velu (auth.)-Multivariate Reduced-Rank Regression_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 137) V. Seshadri (auth.)-The Inverse Gaussian Distribution_ Statistical Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 138) József Beck (auth.), Peter Hellekalek, Gerhard Larcher (eds.)-Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 139) Roger B. Nelsen (auth.)-An Introduction to Copulas-Springer New York (1999).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 141-150.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 150) Block Designs_ A Randomization Approach_ Volume I_ Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 141) Brani Vidakovic, Peter Müller (auth.), Peter Müller, Brani Vidakovic (eds.)-Bayesian Inference in Wavelet-Based Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 142) Gyorgy Terdik (auth.)-Bilinear Stochastic Models and Related Problems of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis_ A Frequency Domain Approach-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 143) Russell R. Barton (auth.)-Graphical Methods for the Design of Experiments-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 144) L. Mark Berliner, Douglas A. Nychka, Timothy J. Hoar (auth.), L. Mark Berliner, Douglas Nychka, Timothy Hoar (eds.)-Studies in the Atmospheric Sciences-Springer-Verla.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 145) James H. Matis, Thomas R. Kiffe (auth.), James H. Matis, Thomas R. Kiffe (eds.)-Stochastic Population Models_ A Compartmental Perspective-Springer-Verlag New York (20.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 146) Wim Schoutens (auth.)-Stochastic Processes and Orthogonal Polynomials-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 147) Ludger Overbeck (auth.), Jürgen Franke, Gerhard Stahl, Wolfgang Hardle (eds.)-Measuring Risk in Complex Stochastic Systems-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 148) Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference-Springer-Verlag New York (2001).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 149) Denis Bosq (auth.)-Linear Processes in Function Spaces_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 71-80.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 80) Douglas E. Critchlow, Michael A. Fligner (auth.), Michael A. Fligner, Joseph S. Verducci (eds.)-Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data-Springer-V.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 71) Eduardo M. R. A. Engel (auth.)-A Road to Randomness in Physical Systems-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 72) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Stochastic Processes using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 73) Barry C. Arnold, Enrique Castillo, José-Mariá Sarabia (auth.)-Conditionally Specified Distributions-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 74) Mona Abdalla, Jim Kay (auth.), Piero Barone, Arnoldo Frigessi, Mauro Piccioni (eds.)-Stochastic Models, Statistical Methods, and Algorithms in Image Analysis_ Proceedi.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 75) Joseph B. Kadane, Parthasarathy Bagchi (auth.), Prem K. Goel, N. Sreenivas Iyengar (eds.)-Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (19.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 76) Lennart Bondesson (auth.)-Generalized Gamma Convolutions and Related Classes of Distributions and Densities-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 77) Enno Mammen (auth.)-When Does Bootstrap Work__ Asymptotic Results and Simulations-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 78) Robert Gilchrist, Clive Payne (auth.), Ludwig Fahrmeir, Brian Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gerhard Tutz (eds.)-Advances in GLIM and Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 79) Norbert Schmitz (auth.), Norbert Schmitz (eds.)-Optimal Sequentially Planned Decision Procedures-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 81-90.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 90) Attila Csenki (auth.)-Dependability for Systems with a Partitioned State Space_ Markov and Semi-Markov Theory and Computational Implementation-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 81) Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour, Richard Scheines (auth.)-Causation, Prediction, and Search-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 82) A. P. Korostelev, A. B. Tsybakov (auth.)-Minimax Theory of Image Reconstruction-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 83) Case Studies in Bayes.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 84) Sakutarō Yamada (auth.)-Pivotal Measures in Statistical Experiments and Sufficiency-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 85) Paul Doukhan (auth.)-Mixing_ Properties and Examples-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).djvu
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 86) Werner Vach (auth.)-Logistic Regression with Missing Values in the Covariates-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 87) Jesper M?ller (auth.)-Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1997).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) Series Approximation Methods in Statistics -Springer (2006).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 89) D. J. Hand (auth.), P. Cheeseman, R. W. Oldford (eds.)-Selecting Models from Data_ Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
  • 62.08 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 21-30.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 30) Jan Grandell (auth.)-Stochastic Models of Air Pollutant Concentration-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 21) Howell Tong (auth.)-Threshold Models in Non-linear Time Series Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (1983).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 22) S?ren Johansen (auth.)-Functional Relations, Random Coefficients, and Nonlinear Regression with Application to Kinetic Data-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 23) Diane Griffin Saphire (auth.)-Estimation of Victimization Prevalence Using Data from the National Crime Survey-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 24) Dr. T. Subba Rao, Dr. M. M. Gabr (auth.)-An Introduction to Bispectral Analysis and Bilinear Time Series Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 25) Emanuel Parzen (auth.), Emanuel Parzen (eds.)-Time Series Analysis of Irregularly Observed Data_ Proceedings of a Symposium held at Texas A & M University, College Sta.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 26) Hirotugu Akaike (auth.), Jürgen Franke, Wolfgang Hardle, Douglas Martin (eds.)-Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis_ Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the So.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 27) Arnold Janssen, Hartmut Milbrodt, Helmut Strasser (auth.)-Infinitely Divisible Statistical Experiments-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 28) Shun-ichi Amari (auth.)-Differential-Geometrical Methods in Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 29) Philip M. North, Byron J. T. Morgan (auth.), Byron J. T. Morgan, Philip M. North (eds.)-Statistics in Ornithology-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
  • 62.45 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 31-40.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 40) Hans Rudolf Lerche (auth.)-Boundary Crossing of Brownian Motion_ Its Relation to the Law of the Iterated Logarithm and to Sequential Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 31) Johann Pfanzagl, W. Wefelmeyer-Asymptotic expansions for general statistical models-Springer (1985).djvu
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 32) Robert Gilchrist (auth.), Robert Gilchrist, Brian Francis, Joe Whittaker (eds.)-Generalized Linear Models_ Proceedings of the GLIM 85 Conference held at Lancaster, UK,.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 33) Miklós Csorgo, Sándor Csorgo, Lajos Horváth (auth.)-An Asymptotic Theory for Empirical Reliability and Concentration Processes-Springer-Verlag New York (1986).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 34) Douglas E. Critchlow (auth.)-Metric Methods for Analyzing Partially Ranked Data-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 35) H. Caussinus, J. Vaillant (auth.), T. Caliński, W. Klonecki (eds.)-Linear Statistical Inference_ Proceedings of the International Conference held at Poznań, Poland, Ju.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 36) Bertil Matérn (auth.)-Spatial Variation-Springer New York (1986).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 37) Richard Dykstra, Tim Robertson (auth.), Richard Dykstra, Tim Robertson, Farroll T. Wright (eds.)-Advances in Order Restricted Statistical Inference_ Proceedings of the.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 38) Robert F. Boruch, Robert W. Pearson (auth.), Robert W. Pearson, Robert F. Boruch (eds.)-Survey Research Designs_ Towards a Better Understanding of Their Costs and Bene.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 39) James D. Malley (auth.)-Optimal Unbiased Estimation of Variance Components-Springer-Verlag New York (1986).pdf
  • 41.08 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Data-Finished-本科计量.zip

    • acemoglu.dta
    • airpassengers.dta
    • airq.dta
    • bai_kung.dta
    • border.dta
    • cobb_douglas.dta
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    • cpi_month.dta
    • fertility_small.dta
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    • galton.dta
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    • gdp_china.dta
    • geodata_short.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grilic_small.dta
    • grilic_small.xls
    • Growth.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • icecream.dta
    • lin_1992.dta
    • loanapp.dta
    • macro_3e.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mpyr.dta
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    • szzs.dta
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    • Woody3.dta
  • 347.11 KB
  • 2017-7-29
  • I(1-11).rar

    • Imre Kertesz.zip
    • Ingrid Betancourt.zip
    • Iris Johansen.zip
    • Isabel Allende.zip
    • Isabel Wilkerson.zip
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    • Italo Calvino.zip
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    • Ian Brown.zip
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    • Ian Douglas.zip
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    • Ian McEwan.zip
    • Ian Mortimer.zip
    • Ian Whates.zip
    • Ibrahim Muhawi.zip
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  • 2017-3-24
  • F(1-25).rar

    • Fritz Leiber.zip
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    • Fred Thompson.zip
    • Frederick Douglass.zip
    • Frederick Forsyth.zip
    • Friedrich Nietzsche.zip
    • Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.zip
  • 34.31 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • D(141-165).rar

    • Dubravka Ugresic.zip
    • Duncan Falconer.zip
    • Diane Ravitch.zip
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    • Diane Whiteside.zip
    • Diarmaid MacCulloch.zip
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    • Douglas Preston.zip
    • Dr. Oetker.zip
  • 51.62 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • D(1-20).rar

    • Dan Senor.zip
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  • 40.51 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • C(71-113).rar

    • Conor Kostick.zip
    • Cormac McCarthy.zip
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  • 90.22 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • C(1-20).rar

    • C. E. Murphy.zip
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  • 48.65 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • A(21-70).rar

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  • 82.98 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • National Security and Double Government.zip

    • National Security and Double Government.pdf
  • 1.75 MB
  • 2017-1-22
  • The School-to-Prison Pipeline_Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards.zip

    • The School-to-Prison Pipeline_Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards.pdf
  • 6.65 MB
  • 2017-1-16
  • Kyle_Banker_Peter_Bakkum_Shaun_Verch_Doug_Garrett_Tim_Hawkins-MongoDB_in_Action_.zip

    • Kyle_Banker_Peter_Bakkum_Shaun_Verch_Doug_Garrett_Tim_Hawkins-MongoDB_in_Action__Covers_MongoDB_version_3.0-Manning_Publications_2016_.pdf
  • 4.51 MB
  • 2017-1-2
  • The Limits to Capital (double).zip

    • The Limits to Capital (double).pdf
  • 24.74 MB
  • 2017-1-1
  • MrExcelXLFiles.zip
       Exercise Files

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  • 18.29 MB
  • 2016-9-19
  • Re-examining diversity as a double edged sword for innovation process.zip

    • Re-examining diversity as a double edged sword for innovation process.pdf
  • 456.91 KB
  • 2016-7-8
  • Test Bank (4e).zip
       International Accounting 4th Edition by Timothy Doupnik -- test bank

  • 2.83 MB
  • 2016-3-26
  • 3.zip

    • _管理科学学报_征稿简则_.pdf
    • 一个金融集聚动因的理论模型_车欣薇.pdf
    • 厂商动态竞争性差别定价和竞争优势_省略_于消费者寻求多样化购买行为的分析_蒋传海.pdf
    • 基于Cobb_Douglas效用函数的多属性采购拍卖_李军.pdf
    • 基于投影降维技术的期权组合非线性VaR模型_陈荣达.pdf
    • 房地产价格波动经济影响的一般均衡研究_原鹏飞.pdf
    • 终极控制_资本投向与配置绩效_郝颖.pdf
    • 考虑噪声因子的参数和公差经济性设计策略_张志红.pdf
    • 金融危机对金融机构的冲击及政府救助分析_程棵.pdf
  • 2.76 MB
  • 2016-2-29
  • 27-7.zip

    • Keeping-up-gendered-appearances-representations-of-gender-in-financial-annual-reports_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Journal-of-Accounting-and-Public-Policy_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-social-accounting-project-and-Accounting-Organizations-and-Society-Privileging-engagement-imaginings-new-accountings-and-pragmatism-over-critique-.pdf
    • On-the-role-of-the-organization-in-auditors-client-acceptance-decisions_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • British-central-government-and-the-mercantile-system-of-double-entry-bookkeeping-a-study-of-ideological-conflict_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Soc.pdf
  • 1.27 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 34-1.zip

    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Media-legitimacy-and-corporate-environmental-communication_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Criticisms-of-capitalism-budgeting-and-the-double-enrolment-Budgetary-control-rhetoric-and-social-reform-in-France-in-the-1930s-and-1950s_2009_Account.pdf
    • The-construction-of-auditability-MBA-rankings-and-assurance-in-practice_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Books-to-be-practiced-Memory-the-power-of-the-visual-and-the-success-of-accounting_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Management-accounting-as-normal-social-science_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • National-differences-in-incentive-compensation-practices-The-differing-roles-of-financial-performance-measurement-in-the-United-States-and-the-Netherl.pdf
  • 3.03 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • Design and Analysis.zip
       Design and analysis of experiments / Douglas C. Montgomery. — Eighth edition

    • 261B.pdf
  • 4.97 MB
  • 2016-2-4
  • International_Accounting_Doupnik 4e.zip
       International Accounting

    • International_Accounting_Doupnik.pdf
  • 4.17 MB
  • 2016-1-22
  • ReplicationFiles.zip
       附件1 - AllcottKessler 《NBER》

    • MasterFile.do
    • SelectMPLQuestionandOutputChoice.do
    • SetGlobals.do
  • 2.25 KB
  • 2015-11-16
  • styles.zip
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  • 14.34 MB
  • 2015-8-26
  • Get Rich with Dividends A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns, 2nd Edition.zip
       Get Rich with Dividends A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns, 2nd Edition

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  • 1.69 MB
  • 2015-7-22
  • [emuch.net]OriginLabOriginPro8.5!.rar
       origin8.5 破解版 免安装

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  • 72.93 MB
  • 2015-7-11
  • Cases((全)).zip
       全部82个cases 打包优惠

    • Case 1-1 Harvard Cheating Scandal 3E.docx
    • Case 1-10 Telecommunations 3E.docx
    • Case 1-2 Giles and Regas 3E.docx
    • Case 1-3 NYC Subway Death 3E.docx
    • Case 1-4 Lone Star School District 3E.docx
    • Case 1-5 Reneging on a Promise 3E.docx
    • Case 1-6 Capitalizing versus Expensing 3E.docx
    • Case 1-7 Eating Time 3E.docx
    • Case 1-8 A Faulty Budget.doc
    • Case 1-9 Cleveland Cabinets 3E.docx
    • Case 2-1 WorldCom.docx
    • Case 2-10 Gateway Hospital.docx
    • Case 2-2 Better Boston Beans.docx
    • Case 2-3 The Tax Return.doc
    • Case 2-4 Shifty Industries.docx
    • Case 2-5 Blues Brothers.docx
    • Case 2-6 Supreme Designs.docx
    • Case 2-7 Milton Manufacturing.docx
    • Case 2-8 Juggyfroot.docx
    • Case 2-9 Phar Mor.doc
    • Case 3-1 parable of Sadhu 3E.docx
    • Case 3-10 HP 3E.docx
    • Case 3-2 Amgen Whistleblowing 3E.docx
    • Case 3-3 United Thermostatic Controls 3E.docx
    • Case 3-4 Hewlett Packard 3E.docx
    • Case 3-5 IRS Whistleblower 3E.docx
    • Case 3-6 Bennie and the Jets 3E.docx
    • Case 3-7 Exxon XTO Merger 3E.docx
    • Case 3-8 Steve Jobs Health 3E.docx
    • Case 3-9 Bhopal 3E.docx
    • Case 4-1 America Online 3E.docx
    • Case 4-10 Independence Violations at PwC 3E.docx
    • Case 4-2 Beauda Medical Center 3E.docx
    • Case 4-3 Family Games 3E.docx
    • Case 4-4 First Community Church 3E.docx
    • Case 4-5 Lee Han 3E.docx
    • Case 4-6 Gee Wiz 3E.docx
    • Case 4-7 Family Outreach 3E.docx
    • Case 4-8 HealthSouth 3E.docx
    • Case 4-9 Healthcare Fraud and Accountants' Ethical Obligations 3E.docx
    • Case 5-1 Computer Associates 3E.docx
    • Case 5-10 Groupon 3E.docx
    • Case 5-2 ZZZZ Best 3E.docx
    • Case 5-3 Imperial Valley Thrift Loan 3E.docx
    • Case 5-4 Audit Client Considerations 3E.docx
    • Case 5-5 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 3E.docx
    • Case 5-6 Dunco Industries 3E.docx
    • Case 5-7 First Community Bank 3E.docx
    • Case 5-8 Fannie Mae 3E.docx
    • Case 5-9 Royal Ahold NV 3E.docx
    • Case 6-1 Halliburton and KBR-1.docx
    • Case 6-10 Zurich Financial Services 3E.docx
    • Case 6-2 Con-Way Inc 3E-1.docx
    • Case 6-3 Insider Trading and Accounting Professionals 3E.docx
    • Case 6-4 Anjoorian Third Party Liability 3E-1.docx
    • Case 6-5 Vertical Pharmaceuticals 3E.docx
    • Case 6-6 Point Blank Solutions 3E.docx
    • Case 6-7 Livingston Hayes 3E.docx
    • Case 6-8 Kay Lee 3E.docx
    • Case 6-9 Reznor v JAM 3E.docx
    • Case 7-1 Nortel Networks 3E.docx
    • Case 7-10 Vivendi Universal 3E-3.docx
    • Case 7-2 Solutions Network 3E.docx
    • Case 7-3 Cubbies Cable 3E.docx
    • Case 7-4 Solway 3E.docx
    • Case 7-5 Dell Computer 3E.docx
    • Case 7-6 Sweat Construction 3E.docx
    • Case 7-7 Sunbeam 3E.docx
    • Case 7-8 Diamond Foods 3E.docx
    • Case 7-9 North Face 3E.docx
    • Case 8-1 SEC v Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 3E.docx
    • Case 8-2 Parmalat 3E.docx
    • Case 8-3 Satyam 3E.docx
    • Case 8-4 Royal Dutch Shell 3E.docx
    • Case 8-5 Autonomy 3E.docx
    • Case 8-6 Olympus 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase1 Adelphia 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase2 RoyalAhold.docx
    • Notes MajorCase3 MicroStrategy 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase4 Cendant 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase5 Navistar 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase6 WasteManagment 3E.docx
  • 2.3 MB
  • 2015-7-9
  • Cases (全).zip

    • Case 1-1 Harvard Cheating Scandal 3E.docx
    • Case 1-10 Telecommunations 3E.docx
    • Case 1-2 Giles and Regas 3E.docx
    • Case 1-3 NYC Subway Death 3E.docx
    • Case 1-4 Lone Star School District 3E.docx
    • Case 1-5 Reneging on a Promise 3E.docx
    • Case 1-6 Capitalizing versus Expensing 3E.docx
    • Case 1-7 Eating Time 3E.docx
    • Case 1-8 A Faulty Budget.doc
    • Case 1-9 Cleveland Cabinets 3E.docx
    • Case 2-1 WorldCom.docx
    • Case 2-10 Gateway Hospital.docx
    • Case 2-2 Better Boston Beans.docx
    • Case 2-4 Shifty Industries.docx
    • Case 2-5 Blues Brothers.docx
    • Case 2-6 Supreme Designs.docx
    • Case 2-7 Milton Manufacturing.docx
    • Case 2-8 Juggyfroot.docx
    • Case 2-9 Phar Mor.doc
    • Case 3-1 parable of Sadhu 3E.docx
    • Case 3-10 HP 3E.docx
    • Case 3-2 Amgen Whistleblowing 3E.docx
    • Case 3-3 United Thermostatic Controls 3E.docx
    • Case 3-4 Hewlett Packard 3E.docx
    • Case 3-5 IRS Whistleblower 3E.docx
    • Case 3-6 Bennie and the Jets 3E.docx
    • Case 3-7 Exxon XTO Merger 3E.docx
    • Case 3-8 Steve Jobs Health 3E.docx
    • Case 4-1 America Online 3E.docx
    • Case 4-10 Independence Violations at PwC 3E.docx
    • Case 4-2 Beauda Medical Center 3E.docx
    • Case 4-3 Family Games 3E.docx
    • Case 4-4 First Community Church 3E.docx
    • Case 4-5 Lee Han 3E.docx
    • Case 4-6 Gee Wiz 3E.docx
    • Case 4-7 Family Outreach 3E.docx
    • Case 4-8 HealthSouth 3E.docx
    • Case 4-9 Healthcare Fraud and Accountants' Ethical Obligations 3E.docx
    • Case 5-1 Computer Associates 3E.docx
    • Case 5-10 Groupon 3E.docx
    • Case 5-2 ZZZZ Best 3E.docx
    • Case 5-3 Imperial Valley Thrift Loan 3E.docx
    • Case 5-4 Audit Client Considerations 3E.docx
    • Case 5-5 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 3E.docx
    • Case 5-6 Dunco Industries 3E.docx
    • Case 5-7 First Community Bank 3E.docx
    • Case 5-8 Fannie Mae 3E.docx
    • Case 5-9 Royal Ahold NV 3E.docx
    • Case 6-1 Halliburton and KBR-1.docx
    • Case 6-10 Zurich Financial Services 3E.docx
    • Case 6-2 Con-Way Inc 3E-1.docx
    • Case 6-3 Insider Trading and Accounting Professionals 3E.docx
    • Case 6-4 Anjoorian Third Party Liability 3E-1.docx
    • Case 6-5 Vertical Pharmaceuticals 3E.docx
    • Case 6-6 Point Blank Solutions 3E.docx
    • Case 6-7 Livingston Hayes 3E.docx
    • Case 6-8 Kay Lee 3E.docx
    • Case 6-9 Reznor v JAM 3E.docx
    • Case 7-1 Nortel Networks 3E.docx
    • Case 7-10 Vivendi Universal 3E-3.docx
    • Case 7-2 Solutions Network 3E.docx
    • Case 7-3 Cubbies Cable 3E.docx
    • Case 7-4 Solway 3E.docx
    • Case 7-5 Dell Computer 3E.docx
    • Case 7-6 Sweat Construction 3E.docx
    • Case 7-7 Sunbeam 3E.docx
    • Case 7-8 Diamond Foods 3E.docx
    • Case 7-9 North Face 3E.docx
    • Case 8-1 SEC v Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 3E.docx
    • Case 8-2 Parmalat 3E.docx
    • Case 8-3 Satyam 3E.docx
    • Case 8-4 Royal Dutch Shell 3E.docx
    • Case 8-5 Autonomy 3E.docx
    • Case 8-6 Olympus 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase1 Adelphia 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase2 RoyalAhold.docx
    • Notes MajorCase3 MicroStrategy 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase4 Cendant 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase5 Navistar 3E.docx
    • Notes MajorCase6 WasteManagment 3E.docx
  • 2.25 MB
  • 2015-7-9
  • sm_bruner_7.zip
       word 版本

    • TN10_Value_Line_Publishing_October_2002.docx
    • TN11_Horniman_Horticulture.docx
    • TN12_Guna_Fibres_Ltd.docx
    • TN14_Roche_Holdings_AG_Funding_the_Genentech_Acquisition.docx
    • TN15_Nike_case_or_New_Heinz_Case.docx
    • TN16_Teletech_Corporation_2005.docx
    • TN17_The_Boeing_7E7.docx
    • TN18_The_Investment_Detective.docx
    • TN19_Worldwide_Paper_Company.docx
    • TN1_Warren_E_Buffett_2005.docx
    • TN20_Target_Corporation.docx
    • TN21_Aurora_Textile_Company.docx
    • TN22_Compass_Records.docx
    • TN23_The_Procter_and_Gamble_Company_Crest_Whitestrips.docx
    • TN24_25_Victoria_Chemicals_plc_A_and_B.docx
    • TN26_Star_River_Electronics_Ltd.docx
    • TN27_Jacobs_Division.docx
    • TN28_UVa_Hospital_System_The_Long_term_Acute_Care_Hospita_Project.docx
    • TN29_Gainesboro_Machine_Tools_Corporation.docx
    • TN2_Bill_Miller_and_Value_Trust.docx
    • TN30_Autozone.docx
    • TN31_An_Introduction_to_Debt_Policy_and_Value.docx
    • TN33_California_Pizza_Kitchen.docx
    • TN34_The_Wm_Wrigley_Jr_Company_Capital_Structure_Valuation_and_Cost_of_Capital.docx
    • TN35_Deluxe_Corporation.docx
    • TN36_Horizon_Lines.docx
    • TN37_Carrefour_S_A.docx
    • TN38_Baker_Adhesives.docx
    • TN39_J_L_Railroad.docx
    • TN3_Ben_Jerry_s_Homemade.docx
    • TN40_Primus_Automation_Division_2002.docx
    • TN41_MoGen_Inc.docx
    • TN43_American_Greetings.docx
    • TN44_Arcadian_Microarray_Technologies_Inc.docx
    • TN45_JetBlue_Airways_IPO_Valuation.docx
    • TN46_Rosetta_Stone.docx
    • TN47_The_Timken_Company.docx
    • TN48_Sun_Microsystems.docx
    • TN49_Hershey_Foods_Corporation.docx
    • TN4_The_Battle_for_Value_2004_FedEx_Corp_vs_United_Parcel_Service_Inc.docx
    • TN50_Flinder_Valves_and_Controls_Inc.docx
    • TN51_Palamon_Capital_Partners_Team_System_SPA.docx
    • TN52_Purinex_Inc.docx
    • TN53_Medfield_Pharmaceuticals.docx
    • TN5_Genzyme_and_Relational_Investors.docx
    • TN7_The_Financial_Detective_2005.docx
    • TN8_Krispy_Kreme_Doughnuts_Inc.docx
    • TN9_The_Body_Shop_International_PLC_2001_An_Introduction_to_Financial_Modeling.docx
  • 5.6 MB
  • 2015-7-8
  • Advanced.Accounting,.Joe.Ben.Hoyle,.Thomas.Schaefer,.Timothy.Doupnik,.10ed,.MGH,.2011.zip

    • Advanced.Accounting,.Joe.Ben.Hoyle,.Thomas.Schaefer,.Timothy.Doupnik,.10ed,.MGH,.2011.pdf
  • 7.81 MB
  • 2015-6-12
  • doubleloop.zip

    • doubleloop.mdl
  • 11.15 KB
  • 2015-6-4
  • Microeconomics-B.Douglas Bernheim & Michael D.Whinston.rar
       Microeconomics-B.Douglas Bernheim & Michael D.Whinston

    • Microeconomics-B.Douglas Bernheim & Michael D.Whinston.pdf
  • 17.84 MB
  • 2015-5-5
  • bubble.rar

    • 1998 Initial cash asset ratio and asset prices an experimental study.pdf
    • 1995 Futures contracting and dividend uncertainty in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 1991 Private information acquisition in experimental markets prone to bubble and crash.pdf
    • 1990 Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.pdf
    • 1988 Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2015 Thar SHE Blows_Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 To see is to believe Common expectations in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 The impact of different incentive schemes on asset prices.pdf
    • 2014 The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an Experimental Market.pdf
    • 2014 Relative Performance Incentives and Price Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles.pdf
    • 2014 How do experienced traders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders_An experimental analysis.pdf
    • 2014 Experimental evidence on varying uncertainty and skewness in laboratory double-auction markets.pdf
    • 2014 Double Bubbles in Assets Markets With Multiple Generations.pdf
    • 2014 Do option-like incentives induce overvaluation_Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Bubbling with Excitement An Experiment.pdf
    • 2014 Asset-holdings caps and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Asset price bubbles a survey.pdf
    • 2014 Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2013 The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior Evidence from the lab.pdf
    • 2013 The Bubble Game An Experimental Study of Speculation.pdf
    • 2013 Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments Evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price.pdf
    • 2013 Stulz, R. M., Harris, M., & Constantinides, G. M. (2013). Handbook of the Economics of Finance SET. Amsterdam North Holland..pdf
    • 2013 Reaction to Public Information in Markets How much does Ambiguity Matter.pdf
    • 2013 In the Mind of the Market Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Fight or freeze Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2013 Differentiated assets An experimental study on bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Before and after The impact of a real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab.pdf
    • 2013 A Review of bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Two heads are less bubbly than one team decision-making in an experimental asset market.pdf
    • 2012 Tournament incentives and asset price bubbles Evidence from a field experiment.pdf
    • 2012 The impact of instructions and procedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Thar she bursts_reducing confusion reduces bubbles.pdf
    • 2012 Relative performance information in asset markets An experimental approach.pdf
    • 2012 Excitement and irrationality in a financial market.pdf
    • 2012 Bubbles and Information An Experiment.pdf
    • 2012 Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods An Experimental Study.pdf
    • 2011 Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2011 On the ingredients for bubble formation Informed traders and communication.pdf
    • 2011 Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based Asset Market Experiment.pdf
    • 2011 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement Trading Institution.pdf
    • 2010 The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior.pdf
    • 2010 Digital options and efficiency in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2010 Bubble measures in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2009 An experimental test of the impact of overconfidence and gender.pdf
    • 2008 Thar She Blows Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects.pdf
    • 2008 Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments.pdf
    • 2007 Traders’ expectations in asset markets_experimental evidence.pdf
    • 2007 Risk attitude and market behavior Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 The effect of short selling on bubbles and crashes in experimental spot asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Margin, short selling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Futures markets and bubble formation in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2005 bubbles and experience An experiment.pdf
    • 2003 Boundaries of the tournament pricing effect in asset markets Evidence from experimental markets.pdf
    • 2002 Simultaneous over- and underconfidence Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2002 Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks.pdf
    • 2001 The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2001 Price bubbles in laboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values.pdf
    • 2001 Financial Bubbles_Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information.pdf
    • 2000 Momentum and overreaction in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Asset markets How they are affected by tournament incentives for individuals.pdf
  • 67.2 MB
  • 2015-5-4
  • 曼昆经济学原理(英文)第六版课件.rar

    • princ_ch36_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch01_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch02_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch03_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch04_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch05_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch06_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch07_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch08_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch09_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch10_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch11_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch12_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch13_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch14_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch15_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch16_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch17_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch18_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch19_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch20_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch21_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch22_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch23_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch24_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch25_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch26_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch27_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch28_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch29_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch30_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch31_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch32_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch33_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch34_studenthandout6e.pdf
    • princ_ch35_studenthandout6e.pdf
  • 4.45 MB
  • 2015-5-2
  • 9780470754191.rar

    • Volatility Time Interpolator.xls
    • 9780470754191.pdf
    • Cross Volatility Matrix.xls
    • Pricer for Barriers.xls
    • Pricer for Digitals.xls
    • Pricer for Double Barriers and DNT.xls
    • Pricer for Fwd Start Options.xls
    • Pricer for Main Structures.xls
    • Pricer for Plain Vanilla.xls
    • Pricer for Quanto Options.xls
    • Pricer for Reverse Barriers.xls
    • Volatility Matrix.xls
  • 3.66 MB
  • 2015-4-4
  • 医疗生物综合.rar

    • 川财证券-新模式-新产品-新动态第十期:医疗新观察:医疗支付数据的实际应用.pdf
    • 川财证券-医疗新观察:EHR正在与远程医疗加速融合.pdf
    • 川财证券-医疗新观察:基于医疗效果的付费模式.pdf
    • 川财证券-医疗新观察:灵活的数据表现形式是EHR的发展方向.pdf
    • 川财证券-医疗新观察Google的大数据时代-新模式新产品新动态第四期.pdf
    • 高华证券-问诊中国系列(1):转型中国:仿制药发展将重塑市场格局买入中国生物制药.pdf
    • 高盛高华-问诊中国系列(2):转型中国:保健品行业将受益于可支配收入的增长.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之二:日本研究(上篇)降价背景药企生存之路.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之三:日本研究(下篇)降价背景医药投资思路.pdf
    • 国金行业-医药行业专题分析报告之一:医药行业投资核心要素探讨.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业:无边界扩张2.0,另类医药细分行业深度报告.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业:医药投资,三维体系.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业全球“健康消费品“产业探路:全球药企,消费新生.pdf
    • 国泰君安-医药行业中国“健康消费品“系列报告之行业篇:最后贵族,消费盛宴.pdf
    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究二-景气提升催生投资机会.pdf
    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究三-新版基药目录投资机会:分享基本药物的下一轮放量.pdf
    • 申银万国-医药行业专题研究一-国企改善.pdf
    • 兴业证券-新型制剂医药行业的下一片蓝海.pdf
    • 招商行业-全球视角:国际板引发的中国医药股估值思考——风雨迷途,HOLD住成长.pdf
    • 中金公司-消费中国(三)中国医药、全球梦想走向海外的中国制药企业.pdf
    • 中金公司-医疗保健行业:DoubleA模式抢抓全球专利断崖机遇.pdf
    • 中投证券-医药生物行业大型综合型医药企业发展趋势分析:王者终将归来.pdf
    • 中投证券-医药终端数据研究:神经系统用药、靶向肿瘤制剂高成长值得期待.pdf
    • 中信证券-保健品行业:保健食品,黄金十年.pdf
    • 中信证券-医药行业深度研究报告:三大医药产业生态系统的崛起.pdf
  • 28.4 MB
  • 2015-4-3
  • CT.rar

  • 79.53 KB
  • 2015-3-21
  • Statistical Consulting-Springer New York (2002).rar

    • ( ) Javier Cabrera, Andrew McDougall (auth.)-Statistical Consulting-Springer New York (2002).pdf
  • 8.15 MB
  • 2015-2-23

  • 302.77 KB
  • 2015-1-6
  • Douglas N. Clark-Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations 2000.zip

    • Douglas N. Clark-Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations 2000.pdf
  • 2.18 MB
  • 2014-12-23
  • 2014 GC Singapore 1.1 HANDOUT Vessel types.rar

    • 2014 GC Singapore 1.1 HANDOUT Vessel types.pdf
  • 5.09 MB
  • 2014-12-7
  • Christopher Dougherty-Introduction to Econometrics (2007).rar

    • Christopher Dougherty-Introduction to Econometrics (2007).pdf
  • 2.51 MB
  • 2014-11-10
  • FE_2.zip

    • Handout_5_2014_updated_version.pdf
    • Handout_6_VAR_2014.pdf
    • Heston_SV.pdf
    • Merton jump diffusion.pdf
    • Oil_prices_handout_updated _version.pdf
    • Syllabus_new_2014.pdf
  • 2.42 MB
  • 2014-9-29
  • FE_1.zip

    • Handout_1_2014.pdf
    • Handout_2_2014.pdf
    • Handout_3_2014.pdf
    • Handout_4_2014.pdf
  • 450.33 KB
  • 2014-9-29
  • 2,ppt, porject, excersise, practical.zip

    • Spring_Week10 SlidesCodes.zip
    • Spring_Week2.pdf
    • Spring_Week4.zip
    • Spring_Week6_Handout.pdf
    • Spring_Week8_Handout.pdf
    • Week10_Handouts.pdf
    • Week2.pdf
    • Week4_handout.pdf
    • Week6_Handouts.pdf
    • Week8_Handouts.pdf
    • Week9_Handouts.pdf
  • 5.37 MB
  • 2014-9-29
  • styles.zip

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    • Obstetrics and Gynecology.ens
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    • Research J Veterinary Sci.ens
    • Knee.ens
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    • Multiple Sclerosis.ens
    • J Circadian Rhythms.ens
    • Im OP.ens
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    • J Neg Results in Biomed.ens
    • Perspectives Psych Care.ens
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    • Res Organizational Behavior.ens
    • Intl J Simulation Multidisc Des Optim.ens
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    • Can J Plant Sci.ens
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    • Procedia Chemistry.ens
    • Annals Pure Applied Logic.ens
    • Trans Signal Process.ens
    • Archives Surgery.ens
    • BMC Biology.ens
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    • Brain Pathology.ens
    • Endoskopie heute.ens
    • Public Health Genomics.ens
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    • J Palliative Med.ens
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    • J Amer College Surgeons.ens
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    • Intl J Polymer Analysis Character.ens
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    • Birth Defects Research A.ens
    • J Rural Health.ens
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    • J Neurochem.ens
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    • Human Mutation.ens
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    • Harvard Intl J Press-Politics.ens
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    • J Chromatography-B.ens
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    • BBA - Reviews on Cancer.ens
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    • CA Cancer J Clin.ens
    • Trends Plant Science.ens
    • ICES J Marine Sci.ens
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