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  • 978-1-4419-3161-0.Modeling Survival Data Extending the Cox Model.rar

    • 978-1-4419-3161-0.Modeling Survival Data Extending the Cox Model.pdf
  • 36.99 MB
  • 2020-1-31
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2000-2002).rar

    • 2000.Modeling Survival Data_ Extending the Cox Model(2000).pdf
    • 2002.Logistic Regression_ A Self-learning Text(2002).pdf
    • 2000.Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data(2000).pdf
    • 2001.Analyzing Medical Data Using S-PLUS-Springer-Verlag New York (2001).pdf
    • 2001.Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics_ An Introduction(2001).pdf
    • 2002.Estimating Animal Abundance_ Closed Populations(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Likelihood, Bayesian and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics(2002).djvu
    • 2002.Likelihood, Bayesian and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics-Springer-Verlag (2002).pdf
  • 73.67 MB
  • 2017-9-14
  • Survival Models-datasets and R scripts.zip

    • CMI_Deaths.csv
    • CMI_Exposures.csv
    • EngWales_Deaths.txt
    • EngWales_Exposures.txt
    • CMI_read.r
    • EngWales_read.r
    • 1 Kaplan_Meier.r
    • 2 Cox model.r
    • 3 Binomial_CFM_p49.r
    • 4 Binomial_UDD_p49.r
    • 5 Gompertz.r
    • 6 Standard table.r
    • 7 Test_GoF.r
    • 8 Chap_7_Eg.r
    • 9 Residuals.r
    • Function_Example.r
    • use survivfit() to fit the__ Kaplan-Meier model(exa).r
    • information on data files.pdf
    • brief guide to the specialist__ survival models functions.pdf
    • functions to test__ graduations.pdf
  • 2.38 MB
  • 2009-9-15