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  • Daring Greatly_How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love.zip
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    • Daring Greatly_How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.pdf
    • Daring Greatly_How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.epub
  • 1.31 MB
  • 2016-8-18
  • TheCourageToAct.zip

    • TheCourageToAct.epub
  • 5.26 MB
  • 2015-11-13
  • BBC种子(11-28).rar

    • BBC.The.Most.Courageous.Raid.of.WWII.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv.torrent
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    • BBC.Imagine.2011.Alan.Ayckbourn.Greetings.from.Scarborough.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv.torrent
    • BBC.Imagine.2011.Grayson.Perry.and.the.Tomb.of.the.Unknown.Craftsman.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv.torrent
    • BBC.Imagine.2011.Vidal.Sassoon.A.Cut.Above.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv.torrent
    • BBC.Remembrance.Sunday.The.Cenotaph.2011.576p.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mp4.torrent
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  • 2013-2-17
  • Acemoglu 3.rar

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    • Persistence of Power, Elites, and Institutions.pdf
    • Political Economy of Ramsey Taxation Acemoglu 26.pdf
    • Political Limits to Globalization.pdf
    • Political Selection and persistence of bad government Acemoglu 34.pdf
    • Power Fluctuations and Political Economy Acemoglu 8.pdf
    • Price and capacity competition.pdf
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    • Productivity Differences Between and Within Countries.pdf
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    • Reply to the Revised (May 2006) version of David Albouy’s “The Colonial origins Acemoglu 24.pdf
    • Skills, Tasks and Technologies Implications for Employment and earnings Acemoglu 37.pdf
    • Spread of (Mis)Information in Social Acemoglu 33.pdf
    • State-Dependent Intellectual Property Rights Policy Axemoglu 12.pdf
    • Technical Change, Inequality, and the Labor Market.pdf
    • TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND THE decentralization of the firm.pdf
    • The Economics of Labor Coercion Acemoglu 29.pdf
    • The Environment and Directed Technical Change Acemoglu 8.pdf
    • The labor market and corporate structure.pdf
    • The Structure of Wages and Investment in General Training.pdf
    • Theory, General Equilibrium and Political Economy Acemoglu 31.pdf
    • Unbundling Institutions.pdf
    • Vertical Integration and Technology Acemoglu 36.pdf
    • Wages and Employment Persistence with Multi-worker Firms Acemoglu 7.pdf
    • When Does Labor Scarcity Encourage Innovation Acemoglu 25.pdf
  • 21.07 MB
  • 2011-1-1
  • photos.rar

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  • 2010-2-14
  • 银行监管.rar

    • 资本水平的国际比较.pdf
    • A Risk-Factor Model Foundation for Ratings-Based Bank Capital rules.pdf
    • An analysis and critique of the BIS proposal on capital adequacy and ratings.pdf
    • Basel Capital Requirements and Bank Credit Risk Taking In Developing Countries.pdf
    • BASEL协议是否导致了拉美的信贷紧缩.pdf
    • Capital requirements and bank behaviourEmpirical evidence for Switzerland(1).pdf
    • Capital Requirements, Business Loans, and Business Cycles An Empirical Analysis of the Standardized Approach in the New Basel Capital Accord.pdf
    • Credit Risk and the Role of Capital Adequacy Regulation.pdf
    • CreditCrunch,BankLending,andMonetary.pdf
    • Dimensions of Credit Risk and Their Relationship to Economic Capital Requirements.pdf
    • Do capital adequacy requirements reduce risks in banking(1).pdf
    • Does bank capital affect lending behavior.pdf
    • Effects of the New Basel Capital Accord on Bank1.pdf
    • Furlong1988.pdf
    • Hovakimian.pdf
    • impact of basel 2 on lending to small-and medium sized firms spain1.pdf
    • Incentives for risk-taking in banking A unified approach .pdf
    • Loan pricing under Basel capital requirements.pdf
    • Peek.pdf
    • Risk management, capital structure and.pdf
    • The Credit Crunch and the Availability of Credit to Small Business.pdf
    • The cyclical behavior of optimal bank capital.pdf
    • The effectiveness of bank capital adequacy regulation A theoretical and empirical approach.pdf
    • The impact of CRA agreements on commercial banks.pdf
    • The impact of the 1988 Basel Accord on banks' capital ratios and credit risk-taking an international study1.pdf
    • The implications of the new capital adequacy.pdf
    • The Macroeconomic impact of bank capital requirements in emerging economies.pdf
    • The New Basel Capital Accord and Questions for Research.pdf
    • Will the proposed application of Basel II in the United States encourage increased bank merger activity.pdf
    • 巴塞尔协议下银行的规模与风险承担.pdf
    • 巴塞尔协议遇到的问题:监管博弈及其他.pdf
    • 贷款紧缩效应实证.pdf
    • 风险管理与资本预算和结构.pdf
    • 风险偏好实证.pdf
    • 理论充足性水平实证.pdf
    • 银行监管与风险偏(国际比较).pdf
    • 银行资本监管的事前和事后比较.pdf
    • 银行资本监管与风险偏好.pdf
    • 中东和北非国家的实证.pdf
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  • 2009-8-17
  • 211461.rar

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  • 2008-5-9
  • 146169.rar
       [new]The Courage to Act: 5 Factors of Courage to Transform Business

    • 5.Factors.Of.Courage.To.Transform.Business.chm
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  • 2007-8-14
  • 146164.rar
       The Courage to Act: 5 Factors of Courage to Transform Business

    • 5.Factors.Of.Courage.To.Transform.Business.chm
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  • 2007-8-14