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  • 51802.rar

    • Analyzing Convertible Securities.pdf
    • A Continuous Time Approach to the Pricing of Bonds.pdf
    • Option pricing A simplified approach.pdf
    • Inside the black Box,Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission.pdf
    • Its Baaack Japan's Slump AND Return of the Liquidity Trap.pdf
    • notes on the economics of infinity.pdf
    • Private and Public Supply of Liquidity.pdf
    • Public Debt and Private Liquidity.pdf
    • Recent Developments in Modeling Financial Intermediation.pdf
    • Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic.pdf
    • Thefinancial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework.pdf
    • 汇率规避.pdf
  • 15.83 MB
  • 2006-5-8
  • 37697.rar
       [Calamos, John P] Convertible Securities

    • [Calamos, John P] Convertible Securities-The Latest Instuments, Portfolio Strategies, and Valuation Analysis.pdf
  • 7.4 MB
  • 2006-1-17