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  • Game Theory for Next Generation Wireless and Communication Networks.rar

    • 9781108417334.jpg
    • 01.0_pp_i_ii_Endorsements.pdf
    • 02.0_pp_iii_vi_Frontmatter.pdf
    • 03.0_pp_vii_viii_Dedication.pdf
    • 04.0_pp_ix_xi_Contents.pdf
    • 05.0_pp_xii_xii_Acknowledgements.pdf
    • 06.0_pp_1_8_Introduction.pdf
    • 07.0_pp_9_10_Theory.pdf
    • 07.1_pp_11_37_Matching_Games.pdf
    • 07.2_pp_38_107_Contract_Theory.pdf
    • 07.3_pp_108_111_Stochastic_Games.pdf
    • 07.4_pp_112_122_Games_with_Bounded_Rationality.pdf
    • 07.5_pp_123_143_Learning_in_Games.pdf
    • 07.6_pp_144_167_Equilibrium_Programming_with_Equilibrium_Constraints.pdf
    • 07.7_pp_168_192_Miscellaneous_Games.pdf
    • 08.0_pp_193_194_Applications.pdf
    • 08.1_pp_195_257_Applications_of_Game_Theory_in_the_Internet_of_Things.pdf
    • 08.2_pp_258_269_Applications_of_Game_Theory_in_Network_Virtualization.pdf
    • 08.3_pp_270_314_Applications_of_Game_Theory_in_Cloud_Networking.pdf
    • 08.4_pp_315_346_Applications_of_Game_Theory_in_Context-Aware_Networks_and_Mobile_Services.pdf
    • 08.5_pp_347_376_Applications_of_Game_Theory_for_Green_Communication_Networks.pdf
    • 08.6_pp_377_424_4G_5G_and_Beyond.pdf
    • 08.7_pp_425_458_Security.pdf
    • 09.0_pp_459_493_References.pdf
    • 10.0_pp_494_496_Index.pdf
  • 10.78 MB
  • 2019-6-13
  • Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability(41-50).rar

    • (Applications of Mathematics 47) Heavy Traffic Analysis of Controlled Queueing and Communication Networks(2001).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 50) Information-spectrum methods in information theory(2003).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 41) Stochastic Models in Reliability(2013).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 41) Stochastic models in reliability-Springer (1999).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 42) Further Topics on Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes(1999).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 43) Stochastic Controls_ Hamiltonian Systems and HJB Equations(19.pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 44) Introduction to Stochastic Networks(1999).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 45) Stochastic Calculus and Financial Applications(2000).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 45) Stochastic Calculus and Financial Applications(2000).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 45) Stochastic calculus and financial applications(2001).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 46) Fundamentals of Queueing Networks_ Performance, Asymptotics, and Optimization(2001).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 48) Stochastic Portfolio Theory(2002).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 49) Two-Scale Stochastic Systems_ Asymptotic Analysis and Control(2003).pdf
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  • 2017-9-13
  • Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization.zip

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    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Capitals of Capital.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Contents.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Contributors.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Copyright.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Cross-listing and the Evolution of Global Stock Market Liquidity.pdf
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    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Figures.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] From the Renaissance Exchanges to Cyberspace- A History of Stock Market Globalization.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] How Stock Exchange Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Competitors’ Shareholder Value- Global Evidence.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Index.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Introduction- Stock Market Globalization, Past and Present.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Latin American Stock Markets- Recent History and Prospects.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Prologue- Events from February to July 2011.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] Tables.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] The Evolution of the Managed Funds Industry- Investment Trusts in Nineteenth-century Britain.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] The Social Closure of the Stock Exchange.pdf
    • [9781847207562 - Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization] The Stock Market and the Corporate Economy- A Historical Overview.pdf
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  • 2016-8-17
  • Acemoglu 3.rar

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    • Opinion Dynamics and Learning in Social Networks Acemoglu 27.pdf
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    • State-Dependent Intellectual Property Rights Policy Axemoglu 12.pdf
    • Technical Change, Inequality, and the Labor Market.pdf
    • TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND THE decentralization of the firm.pdf
    • The Economics of Labor Coercion Acemoglu 29.pdf
    • The Environment and Directed Technical Change Acemoglu 8.pdf
    • The labor market and corporate structure.pdf
    • The Structure of Wages and Investment in General Training.pdf
    • Theory, General Equilibrium and Political Economy Acemoglu 31.pdf
    • Unbundling Institutions.pdf
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  • 2011-1-1