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  • 国有城市农村村镇商业银行信用联社应收利息2015-202212.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • BANK_InterestReceivable[DES][xlsx].txt
    • BANK_InterestReceivable.xlsx
  • 843.3 KB
  • 2024-5-18
  • Knowing_where_others_stand_Accuracy_and_performance_effects_of_individuals'.rar

    • Knowing_where_others_stand_Accuracy_and_performance_effects_of_individuals'_perceived_status_hierarc1.pdf
  • 216.48 KB
  • 2024-1-17
  • Measuring Perceived Supervisory and Organizational Support.zip

    • Measuring Perceived Supervisory and Organizational Support.pdf
  • 424.83 KB
  • 2020-10-13
  • Public Transportation Quality of Service Factors, Models, and Applications.zip

    • Index_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Designing-a-Survey-for-Public-_2018_Public-Transportation-Qualit.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Introduction_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Chapter-2---How-to-Study-Perceived-Quality-_2018_Public-Transportation-Quali.pdf
    • Acknowledgments_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Beyond-Perceived-Quality--De_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Quality-in-Public-Transport-Contracts-----This-c_2018_Public-Tr.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Public-Participation-Techniques-_2018_Public-Transportation-Qual.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Most-Basic-Methods_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Chapter-5---Geo-Social-Differences-in-the-P_2018_Public-Transportation-Quali.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Methods-Based-on-Random-Uti_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-o.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Data-Mining-Approache_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Serv.pdf
    • Copyright_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Service.pdf
    • Chapter-8---Structural-Equation-Mod_2018_Public-Transportation-Quality-of-Se.pdf
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  • 2018-11-7
  • hillary-clinton-emails.zip

    • Aliases.csv
    • EmailReceivers.csv
    • Emails.csv
    • Persons.csv
    • database.sqlite
    • hashes.txt
  • 13.54 MB
  • 2018-8-20
  • financial accounting IFRS.rar

    • ch14 Financial Statement Analysis.pptx
    • ch01 Accounting in Action.pptx
    • ch02 The Recording Process.pptx
    • ch03 Adjusting the Accounts.pptx
    • ch04 Completing the Accounting Cycle.pptx
    • ch05 Accounting for Merchandising Operations.pptx
    • ch06 Inventories.pptx
    • ch07 Fraud, Internal Control, Cash.pptx
    • ch08 Accounting for Receivables.pptx
    • ch09 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, Intangible Assets.pptx
    • ch10 Liabilities.pptx
    • ch11 Share Transactions, Dividend, Retained Earnings.pptx
    • ch12 Investments.pptx
    • ch13 Statement of Cash Flow.pptx
  • 45.74 MB
  • 2018-3-13
  • 外资16949流程图32个英文版.zip

    • TS24-00 Resource Mgmt Training.xls
    • xTS00-00 MATK Linkage Map .xls
    • xTS01a-00 APQP Phase 1.xls
    • xTS01b-00 Contract review.xls
    • xTS02-00 APQP Phase 2.xls
    • xTS03-00 APQP Phase 3.xls
    • xTS04-00 APQP Phase 4.xls
    • xTS05-00 APQP Phase 5.xls
    • xTS05-00 APQP Phase 5.xls
    • xTS06-00 Customer Releases.xls
    • xTS07-00 Scheduling.xls
    • xTS08-00 Manufacturing + Assembly.xls
    • xTS09-00 Shipping.xls
    • xTS11-00 Process-Tooling Design.xls
    • xTS12-00 ECN.xls
    • xTS13-00 Supplier Selection & Monitoring.xls
    • xTS14-00 Product Process Validation (PPAP).xls
    • xTS15-00 Purchasing.xls
    • xTS16-00 Receiving.xls
    • xTS17-00 Customer Feedback.xls
    • xTS18-00 DCC Customer Reference Material.xls
    • xTS18b-00 DCC Customer Specs.xls
    • xTS18c-00 DCC Drawings.xls
    • xTS18d-00 DCC Document Control.xls
    • xTS19-00 DCC Control of Records.xls
    • xTS21-00 Control of Nonconforming material.xls
    • xTS22-00 Maintenance.xls
    • xTS22b-00 Tooling Maintenance.xls
    • xTS25-00 Internal Audits.xls
    • xTS26-00 Continual Improvement.xls
    • xTS27-00 Corrective_Preventive Action.xls
    • xTS28-00 Management Review.xls
  • 2.81 MB
  • 2018-3-4
  • pdfreceivehuifudashi.zip

    • PDFRecoveryToolboxSetup.exe
    • Key.txt
    • read.txt
  • 3.4 MB
  • 2017-1-30
  • 38 Phil Rosenzweig-The Halo Effect_ ... and the Eight Other Business Delusions T.rar

    • 38 Phil Rosenzweig-The Halo Effect_ ... and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers -Free Press (2009).mobi
  • 276.42 KB
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  • kwak2015.pdf
       Better Not Smile at the Price The Differential Role of Brand Anthropomorphization on Perceived Price ...

  • 620.64 KB
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  • Calculated Risks_ How to Know When Numbers Deceive You 2002 Gerd Gigerenzer.rar

    • Calculated Risks_ How to Know When Numbers Deceive You 2002 Gerd Gigerenzer.epub
  • 5.14 MB
  • 2016-4-14
  • 27-1-2.zip

    • Contents-of-JOURNAL-OF-BUSINESS-FINANCE-amp-ACCOUNTING_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-fragmented-communication-structure-within-the-accounting-academia-the-case-of-activity-based-costing-research-genres_2002_Accounting-Organizations.pdf
    • The-costs-of-activity-based-management_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-information-asymmetry-on-negotiated-budgets-an-empirical-investigation_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Functional-fixation-revisited-the-effects-of-feedback-and-a-repeated-measures-design-on-information-processing-changes-in-response-to-an-accounting-ch.pdf
    • Contents-of-JOURNAL-OF-ACCOUNTING-AND-PUBLIC-POLICY_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-incidence-perceived-merit-and-antecedents-of-customer-accounting-an-exploratory-note_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-rise-of-modern-accounting-and-the-fall-of-the-public-company-the-Lancashire-cotton-mills-1870-1914_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Traders-managers-and-loss-aversion-in-investment-banking-a-field-study_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Contents-of-FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTABILITY-amp-MANAGEMENT_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Contents-of-MANAGEMENT-ACCOUNTING-RESEARCH_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-ABC-bandwagon-and-the-juggernaut-of-modernity_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.99 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 28-6.zip

    • Editorial-Board-Publication-Information_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Reporting-the-cost-of-capacity_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Constructing-persuading-and-silencing-the-rhetoric-of-accounting-standards_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-Balanced-Scorecard-what-is-the-score-A-rhetorical-analysis-of-the-Balanced-Scorecard_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • A-study-of-the-emergence-of-management-accounting-system-ethos-and-its-influence-on-perceived-system-success_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-Private-Finance-Initiative-risk-uncertainty-and-the-state_2003_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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  • 2016-2-21
  • 33-1.zip

    • Financial-reporting-and-business-communication-twelfth-annual-conference-at-cardiff-business-school-3-and-4-July-2008_2008_Accounting-Organizations-an.pdf
    • Imagining-business-reflecting-on-the-visual-power-of-management-organising-and-governing-practices_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-accountability-demand-for-information-in-China-and-the-US-A-research-note_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Social-actors-cultural-capital-and-the-state-The-standardization-of-bank-accounting-classification-and-terminology-in-early-twentieth-century-China_20.pdf
    • The-role-of-manufacturing-practices-in-mediating-the-impact-of-activity-based-costing-on-plant-performance_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-and-gender-across-times-and-places-An-excursion-into-fiction_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Alternative-work-arrangements-and-perceived-career-success-Current-evidence-from-the-big-four-firms-in-the-US_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Societ.pdf
  • 1.75 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 34-2.zip

    • The-effect-of-cost-information-on-buyer-supplier-negotiations-in-different-power-settings_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Perceived-stakeholder-influences-and-organizations-use-of-environmental-audits_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-for-control-and-trust-building-in-interfirm-transactional-relationships_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Publishing-in-accounting-journals-A-fair-game-_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-impact-of-auditor-rotation-on-auditor-client-negotiation_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Information-system-integration-enabling-control-and-performance_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Environmental-uncertainty-and-managers-use-of-discretionary-accruals_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Identification-through-technical-analysis-A-study-of-charting-and-UK-non-professional-investors_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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  • 2016-2-21
  • 46.zip

    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Discussion-of-The-effect-of-alternative-accounting-measurement-bases-on-investors-assessments-of-managers-stewardship-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-a.pdf
    • A-practitioners-perspective-2014-AOS-Conference-on-Accounting-Estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Discussion-of-The-effects-of-forecast-type-and-performance-based-incentives-on-the-quality-of-management-forecasts-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-.pdf
    • The-impact-of-risk-modeling-on-the-market-perception-of-banks-estimated-fair-value-gains-and-losses-for-financial-instruments_2015_Accounting-Organiza.pdf
    • The-effects-of-forecast-type-and-performance-based-incentives-on-the-quality-of-management-forecasts_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Fair-value-measurement-capabilities-disclosure-and-the-perceived-reliability-of-fair-value-estimates-A-discussion-of-Bhat-and-Ryan-2015-_2015_Accounti.pdf
    • Discussion-of-construal-instructions-and-professional-skepticism-in-evaluating-complex-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-relation-between-disclosure-quality-and-reporting-quality-A-discussion-of-Cassell-Myers-and-Seidel-2015-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-alternative-accounting-measurement-bases-on-investors-assessments-of-managers-stewardship_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Disclosure-transparency-about-activity-in-valuation-allowance-and-reserve-accounts-and-accruals-based-earnings-management_2015_Accounting-Organization.pdf
    • Commentary-on-The-effect-of-an-audit-judgment-rule-on-audit-committee-members-professional-skepticism-The-case-of-accounting-estimates-Kang-Trotman-an.pdf
    • Construal-instructions-and-professional-skepticism-in-evaluating-complex-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Key-takeaways-and-overarching-themes-A-foreward-2014-AOS-Conference-on-Accounting-Estimates-special-issue_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-an-Audit-Judgment-Rule-on-audit-committee-members-professional-skepticism-The-case-of-accounting-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations.pdf
  • 5.77 MB
  • 2016-2-19
  • The Complex Role of Complexity: How Service Providers Can Mitigate Negative Eff.rar

    • The Complex Role of Complexity: How Service Providers Can Mitigate Negative Effects of Perceived Service Complexity When Selling Professional Services.pdf
  • 361.89 KB
  • 2016-1-8
  • 可能有用的.rar

    • OK 干部人格特质_组织环境与干部胜任力的关系研究_徐广东.caj
    • OK 工作团队领导心理资本对成员组织公民行为的影响机制_多层次模型_任皓.caj
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    • OK Analysis of the Perception of Organizational Politics.pdf
    • OK Influence of Perception of Organizational Politics.pdf
    • OK Perceived Organizational Support - Reducing the Negative Influence.pdf
    • OK Perception of Organizational Politics and Impression Management Behaviors.pdf
    • OK Relationship between Organizational Politics.pdf
    • OK The Impact of Job Satisfaction in the Relationships.pdf
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  • 2015-10-2
  • The Role of Perceived Insider Status in Employee Creativity Developing and Testi.rar

    • The Role of Perceived Insider Status in Employee Creativity Developing and Testing a Mediation and Three-Way Interaction Model.pdf
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  • 2015-8-6
  • TEST+BANK.zip

    • Appendix 2--Investments.docx
    • Chapter 1--Accounting and t.docx
    • Chapter 10--Stockholders Eq.docx
    • Chapter 11--The Statement o.docx
    • Chapter 12--Financial State.docx
    • Chapter 2--The Accounting I.docx
    • Chapter 3--Accrual Accounti.docx
    • Chapter 4--Internal Control.docx
    • Chapter 5--Sales and Receiv.docx
    • Chapter 6--Cost of Goods So.docx
    • Chapter 7--Operating Assets.docx
    • Chapter 8--Current and Cont.docx
    • Chapter 9--Long-Term Liabil.docx
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2015-3-28
  • 4-2.working capital assets.zip
       4.2 working capital assets

    • 5 - 6 - Video 4.4- Inventory Disclosure Example (8-49).mp4
    • 5 - 7 - Video 4.5- 3M Company- Accounts Receivable and Inventory (17-49).mp4
    • 5 - 5 - Video 4.3.2- LIFO vs. FIFO (19-32).mp4
  • 72.15 MB
  • 2015-2-5
  • 4-1.working capital assets.zip
       4.1 working capital assets

    • 5 - 2 - Video 4.1.2- Estimating Uncollectible Accounts (14-32).mp4
    • 5 - 3 - Video 4.2- Accounts Receivable Disclosure Example (14-28).mp4
    • 5 - 4 - Video 4.3.1- Inventory (18-13).mp4
    • 5 - 1 - Video 4.1.1- Accounts Receivable (18-36).mp4
  • 83.01 MB
  • 2015-2-5
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    • An Examination of Perceived Organizational Support as a Multidimensional Construct .pdf
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  • 2014-11-23
  • Social exchange in organizations Perceived organizational support, leader–membe.rar

    • Social exchange in organizations Perceived organizational support, leader–member exchange, and employee reciprocity..pdf
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  • 2014-11-18
  • 05_Reciprocation_of_Perceived_Organizational_Support.rar

    • 05_Reciprocation_of_Perceived_Organizational_Support.pdf
  • 1.49 MB
  • 2014-10-28
  • 22_Perceived_Organizational_Support.rar

    • 22_Perceived_Organizational_Support.pdf
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  • 27weekly.rar

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    • Arista networks.pdf
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    • MSNA20140630663342.pdf
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    • CJ Korea express.pdf
    • Asia Pacific weekly preview.pdf
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    • India Equity Strategy-Focus List and Model Portfolio Changes.pdf
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  • JD.com, Inc. F1-A 20140519.rar

    • JD.com, Inc. (Form JD.com.lnc F-1 A, Received 05 19 2014 08 56 23).htm
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  • 22_Perceived_Organizational_Support.rar

    • 22_Perceived_Organizational_Support.pdf
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  • 2014-2-24
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    • Value-Proposition-Statement-Example1.jpg
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    • Defining-customer-value-proposition.jpg
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    • droppedImage_1.png
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    • g216211bii009.gif
    • g-target.gif
    • img_value_proposition.png
    • Kozzi-value-highlight-1774x1183.jpg
    • licensee value proposition.jpg
    • Perceived-Benefit-Greater-Than-Perceived-Cost.png
    • REVIVE_value_proposition.jpg
    • rowgraphic.jpg
    • SP-folio.jpg
    • SSOE-Employment-Value-Proposition.jpg
    • th (1).jpg
    • th.jpg
    • The-Value-Proposition-Spectrum.png
    • Value_Model.png
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  • 2014-2-16
  • 3.pdf
       Measuring perceived brand luxury: an evaluation of the BLI scale

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  • 2014-1-26
  • amj.2012.0122.full.pdf
       What goes around comes around: Knowledge hiding, perceived motivational climate, and creativity

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  • 2013-7-12
  • A conceptual model of perceived customer value in e-commerce_A preliminary inves.rar

    • A conceptual model of perceived customer value in e-commerce_A preliminary investigation.pdf
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  • 2013-2-10
  • Consumer perceived value_The development of a multiple item scale.rar

    • Consumer perceived value_The development of a multiple item scale.pdf
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  • 2013-1-12
  • KEISO IFRS solution manual (7~12).rar
       7~12solution manual

    • CH12-Intangible Assets.pdf
    • CH7-Cash and Receivables.pdf
    • CH8-Valuation of Inventories~A Cost-Basis Approach.pdf
    • CH9-Inventories~Additional Valuation Issues.pdf
    • CH10-Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant and Equipment.pdf
    • CH11-Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion.pdf
  • 1.92 MB
  • 2012-11-22
  • Financing With Receivables.ppt
       本人本科在读,这是自己做的关于intermediate accounting 6th chapter 7 Deciding whether to account for ...

  • 682.5 KB
  • 2012-10-12
  • priced attachment.txt
       For receiving payment from kuhasu and others who wants to reward my effort

  • 163 Bytes
  • 2012-8-10
  • The Invisible Gorilla And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us.rar
       The Invisible Gorilla-epub

    • The Invisible Gorilla And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us.epub
  • 427.64 KB
  • 2012-1-8
  • 相关文献.rar

    • The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce.PDF
    • Trust factors influencing virtual community members.PDF
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    • Factors influencing word of mouth effectiveness receiver perspectives.PDF
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    • A closer look at perceived offender motives.pdf
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  • 2010-12-2
  • jounal of organizational behavior.rar

    • Bolino,citizenship under pressuer.pdf
    • herman,best practice recommendations for estimationg interaction effects using moderated multiple regression.pdf
    • rebecca,understanding the connections between relationship conflict and performance.pdf
    • Parise,emergent network structure and initial group performance.pdf
    • Lavelle,what motivates ocb.pdf
    • Olivia,careers as tournaments.pdf
    • bolino,citizenship under pressure.pdf
    • pierce,collective psychological owndrship within the work and organizaitonal context.pdf
    • Janssen,emotional exhaustion and job performance.pdf
    • Cappellen,enacting global careers.pdf
    • Zikic,crossing naitonal boundaries.pdf
    • Jones,finding a place in history.pdf
    • Forret,gender role differences in reactions to unemployment.pdf
    • Silviya,at the crossroads of agency and communion.pdf
    • Monica,optimism and the boundaryless career.pdf
    • Spence,the impact of non performance information on ratings of job performance.pdf
    • Ohly,work characteristics,challenge appraisal,creativity,and proactive behavior.pdf
    • wittekind,a longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability.pdf
  • 2.46 MB
  • 2010-9-27
  • health_xls_en.zip

    • birth-rate-crude-per-1000-people_en.xls
    • births-attended-by-skilled-health-staff-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • contraceptive-prevalence-percentage-of-women-ages-15-49_en.xls
    • death-rate-crude-per-1000-people_en.xls
    • fertility-rate-total-births-per-woman_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-per-capita-current-us-dollars_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-public-percentage-of-total-health-expenditure_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-total-percentage-of-gdp_en.xls
    • immunization-dpt-percentage-of-children-ages-12-23-months_en.xls
    • immunization-measles-percentage-of-children-ages-12-23-months_en.xls
    • incidence-of-tuberculosis-per-100-000-people_en.xls
    • life-expectancy-at-birth-total-years_en.xls
    • malnutrition-prevalence-height-for-age-percentage-of-children-under-5_en.xls
    • malnutrition-prevalence-weight-for-age-percentage-of-children-under-5_en.xls
    • maternal-mortality-ratio-modeled-estimate-per-100-000-live-births_en.xls
    • mortality-rate-infant-per-1000-live-births_en.xls
    • mortality-rate-under-5-per-1000_en.xls
    • out-of-pocket-health-expenditure-percentage-of-private-expenditure-on-health_en.xls
    • population-ages-0-14-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-ages-15-64-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-ages-65-and-above-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-growth-annual-percentage_en.xls
    • population-total_en.xls
    • pregnant-women-receiving-prenatal-care-percentage_en.xls
    • prevalence-of-hiv-female-percentage-ages-15-24_en.xls
    • prevalence-of-hiv-male-percentage-ages-15-24_en.xls
    • prevalence-of-hiv-total-percentage-of-population-ages-15-49_en.xls
    • unmet-need-for-contraception-percentage-of-married-women-ages-15-49_en.xls
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2010-9-2

    • LECTURE NOTES Chap11_Communication Climate.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap12_Managing Conflict.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap1_Interpersonal Process.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap2 Culture and Communication.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap3_Communication and the Self.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap4_Perceiving Others.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap5_Language.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap6_ Nonverbal Communication.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap7_Listening.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap8_Emotions.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chap9_Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships.doc
    • LECTURE NOTES Chapter10_Intimacy and Distance.doc
    • nonverbol communication.ppt
  • 342.39 KB
  • 2010-9-1
  • F9_FTC.rar

    • 15 Sources of finance.htm
    • 14 The economic environment.htm
    • 13 Asset investment decisions and capital rationing.htm
    • 12 Investment appraisal under uncertainty.htm
    • 11 Investment appraisal – further aspects of discounted cash flows (DCF).htm
    • 10 Investment appraisal – discounted cash flow techniques.htm
    • 9 Capital budgeting and basic investment appraisal techniques.htm
    • 8 Working capital management – cash and funding strategies.htm
    • 7 Working capital management – accounts receivable and payable.htm
    • 6 Working capital management – inventory control.htm
    • 5 Working capital management.htm
    • 4 Financial and other objectives in not-for-profit organisations.htm
    • 3 Measuring achievement of corporate objectives.htm
    • 2 Management and the achievement of stakeholder objectives.htm
    • 1 The financial management function.htm
    • Introduction.htm
    • 24 Questions & Answers.htm
    • 23 Interest rate risk.htm
    • 22 Foreign exchange risk.htm
    • 21 Market efficiency.htm
    • 20 Business valuations.htm
    • 19 Capital structure and the cost of capital.htm
    • 18 The cost of capital.htm
    • 17 Finance for small and medium enterprises.htm
    • 16 Capital structure and financial ratios.htm
    • acca_f9_errata_sheet_2_2007.pdf
  • 10.5 MB
  • 2010-6-12
  • 原版.rar

    • BAUF outline.doc
    • Boston Chicken, Con..ppt
    • Chapter1.ppt
    • chapter2-1.ppt
    • chapter3-receivable.ppt
    • chapter4-long lived assets.ppt
    • chapter5-liability and equity analyis.ppt
    • chapter7 revenue and expense.ppt
    • chapter9-cash flow analysis.ppt
    • chapter 2-2.ppt
    • chapter 3-inventory.ppt
    • chapter 6 lease.ppt
    • Chapter 8- Financial analysis.ppt
    • Microsoft.ppt
  • 1.33 MB
  • 2010-5-23
  • 36 Valuation of Receivables.rar

    • 36 Valuation of Receivables.mov
  • 7.35 MB
  • 2010-1-4
  • The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received by Liz Claman .rar

    • The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received by Liz Claman.pdf
  • 507.49 KB
  • 2009-9-8
  • 22-41.rar

    • ‘GMO-Free’ Labels–Enhancing Transparency or Deceiving Consumers?.pdf
    • Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Standards by China’s Agricultural Cooperatives:A Way out of Monitoring Production Practices of Numerous Small-scale Farmers?.pdf
    • Answer to the challenges of the 21st century in the Hungarian pig sector.pdf
    • Application of Prospective Structural Analysis to Rural Development Strategy.pdf
    • Asymmetric Response of Nutrient Intakes to Cereal Price Changes among the Poor in China:Implications for the Effect of Cereal Price Subsidies on the Poor’s Nutrient Intakes.pdf
    • Biofuel policies and the environment:the effects of biofuel feedstock production on climate,water quality and biodiversity.pdf
    • Consumer preferences for ground beef packaged under a modified atmosphere.pdf
    • Food-safety Standards and Farmers Health:Evidence from Kenyan’s Export Vegetable Growers.pdf
    • Green auctions versus uniform agri-environmental payments under heterogeneous conditions.pdf
    • Impact of the EU Milk Quota on Structural Change in the Dairy Sectors of Germany and The Netherlands.pdf
    • Impacts of Retailers’ Pricing Strategies for Produce Commodities on Farmer Welfare.pdf
    • Is Wal-Mart a Monopsony?Evidence from Local Labor Markets.pdf
    • Modes of Land Access and Welfare Impacts in Uganda.pdf
    • Performance Analysis of Production and Trade of Indian Silk under WTO Regime.pdf
    • Prevalence and drivers of seed and pollen-mediated gene flow in sorghum:implications for biosafety regulations and policy in Kenya.pdf
    • Technical efficiency of organic milk-farms in Germany——the role of subsidies and of regional factors.pdf
    • The patterns of retail price variation:The case of milk products.pdf
    • Weather,Climate,and Agricultural Disaster Payments in the Southeastern U.S..pdf
    • What makes exit from poverty:Investigation of smallholder women livestock farmers in Bangladesh.pdf
    • Why market institutions disfavor smallholder farmers’ compliance with international food safety standards:Evidence from Kenya,Zambia and Ethiopia.pdf
  • 5.77 MB
  • 2009-9-3
  • 297083.pdf
       Measures of perceived risk_MS 99.pdf

  • 596.98 KB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 297080.pdf
       Perceived Quality_Customer expectation distribution_MS 99

  • 151.53 KB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 297074.pdf
       Perceived Control and the Effects of Crowding and Consumer Choice on the Service Experien

  • 5.6 MB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 297013.pdf
       JM2001_Some New Thoughts on Conceptualizing Perceived Service Quality A Hierarchical Appr

  • 3.29 MB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 282339.rar
       Jim Ratliffs Graduate-Level Course in Game Theory

    • 6.2.PerfectBayesSenderReceiver.1.0.pdf
    • 6.3.PerfectBayesExtensiveForm.1.0.pdf
    • 1.StrategicFormGames.1.0.pdf
    • 2.1.StrategicDominance.1.0.pdf
    • 2.2.IteratedDominanceRationality.1.0.pdf
    • 3.1.Nash Equilibrium.1.0.pdf
    • 3.2.NashEq2x2NormalFormGames.1.0.pdf
    • 4.1.ExtensiveFormGamesIntro.1.0.pdf
    • 4.2.StrategiesInExtensiveFormGames.1.0.pdf
    • 4.3.ExtensiveFormSolutionConcepts.1.0.pdf
    • 5.1.RepeatedGamesIntro.1.0.pdf
    • 5.2.InfinitelyRepeatedGames.1.0.pdf
    • 5.3.FolkTheoremSampler.1.0.pdf
    • 6.1.StaticGamesIncompleteInfo.1.0.pdf
  • 6.61 MB
  • 2009-1-2
  • 229766.pdf
       [下载]Wiley Best Practices丛书之四-Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices

  • 838.75 KB
  • 2008-7-23
  • 209457.pdf
       [下载]Murray N. Rothbard:Conceived in Liberty

  • 23.54 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 209456.pdf
       [下载]Murray N. Rothbard:Conceived in Liberty

  • 18.29 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 209455.pdf
       [下载]Murray N. Rothbard:Conceived in Liberty

  • 16.41 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 209454.pdf
       [下载]Murray N. Rothbard:Conceived in Liberty

  • 29.28 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 157181.rar
       Oracle Receivable技术参考文档

    • ORACLE AR TRM.pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2007-9-24
  • 83336.rar

    • 06_Capture--Recapture%20Models.pdf
    • 07_Statistics%20in%20Animal%20Breeding.pdf
    • 08_Some%20Issues%20in%20Assessing%20Human%20Fertility.pdf
    • 09_Statistical%20Issues%20in%20Toxicology.pdf
    • 10_Receiver%20Operating%20Characteristic%20Methodology.pdf
    • 01_Statistics%20in%20the%20Year%202000,Vignettes.pdf
    • 02_Statistics%20in%20the%20Life%20and%20Medical%20Sciences.pdf
    • 03_Survival%20Analysis.pdf
    • 04_Causal%20Analysis%20in%20the%20Health%20Sciences.pdf
    • 05_Environmental%20Statistics.pdf
  • 5.52 MB
  • 2007-1-10
  • 42975.pdf
       [下载]Wiley - Essentials of Credit, Collections, and Accounts Receivable

  • 1.68 MB
  • 2006-3-11
  • 15226.rar

    • 08-11Supply and Demand of Textiles (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-12Production and Sales Value of Construction Materials (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-13Supply and Demand of Tobacco (1985--2001).xls
    • 08-14Product of Food and Allied Products (1980--2001).xls
    • 18-09日本技术贸易.xls
    • 18-10foreign exchange.xls
    • 18-11gold and foreign exchange.xls
    • 19-07labor force.xls
    • 19-08employees by industry.xls
    • 19-11 index 3.xls
    • 19-12weekly hours.xls
    • 19-42 regular emplyess index2.xls
    • 19-44regular employee index.xls
    • 19-45wage index.xls
    • 19-46wage index 2.xls
    • 德国.xls
    • 台湾.xls
    • 04-05-bfunds and flow.xls
    • 06-16Business Activities of Mining, Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (F.Y.1991--2001).xls
    • 06-18Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-19Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms by Region (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-20Actual Conditions of Foreign Affiliates (Distribution) (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 08-07manufacture 1.xls
    • 08-08-aProduction and Inventory - Production of Iron and Steel Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-bProduction and Inventory - Production of Non-Ferrous Metal Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-c.xls
    • 08-08-dProduction and Inventory - Production, Consumption, Shipments and Inventory of Coke (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-eProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of General Industry Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-fProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Electrical Machinery and Equipment (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-gProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Transport Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-hProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Precision Apparatus, Ordnance, Forging and Cast Iron (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-icement and cerimic.xls
    • 08-08-jProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Chemical Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-kProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Rubber Products, Plastic Products and Leather Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-l Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Pulp and Paper (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-m Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Textile Products (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-08-nProduction and Inventory - Production of Daily Necessaries (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-09Orders Received for Machinery (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-10Production of Drugs and Medicines (1985--2002).xls
  • 560.26 KB
  • 2005-5-20
  • 14233.rar
       lecture notes Jim Ratliffs Graduate-Level Course in Game Theory

    • 2.1.StrategicDominance.1.0.pdf
    • 2.2.IteratedDominanceRationality.1.0.pdf
    • 3.1.Nash Equilibrium.1.0.pdf
    • 3.2.NashEq2x2NormalFormGames.1.0.pdf
    • 4.1.ExtensiveFormGamesIntro.1.0.pdf
    • 4.2.StrategiesInExtensiveFormGames.1.0.pdf
    • 4.3.ExtensiveFormSolutionConcepts.1.0.pdf
    • 5.1.RepeatedGamesIntro.1.0.pdf
    • 5.2.InfinitelyRepeatedGames.1.0.pdf
    • 5.3.FolkTheoremSampler.1.0.pdf
    • 6.1.StaticGamesIncompleteInfo.1.0.pdf
    • 6.2.PerfectBayesSenderReceiver.1.0.pdf
    • 6.3.PerfectBayesExtensiveForm.1.0.pdf
    • 1.StrategicFormGames.1.0.pdf
  • 6.95 MB
  • 2005-5-8