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  • Shocks and Frictions in US Business Cycles_ A Bayesian DSGE Approach[数据与源代码].zip

    • BVAR_statistics_usmodel_data.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • mgnldnsty_fcast.m
    • readme.doc
    • readme.pdf
    • sims_fcast.m
    • usmodel.mod
    • usmodel_data.mat
    • usmodel_data.xls
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    • Ch07 __ Allocative and Remitted Wages New Facts and Challenges for Keynesian Models.pdf
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  • Business Cycles History, Theory and Investment Reality.zip

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  • journal of finance JUNE 2013.rar

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    • Shapiro's unemployment as a worker discipline device.pdf
    • Taylor's Staggered wage setting in a macro model.pdf
    • a model of the demand for investment in inventories of finished goods and emplyment.pdf
    • barro's macroceonomics a modern approach.pdf
    • can the production smoothing model of inventories be saved.pdf
    • compbell and mankiw's Consumption, Income, and Interest Rates Reinterpreting the Time Series Evidence.pdf
    • lucas's Econometric policy evaluation a critique.pdf
    • some empirical evidence on the production level and production cost.pdf
    • tobin's marginal q and average q an eoclassical interpretaion.pdf
    • treadway.pdf
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  • AER2014年第八期.zip

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  • models of business cycles .rar

    • models of business cycles .pdf
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  • 2014-5-20
  • 宏观经济学.zip

    • 11 Introduction to Business Cycles.pdf
    • 01 Introduction to Macroeconomics.pdf
    • 02 Key Macro Variables and Relationships.pdf
    • 03 Economic Output.pdf
    • 04 Introduction to Long Run Economic Growth.pdf
    • 05 The Neoclassical Growth Model I.pdf
    • 06 The Neoclassical Growth Model II.pdf
    • 07 Technology and Economic Growth.pdf
    • 08 Growth and the World Economy.pdf
    • 09 Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Long Run.pdf
    • 10 EXAM #1.doc
    • 12 The Multiplier Model.pdf
    • 13 The IS Curve.pdf
    • 14 The LM Curve.pdf
    • 15 The IS - LM Model.pdf
    • 16 Employment Unemployment,and Okun's Law.pdf
    • 17 Employment Fiscal Policy.pdf
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  • Gelter论文.zip

    • 1989-Agency Costs,Net Worth,and Business Fluctuations.PDF
    • 1997-‘‘Overreaction’’ of Asset Prices in General Equilibrium.PDF
    • 1998-Nonetary pilicy rules in practice-some international evidence.PDF
    • 1999-Inflation Dynamics-A structural econometric analysis.PDF
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    • 1999-The Science of Monetary Policy-a new keynesian perspective.PDF
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    • 2001-A simple framework for international monetary policy analysis.PDF
    • 2001-European in#ation dynamics.PDF
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    • 2001-Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve.PDF
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    • 2003-Markups, Gaps, and the Welfare Costs of.PDF
    • 2007-Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation.PDF
    • 2008-A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation.PDF
    • 2008-An Estimated Monetary DSGE Model with Unemployment and staggered nominal wage bargaining.PDF
    • 2008-Unemployment Fluctuations with Staggered Nash Wage Bargaining.PDF
    • 2009-A Model of Unconventional Monetary Policy.PDF
    • 2009-Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy.PDF
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    • 2010-Financial Crises, Bank Risk Exposure and Government Financial Policy.PDF
    • Financial Crises,Bank Risk Exposure and Government Ginancial Policy.PDF
    • Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset Prices.PDF
    • 数量化经济周期框架下的金融加速器理论(货币经济学第21章).PDF
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