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  • Private Equity.zip

    • Lion Capital & the Blackstone Group.pdf
    • Private-equity-demystified-an-explanatory-guide-thought-leadership-icaew.pdf
    • The debate over Romney at Bain is wholly irrelevant.pdf
    • Memo on Final Paper - Fall 2013.pdf
    • LBO Template.xlsx
    • An introduction to CLO_Columbia.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-1.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-2.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-3.pdf
    • The Curse of the Yale Model.docx
    • Moneybookers Bid.pdf
    • TheLeveragingOfAmericaLBOsTheGoodTheBadAndTheUglyRATINGSDIRECT_UNSECURED.pdf
    • Midterm Structure and Outline.pdf
    • The Curious Case of Dell A_140310A_3-6-14_SAMPLE.PDF
    • The Curious Case of Dell B_140310B_3-7-14_SAMPLE.pdf
    • Private Equity Final Exam 2014.pdf
    • An Unfair Advantage- Combining Banking With PE.pdf
  • 70.01 MB
  • 2018-1-22
  • 黑石earning release.zip

    • Blackstone1Q13EarningsPressRelease.pdf
    • 09年二季度报.pdf
    • 10年二季度采访.pdf
    • 11年一季度采访.pdf
    • 11年三季度采访.pdf
    • 11年二季度采访.pdf
    • 11年四季度采访.pdf
    • 12年一季度采访.pdf
    • 12年三季度采访.pdf
    • 2007年三季度报.pdf
    • 2010年一季度采访.pdf
    • 2010年四季度采访.pdf
    • 2012年二季度采访.pdf
    • Transcript_-_BX_earnings_-_3Q09.pdf
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2013-10-6
  • King of Capital.doc
       about blackstone, please pay me as you offered, thanks

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2011-12-16
  • 269551.pdf
       [下载]黑石基金2008年第三季度季报(The Blackstone Group Reports Third Quarter 2008 Results

  • 165.82 KB
  • 2008-11-23