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  • 最全的郎咸平英文论文集.zip

    • Bid-Ask Spread, Asymmetric Information and Ultimate Ownership.doc
    • A test of the free cash flow hypothesis The case of bidder returns.pdf
    • An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self-Interest on Corporate Capital Structure.pdf
    • An analysis of ultimate ownership in Western.pdf
    • Asset sales, firm performance, and the agency costs of managerial discretion.pdf
    • Common volatility in the industrial structure of global capital markets.pdf
    • Contagion and competitive intra-industry effects of bankruptcy announcements_ An empirical analysis.pdf
    • Debt and Expropriation.pdf
    • Determinants of interest rate swap spreads.pdf
    • Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings.pdf
    • Diversification and Efficiency of Investment of East Asian Corporations.pdf
    • Dividend Announcements_ Cash FlowSignalling vs. Free Cash Flow Hypothesis.pdf
    • Dividends and expropriation.pdf
    • Does Money Explain Asset Returns_ Theory and Empirical Analysis.pdf
    • Effects of large shareholding on information asymmetry and stock liquidity.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Exposure at the Firm and Industry Level.pdf
    • Faccio_Lang_2002_UltimateOwnership.pdf
    • Insider Trading around Dividend Announcements_ Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Leverage, investment, and firm growth.pdf
    • Managerial Performance, Tobin's Q, and the Gains from Successful Tender Offers.pdf
    • Performance of various transaction frequencies under call markets_ The case of Taiwan.pdf
    • Pre and post-October 1987 stock market linkages between U.S. and Asian markets.pdf
    • Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts_ Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism.pdf
    • The Measurement of Relatedness_ An Application to Corporate Diversification.pdf
    • The Size Effect on Stock Returns_ It is Simply A Risk Effect Not Adequately Reflected by the Usual Measures.pdf
    • The Ultimate Ownership of Western European Corporations.pdf
    • The Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline.pdf
    • The benefits and costs of group affiliction_ Evidence from East Asia.pdf
    • The pricing of currency risk in Japan.pdf
    • The separation of ownership and control in East Asian Corporations.pdf
    • Tobin’s q, Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance.pdf
    • Troubled Savings and Loan Institutions_ Turnaround Strategies Under Insolvency.pdf
    • Troubled debt restructurings_ An empirical study of private reorganization of firms in default.pdf
    • When does corporate diversification matter to productivity and performance_ Evidence from East Asia.pdf
    • Who Controls US.pdf
    • Who controls Allianz_ Measuring the separation of dividend and control rights under cross-ownership among firms .pdf
    • he separation of ownership and control.pdf
    • 经济学者郎咸平简介.doc
    • 缺失文献.txt
  • 28.2 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • 0130.rar

    • Asset pricing and the bid-ask spread.pdf
  • 1.39 MB
  • 2013-1-29
  • 1990 to 1999.rar

    • 1990 Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, And Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1998 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1998 Nonparametric Efficiency Testing Of Asian Stock Markets Using Weekly Data.pdf
    • 1990 Habit Formation-A Resolution Of The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1990 Lcapital Asset Prices With And Without Negative Holdings.pdf
    • 1990 Predicting Stock Returns In An Efficient Market.pdf
    • 1991 Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • 1992 Financial Market Efficiency Tests.pdf
    • 1992 The Cross-Section Of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • 1993 A Test Of Efficiency For The S&P Index Option Market Using Variance Forecasts.pdf
    • 1993 Common Risk Factors In The Returns On Stocks And Bonds.pdf
    • 1993 Privileged Traders And Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • 1993 Returns To Buying Winners And Selling Losers-Implications For Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1993 Stock Markets Volatility Efficiency And Tests-A Survey.pdf
    • 1994 Behavioral Capital Asset Pricing Theory.pdf
    • 1994 Internal Versus External Capital Markets.pdf
    • 1995 Measurement Of Market Integration And Arbitrage.pdf
    • 1996 Evaluating Fund Performance In A Dynamic Market.pdf
    • 1996 Multifactor Explanations Of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • 1996 The Spirit Of Capitalism And Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • 1997 Anomalies-The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1997 Empirical Performance Of Alternative Option Pricing Models.pdf
    • 1997 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1997 Measuring The Efficiency Of Capital Allocation In Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 1997 Stock Market Efficiency And Economic Efficiency-Is There A Connection.pdf
    • 1997 The Limits Of Arbitrage.pdf
  • 26.02 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • 1990 to 1999.rar

    • 1990 Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, And Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1998 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1998 Nonparametric Efficiency Testing Of Asian Stock Markets Using Weekly Data.pdf
    • 1990 Habit Formation-A Resolution Of The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1990 Lcapital Asset Prices With And Without Negative Holdings.pdf
    • 1990 Predicting Stock Returns In An Efficient Market.pdf
    • 1991 Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • 1992 Financial Market Efficiency Tests.pdf
    • 1992 The Cross-Section Of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • 1993 A Test Of Efficiency For The S&P Index Option Market Using Variance Forecasts.pdf
    • 1993 Common Risk Factors In The Returns On Stocks And Bonds.pdf
    • 1993 Privileged Traders And Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • 1993 Returns To Buying Winners And Selling Losers-Implications For Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1993 Stock Markets Volatility Efficiency And Tests-A Survey.pdf
    • 1994 Behavioral Capital Asset Pricing Theory.pdf
    • 1994 Internal Versus External Capital Markets.pdf
    • 1995 Measurement Of Market Integration And Arbitrage.pdf
    • 1996 Evaluating Fund Performance In A Dynamic Market.pdf
    • 1996 Multifactor Explanations Of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • 1996 The Spirit Of Capitalism And Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • 1997 Anomalies-The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1997 Empirical Performance Of Alternative Option Pricing Models.pdf
    • 1997 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1997 Measuring The Efficiency Of Capital Allocation In Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 1997 Stock Market Efficiency And Economic Efficiency-Is There A Connection.pdf
    • 1997 The Limits Of Arbitrage.pdf
  • 26.02 MB
  • 2010-3-24
  • 多恩布什-1.rar

    • The Bid-Ask Spread in the Black Market for Dollars in Brazil -- Note.pdf
    • Nontraded Goods and Macroeconomic Policy Under a Fixed Exchange Rate.pdf
    • Notes on Growth and the Balance of Payments Notes on Growth and the Balance of Payments.pdf
    • Optimal Commodity and Trade Taxes Optimal Commodity and Trade Taxes.pdf
    • Policy and Performance Links between LDC Debtors and Industrial Nations Policy and Performance Links between LDC Debtors and Industrial Nations.pdf
    • PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability.pdf
    • Real Interest Rates, Home Goods, and Optimal External Borrowing Real Interest Rates, Home Goods, and Optimal External Borrowing.pdf
    • Review -1.pdf
    • Review -- Debt and Adjustment.pdf
    • Some Aspects of the 1982-83 Brazilian Payments Crisis Some Aspects of the 1982-83 Brazilian Payments Crisis.pdf
    • Stabilization with Exchange Rate Management Stabilization with Exchange Rate Management.pdf
    • The Buyback Boondoggle.pdf
    • The Case for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries The Case for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries.pdf
    • The End of the German Miracle The End of the German Miracle.pdf
    • The Gold Standard -- Historical Facts and Future Prospects.pdf
    • The New Classical Macroeconomics and Stabilization Policy The New Classical Macroeconomics and Stabilization Policy.pdf
    • The Unstable EMS.pdf
    • Third World Debt.pdf
    • Three Discussion Papers from the Symposium on Exchange Rates Three Discussion Papers from the Symposium on Exchange Rates.pdf
  • 30.64 MB
  • 2009-8-5
  • 264617.rar
       [推荐]个人收集的一些有关Efficient Market方面的中西方文献。【无耻的要点工本费】

    • Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, and Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 【新金融学—有效市场的反例】[美]罗伯特·A·哈根.pdf
    • 4-2金融市场中的噪音交易者风险.doc
    • Abstract--The Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Value of Traditional Security Analysis.pdf
    • Back on the Track with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Chp3-行为金融导论.doc
    • Efficient Capital Markets-Comment.pdf
    • Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • Efficient Capital Markets-Reply.pdf
    • Efficient Markets and the Professional Investor.pdf
    • Evaluating Fund Performance in a Dynamic Market.pdf
    • Information, Nonexcludability, and Financial Market Structure.pdf
    • Inside Information, Market Information and Efficient Markets.pdf
    • Investing with Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance_Fama.pdf
    • Market Timing and Capital Structure.pdf
    • On the Difference between Internal and External Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Optimal Speculation Against an Efficient Market.pdf
    • Predicting Stock Returns in an Efficient Market.pdf
    • Privileged Traders and Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • qr2442 Is the Stock Market Overvalued.pdf
    • Some Practical Applications of the Efficient-Market Concept.pdf
    • Stock Market Efficiency and Economic Efficiency-Is There a Connection.pdf
    • Stock Market Panics- A Test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • Testing for a Flat Spectrum on Efficient Market Price Data.pdf
    • Testing the Efficiency of the Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market under the Assumption of no.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Its Critics.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Hypothesis on Trial.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Model.pdf
    • The Peter Principle and the Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • The Sensitivity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis to Alternative Specifications of the.pdf
    • The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • Warrant Price Movements and the Efficient Market Model.pdf
    • 西方有效市场假说综述二.doc
    • 西方有效市场假说综述一.doc
  • 35.85 MB
  • 2008-11-7
  • 160811.pdf
       哪位有Amihud的文章Asset pricing and the bid-ask spread (1986)

  • 1.65 MB
  • 2007-10-3