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  • beamer-guide中译本byl00l.zip

    • beamer-guide中译本byl00l.pdf
  • 3.02 MB
  • 2018-5-10
  • Generating TikZ Code from GeoGebra for LaTeX Documents & Beamer Presentations.rar

    • Generating TikZ Code from GeoGebra for LaTeX Documents & Beamer Presentations.mp4
  • 40.63 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • Presentations with Beamer pt 5 -Themes and Handouts.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 5 -Themes and Handouts.mp4
  • 15.03 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • Presentations with Beamer pt 4 - Overlay Specifications.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 4 - Overlay Specifications.mp4
  • 41.01 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • Presentations with Beamer pt 3 - Blocks, Code, Hyperlinks & Buttons.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 3 - Blocks, Code, Hyperlinks & Buttons.mp4
  • 31.74 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • Presentations with Beamer pt 2 - Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions & Tables.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 2 - Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions & Tables.mp4
  • 12.82 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • Presentations with Beamer pt 1 - Getting Started.rar

    • Presentations with Beamer pt 1 - Getting Started.mp4
  • 5.88 MB
  • 2018-3-31
  • beamer.pdf

  • 48.64 KB
  • 2015-12-27
  • 答辩.zip

    • appendixnumberbeamer.sty
    • beamercolorthemeerlangen.sty
    • beamerthemeerlangen.sty
    • gbk2uni.c
    • gbk2uni.exe
    • gbk2uni.h
    • gbk2uni.pdf
    • gbk2uni.tex
    • main.pdf
    • main.tex
    • makefile.bat
    • README.md
  • 8.48 MB
  • 2015-5-28
  • latex制作ppt模版.rar

    • slides_beamer01.tex
    • slides_beamer02.tex
    • slides_beamer03.tex
    • slides_simple.tex
  • 5.59 KB
  • 2014-7-27
  • User Guide to the Beamer Class.rar

    • User Guide to the Beamer Class.pdf
  • 1.1 MB
  • 2014-5-24
  • beamer模版1.rar

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2014-3-29
  • beamer模版.rar

  • 915.57 KB
  • 2014-3-29
  • CFA Level I Curriculum Knowledge Structure and Navigator.zip

    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book II.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book III.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book III.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book IV.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book IV.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book V.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book V.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book VI.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book VI.tex
    • AccruedInterest.jpg
    • ActivityRatios.jpg
    • BalanceSheetRatio.jpg
    • CashFlowCoverageRatios.jpg
    • CashFlowIFRSvsUSGAAP.jpg
    • CashFlowPerformanceRatios.jpg
    • cc_beamer.tex
    • CorporateDebt.jpg
    • CorrelationEffectOnRiskReturn.jpg
    • DominantOligopolist.jpg
    • FourFactorModel.jpg
    • FRAPayoffFormula.jpg
    • GDPExpenditure.jpg
    • HypothesisTestError.jpg
    • IndustryAnalysis.jpg
    • IndustryLifeCycle.jpg
    • InvestmentIndifferenceCurve.jpg
    • KinkedDemand.jpg
    • Kurtosis.JPG
    • LiquidityRatios.jpg
    • MarketEfficiencyForms.jpg
    • MarketStructure.jpg
    • MarkowitzFrontier.jpg
    • MoneyTransMechanism.jpg
    • NormalvsStudentT.jpg
    • OperationDecision.jpg
    • OwnPriceElasticity.jpg
    • PortfolioSelection.jpg
    • PriceYieldCurve.jpg
    • PriceYieldCurveCallable.jpg
    • PriceYieldCurvePutable.jpg
    • Profit.jpg
    • ProfitabilityRatios.jpg
    • ProfitOptimization.jpg
    • sharpe_ratio.JPG
    • Skewness.JPG
    • SolvencyRatios.jpg
    • Surplus.jpg
    • tariff.jpg
    • TraditionYieldMeasure.jpg
    • ValuationRatios.jpg
    • YieldSpreadMeasure.jpg
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book I.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book I.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book II.pdf
  • 5.31 MB
  • 2013-1-27