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  • Lectures.rar

    • Lecture Note on VI Perfect competition and competition policy.pdf
    • CH 01 Cooperation as the central focus of microeconomics.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • Lecture Note on I Basic decision and preference theory.pdf
    • Lecture Note on II Household theory and theory of the firm.pdf
    • Lecture Note on III Games and industrial organization.pdf
    • Lecture Note on IV Bargaining theory and Pareto optimality.pdf
    • Lecture Note on V Bayesian games and mechanism design.pdf
    • Lecture Note on VII Contracts and principal-agent theories.pdf
  • 7.01 MB
  • 2024-4-27
  • 上海财大 博弈论课件.rar

    • L8 Bayesian Games.pdf
    • L9 Bayesian Games and mechanism designing.pdf
    • L10 Auction.pdf
    • L11 Extensive Games with Imcomplte Information.pdf
    • L12 Repeated Games.pdf
    • L1 Introduction.pdf
    • L2 Strategic Form Games.pdf
    • L3 Nash Equilibrium.pdf
    • L4 Mixed Strategy Equilirium.pdf
    • L5 Perfect Information Extensive Games.pdf
    • L6 SPE Illustrations.pdf
    • L7 Extensive game with simultaneous moves.pdf
  • 2.52 MB
  • 2012-7-25
  • 232041.pdf
       Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game

  • 9.24 MB
  • 2008-7-30