大小 上传时间
  • Intro to ABC-SMC.pdf
       an overview of Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and its advancements via Sequential Monte Carl ...

  • 568.39 KB
  • 2024-4-30
  • Lectures.rar

    • Lecture Note on V Bayesian games and mechanism design.pdf
    • Lecture Note on VI Perfect competition and competition policy.pdf
    • CH 01 Cooperation as the central focus of microeconomics.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • Lecture Note on I Basic decision and preference theory.pdf
    • Lecture Note on II Household theory and theory of the firm.pdf
    • Lecture Note on III Games and industrial organization.pdf
    • Lecture Note on IV Bargaining theory and Pareto optimality.pdf
    • Lecture Note on VII Contracts and principal-agent theories.pdf
  • 7.01 MB
  • 2024-4-27
  • BayesEL.SQR.zip

    • sim.spatial.r
    • BEL.r
    • examples.r
    • IVRQ.r
    • wwIVRQ.r
  • 14.54 KB
  • 2023-12-31
  • 东方证券-因子选股系列研究1-48.zip

    • 26. 因子选股与事件驱动的Bayes整合.pdf
    • 1. 多因子模型的基石--单因子有效性检验.pdf
    • 10. Alpha因子库精简与优化.pdf
    • 11. 资金规模对策略收益的影响.pdf
    • 12. 线性高效简化版冲击成本模型.pdf
    • 13. Alpha预测.pdf
    • 14. 非流动性的度量及其横截面溢价.pdf
    • 15. 东方机器选股模型Ver1.0.pdf
    • 16. 非对称价格冲击带来的超额收益.pdf
    • 17. A股市场风险分析.pdf
    • 18. 在Alpha衰退之前.pdf
    • 19. 动态情景Alpha模型再思考.pdf
    • 2. 低特质波动,高超额收益_因子选股系列研究之二.pdf
    • 20. 技术类新Alpha因子的批量测试.pdf
    • 21. 组合优化是与非.pdf
    • 22. 中美市场因子选股效果对比分析.pdf
    • 23. 反转因子失效市场下的量化策略应对.pdf
    • 24. 细分行业建模之银行内因子研究.pdf
    • 25. 多因子模型在港股中的应用.pdf
    • 27. 预期外的盈利能力.pdf
    • 28. 用机器学习解释市值,特异市值因子.pdf
    • 29. 细分行业建模之券商内因子研究.pdf
    • 29. 质优股量化投资.pdf
    • 3. 投机、交易行为与股票收益(上).pdf
    • 30. 量化因子选股回顾与展望.pdf
    • 31. 风险模型在时间序列上的改进.pdf
    • 32. 分析师研报的数据特征与alpha.pdf
    • 33. 反转因子择时研究.pdf
    • 34. 基于风险监控的动态调仓策略.pdf
    • 35. 组合优化的若干问题.pdf
    • 36. A股小市值溢价的来源.pdf
    • 37. 风险模型提速组合优化的另一种方案.pdf
    • 38. 协方差矩阵谱分解近似方法的补充.pdf
    • 39. 业绩超预期类因子.pdf
    • 4. 基于交易热度的指数增强.pdf
    • 40. 因子择时.pdf
    • 41. 公司研发费用因子探究.pdf
    • 42. 上市公司业绩预告信息研究.pdf
    • 43. 盈利预测与市价隐含预期收益.pdf
    • 44. 东方A股因子风险模型(DFQ~2018).pdf
    • 45. 基于copula的尾部相关性研究,上尾异常相关系数因子.pdf
    • 46. DFQ2018绩效归因与基金投资分析工具.pdf
    • 47. A股涨跌幅排行榜效应.pdf
    • 48. Alpha与Smart_Beta.pdf
    • 5. 剔除行业、风格因素后的大类因子检验.pdf
    • 6. 用组合优化构建更精确多样的投资组合.pdf
    • 7. 投机、交易行为与股票收益(下).pdf
    • 8. 动态情景多因子Alpha模型.pdf
    • 9. 日内残差高阶矩与股票收益.pdf
  • 83.45 MB
  • 2023-12-23
  • 数理统计学,数据科学的统计基础.rar

    • 第六章:Bayes统计与统计判决理论.pdf
    • 第七章:非参数统计.pdf
    • 第八章:抽样调查.pdf
    • 第一章:统计量与抽样分布.pdf
    • 第二章:点估计.pdf
    • 第三章:区间估计.pdf
    • 第四章:假设检验.pdf
    • 第五章:分布的检验.pdf
  • 32.41 MB
  • 2023-11-18
  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (4).zip

    • 00-Bayesian Inference for Kendall_s Rank Correlation Coefficient.pdf
  • 753.37 KB
  • 2023-11-12
  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (2).zip

    • 00-Bayesian Inference for Kendall_s Rank Correlation Coefficient.pdf
  • 753.24 KB
  • 2023-11-12
  • Machine Learning_ A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective (Solutions) (Instructo.zip

    • Machine Learning_ A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective (Solutions) (Instructor's Solution Manual).pdf
  • 3.22 MB
  • 2023-6-17
  • A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods.rar
       A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods

    • A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods.pdf
  • 2.72 MB
  • 2023-6-1
  • Shocks and Frictions in US Business Cycles_ A Bayesian DSGE Approach[数据与源代码].zip

    • BVAR_statistics_usmodel_data.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • mgnldnsty_fcast.m
    • readme.doc
    • readme.pdf
    • sims_fcast.m
    • usmodel.mod
    • usmodel_data.mat
    • usmodel_data.xls
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_143_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_3144_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_31_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_7158_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_100_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_104_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_108_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_112_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_116_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_120_mode1.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_124_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_128_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_132_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_136_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_140_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_144_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_148_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_152_mode.mat
    • usmodel_hist_dsge_f19_7_71_156_mode.mat
    • usmodel_mode.mat
    • usmodel_stst.m
  • 375.14 KB
  • 2023-5-30
  • 纵向与面板数据分析Longitudinal and Panel Data Analysis.rar
       纵向与面板数据分析Longitudinal and Panel Data Analysis

    • Lecture 4 Prediction and Bayesian Inference.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Categorical Dependent Variables and Survival Models.pdf
    • Lecture 1 introduction.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Fixed-Effects Models.pdf
    • Lecture 3 Models with Random Effects.pdf
    • Lecture 5 Multilevel Models.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Stochastic Regressors.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Modeling Issues.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Dynamic Models.pdf
    • Lecture 9 Dynamic Models.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Generalized Linear Models.pdf
  • 2.75 MB
  • 2022-12-21
  • DSM6698 Rcode.rar
       R code for data mining for business

    • Smarket_Bayes.R
    • Boston_gbm.R
    • Boston_neural.R
    • Boston_rf.R
    • Boston_rf_loop.R
    • Boston_stacking.R
    • Boston_svr.R
    • Boston_tree.R
    • mnist_cnn.R
    • selection_and_regularization.R
    • Smarket_gbm.R
    • Smarket_logistic(1).R
    • Smarket_neural.R
    • Smarket_rf.R
    • Smarket_svm.R
    • Smarket_svm_parameters.R
    • Smarket_tree.R
    • 27-ensemble.Rmd
  • 18.24 KB
  • 2022-6-18
  • Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 1.zip

    • Chapter-9-Bayesian-analysis-of-simultaneous-equati_1983_Handbook-of-Economet.pdf
    • Chapter-11-Estimation-for-dirty-data-and-flawed-m_1983_Handbook-of-Econometr.pdf
    • Index_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-4-Identification_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-10-Biased-estimation_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-12-Computational-problems-and-methods_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Economic-and-econometric-models_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Contents-of-the-handbook_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-series_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Preface-to-the-handbook_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-6-Non-linear-regression-models_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Model-choice-and-specification-analys_1983_Handbook-of-Econometric.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Statistical-theory-and-econometrics_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-7-Specification-and-estimation-of-simultaneou_1983_Handbook-of-Econo.pdf
    • Chapter-8-Exact-small-sample-theory-in-the-simultaneo_1983_Handbook-of-Econo.pdf
    • Chapter-1-Linear-algebra-and-matrix-methods-in-eco_1983_Handbook-of-Economet.pdf
    • Contents-of-volume-I_1983_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
  • 34.27 MB
  • 2022-5-4
  • matlab 贝叶斯和通用阈值软阈值图像去噪方法MATLAB程序.rar
       matlab 贝叶斯和通用阈值软阈值图像去噪方法MATLAB程序

    • BayesThresh2.m
    • MultiBayes2.m
    • MultiVisu2.m
    • VisuThresh2.m
    • SoftThresh.m
  • 2.01 KB
  • 2022-3-5
  • asab014.pdf
       Optimal post-selection inference for sparse signals: a nonparametric empirical Bayes approach

  • 331.23 KB
  • 2022-3-3
  • BayesianDataAnalysis .zip

    • Bayesian Data Analysis .pdf
    • Bayesian Data Analysis .epub
  • 15.58 MB
  • 2021-6-14
  • 微观计量经济学:方法与应用program.data.output.zip

    • bar2.gif
    • ch7dataforboot.dta
    • DATA66.dat
    • DATA66.dct
    • ema1996.asc
    • ema1996.dta
    • mma04p1wls.asc
    • mma04p1wls.do
    • mma04p1wls.txt
    • mma04p2qreg.do
    • mma04p2qreg.txt
    • mma04p3iv.asc
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    • mma04p3iv.txt
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    • mma04p4ivweak.txt
    • mma05data.asc
    • mma05p1mle.do
    • mma05p1mle.txt
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    • mma06p1nl2sls.asc
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    • mma06p2Theil.txt
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    • mma07p1mltests.asc
    • mma07p1mltests.do
    • mma07p1mltests.txt
    • mma07p2power.do
    • mma07p2power.txt
    • mma07p3montecarlo.do
    • mma07p3montecarlo.txt
    • mma07p4boot.asc
    • mma07p4boot.do
    • mma07p4boot.dta
    • mma07p4boot.txt
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    • mma08p1cmtests.asc
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    • mma08p1cmtests.txt
    • mma08p2nonnested.asc
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    • mma09p3kernels.do
    • mma09p3kernels.txt
    • mma10p1gradient.do
    • mma10p1gradient.txt
    • mma11p1boot.asc
    • mma11p1boot.do
    • mma11p1boot.dta
    • mma11p1boot.txt
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    • mma12p1integration.do
    • mma12p1integration.txt
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    • mma13p1bayesthm.do
    • mma13p1bayesthm.txt
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.log
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.lst
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    • mma20p1count.txt
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    • mma25p3extra.txt
    • mmadata.html
    • mmaprograms.html
    • mmaprogramsexplain.html
    • MOM.dat
    • MOMprecise.dat
    • nswpsid.da1
    • nswpsid.dta
    • nswre74_all.asc
    • nswre74_control.dta
    • nswre74_treated.dta
    • patr7079.asc
    • probitsimresults.dta
    • propensity_cps.asc
    • propensity_cps.dta
    • psidf3050.dat
    • qreg0902.asc
    • qreg0902.dta
    • randdata.dta
    • readme.txt
    • strkdur.asc
    • strkdur.dta
    • vietnam_ex1.asc
    • vietnam_ex1.dta
    • vietnam_ex2.asc
    • vietnam_ex2.dta
    • xyforsim.dta
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2021-3-6
  • sinha2003.pdf
       A Bayesian justification of Cox’s partial likelihood

  • 153.04 KB
  • 2021-2-18
  • ML_R_tidyverse_mlr_code.zip

    • CH01_INTRO.R
    • CH10_GAMS.R
    • CH13_PCA.R
    • CH15_SOM_AND_LLE.R
    • CH16_K_MEANS.R
    • CH19_MCLUST.R
  • 30.79 KB
  • 2020-7-15
  • statistical-rethinking-bayesian-examples-2nd.rar

    • statistical-rethinking-bayesian-examples-2nd.pdf
  • 24.34 MB
  • 2020-6-7
  • BayesiaLab9_1_JRE_64.zip

    • BayesiaLab9_1_JRE_64 (1).exe
  • 99.68 MB
  • 2020-2-26
  • 9780199559084.The Oxford Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics.rar

    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-10.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-9.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-8.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-7.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-6.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-5.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-4.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-3.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-1.pdf
    • oxfordhb-9780199559084-e-2.pdf
  • 11.68 MB
  • 2019-10-21
  • Bayesian Statistics for Beginners- a step-by-step approach.pdf.zip
       PDF file

    • Bayesian Statistics for Beginners- a step-by-step approach.pdf
  • 40.93 MB
  • 2019-10-4
  • Advances in Economic Theory Vol1.rar

    • 6 - Implementation in Bayesian equilibrium the multiple equilibrium problem in mechanism design.pdf
    • 1 - Foundations of game theory.pdf
    • 5 - Implementation, contracts, and renegotiation in environments with complete information.pdf
    • 4 - Repeated games cooperation and rationality.pdf
    • 3 - Explaining cooperation and commitment in repeated games.pdf
    • 2 - Refinements of Nash equilibrium.pdf
  • 16.36 MB
  • 2019-9-17
  • [James_O._Berger]_Statistical_Decision_Theory_and_(z-lib.org).zip
       Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis

    • [James_O._Berger]_Statistical_Decision_Theory_and_(z-lib.org).djvu
  • 6.74 MB
  • 2019-4-8
  • Applied Bayesian Forecasting and Time Series Analysis-Springer US (1994) - Andy .rar
       Bayesian Forecasting

    • Andy Pole, Mike West, Jeff Harrison (auth.) - Applied Bayesian Forecasting and Time Series Analysis-Springer US (1994).pdf
  • 10.1 MB
  • 2019-3-5
  • Modeling Analysts’ Recommendations via Bayesian Machine Learning.zip

    • Modeling Analysts’ Recommendations via Bayesian Machine Learning.pdf
  • 2.04 MB
  • 2019-2-14
  • 论文.rar

    • A Bayesian regularized artificial neural network for stock market forcasting.pdf
    • CAST Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.pdf
    • CAST- Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.docx
    • Combining multiple feature selection methods for stock prediction_ Union, intersection, and multi-intersection approaches.pdf
    • Correlating Financial Time Series with Micro-Blogging Activity.pdf
    • Deep learning for event-driven stock prediction..pdf
    • Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction.docx
    • Deep Learning Networks for Stock Market Analysis and Prediction_ Methodology, Data Representations, and Case Studies.pdf
    • Design and Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Values of Indexes on the Bulgarian Stock Market.pdf
    • Do Funds Make More When They Trade More.pdf
    • Financial Time Series Segmentation Based On Turning Points.pdf
    • High Frequency Trading and Extreme Price Movements_.pdf
    • High-frequency trading strategies.pdf
    • how to design targetdate funds.pdf
    • Improving Financial Time Series Prediction Using Exogenous Series and Neural Networks Committees.pdf
    • Measuring Skill in the Mutual Fund Industry.pdf
    • Risk and Return in High-Frequency Trading .pdf
    • A fuzzy rule based expert system for stock evaluation and portfolio construction_ An application to Istanbul Stock Exchange .pdf
    • A method for automatic stock trading combining technical analysis and nearest neighbor classification.pdf
    • A novel text mining approach to financial time series forecasting.pdf
    • A prediction scheme using perceptually important points and dynamic time warping.pdf
    • An Autonomous Trader Agent for the Stock Market Based on Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine Ensemble.docx
    • An autonomous trader agent for the stock market based on online sequential extreme learning machine ensemble.pdf
    • An empirical methodology for developing stockmarket trading systems using arti cial neural networks.pdf
    • An intraday market risk management approach based on textual analysis.pdf
    • Application of support vector machines in financial time 1899 series forcasting.pdf
    • Automatic High-Frequency Trading_ An Application to Emerging Chilean Stock Market.pdf
    • Automatic method for stock trading combining technical analysis and the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm.pdf
    • Automatie Method for Stoek Trading Combining Teehnieal Analysis and the Artifieial Bee Colony Algorithm.docx
  • 17.22 MB
  • 2019-1-26
  • 贝叶斯数据分析入门教材与习题答案.rar

    • Doing Bayesian Data Analysis A tutorial with R.pdf
    • Doing_Bayesian_Data_Analysis_-_Solutions_Manua.pdf
    • Exercise Solutions for Bayesian Data Analysis.pdf
  • 36.36 MB
  • 2019-1-20
  • (2014)Bayesian Essentials with R__2nd__Jean-Michel Marin, Christian P. Robert.rar

    • (2014)Bayesian Essentials with R__2nd__Jean-Michel Marin, Christian P. Robert.pdf
  • 6.03 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2013)Applied Bayesian Statistics With R and OpenBUGS Examples__1st__Mary Kathry.rar

    • (2013)Applied Bayesian Statistics With R and OpenBUGS Examples__1st__Mary Kathryn Cowles.pdf
  • 2.5 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2009)A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods_Peter D. Hoff.rar

    • (2009)A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods_Peter D. Hoff.pdf
  • 2.72 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2007)The Bayesian Choice_Christian P. Robert.rar

    • (2007)The Bayesian Choice_Christian P. Robert.pdf
  • 4.93 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2007)Bayesian Core_A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics_Je.rar

    • (2007)Bayesian Core_A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics_Jean-Michel Marin, Christian Robert.pdf
  • 7.68 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2006)An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis_ Theory and Methods_Jayanta K. Ghosh,.rar

    • (2006)An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis_ Theory and Methods_Jayanta K. Ghosh, Mohan Delampady, Tapas Samanta.pdf
  • 4.08 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • Bayesian_Speech_and_Language.rar

    • Bayesian Speech and Language Processing - Shinji Watanabe.pdf
    • Bayesian Speech and Language Processing - Shinji Watanabe.azw3
    • Bayesian Speech and Language Processing - Shinji Watanabe.epub
  • 52.73 MB
  • 2018-8-30
  • Gary koop_Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics.rar

    • Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Bayesian_VARs_BoK.pdf
    • Big_Data_BoK.pdf
    • koop_korobilis_forecasting_inflation_using_DMA.pdf
    • koop_korobilis_Foundations_and_Trends_2010.pdf
    • Koop_Review_of_Economic_Analysis.pdf
    • Overview_BoK.pdf
    • Problem_Set_1.pdf
    • Problem_Set_2.pdf
    • TVP_VARs_BoK.pdf
  • 13.23 MB
  • 2018-8-6

    • mem.m
    • art.m
    • avq.m
    • backpropagation.m
    • bam.m
    • bayesboundary.m
    • boltzmann.m
    • bsb.m
    • fuzzy.m
    • hopfield.m
    • linearnonsepsvm.m
    • linearsvm.m
    • alphalms.m
    • mexicanhat.m
    • mulms.m
    • nonlinearsvm.m
    • ojaalgorithm.m
    • perceptron.m
    • posteriorprobs.m
    • randomize.m
    • rbfnapproximation.m
    • rbfninterpolation.m
    • regularization.m
    • samplegaussian.m
    • sofm.m
    • steepestdescent.m
  • 24.84 KB
  • 2018-7-21
  • 8_贝叶斯.zip

    • Bayesian_Data_Analysis_Third_Editi.pdf
    • Computer Age Statistical Inference--Algorithms, Evidence and Data Science.pdf
    • readme.txt
  • 23.91 MB
  • 2018-6-13
  • ML 1.zip

    • Machine Learning_ A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective.pdf
    • An Introduction to Statistical Learning.pdf
    • Applied Predictive Modeling.pdf
    • Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning.pdf
    • The Elements of Statistical Learning.pdf
  • 75.11 MB
  • 2018-5-31
  • Bayesian Data Analysis.zip

    • A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods.pdf
    • Bayesian Data Analysis Gelman.pdf
    • Doing Bayesian Data Analysis.pdf
    • Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Bolstad.pdf
    • The Bayesian Choice From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation.pdf
    • The BUGS Book A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Analysis.pdf
  • 51.86 MB
  • 2018-5-31
  • Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential.zip

    • Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential.pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2018-5-1
  • 贝叶斯分析.zip

    • 3_Bayesian_probability(1).pdf
    • 9_Bayes_Factors.pdf
    • 10_Linear_Regression.pdf
    • 11_EM_algorithm.pdf
    • 12_Simple_Methods.pdf
    • 13_Gibbs.pdf
    • 14_Metropolis_Hastings(1).pdf
    • 15_revision(1).pdf
    • 16_Complex_Models(1).pdf
    • 17_Convergence.pdf
    • 18_MCMC_Model_Comparison.pdf
    • 1_intro_offline(1).pdf
    • 2_basics(2).pdf
    • 4_conjugate_distributions(1).pdf
    • 5_more_on_priors.pdf
    • 6_multivariate(2)(1).pdf
    • 7_outputs(1).pdf
    • 8_model_comparison(1).pdf
  • 3.07 MB
  • 2018-4-14