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  • 应用随机过程第4版-源程序.zip

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    • 第10章 随机过程在保险精算中的应用.tex
    • 第11章 Markov链Monte Carlo方法.tex
    • 第1章 预备知识.tex
    • 第2章 随机过程的基本概念和类型.tex
    • 第3章 Poisson过程.tex
    • 第4章 更新过程.tex
    • 第5章 Markov链.tex
    • 第6章 鞅.tex
    • 第7章 Brown运动.tex
    • 第8章 随机积分.tex
    • 第9章 随机过程在金融中的应用.tex
  • 1.97 MB
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    • Chemometrics Intelligent Lab Sys.ens
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    • Chemother Res Pract.ens
    • Chemotherapy.ens
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    • Chicago 16th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Footnote.ens
    • Chicago Review.ens
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    • Child Adolescent Social Work.ens
    • Child Care Health Dev.ens
    • Child Dev Perspectives.ens
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    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Clin Experi Metastasis.ens
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    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
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    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
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    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
    • Clin Psych Sci Pract.ens
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    • Clin Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Theriogenol.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
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    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
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    • Clinical Trials.ens
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    • Cognition.ens
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    • Cognitive Linguistics.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.ens
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    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
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    • Colloids and Surfaces B.ens
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    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • Comm Disorders Quarterly.ens
    • Comm Nonlin Sci Num Simul.ens
    • Comm On Pure App Math.ens
    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
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    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Comp Biol Chem.ens
    • Comp Communications.ens
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    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
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    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
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    • Composites-Part B.ens
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    • Comprehensive Psych.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Math.ens
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    • Conservation Letters.ens
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    • Conservation.ens
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    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
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    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
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    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
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    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
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    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
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    • Critical Care.ens
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    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
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    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
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    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
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    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
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    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
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    • DataCite.ens
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    • Decision Sciences J.ens
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    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
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    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
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    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
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    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
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    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
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    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
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    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
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    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
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    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
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    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
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    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel-English.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
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    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
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    • Digestion.ens
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    • Digestive Diseases.ens
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    • Digestive Surgery.ens
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    • Displays.ens
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    • DM_BigDataTechServicesM.xlsx
  • 14.6 KB
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  • work887_data.xlsx
       This file gives the data set on big tech and fintech credit for the paper "Fintech and big tech c ...

  • 50.52 KB
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  • datasets.zip

    • 401K.DTA
    • 401ksubs.dta
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    • alcohol.dta
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    • CRIME4.DTA
    • discrim.dta
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    • econmath.dta
    • elem94_95.dta
    • engin.dta
    • expendshares.dta
    • ezunem.dta
    • FAIR.DTA
    • FISH.DTA
    • GPA1.DTA
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    • infmrt.dta
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    • jtrain3.dta
    • jtrain98.dta
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    • LAWSCH85.DTA
    • loanapp.dta
    • mathpnl.dta
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    • meap01.dta
    • MEAP93.DTA
    • meapsingle.dta
    • minwage.dta
    • MLB1.DTA
    • MROZ.DTA
    • nbasal.dta
    • ncaa_rpi.dta
    • NYSE.DTA
    • okun.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • rdtelec.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school93_98.dta
    • SLEEP75.DTA
    • SLP75_81.DTA
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    • VOTE2.DTA
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    • WAGE1.DTA
    • WAGE2.DTA
    • wagepan.dta
    • wine.dta
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  • bigdata.rar

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    • DM_BigDataTechServicesM[DES][xlsx].txt
    • DM_BigDataTechServicesM.xlsx
  • 13.88 KB
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  • Book.pdf

  • 36.29 MB
  • 2022-5-15
  • Data Sets- STATA.zip

    • 401K.DTA
    • 401ksubs.dta
    • affairs.dta
    • airfare.dta
    • alcohol.dta
    • approval.dta
    • attend.dta
    • beauty.dta
    • benefits.dta
    • beveridge.dta
    • big9salary.dta
    • bwght2.dta
    • campus.dta
    • CARD.DTA
    • catholic.dta
    • cement.dta
    • census2000.dta
    • charity.dta
    • consump.dta
    • CORN.DTA
    • countymurders.dta
    • CPS78_85.DTA
    • cps91.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • CRIME2.DTA
    • CRIME3.DTA
    • CRIME4.DTA
    • discrim.dta
    • driving.dta
    • econmath.dta
    • elem94_95.dta
    • engin.dta
    • expendshares.dta
    • ezunem.dta
    • FAIR.DTA
    • FISH.DTA
    • GPA1.DTA
    • gpa2.dta
    • GPA3.DTA
    • happiness.dta
    • hprice1.dta
    • HTV.DTA
    • infmrt.dta
    • intdef.dta
    • jtrain3.dta
    • LAWSCH85.DTA
    • loanapp.dta
    • mathpnl.dta
    • meap00_01.dta
    • meap01.dta
    • MEAP93.DTA
    • meapsingle.dta
    • minwage.dta
    • MLB1.DTA
    • MROZ.DTA
    • nbasal.dta
    • NYSE.DTA
    • okun.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • rdtelec.dta
    • recid.dta
    • SLEEP75.DTA
    • SLP75_81.DTA
    • twoyear.dta
    • VOTE1.DTA
    • VOTE2.DTA
    • voucher.dta
    • WAGE1.DTA
    • WAGE2.DTA
    • wagepan.dta
    • wine.dta
  • 4.58 MB
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    • 2019072714075900494473551dlq.txt
    • 复件 (10) 复件 复件 郑大清理系统.bat
  • 827 Bytes
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    • FT_ListedFinComBigData.xlsx
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    • Irene Big Data Science in Finance .pdf
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    • 20180227-兴业研究-兴业研究资负专题读懂银行资负表系列4:畅想银行永续债.pdf
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    • 20190213_中信证券_行业专题_银行_肖斐斐冉宇航_银行业永续债研究专题—银行永续债的内涵.pdf
    • Asset pricing and ambiguity.pdf
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  • GTWR_Addins_Expired012021.zip

    • Armadillo_test1.dll
    • Armadillo_test1.exe
    • Armadillo_test1.exp
    • Armadillo_test1.ilk
    • Armadillo_test1.lib
    • Armadillo_test1.pdb
    • Dll_try_bigarray.dll
    • GTWR.chm
    • GTWR_Beta.dll
    • GTWR_Beta.esriAddIn
    • GTWR_Beta.pdb
    • MathNet.Numerics.dll
    • MathNet.Numerics.xml
    • blas_win64_MT.dll
    • blas_win64_MTd.dll
    • gdal19.dll
    • lapack_win64_MT.dll
    • lapack_win64_MTd.dll
  • 29.17 MB
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    • 20190217-国金证券-药明康德-603259.SH-CRO CDMO国际龙头,一体化制药赋能平台.pdf
    • 20190321-兴业证券-医药证券研究报告:CRO CDMO的产业趋势和投资策略.pdf
    • 20190628-广证恒生证券研究所-医药生物2019年中期策略报告:支付端改革初显成效,看好创新药、器械细分龙头、CRO CDMO、零售药店等优质赛道的高性价比企业.pdf
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    • 3第四章案例 人民币汇率制度.doc
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    • Armadillo_test1.pdb
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    • GTWR_Beta.dll
    • GTWR_Beta.esriAddIn
    • GTWR_Beta.pdb
    • lapack_win64_MT.dll
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    • MathNet.Numerics.dll
    • MathNet.Numerics.xml
    • Armadillo_test1.dll
    • Armadillo_test1.exe
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    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2018 Dell Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation.pdf
    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 2019 Ride-Hailing Services Forecasting Uber’s Growth.pdf
    • 1982 Johnson & Johnson The Tylenol Tragedy.pdf
    • 1994 Nucleon, Inc..pdf
    • 1997 Silicon Valley of the East Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.pdf
    • 1998 Perrier, Nestle, and the Agnellis.pdf
    • 1999 How Process Enterprises Really Work.pdf
    • 2000 Cafes Monte Bianco Building a Profit Plan.pdf
    • 2000 Coca-Cola's New Vending Machine (A) Pricing to Capture Value, or Not.pdf
    • 2000 Dell Selling Directly, Globally.pdf
    • 2001 Mountain Dew Selecting New Creative.pdf
    • 2001 Nestle Quality on the Boardroom Agenda (A).pdf
    • 2001 Nike, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2001 Nokia Corp. Innovation and Efficiency in a High-Growth Global Firm.pdf
    • 2002 Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice The adidas Connection.pdf
    • 2002 Nestle's Globe Program (A) The Early Months.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil Negotiating at the State Level.pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Coca-Cola's Marketing Challenges in Brazil The Tubaιnas War.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Carrefour S.A..pdf
    • 2005 Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (A).pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2006 FedEx and Environmental Defense Building a Hybrid Delivery Fleet.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs.pdf
    • 2008 Hyundai CardHyundai Capital and GE Money Re-branding Decisions in a Successful Joint Venture.pdf
    • 2008 Research in Motion Managing Explosive Growth.pdf
    • 2009 ATH MicroTechnologies, Inc. (A) Making the Numbers.pdf
    • 2009 Boeing The Fight for Fasteners.pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2010 Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Lessons from the Beijing Olympics.pdf
    • 2010 Homeless World Cup Social Entrepreneurship, Cause Marketing, and a Partnership with Nike.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Shanzhai! MediaTek and the White Box Handset Market.pdf
    • 2011 Bombardier Aerospace The CSeries Dilemma.pdf
    • 2011 Finland and Nokia Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 2011 GE Healthcare (A) Innovating for Emerging Markets.pdf
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    • 2011 Nokia India Battery Recall Logistics.pdf
    • 2011 State Bank of India Transforming a State Owned Giant.pdf
    • 2011 Vertu Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.pdf
    • 2012 Alphabet Energy.pdf
    • 2012 Coca-Cola in 2011 In Search of a New Model.pdf
    • 2012 Coke and Pepsi from Global to Indian Advertising.pdf
    • 2012 Merck (in 2009) Open for Innovation.pdf
    • 2012 Nestlé SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 Netflix Inc. Streaming Away from DVDs.pdf
    • 2013 Airbus vs. Boeing (A).pdf
    • 2013 Citigroup’s Shareholder Tango in Brazil (A).pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Back in Burma.pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Liquid and Linked.pdf
    • 2013 Governance and Sustainability at Nike (A).pdf
    • 2014 Corporate Governance at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Not A Good Thing.pdf
    • 2014 Facebook and WhatsApp Acquire or Ally.pdf
    • 2014 Hyundai Motor Company Design Takes the Driver's Seat.pdf
    • 2014 Microsoft New Wine in an Old Bottle.pdf
    • 2015 Uber An Empire in the Making.pdf
    • 2016 Adidas RussiaCIS and the Russian Crisis Retrench or Double Down (A).pdf
    • 2016 Airbnb, Etsy, Uber Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers.pdf
    • 2016 Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens.pdf
    • 2016 Cisco India (A) Innovation in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2016 GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analytics.pdf
    • 2016 Netflix International Expansion.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2016 Pricing the EpiPen This is Going to Sting.pdf
    • 2016 Reach Capital Performance in Education Technology.pdf
    • 2017 Fasten Challenging Uber and Lyft with a New Business Model.pdf
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    • 2017 Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell.pdf
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    • 2016 Starbucks' Loyalty Reigns.pdf
    • 2016 The Fall of Enron.pdf
    • 2016 The Maggi Noodle Safety Crisis in India (A).pdf
    • 2016 Unilever’s New Global Strategy Competing through Sustainability.pdf
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    • 2018 Voice War Hey Google vs. Alexa vs. Siri.pdf
    • 1985 The Disposable Diaper Industry in 1974.pdf
    • 1990 Otisline (A).pdf
    • 1991 The Investment Detective.pdf
    • 1993 Euro Disney The First 100 Days.pdf
    • 1996 McDonald’s Corporation.pdf
    • 1996 Private Equity Investment in Russia Alliance Cellulose Limited.pdf
    • 1996 Warren E. Buffett, 1995 (v. 1.7).pdf
    • 1997 Komatsu Ltd. and Project G (A).pdf
    • 1999 Matching Dell.pdf
    • 2000 Leadership Online Barnes & Noble vs. Amazon.com (A).pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy.pdf
    • 2002 BMW The 7-Series Project (A).pdf
    • 2002 Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).pdf
    • 2002 Ocean Carriers.pdf
    • 2003 Accel Partners' European Launch.pdf
    • 2003 BRL Hardy Globalizing an Australian Wine Company.pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Working Capital.pdf
    • 2003 Sampa Video, Inc..pdf
    • 2004 Internet Securities, Ins Financing Growth.pdf
    • 2004 Starbucks and Conservation International.pdf
    • 2004 The Globalization of CEMEX.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Deutsche Bank Finding Relative-Value Trades.pdf
    • 2005 GE’s Two-Decade Transformation Jack Welch’s Leadership.pdf
    • 2005 Kodak and the Digital Revolution (A).pdf
    • 2005 Newell Rubbermaid Strategy in Transition.pdf
    • 2005 Sonoco Products Company (A) Building a World-Class HR Organization.pdf
    • 2006 Cisco Systems Managing the Go-to-Market Evolution.pdf
    • 2006 Hewlett-Packard The Flight of the Kittyhawk (A).pdf
    • 2006 IKEA’s Global Sourcing Challenge Indian Rugs and Child Labor (A).pdf
    • 2006 Introduction to International Strategy.pdf
    • 2006 SG Cowen N ew Recruits.pdf
    • 2007 A Tale of two Electronic Components Distributors.pdf
    • 2007 Best Practices Decision Making Among Venture Capital Firms.PDF
    • 2007 IDEO Product Development.pdf
    • 2007 Innovation Without Walls Alliance Management at Eli Lilly and Company.pdf
    • 2007 The Fashion Channel.pdf
    • 2007 Westin Hotels and Resorts Operations of a Lifestyle Experience.pdf
    • 2008 A Crack in the Mug Can Starbucks Mend It.pdf
    • 2008 Apple Inc., 2008.pdf
    • 2008 Harrington Collection Harrington Collection.pdf
    • 2008 Tata Motors The Tata Ace.pdf
    • 2008 Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-TAK (A).pdf
    • 2009 Biovail Corporation Revenue Recognition and FOB Sales Accounting.pdf
    • 2009 IBM's Decade of Transformation Turnaround to Growth.pdf
    • 2009 Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2010 A Profile of Toyota’s Production System.pdf
    • 2010 Disney Losing Magic in the Middle Kingdom.pdf
    • 2010 Intel Corporation 1968–2003.PDF
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Monmouth, Inc..pdf
    • 2011 China Construnction America (B) The Baha Mar Resort Deal.pdf
    • 2011 Hewlett-Packard Company CEO Succession in 2000.pdf
    • 2011 Levendary Café The China Challenge.pdf
    • 2011 Marvel Enterprises, Inc. (Abridged).pdf
    • 2011 Raleigh & Rosse Measures to Motivate Exceptional Service.pdf
    • 2011 Sustainable Tea at Unilever.pdf
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    • 2012 Nestle SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 PV Technologies, Inc. Were They Asleep at the Switch.pdf
    • 2012 Sir Alex Ferguson Managing Manchester United.pdf
    • 2012 Valuation of AirThread Connections.pdf
    • 2013 Clique Pens The Writing Implements Division of U.S. Home.pdf
    • 2014 Andreessen Horowitz.PDF
    • 2014 Apple Inc. Managing a Global Supply Chain.pdf
    • 2014 Don Valentine and Sequoia Capital.PDF
    • 2014 Houston, We Have a Problem NASA and Open Innovation (A).pdf
    • 2014 Starbucks coffee company Transformation and Renewal.pdf
    • 2014 The Role of the Government in the Early Development of American Venture Capital.PDF
    • 2015 Amazon.com, Inc..pdf
    • 2015 Burger King Developing a Marketing Mix for Growth.pdf
    • 2015 Sustainability at IKEA Group.pdf
    • 2015 Teaming at Disney Animation.pdf
    • 2015 Tesla Motors (in 2013) - Will Sparks Fly in the Automobile Industry.pdf
    • 2015 Trouble at Tessei.pdf
    • 2016 Amazon.com, 2016.pdf
    • 2016 Coca-Cola Goes Green The Launch of Coke Life.pdf
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  • 2019-11-14
  • HBS.rar

    • 1976 Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 1979 Note on Theory of Optimal Capital Structure.pdf
    • 1981 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd..pdf
    • 1987 Learning by the Case Method.pdf
    • 1990 CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals Pharma International.pdf
    • 1992 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited.pdf
    • 1992 Xerox and Fuji Xerox.pdf
    • 1993 Beta Management Company.pdf
    • 1993 Depreciation at Delta and Pan Am.pdf
    • 1993 Note on Bank Loans.pdf
    • 1993 Rohm and Haas( A) New Product Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 1994 Note on Adjusted Present Value.pdf
    • 1994 Philip Morris Companies and Kraft, Inc..pdf
    • 1995 Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market.pdf
    • 1995 Capital Projects as Real Options An Introduction.pdf
    • 1995 City Year National Expansion Strategy (A).pdf
    • 1995 Crédit Géneral, SA.pdf
    • 1995 State Street Boston Corporation Leading with Information Technology.pdf
    • 1995 The Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set.pdf
    • 1996 Standard Costs and Variance Analysis.pdf
    • 1997 A Bankurptcy Problem from the Talmud.pdf
    • 1997 Manzana Insurance - Fruitvale Branch (Abridged).pdf
    • 1997 The Co-operative Bank.pdf
    • 1998 First Direct (A).pdf
    • 1998 Statements of Cash Flows Tree Examples.pdf
    • 1999 An Overview of the Project Finance Market.pdf
    • 2000 Honeywell, Inc. and Integrated Risk Management.pdf
    • 2000 McKinsey & Company Managing Knowledge and Learning.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Note on Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Shock Therapy in Eastern Europe Supplement.pdf
    • 2000 The Boston Beer Company, Inc..pdf
    • 2000 The Coca-Cola Company (A).pdf
    • 2000 The U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Three Gorges Dam (A).pdf
    • 2000 Tree Values.pdf
    • 2001 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2001 Term Sheet Negotiations for Trendsetter.com, Inc..pdf
    • 2002 Acme Investment Trust.pdf
    • 2002 Akamai's Underwater Options (A).pdf
    • 2002 Dell—New Horizons.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Li & Fung (A) Internet Issues.pdf
    • 2002 Robert Mondavi & The Wine Industry.pdf
    • 2002 Sara's Options.pdf
    • 2002 Strategic Captial Management, LLC(A).pdf
    • 2002 The Indian Software Industry in 2002.pdf
    • 2003 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture, 2002.pdf
    • 2003 At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (B).pdf
    • 2003 Group Process in the Challenger Launch Decision (B).pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter.pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at.pdf
    • 2003 Merck & Company Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity.pdf
    • 2004 Deferred Taxes and the Valuation Allowance at Lucent Technologies, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2004 Dividend Policy at Linear Technology.pdf
    • 2004 PetroChina.pdf
    • 2004 Strategic Inflection TiVo in 2003 (A).pdf
    • 2005 Gobi Partners October 2004.pdf
    • 2005 KAMCO and the Cross-Border Securitization of Korean Non-Performing Loans.pdf
    • 2005 Zipcar.pdf
    • 2006 Accounting for Pensions and Employee Benefits at Ford and Toyota.pdf
    • 2006 Chemalite, Inc..pdf
    • 2006 Harley-Davidson, Inc. Motorcycle Manufacturer or Financing Company.pdf
    • 2006 Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners.pdf
    • 2006 Market Segmentation, Target Market Selectiorn, and Positioning.pdf
    • 2006 The Children's Investment Fund, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Understanding Economic Value Added.pdf
    • 2007 GE’s Imagination Breakthroughs The Evo Project.pdf
    • 2007 HCL Technologies (A) (Abridged).pdf
    • 2007 McDonald’s Corporation Managing a Sustainable Supply Chain.pdf
    • 2007 PolyMedica Corporation (A).pdf
    • 2008 Banc One Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 Barilla SpA (A).pdf
    • 2008 Berkshire Partners Bidding for Carter's.pdf
    • 2008 Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A).pdf
    • 2008 Structuring Real Estate Deals An Investor’s Perspective.pdf
    • 2008 The Allstate Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 The Talbots, Inc., and Subsidiaries Accounting for Goodwill.pdf
    • 2009 Mary Kay Cosmetics Asian Market Entry (A).pdf
    • 2009 Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2009 New Century Financial Corporation.pdf
    • 2009 RFID at the Metro Group.pdf
    • 2009 Tottenham Hotspur plc.pdf
    • 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture.pdf
    • 2010 Flash Memory, Inc..pdf
    • 2010 Google in China (A).pdf
    • 2010 Jones Electrical Distribution.pdf
    • 2010 The NFL’s Digital Media Strategy.pdf
    • 2011 Accounting for the iPhone at Apple Inc..pdf
    • 2011 Big Spaceship Ready to Go Big.pdf
    • 2011 Roche’s Acquisition of Genentech.pdf
    • 2011 The Tip of the Iceberg JP Morgan Chase and Bear Stearns (A).pdf
    • 2012 Apple Inc. in 2012.pdf
    • 2012 Credit Rating Agency Reform in the US and EU.pdf
    • 2013 Diamond Foods, Inc..pdf
    • 2015 Note on the Leveraged Loan Market.pdf
    • 2016 Alibaba’s Taobao (2009).pdf
  • 90.66 MB
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  • reading papers.zip
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  • BIG-Data_AI-JPMmay2017.pdf
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    • lapack_win64_MT.dll
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    • MathNet.Numerics.xml
    • Dll_try_bigarray.dll
    • lapack_win64_MTd.dll
    • blas_win64_MTd.dll
    • GTWR_Beta.esriAddIn
    • GTWR_Beta.dll
    • GTWR_Beta.pdb
    • Armadillo_test1.exe
    • Armadillo_test1.pdb
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    • Armadillo_test1.lib
    • Armadillo_test1.ilk
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