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  • Chapter10-18.rar

    • Chapter 15 - Theory of Combinatorial Games.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - The Complexity of Computing Equilibria.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Population Games and Deterministic Evolutionary Dynamics.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Epistemic Game Theory.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Evolutionary Game Theory in Biology.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Behavioral Game Theory Experiments and Modeling.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Calibration and Expert Testing.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Ambiguity and Nonexpected Utility.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Game Theory and Distributed Control.pdf
  • 9.39 MB
  • 2018-11-16
  • 行为博弈论与国外经典文献.zip

    • Sophisticated Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning and Strategic Teaching in Repeated Games.pdf
    • A Behavioral Model for Participation Games with Negative Feedback.pdf
    • A cognitive hierarchy theory of one-shot games Some preliminary results.pdf
    • Camerer的行为博弈论的英文PDF版(Behavioral game theory_experiments in strategic interaction).pdf
    • Can the human mind learn to backward induce.pdf
    • Game Theory and Operations Research Some Musings 50 Years Later.pdf
    • Individual Behavior and Group Membership.pdf
    • The Compromise Game Two-sided Adverse Selection in the Laboratory.pdf
    • 经济学的行为挑战The behavioral challenge to economics Understanding normal people.pdf
    • 年纪和决策Aging_and_Decision_Making_A_broad_comparative_study_of_decision_behavior_in_neurologically_healthy_elderly_and_young_individuals.pdf
    • 神经元经济学Neuroeconomics.pdf
    • 神经元经济学导论Neuroeconomics How neuroscience can inform economics.pdf
    • 实验经济学的新视野:行为博弈论述评.pdf
    • 行为博弈导论 Behavioral Game Theory Thinking, Learning, and Teaching.pdf
    • 行为博弈论Behavioral Game Theory( 超经典).pdf
  • 23.07 MB
  • 2014-3-29
  • 【博弈】3.rar

    • Cooperative Stochastic Differential Games.pdf
    • Evolutionary Game Theory.pdf
    • Evolutionary Game Theory, Natural Selection, and Darwinian Dynamics.pdf
    • Prisoner's Dilemma 囚徒的困境.pdf
    • Supermodularity and Complementarity.pdf
    • Behavioral Game TheoryThinking, Learning, and Teaching Lctn - Colin F. Camerer.pdf
  • 15.12 MB
  • 2010-12-24
  • 230211.pdf
       [下载]Camerer的行为博弈论的英文PDF版(Behavioral game theory_experiments in strategic int

  • 17.44 MB
  • 2008-7-24
  • 120214.pdf
       行为博弈论Behavioral Game Theory( 超经典)

  • 992.67 KB
  • 2007-5-25