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    • The Asymmetric Effects of Uncertainty on Macroeconomic Activity.pdf
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  • 2017-11-11
  • Journal of International Economics2014 93(1).rar
       Journal of International Economics2014 93(1)

    • A quantitative approach to multinational production.pdf
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    • Low-wage country competition and the quality content of high-wage country exports.pdf
    • Openness and optimal monetary policy.pdf
    • The asymmetric effects of tariffs on intra-firm trade and offshoring decisions.pdf
    • Trade intensity and purchasing power parity.pdf
    • Trade policy_ Home market effect versus terms-of-trade externality.pdf
    • Verti-zontal differentiation in export markets.pdf
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  • 2014-7-10
  • 非对称性.rar

    • Asymmetric Effects of Positive and Negative Money Shocks.pdf
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    • 货币政策的非对称性:基于前景理论的解释.pdf
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  • 2012-8-21
  • 阅读文献.rar

    • No5.Negative Spillover in Brand Portfolios Exploring the Antecedents of Asymmetric Effects.PDF
    • No6.Cultural Differences in Brand Extension Evaluation The Influenc of Analytic versus Holistic Thinking.PDF
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    • No2.Key Aspects of Organizational Buying.PDF
    • No4.The Critical Incident Technique in Service Research.PDF
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  • 2009-6-22
  • 283339.pdf
       [求助]求职英文文献一篇,谢谢了!On the asymmetric effects of money-supply shocks: interna

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  • 2009-1-5