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  • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型Stata代码(附2000-2023年数据和结果).zip

    • The Role of Accruals in Asymmetrically Timely Gain and Loss Recognition.pdf
    • 代码[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 公司文件.dta
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 操纵性应计利润模型检测盈余管理能力的实证分析_黄梅.caj
    • 是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 退市公司名单.dta
  • 15.74 MB
  • 2024-5-29
  • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型2022yh.rar

    • The Role of Accruals in Asymmetrically Timely Gain and Loss Recognition.pdf
    • data.xlsx
    • 操纵性应计利润模型检测盈余管理能力的实证分析_黄梅.caj
    • 代码.do
    • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型处理结果.dta
    • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型处理结果.xlsx
  • 14.1 MB
  • 2023-5-20
  • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型Stata代码(附2000-2021年数据和结果).zip

    • The Role of Accruals in Asymmetrically Timely Gain and Loss Recognition.pdf
    • 代码[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 公司文件.dta
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 年末是否ST或PT.dta
    • 操纵性应计利润模型检测盈余管理能力的实证分析_黄梅.caj
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 退市公司名单.dta
  • 12.56 MB
  • 2022-5-19
  • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型Stata代码(附2000-2020年数据和结果) .zip

    • The Role of Accruals in Asymmetrically Timely Gain and Loss Recognition.pdf
    • 代码.do
    • 公司文件.dta
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 年末是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 退市公司名单.dta
  • 12.84 MB
  • 2022-4-8
  • 应计盈余管理非线性琼斯模型Stata代码(附2000-2020年数据和结果) .zip

    • The Role of Accruals in Asymmetrically Timely Gain and Loss Recognition.pdf
    • 代码.do
    • 公司文件.dta
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 年末是否ST或PT.dta
    • 操纵性应计利润模型检测盈余管理能力的实证分析_黄梅.caj
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 退市公司名单.dta
  • 14.38 MB
  • 2021-7-16
  • 浙江大学中级微观经济学英文PPT课件.zip

    • Ch36 Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Ch1 The Market.ppt
    • Ch10:Intertemporal Choice.ppt
    • Ch11:Asset Markets.ppt
    • Ch12:Uncertainty.ppt
    • Ch13 Risky Assets.ppt
    • Ch14:Consumer’s Surplus.ppt
    • Ch15:Market Demand.ppt
    • Ch16:Equilibrium.ppt
    • Ch17:Auctions.ppt
    • Ch18:Technology.ppt
    • Ch19:Profit-Maximization.ppt
    • Ch2 Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Ch20:Cost Minimization.ppt
    • Ch21:Cost Curves.ppt
    • Ch22:Firm Supply.ppt
    • Ch23 Industry Supply.ppt
    • Ch24:Monopoly.ppt
    • Ch25:Monopoly Behavior.ppt
    • Ch26 Factor Markets.ppt
    • Ch27:Oligopoly.ppt
    • Ch28:Game Theory.ppt
    • Ch29 GameApplications.ppt
    • Ch3 Preferences.ppt
    • Ch30 Exchange.ppt
    • Ch31 Production.ppt
    • Ch32 Welfare.ppt
    • Ch33:Externalities.ppt
    • Ch34 Information Technology.ppt
    • Ch35 Public Goods.ppt
    • Ch4 Utility.ppt
    • Ch5 Choice.ppt
    • Ch6 Demand.ppt
    • Ch7 Revealed Preference.ppt
    • Ch8:Slutsky Equation.pdf
    • Ch9:Buying and Selling.ppt
  • 8.17 MB
  • 2020-4-2
  • The impact of asymmetric information on entry deterrence.zip

    • The impact of asymmetric information on entry deterrence.pdf
  • 397.11 KB
  • 2019-2-24
  • No news is good news_ An asymmetric model of changing volatility in stock returns.zip

    • No news is good news_ An asymmetric model of changing volatility in stock returns.pdf
  • 2.3 MB
  • 2018-4-8
  • economic analysis of contract law - incomplete contracts and asymmetric informat.rar
       economic analysis of contract law - incomplete contracts and asymmetric information (2018)

    • economic analysis of contract law - incomplete contracts and asymmetric information (2018).epub
  • 1.42 MB
  • 2018-1-29
  • 01.rar

    • The Asymmetric Effects of Uncertainty on Macroeconomic Activity.pdf
  • 660.57 KB
  • 2017-11-11
  • 001.pdf
       Optimal foldover plans of asymmetric factorials with minimum wrap-around L2-discrepancy

  • 544.96 KB
  • 2017-3-4
  • Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 12E - Nicholson - TB.zip
       Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 12E - Nicholson 题库

    • Chapter_15_Asymmetric_Information.docx
    • Chapter_17_Behavioral_Economics.docx
    • Chapter_1_Economic_Models.docx
    • Chapter_2_Utility_and_Choice.docx
    • Chapter_3_Demand_Curves.docx
    • Chapter_4_Uncertainty.docx
    • Chapter_5_Game_Theory.docx
    • Chapter_6_Production.docx
    • Chapter_7_Costs.docx
    • Chapter_8_Profit_Maximization_and_Supply.docx
    • Chapter_9_Perfect_Competition_in_a_Single_Market.docx
    • Chapter_10_General_Equilibrium_and_Welfare.docx
    • Chapter_11_Monopoly.docx
    • Chapter_12_Imperfect_Competition.docx
    • Chapter_13_Pricing_in_Input_Markets.docx
    • Chapter_14_Capital_and_Time.docx
    • Chapter_16_Externalities_and_Public_Goods.docx
  • 408.66 KB
  • 2017-1-30
  • 论文主要参考文献.zip

    • Dana-Learning in an Equilibrium Search Model.pdf
    • Jaynes-2003-Probability Theory The Logic of Science-Unofficial Errata and Commentary.pdf
    • K AHNEM AN-Maps of Bounded Rationality-Psychology for Behavioral Economics.pdf
    • Levy-2013-Shrinking Goods--51.pdf
    • Stigler-The Economics of Information.pdf
    • Tappata-Rockets and feathers Understanding asymmetric pricing.pdf
    • Wolinsky-1983-price as signals of product quality.pdf
    • yang and ye -Search with learning understanding.pdf
  • 5.26 MB
  • 2016-6-6
  • Optimal environmental regulation under asymmetric information.rar

    • Optimal environmental regulation under asymmetric information.pdf
  • 925.28 KB
  • 2015-9-22
  • conservatism principle and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings.rar

    • conservatism principle and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings.pdf
  • 1.62 MB
  • 2015-4-9
  • 范里安的英文课件.rar

    • Varian_Chapter37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter20_Cost_Minimization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter19_Profit_Maximization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter18_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter15_Market_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter14_Consumer's_Surplus.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter13_Risky_Assets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter11_Asset_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter10_Intertemporal_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter09_Buying_and_Selling.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter08_Slutsky_Equation.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter07_Revealed_Preference.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter06_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter05_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter04_Utility.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter03_Preferences.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter02_Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter01_The_Market.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter36_Public_Goods.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter35_Information_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter34_Externalities.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter33_Welfare.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter32_Production.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter31_Exchange.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter28_Game_Theory.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter26_Factor_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter22_Firm_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter21_Cost_Curves.ppt
  • 3.66 MB
  • 2015-1-24
  • 微观经济学现代观点PPT.rar

    • Ch36Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Ch1The Market .ppt
    • Ch2Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Ch3Preferences.ppt
    • Ch4Utility.ppt
    • Ch5Choice.ppt
    • Ch6Demand.ppt
    • Ch7Revealed Preference.ppt
    • Ch8Slutsky Equation.ppt
    • Ch9Buying and Selling.ppt
    • Ch10.Intertemporal Choice.ppt
    • Ch11Asset Markets.ppt
    • Ch12Uncertainty.ppt
    • Ch13Risky Assets.ppt
    • Ch14Consumer’s Surplus.ppt
    • Ch15Market Demand.ppt
    • Ch16Equilibrium.ppt
    • Ch17Auctions.ppt
    • Ch18Technology.ppt
    • Ch19Profit-Maximization.ppt
    • Ch20Cost Minimization.ppt
    • Ch21Cost Curves.ppt
    • Ch22Firm Supply.ppt
    • Ch23Industry Supply.ppt
    • Ch24Monopoly.ppt
    • Ch25Monopoly Behavior.ppt
    • Ch26Factor Markets.ppt
    • Ch27Oligopoly.ppt
    • Ch28Game Theory.ppt
    • Ch30Exchange.ppt
    • Ch31Production.ppt
    • Ch32Welfare.ppt
    • Ch33Externalities.ppt
    • Ch35Public Goods.ppt
  • 2.16 MB
  • 2015-1-3
  • 英文版教材.rar

    • 37 Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • 40 Index.pdf
    • 0 Contents n Preface.pdf
    • 1 The Market.pdf
    • 2 Budget Constraint.pdf
    • 3 Prefernces.pdf
    • 4 Utility.pdf
    • 5 Choice.pdf
    • 6 Demand.pdf
    • 7 Revealed Preference.pdf
    • 8 Slutsky Equation.pdf
    • 9 Buying and Selling.pdf
    • 10 Interemporal Choice.pdf
    • 11 Asset Markets.pdf
    • 12 Uncertainty.pdf
    • 13 Risky Assets.pdf
    • 14 Consunmer's Surplus.pdf
    • 15 Market Demand.pdf
    • 16 Equilibrium.pdf
    • 17 Auctions.pdf
    • 18 Technology.pdf
    • 19 Profit Maximization.pdf
    • 20 Cost Minimization.pdf
    • 21 Cost Curves.pdf
    • 22 Firm Supply.pdf
    • 23 Industry Supply.pdf
    • 24 Monopoly.pdf
    • 25 Monopoly Behavior.pdf
    • 26 Factor Markets.pdf
    • 27 Oligopoly.pdf
    • 28 Game Theory.pdf
    • 29 Game Application.pdf
    • 30 Behavioral Economics.pdf
    • 31 Exchange.pdf
    • 32 Production.pdf
    • 33 Welfare.pdf
    • 34 Externalities.pdf
    • 35 Information Technology.pdf
    • 36 Public Goods.pdf
    • 38 Mathematical Appendix.pdf
    • 39 Answers.pdf
  • 31.58 MB
  • 2014-12-28
  • Asymmetrical effects of positive and negative events.rar

    • Asymmetrical effects of positive and negative events.pdf
  • 2.2 MB
  • 2014-12-3
  • 最全的郎咸平英文论文集.zip

    • Bid-Ask Spread, Asymmetric Information and Ultimate Ownership.doc
    • Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • A test of the free cash flow hypothesis The case of bidder returns.pdf
    • An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self-Interest on Corporate Capital Structure.pdf
    • An analysis of ultimate ownership in Western.pdf
    • Asset sales, firm performance, and the agency costs of managerial discretion.pdf
    • Common volatility in the industrial structure of global capital markets.pdf
    • Contagion and competitive intra-industry effects of bankruptcy announcements_ An empirical analysis.pdf
    • Debt and Expropriation.pdf
    • Determinants of interest rate swap spreads.pdf
    • Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings.pdf
    • Diversification and Efficiency of Investment of East Asian Corporations.pdf
    • Dividend Announcements_ Cash FlowSignalling vs. Free Cash Flow Hypothesis.pdf
    • Dividends and expropriation.pdf
    • Does Money Explain Asset Returns_ Theory and Empirical Analysis.pdf
    • Effects of large shareholding on information asymmetry and stock liquidity.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Exposure at the Firm and Industry Level.pdf
    • Faccio_Lang_2002_UltimateOwnership.pdf
    • Insider Trading around Dividend Announcements_ Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Leverage, investment, and firm growth.pdf
    • Managerial Performance, Tobin's Q, and the Gains from Successful Tender Offers.pdf
    • Performance of various transaction frequencies under call markets_ The case of Taiwan.pdf
    • Pre and post-October 1987 stock market linkages between U.S. and Asian markets.pdf
    • The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts_ Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism.pdf
    • The Measurement of Relatedness_ An Application to Corporate Diversification.pdf
    • The Size Effect on Stock Returns_ It is Simply A Risk Effect Not Adequately Reflected by the Usual Measures.pdf
    • The Ultimate Ownership of Western European Corporations.pdf
    • The Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline.pdf
    • The benefits and costs of group affiliction_ Evidence from East Asia.pdf
    • The pricing of currency risk in Japan.pdf
    • The separation of ownership and control in East Asian Corporations.pdf
    • Tobin’s q, Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance.pdf
    • Troubled Savings and Loan Institutions_ Turnaround Strategies Under Insolvency.pdf
    • Troubled debt restructurings_ An empirical study of private reorganization of firms in default.pdf
    • When does corporate diversification matter to productivity and performance_ Evidence from East Asia.pdf
    • Who Controls US.pdf
    • Who controls Allianz_ Measuring the separation of dividend and control rights under cross-ownership among firms .pdf
    • he separation of ownership and control.pdf
    • 经济学者郎咸平简介.doc
    • 缺失文献.txt
  • 28.2 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • Journal of International Economics2014 93(1).rar
       Journal of International Economics2014 93(1)

    • A quantitative approach to multinational production.pdf
    • Autocracy, democracy and trade policy.pdf
    • Debt deleveraging and the exchange rate.pdf
    • Estimating the extensive margin of trade.pdf
    • Global Financial Crisis through the Lens of a New Institution-based Trilemma.pdf
    • Global sourcing of complex production processes.pdf
    • International capital flows under dispersed private information.pdf
    • International trade and macroeconomic dynamics with labor market frictions.pdf
    • Liquidity-constrained migrants.pdf
    • Low-wage country competition and the quality content of high-wage country exports.pdf
    • Openness and optimal monetary policy.pdf
    • The asymmetric effects of tariffs on intra-firm trade and offshoring decisions.pdf
    • Trade intensity and purchasing power parity.pdf
    • Trade policy_ Home market effect versus terms-of-trade externality.pdf
    • Verti-zontal differentiation in export markets.pdf
  • 7.31 MB
  • 2014-7-10
  • 价格粘性英文文献.zip

    • -1994-Ball and Mankiw-Asymmetric Price Adjustments and Economic Fluctuations’.pdf
    • -2005-Asymmetric Wholesale Pricingpdf.pdf
    • -1935-Hicks-Annual Survey of Economic Theory The Theory of Monopoly.pdf
    • -1972-Barro-A_Theory_of_Monopolistic_Price_Adjustment.pdf
    • -1983-calvo-Staggered prices in a utility-maximizing framework .pdf
    • -1984-Rotemberg-A Supergame-Theoretical Model of Price Wars during Boomsrt7.pdf
    • -1989-Bailey Brorsen Price asymmetry in spatial fed cattle markets[J]. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics.pdf
    • -2002-Mankiw N G, Reis-Sticky Information versus Sticky Price.pdf
    • -2004-gewecke-综述油-Issues in the rockets and feathers gasoline price literature.pdf
    • -2005-Rotemberg -Customer anger at price increases, changes in the frequency of price adjustment and monetary policy[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics..pdf
    • -2009-Kleshchelski-Market share and price rigidity.pdf
    • -2010-Price settinginforward-lookingcustomermarkets.pdf
  • 8.82 MB
  • 2013-9-6
  • 中级微观经济学英文版.zip

    • Varian_Chapter37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter01_The_Market.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter02_Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter03_Preferences.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter04_Utility.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter05_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter06_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter07_Revealed_Preference.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter08_Slutsky_Equation.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter09_Buying_and_Selling.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter10_Intertemporal_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter11_Asset_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter13_Risky_Assets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter14_Consumer's_Surplus.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter15_Market_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter17_Auctions.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter18_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter19_Profit_Maximization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter20_Cost_Minimization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter21_Cost_Curves.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter22_Firm_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter26_Factor_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter28_Game_Theory.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter30_Behavioral_Economics.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter31_Exchange.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter32_Production.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter33_Welfare.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter34_Externalities.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter35_Information_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter36_Public_Goods.ppt
  • 4.2 MB
  • 2013-9-6
  • 微观经济学.rar

    • Ch36_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Ch01_The Market.ppt
    • Ch02_Budgetary and Other Constraints on Choice.ppt
    • Ch03_Preferences.ppt
    • Ch04_Utility.ppt
    • Ch05_Choice.ppt
    • Ch06_Demand.ppt
    • Ch07_Revealed Preference.ppt
    • Ch08_Slutsky Equation.ppt
    • Ch09_Buying and Selling.ppt
    • Ch10_Intertemporal Choice.ppt
    • Ch11_Asset Markets.ppt
    • Ch12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Ch13_Risky Assets.ppt
    • Ch14_Consumer’s Surplus.ppt
    • Ch15_Market Demand.ppt
    • Ch16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Ch17_Auctions.ppt
    • Ch18_Technology.ppt
    • Ch19_Profit-Maximization.ppt
    • Ch20_Cost Minimization.ppt
    • Ch21_Cost Curves.ppt
    • Ch22_Firm Supply.ppt
    • Ch23_Industry Supply.ppt
    • Ch24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Ch25_Monopoly Behavior.ppt
    • Ch26_Factor Markets.ppt
    • Ch27.ppt
    • Ch27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Ch28_Game Theory.ppt
    • Ch29_Exchange.ppt
    • Ch30_Production.ppt
    • Ch31_Welfare.ppt
    • Ch32_Externalities.ppt
    • Ch33_Law and Economics.ppt
    • Ch34_Information Technology.ppt
    • Ch35_Public Goods.ppt
  • 4.2 MB
  • 2013-6-21
  • 博弈论.rar

    • Markets with Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • 1994harsanyi.pdf
    • Mechanism design.pdf
    • 2007rp-myerson revelation principle.pdf
    • 2011che Brave New World of Market Design.pdf
    • McAfee&McMillan87 auction and binding.pdf
    • Myerson99 Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory.pdf
    • Riley01 Silver Signals Twenty-Five Years of Screening and Signaling.pdf
  • 6.16 MB
  • 2012-12-30
  • 非对称性.rar

    • Asymmetric Effects of Positive and Negative Money Shocks.pdf
    • 货币政策无效性命题在中国的实证研究.pdf
    • 政策方向、经济周期与货币政策效力非对称性.pdf
    • 中国地区间货币政策效应双重非对称性研究.pdf
    • 货币政策的非对称性:基于前景理论的解释.pdf
  • 2.13 MB
  • 2012-8-21
  • 2012_1_16Essential_Microeconomics_Cambridge_Univer.rar
       essential microeconomics

    • chapter10 games with asymmetric information.pdf
    • chapter11 incentive compatibility and mechanism design.pdf
    • chapter12 auctions and public goods 1 January 2012.pdf
    • Getting started.doc
    • AppendixA mathematical foundations.pdf
    • AppendixB mappings of vectors.pdf
    • AppendixC optimization.pdf
    • chapter1 prices and optimization.pdf
    • chapter2 consumers.pdf
    • chapter3 equilibrium and efficiency in an exchange economy.pdf
    • chapter4 firms.pdf
    • chapter5 general equilibrium.pdf
    • chapter6 dynamic optimization.pdf
    • chapter7 uncertainty.pdf
    • chapter8 equilbrium in financial markets.pdf
    • chapter9 games where preferences and history are common knowledge.pdf
  • 4.74 MB
  • 2012-8-10
  • 经济学.zip
       经济学 必读 经典 论文合集

    • Analysis of real GDP growth rates of greater China An asymmetric conditional volatility approach .pdf
    • Collusion in transport group effects .pdf
    • Corporate governance in China An overview .pdf
    • Corruption by monopoly Bribery in Chinese enterprise licensing as a repeated bargaining game.pdf
    • Crown, corporation and church the role of institutions in the stability of pioneer settlements in the Canadian West, 1870–1914 .pdf
    • Emergence of urban poverty and inequality in China evidence from household survey.pdf
    • Fairness as a source of hysteresis in empolyment and relative wages .pdf
    • Growth and regional inequality in China during the reform era .pdf
    • Have the Chinese provinces become integrated under reform.pdf
    • High benefits and low wages Employees as monitor of managerment in soes.pdf
    • Interregional protection Implications of fiscal decentralization and trade liberalization .pdf
    • Is Chinese provincial real GDP per capita nonstationary Evidence from multiple trend break unit root tests.pdf
    • Making sense of institutions as a factor shaping economic performance.pdf
    • On the pareto-optimality of futures contracts over Islamic forward contracts implications for the emerging muslim ecomomics.pdf
    • Privatization and efficiency differentiating ownership effects from political orgnizatinal and dynamic effects.pdf
    • Rural–urban income disparity impact of growth, allocative efficiency, and local growth welfare .pdf
    • Rural–urban migration and urbanization in China Evidence from time-series and cross-section analyses .pdf
    • Segmentation and discrimination in China’s emerging industrial labor market .pdf
    • Sources of China’s economic growth 1952–1999 incorporating human capital accumulation .pdf
    • The effort effects of prizes in the second half in second half of tournaments.pdf
    • The nature of multinational firm boundaries Transaction costs, firm capabilities and foreign maket entry model.pdf
    • The open constitution and its enemies competition rent seeking and the rise of moder state.pdf
    • The wage effects of schooling under socialism and transition evidence in romania1995-2000.pdf
    • What has caused regional inequality in China.pdf
    • What is China’s true unemployment rate.pdf
    • a consititutional theroy of public goods.pdf
    • a general equilibrium of modern crime and punishment.pdf
    • alloction efficiency in competitive bribery game.pdf
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    • do tournamets solve of tow-side moral hazard problem .pdf
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    • efficency wages and the quality of job matching.pdf
    • growing inequality and poverty in chian.pdf
    • how much do we care about absolute versus ralative income and consumption.pdf
    • information age orgnaization dynamic and perfermance .pdf
    • investment in uncertainty and policy change.pdf
    • is more data better.pdf
    • job transfer and influence activitise.pdf
    • non-prioner delimma.pdf
    • optimal investment with lumpy costs.pdf
    • productivity growth in oecd countries.pdf
    • regional diparity and economic develop in china .pdf
    • team selection with asymmetric agents.pdf
    • the impacts of income gap decision in china.pdf
    • trade insititutions and credit.pdf
  • 7.77 MB
  • 2012-7-21
  • 范里安的微观翻译课件 完美版.zip

    • Varian_Chapter37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter01_The_Market.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter02_Budget__ Constraint.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter03_Preferences.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter04_Utility.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter05_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter06_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter07_Revealed_Preference.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter08_Slutsky_Equation.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter09_Buying_and_Selling.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter10_Intertemporal_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter11_Asset_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter13_Risky_Assets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter14_Consumer's_Surplus.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter15_Market_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter17_Auctions.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter18_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter19_Profit_Maximization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter20_Cost_Minimization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter21_Cost_Curves.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter22_Firm_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter26_Factor_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter28_Game_Theory.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter30_Behavioral_Economics.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter31_Exchange.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter32_Production.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter33_Welfare.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter34_Externalities.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter35_Information_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter36_Public_Goods.ppt
  • 7.74 MB
  • 2012-4-30
  • Signaling & Contracting.rar
       Open course

    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Syllabus_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class1-case-asgnment-when-is-info-strategic.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class2-case-asgnment-vermeer.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class2-LectureNotes-symmetricInformation_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class3-LectureNotes-asymmetric-contracting-model_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class3-LectureNotes-hidden-action-numerical-example_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class4-case-asgnment-techtransfer.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class4-LectureNotes-hidden-characteristics-base-model_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class4-LectureNotes-lemons-model-example_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class4-LectureNotes-tech-licenng-case.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class5-case-asgnment-RIM.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class5-case-key-RIM.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class5-LectureNotes-hidden-characteristics-veroning_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class6-case-asgnment-Digg.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-w08-class6-LectureNotes-hidden-characteristics-gnaling_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture1-IntroToContracts_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture1-IntroToContracts_0.ppt
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture2-HiddenActionI_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture2-HiddenActionI_0.ppt
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture3-IncentivePay_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture3-IncentivePay_0.ppt
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture5-hidden-characteristics-examples_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture5-hidden-characteristics-examples_0.ppt
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture6-gnaling_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Lecture6-gnaling_0.ppt
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Schedule_0.doc
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Schedule_0.pdf
    • MacKie-Mason-SI680-W08-Syllabus_0.doc
  • 15.58 MB
  • 2012-4-20
  • weiguan.rar

    • 37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • 29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • 22_Firm_Supply.ppt
    • 23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • 24_Monopoly.ppt
    • 25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • 27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • 28_Game_Theory.ppt
  • 1 MB
  • 2012-2-28
  • 3篇.rar

    • Cross-Market Network Effect with Asymmetric Customer Loyalty Implications for Competitive Advantage.pdf
    • Service Escape Profiting from Customer Cancellations.pdf
    • Performance-Based Advertising Price and Advertising as Signals of Product Quality.pdf
  • 408.56 KB
  • 2012-1-13
  • 2.pdf
        Copper(II)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Henry Reaction

  • 364.71 KB
  • 2011-10-17
  • 7.zip

    • Finance Assets - Asymmetric Returns - The Future of Active Asset Management - A M Ineichen (John Wiley & Sons) - 2007 [0470042664].pdf
    • Edwin Mansfield - Size Of Firm, Market Structure, And Innovation.pdf
    • EE,.A.Guide.to.International.Monetary.Economics.(2004),.王学鸿打印.pdf
    • EE,.A.Handbook.of.Alternative.Monetary.Economics.(2006).3HAXAP.[1843769158].pdf
    • Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking - Jae K. Shim & Michael Constas (2001 CRC Press) [ISBN1574442910].pdf
    • Enhancing Trader Performance - Proven Strategies From the Cutting Edge of Trading Psychology.pdf
    • Enterprise.Integration.with.Ruby(2006.1).pdf
    • Essential.Technical.Analysis.pdf
    • Essentials Of Financial Analysis 王学鸿.pdf
    • Essentials of Supply Chain Management - Wiley.pdf
    • Finance - John Wiley - Financial Engineering Principles A Unified Theory For Financial Product Analysis And Valuation.pdf
  • 28.93 MB
  • 2011-4-26
  • 03.pdf
       Towards energetically viable asymmetric deprotonations

  • 142.08 KB
  • 2011-1-20
  • 01.pdf
       Asymmetric catalysis with chiral oxazolidine ligands

  • 907.79 KB
  • 2011-1-20
  • 4~6.rar

    • A fast and sensitive assay for measuring the activity and enantioselectivity of transaminases .pdf
    • Organocatalytic asymmetric direct vinylogous aldol reactions of γ.pdf
    • Cobalt carbaporphyrin-catalyzed cyclopropanation.pdf
  • 1.6 MB
  • 2010-11-14
  • 1~3.rar

    • Rhodium_diene-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of N-sulfonyl indolylimines.pdf
    • Chiral phosphine-squaramides as enantioselective catalysts for the intramolecular Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction.pdf
    • Organocatalytic enantioselective desymmetrization of cyclic enones via phosphine promoted.pdf
  • 1.58 MB
  • 2010-11-14
  • 英文文献.rar

    • Alkaline Earth Metal Catalysts for Asymmetric Reactions.pdf
    • Asymmetric Cu(II) catalyses for cycloaddition reactions based on π–cation or n–cation interactions.pdf
    • Arylspiroboronate esters.pdf
    • Direct C–H Transformation via Iron.pdf
    • Impact of in situ MAS NMR techniques to the understanding of the mechanisms of zeolite catalyzed reactions.pdf
    • Palladium-Catalyzed Cyclization of Propargylic Compounds.pdf
    • The Development and Catalytic Uses of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Gold Complexes.pdf
    • Theory of Coupled Electron and Proton Transfer.pdf
    • Transition Metal Catalyzed Enantioselective α-Heterofunctionalization of Carbonyl Compounds.pdf
  • 7.03 MB
  • 2010-11-6
  • 10篇.rar

    • Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Quaternary α-Hydroxy Trifluoromethy.pdf
    • Asymmetric Direct Vinylogous Aldol Reaction of Unactivated γ-Butenolide to Aldehydes.pdf
    • Catalytic Asymmetric Roskamp Reaction of α-Alkyl-α-diazoesters.pdf
    • Asymmetric Cyanation of Activated Olefins with Ethyl Cyanoformate.pdf
    • Highly enantioselective synthesis of tertiary alcohols.pdf
    • Chiral Bisguanidine-Catalyzed Inverse-Electron-Demand.pdf
    • Highly enantioselective aza-ene-type reaction catalyzed by.pdf
    • Highly enantioselective α-chlorination of cyclic.pdf
    • Highly enantioselective Michael addition of malonates.pdf
    • Highly enantioselective aza-ene-type reaction.pdf
    • Complex Catalyzed Highly Enantioselective.pdf
  • 4.44 MB
  • 2010-11-5
  • Papers_1_9.rar

    • 3 Highly Enantioselective Asymmetric.pdf
    • 6 Efficient Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation.pdf
    • 7 A Hybrid Phosphorus Ligand.pdf
    • 8 Highly Enantioselective Syntheses.pdf
    • 9 An ortho-Substituted BIPHEP.pdf
    • 1 Enantioselective Hydrogenation.pdf
    • 2 Rh-Catalyzed Kinetic Resolution.pdf
    • 4 Cu(I)-Catalyzed Highly Exo-selective and Enantioselective.pdf
    • 5 An Unexpected Phosphine-Catalyzed.pdf
  • 622.62 KB
  • 2010-10-31
  • paper_1-10.rar

    • 1 Developing Chiral Ligands for Asymmetric Hydrogenation.pdf
    • 2 Convenient Divergent Strategy for the Synthesi.pdf
    • 3 Highly Regioselective.pdf
    • 4 Rhodium-Catalyzed Direct Oxidative.pdf
    • 5 Highly Efficient and Highly Enantioselective.pdf
    • 6 Highly Efficient and Highly Enantioselective.pdf
    • 7 Highly Efficient and Highly Enantioselective.pdf
    • 8 Design and synthesis.pdf
    • 9 Highly Enantioselective Hydrogenation.pdf
    • 10 A Tetraphosphorus Ligand.pdf
  • 4.4 MB
  • 2010-10-31
  • paper_1_10.rar

    • 8_Cinchona Alkaloid-Catalyzed Asymmetric.pdf
    • 10_Catalytic Asymmetric Formal.pdf
    • 7_Enantioselective Michael Reaction.pdf
    • 9_Highly Enantioselective Mukaiyama Aldol Reactions.pdf
    • 1_One-Pot Conversions of Olefins to Cyclic Carbonates.pdf
    • 2_Organocatalyzed Enantioselective Protonation.pdf
    • 3_Direct_Catalytic_Synthesis_of_Carbapenams.pdf
    • 4_Total Synthesis of Clavicipitic Acid.pdf
    • 5_Copper-Catalyzed Synthesis of Quinazoline.pdf
    • 6_Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis.pdf
  • 8.27 MB
  • 2010-10-27
  • chem.zip

    • cu(i) - catalyzed diamination.pdf
    • cu(i) - catalyzed regioselective.pdf
    • synthetic and mechanistic studies.pdf
    • asymmetric simmons.pdf
    • a cu(i).pdf
    • organocatalytic asymmetric.pdf
    • asymmetric epoxidation.pdf
    • organocatalytic oxidation.pdf
    • enantioselective epoxidation.pdf
    • mechanistic studies.pdf
  • 4.95 MB
  • 2010-10-25
  • 范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》第七版原版PPT.rar

    • Varian_Chapter37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter26_Factor_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter28_Game_Theory.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter30_Behavioral_Economics.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter31_Exchange.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter32_Production.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter33_Welfare.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter34_Externalities.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter35_Information_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter36_Public_Goods.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter06_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter07_Revealed_Preference.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter08_Slutsky_Equation.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter09_Buying_and_Selling.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter10_Intertemporal_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter11_Asset_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter13_Risky_Assets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter14_Consumer's_Surplus.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter15_Market_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter17_Auctions.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter18_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter19_Profit_Maximization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter20_Cost_Minimization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter01_The_Market.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter02_Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter03_Preferences.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter04_Utility.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter05_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter21_Cost_Curves.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter22_Firm_Supply.ppt
  • 3.7 MB
  • 2010-9-29
  • finance and growth.rar

    • Asymmetric Information and Loan Contracts in a Neoclassical Growth Model.pdf
    • The Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution and the Interest Rate with Credit Rationing.pdf
    • The Effect of Financial Development on Convergence.pdf
    • Bank-based versus market-based financial systems A growth-theoretic analysis.pdf
    • Banks, financial markets and growth.pdf
    • Credit Markets with Differences in Abilities Education, Distribution, and Growth.pdf
    • Dual Financial Systems and Inequalities in Economic Development.pdf
    • Enterprise, Inequality and Economic Development.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship, Frictions, and Wealth.pdf
    • Equilibrium loan contracts and endogenous growth in the presence of asymmetric information.pdf
    • Finance and Development A Tale of Two Sectors.pdf
    • Financial Deepening, Inequality, and Growth.pdf
    • Financial Development, Financing Choice and Economic Growth.pdf
    • Financial markets, specialization, and learning by doing.pdf
    • Financial development and economic growth.pdf
    • Human Capital Risk and Economic Growth.pdf
    • Idiosyncratic production risk, growth and the business cycle.pdf
    • Income distribution and macroeconomics the persistence of inequality in a convex technology framework.pdf
    • Incomplete markets, labor supply and capital accumulation.pdf
    • Intergenerational mobility and the process of developmen.pdf
    • On Finance as a Theory of TFP.pdf
    • On the dynamics of inequality.pdf
    • Persistent Inequality.pdf
    • Sources of TFP growth occupational choice and financial deepening.pdf
    • The development and structure of financial systems.pdf
  • 10.5 MB
  • 2010-8-19
  • Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment in the U.S. Beef Sector.rar

    • Price Cycles and Asymmetric Price Transmission in the U.S. Pork Market.pdf
    • Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment in the U.S. Beef Sector.pdf
    • Price Asymmetry in the U.S. Pork Marketing Channel.pdf
  • 2.76 MB
  • 2010-4-29
  • 1.rar

    • An Asymmetric Trimmed-Mean approach.pdf
    • 为什么股市暴跌楼市猛涨_.pdf
    • 通胀是穷人的眼泪.pdf
    • 股票收益率_经济增长与货币政策关系实证研究.pdf
    • 浅析中央银行的独立性与通货膨胀的关系.pdf
    • 奥巴马新政是非.pdf
    • 不必担忧未来_通胀_.caj
    • 中国经济好转的持续性分析.kdh
    • 关于黄金投资的分析研究.pdf
  • 5.05 MB
  • 2009-12-21
  • Intermediate Microeconomics 7th(3).rar
       Intermediate Micro Economics A Modern Approach - Varian (WW Norton 2005 7th ed)(3).pdf

    • 37 Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • 31 Exchange.pdf
    • 32 Production.pdf
    • 33 Welfare.pdf
    • 34 Externalities.pdf
    • 35 Information Technology.pdf
    • 36 Public Goods.pdf
    • 38 Mathematical Appendix.pdf
    • 39 Answers.pdf
    • 40 Index.pdf
    • notes.pdf
    • 26 Factor Markets.pdf
    • 27 Oligopoly.pdf
    • 28 Game Theory.pdf
    • 29 Game Application.pdf
    • 30 Behavioral Economics.pdf
  • 12.32 MB
  • 2009-11-22
  • 微观经济学:现代的观点(第七版).rar

    • Varian_Chapter37_Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter23_Industry_Supply.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter24_Monopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter25_Monopoly_Behavior.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter26_Factor_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter27_Oligopoly.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter28_Game_Theory.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter29_Game_Applications.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter30_Behavioral_Economics.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter31_Exchange.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter32_Production.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter33_Welfare.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter34_Externalities.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter35_Information_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter36_Public_Goods.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter06_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter07_Revealed_Preference.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter08_Slutsky_Equation.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter09_Buying_and_Selling.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter10_Intertemporal_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter11_Asset_Markets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter12_Uncertainty.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter13_Risky_Assets.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter14_Consumer's_Surplus.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter15_Market_Demand.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter16_Equilibrium.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter17_Auctions.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter18_Technology.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter19_Profit_Maximization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter20_Cost_Minimization.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter01_The_Market.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter02_Budget Constraint.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter03_Preferences.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter04_Utility.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter05_Choice.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter21_Cost_Curves.ppt
    • Varian_Chapter22_Firm_Supply.ppt
  • 3.7 MB
  • 2009-11-18
  • 四篇文献.rar

    • On-nonrenewable-resource-oligopolies-The-asymmetric-case_2009_Journal-of-Economic-Dynamics-and-Control.pdf
    • Parental-altruism,-life-expectancy-and-dynamically-inefficient-equilibria_2009_Journal-of-Economic-Dynamics-and-Control.pdf
    • Wasted waste.pdf
    • Compensation-for-environmental-services-and-intergovernmental-fiscal-transfers-The-case-of-India_2009_Ecological-Economics.pdf
  • 819.77 KB
  • 2009-9-6
  • 22-41.rar

    • Asymmetric Response of Nutrient Intakes to Cereal Price Changes among the Poor in China:Implications for the Effect of Cereal Price Subsidies on the Poor’s Nutrient Intakes.pdf
    • ‘GMO-Free’ Labels–Enhancing Transparency or Deceiving Consumers?.pdf
    • Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Standards by China’s Agricultural Cooperatives:A Way out of Monitoring Production Practices of Numerous Small-scale Farmers?.pdf
    • Answer to the challenges of the 21st century in the Hungarian pig sector.pdf
    • Application of Prospective Structural Analysis to Rural Development Strategy.pdf
    • Biofuel policies and the environment:the effects of biofuel feedstock production on climate,water quality and biodiversity.pdf
    • Consumer preferences for ground beef packaged under a modified atmosphere.pdf
    • Food-safety Standards and Farmers Health:Evidence from Kenyan’s Export Vegetable Growers.pdf
    • Green auctions versus uniform agri-environmental payments under heterogeneous conditions.pdf
    • Impact of the EU Milk Quota on Structural Change in the Dairy Sectors of Germany and The Netherlands.pdf
    • Impacts of Retailers’ Pricing Strategies for Produce Commodities on Farmer Welfare.pdf
    • Is Wal-Mart a Monopsony?Evidence from Local Labor Markets.pdf
    • Modes of Land Access and Welfare Impacts in Uganda.pdf
    • Performance Analysis of Production and Trade of Indian Silk under WTO Regime.pdf
    • Prevalence and drivers of seed and pollen-mediated gene flow in sorghum:implications for biosafety regulations and policy in Kenya.pdf
    • Technical efficiency of organic milk-farms in Germany——the role of subsidies and of regional factors.pdf
    • The patterns of retail price variation:The case of milk products.pdf
    • Weather,Climate,and Agricultural Disaster Payments in the Southeastern U.S..pdf
    • What makes exit from poverty:Investigation of smallholder women livestock farmers in Bangladesh.pdf
    • Why market institutions disfavor smallholder farmers’ compliance with international food safety standards:Evidence from Kenya,Zambia and Ethiopia.pdf
  • 5.77 MB
  • 2009-9-3
  • 20090729.rar

    • [ADVERTISEMENT] Solution Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [ADVERTISEMENT] Spotlight on Liquidity risk management.pdf
    • [BOOK] Chapter3_4 Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Gaining a Competitive Advantage Through Advanced Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [BOOK] Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Liquidity Risk Managing Asset and Funding Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision.pdf
    • [PAPER] A Consultative Paper on Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [PAPER] Annex market breakdown due to asymmetric information the model of Flannery (1996).pdf
    • [PAPER] Banking System Stability a Cross-Atlantic Perspective.pdf
    • [PAPER] Banks' Advantage in Hedging Liquidity Risk Theory and Evidence from the Commercial Paper Market.pdf
    • [PAPER] Banks as Liquidity Providers an Explanation for the Co-existence of Lending and Deposit-taking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Contagion and Trade Why Are Currency Crises Regional.pdf
    • [PAPER] Debt Relief What Do the Markets Think.pdf
    • [PAPER] DECISION on minimum standards for liquidity risk management in banks.pdf
    • [PAPER] Estimation of liquidity risk in banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Financial Crisis and New Dimensions of Liquidity Risk Rethinking Prudential Regulation and Supervision.pdf
    • [PAPER] Foreign Exchange and Liquidity Risk Softdata, Bank and Financial Consulting.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Funding Liquidity Risk in a Quantitative Model of Systemic Stability.pdf
    • [PAPER] How Do Banks Manage Liquidity Risk Evidence From the Equity and Deposit Market in the Fall of 1998.pdf
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    • [PAPER] How to Measure and Manage Liquidity Risk, Interest Rate Risk and Foreigh Exhange Risk Using Gap Analysis.pdf
    • [PAPER] Instruction on Bank Liquidity.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity and Transparency in Bank Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity risk and financial instability-an alternative approach to calculate the probability of bank exit.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk and Limited ArbitrageWhy Banks Lend to Opaque Hedge Funds.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Financial Disclosure the Case of Large European Financial Groups.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Financial DisclosureThe Case Of Large European Financial Groups.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk in Securities Settlement.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management Guideline.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management Requirements For Banks Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management_2.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management—More Important Than Ever.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Supervision - A Revised Minimum Liquid Asset Framework.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Supervision and Challenges in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity risk, liquidity creation and financial fragilityA theory of banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity, Risk Taking, and the Lender of Last Resort.pdf
    • [PAPER] Managing Bank Liquidity Risk How Depositloan Synergies Vary With Market Conditions.pdf
    • [PAPER] Market Liquidity and Banking LiquidityLinkages, Vulnerabilities and the Role of Disclosure.pdf
    • [PAPER] Models of Foreign Exchange Settlement and Informational Efficiency in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Money Market Derivatives and the Allocation of Liquidity Risk in the Banking Sector.pdf
    • [PAPER] Proposed Consultation paper on Liquidity Risk Management for Conventional Banks.pdf
    • [PAPER] Risk Sharing and Asset Prices.pdf
    • [PAPER] Securitization, Liquidity Risk, and Banks’ Risk Exposures.pdf
    • [PAPER] Sound Liquidity Risk Management Practices in Community Banks.pdf
    • [PAPER] Stock Market Liberalizations and the Repricing of Systematic Risk.pdf
    • [PAPER] the End of Month Rule and Liquidity Risk What the Money Market Says.pdf
    • [PAPER] The Falsification of Four Popular Hypotheses about International Financial Behavior during the Asian Crisis.pdf
    • [PAPER] The Many Faces of Risk in Banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Unanticipated shocks and Systemic Influences The Impact of Contagion in Global Equity Markets in 1998.pdf
    • [PAPER] Worsening of the Asian Financial CrisisWho is to Blame.pdf
    • [PPT] Bank Liquidity Risk Management Practice.pdf
    • [PPT] Evnironment Chanllengees in Managing Liquidity in Islamic Banking.pdf
    • [PPT] Initiatives in the field of.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Concepts and Risks.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk & Liquidity Management.ppt
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk and FIs’ Management.ppt
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk Management and Sress Testing in the Banking Industry.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity risk managementReview of French banks’ practices.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk What is it How to Measure it.pdf
    • [PPT] Managing Liquidity Risks.pdf
    • [PPT] Measuring and Modeling Liquidity RiskNew Ideas and Metrics.pdf
    • [PPT] Some Thoughts on Liquidity Scenarios.pdf
    • [PPT] the Lender of Last Resort and Liquidity Provision_How Much of a Departure is the Subprime Crisis.ppt
    • [REPORT] Addressing Large Exposure concerns.pdf
    • [REPORT] Bank LiquidityRunning On Empty.pdf
    • [REPORT] Classify Liquidity Risk.doc
    • [REPORT] Discussion Report about Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Eastern Europe Liquidity Risk Have Risen.PDF
    • [REPORT] Flying Blind Risk Management.docx
    • [REPORT] Inherent Liquidity Risk (BUSINESS MODELS).pdf
    • [REPORT] Lecture Notes on Bank Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Management – Road Works Ahead!.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Analysis Canadian.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Management Demystified.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Management_3.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Monitoring the Flows.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity-Risk Management in the Business of Banking.pdf
    • [REPORT] Policy for Management of Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Price Discovery in a Market Under Stress the U.S. Treasury Market in Fall 1998.pdf
    • [REPORT] Q&A Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [REPORT] Questionnaire on Banks' Experience in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [REPORT] The Bank of Japan's Approach to Liquidity Risk Management in Financial Institutions.pdf
    • [REPORT] Thought Yield Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • INDEX.txt
  • 17.32 MB
  • 2009-7-30
  • Asymmetric_Returns_The_Future_of_Active_Asset_Management_0470042664.rar

    • Asymmetric Returns The Future of Active Asset Management 0470042664.pdf
  • 2.62 MB
  • 2009-7-12
  • 阅读文献.rar

    • No5.Negative Spillover in Brand Portfolios Exploring the Antecedents of Asymmetric Effects.PDF
    • No6.Cultural Differences in Brand Extension Evaluation The Influenc of Analytic versus Holistic Thinking.PDF
    • No7.Culture and Systems of Thought Holistic Versus Analytic Cognition.PDF
    • No8.Brand Dilution_ When Do New Brands Hurt Existing Brands_.pdf
    • NO 1.A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs.pdf
    • No2.Key Aspects of Organizational Buying.PDF
    • No4.The Critical Incident Technique in Service Research.PDF
  • 4.86 MB
  • 2009-6-22
  • DCC.rar

    • Asymmetric Dynamics in the Correlations of Global Equity and Bond Returns.pdf
    • Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • Transmission of Liquidity Shocks_Evidence from the 2007 Subprime Crisis.pdf
    • Evaluating the Specification of Covariance Models for Large Portfolios.pdf
    • Fitting and Testing Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Fitting Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Multi-step estimation of Multivariate GARCH models.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2009-6-18
  • 322592.rar

    • Asymmetric Information, Heterogeneity.pdf
    • SSRN-id1159818.pdf
    • survival.pdf
    • Survival Bias and the Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • The equity premium in the UK.pdf
    • The Equity Risk Premium in 2008.pdf
    • 风险厌恶_跨期替代与股权溢价之谜.pdf
    • 齐当别模型与股权溢价之谜.pdf
    • 相对风险规避系数与中国股权溢价之谜.pdf
    • 中国的股权溢价之谜_基于Hansen_Jagannathan方差界的实证研究.pdf
    • 中国股票市场股权溢价的时变性研究.pdf
    • 中国资本市场股权溢价的实证分析.pdf
    • 股权溢价与股市波动.kdh
    • 基于中国钢铁行业的CAPM实证检验.kdh
    • 我国股权溢价之谜的实证分析.nh
    • 证券间收益的联动效应及实证研究.nh
    • 2008The time-varying equity premium and secular bull and bear.pdf
    • A Comprehensive Look at The Empirical.pdf
    • A Potential Resolution of Asset Pricing Puzzles.pdf
    • a_primer_in_financial_economics[1].pdf
    • Asset Pricing at the Millennium.pdf
    • betas and their regression tendencies.pdf
    • betas and their regression tendencies 1979.pdf
    • Capital Asset Prices with and without Negative Holdings.pdf
    • Continuous-Time Finance.pdf
    • Continuous-Time Methods in Finance.pdf
    • high required equity premium, undervaluation and self fulfilling prophecy2008.pdf
    • Luck and the US Equity Premium.pdf
    • Multi-Beta CAPM or Equilibrium-APT,A Reply.pdf
    • on the assessment of risk_ blume.pdf
    • portfolio selection.pdf
  • 20.85 MB
  • 2009-5-7
  • 317494.pdf
       [分享]Bayesian estimation of a Markov-switching threshold asymmetric GARCH model with Stu

  • 784.91 KB
  • 2009-4-21
  • 316088.pdf
       [分享]Properties and estimation of asymmetric exponential power distributiont

  • 2.77 MB
  • 2009-4-17
  • 312710.pdf
       [下载]国际权威期刊AER2008年1期文章Asymmetric Auctions with Resale

  • 550.41 KB
  • 2009-4-8
  • 306478.zip

    • Lecture_30_Asymmetric_Information.pdf
    • Lecture_20_Industry_Supply.pdf
    • Lecture_21_Monopoly.pdf
    • Lecture_22_Monopoly_Behavior.pdf
    • Lecture_23_Factor_Markets.pdf
    • Lecture_24_Oligopoly_and_Mono_Comp.pdf
    • Lecture_25_Game_Theory.pdf
    • Lecture_26_Game_Applications.pdf
    • Lecture_27_Exchange.pdf
    • Lecture_28_Externalities.pdf
    • Lecture_29_Public_Goods.pdf
    • Lecture_31_Behavioral_Economics.pdf
    • Lecture_00_Math_Review.pdf
    • Lecture_01_Budget_Constraints.pdf
    • Lecture_02_Preferences.pdf
    • Lecture_03_Utility.pdf
    • Lecture_04_Choice.pdf
    • Lecture_05_Demand.pdf
    • Lecture_06_Income_and_Substitution_Effects.pdf
    • Lecture_07_Endowments_and_Labor_Supply.pdf
    • Lecture_08_Intertemporal_Choice.pdf
    • Lecture_09_Asset_Markets.pdf
    • Lecture_10_Uncertainty.pdf
    • Lecture_11_Risky_Assets.pdf
    • Lecture_12_Consumer_Surplus.pdf
    • Lecture_13_Market_Demand.pdf
    • Lecture_14_Equilibrium.pdf
    • Lecture_15_Technology.pdf
    • Lecture_16_Profit_Maximization.pdf
    • Lecture_17_Cost_Minimization.pdf
    • Lecture_18_Cost_Curves.pdf
    • Lecture_19_Firm_Supply.pdf
  • 4.16 MB
  • 2009-3-21
  • 297101.pdf
       Cross-market Network Effect with Asymmetric Customer Loyalty_MkS forthcoming.pdf

  • 279.77 KB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 283339.pdf
       [求助]求职英文文献一篇,谢谢了!On the asymmetric effects of money-supply shocks: interna

  • 161.42 KB
  • 2009-1-5
  • 278622.rar

    • 5A-2— Entrepreneurship and Asymmetric Information in Input Markets(paper).Motohiro Sato.pdf
    • 5A-2— Entrepreneurship and Asymmetric Information in Input Markets(slides).Motohiro Sato.pdf
    • 4I-3—房地产价格与货币供应量的波动溢出效应.吴江等.ppt
    • 4K-2_How Wide Are the Provisional Borders in China_C. Simon Fan.ppt
    • 4L-3—中国农户的收入风险应对机制与消费波动.马小勇,白永秀.ppt
    • 5A-1—Unequal Wages for Equal Utilities-Pierre Pestieau.pdf
    • 5A-3—The Housing Ladder and Hong Kong Housing Market’s Boom and Bust Cycle_Lok-Sang Ho.ppt
    • 5B-1—Long Term Contracts Soften Competition.Frances Xu.pdf
    • 5B-2_BargainingPowerandPricing Strategy_Qiang Gong et al.ppt
    • 5B-3_Outsourcing to Pool Risk_Travis NG.ppt
    • 5C-1_Oil and Conflict_Anca M. Cotet et al.pdf
    • 5C-2—Quality of local government and firm performance.Cao Jiang et al.pdf
  • 8.27 MB
  • 2008-12-20
  • 277762.rar

    • 3C-3—Asymmetric Information, Auditing Commitment, and Economic Growth.Yong Wang.ppt
    • 2D-1_Competitive Franchising_Brett Graham et al.pdf
    • 2D-2—Entry Deterrence through Strategic Sourcing.Yutian Chen.ppt
    • 2D-4—Strategic Mis-selling and Pre-Contractual Cognition-Xiaojian Zhao.pdf
    • 2E-1—Innovation, Licensing,and Price vs. Quantity Competition.Changying Li et al.ppt
    • 2E-2—Trade Policy and Innovation_Huasheng Song et al.ppt
    • 2E-3_Technological Innovation, Competitiveness and Economic Performance_Jinghua Xu.ppt
    • 2E-3_Technological Innovation, Competitiveness and Economic Performance_Jinghua Xu(Data Table).doc
    • 2G-3—交易费用与经济增长-韩中元.ppt
    • 2J-3—民营经济进入航空运输业的结构性壁垒-杨永忠等.ppt
    • 3A-2—R&D Internationalization.Dan Lu.pdf
    • 3A-3_Infrastructure Capital and Economic Growth in China- Xiongjian Wang.pdf
    • 3B-2—Indeterminacy and the Elasticity of Substitution in One-Sector Models.Tsz-Nga Wong et al.ppt
    • 3C-2—Return to Harrod.Gang Gong.ppt
    • 3D-2—Return Migration.Roman Zakharenko.pdf
  • 6.56 MB
  • 2008-12-17
  • 277578.rar
       [分享]Journal of Accounting Research Volume 46 Issue 5(December 2008)

    • On the Value Relevance of Asymmetric Financial Reporting Policies.pdf
    • On the Optimal Relation between the Properties of Managerial and Financial Reporting Systems.pdf
    • Altering Investment Decisions to Manage Financial Reporting Outcomes--Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Conduits and FIN 46.pdf
    • Can Audit Partners Predict Subordinates’Ability to Detect Errors.pdf
    • Client Characteristics and the Negotiation Tactics of Auditors-Implications for Financial Reporting.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Agency Conflicts.pdf
    • Disclosure Quality and Management Trading Incentivest.pdf
    • How Much New Information Is There in Earnings.pdf
    • Investor Sentiment and Corporate Disclosure.pdf
    • Mandatory IFRS Reporting around the World--Early Evidence on the Economic Consequences.pdf
  • 1.79 MB
  • 2008-12-17
  • 274929.rar
       Walter Enders的7篇论文

    • Unit-Root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Whose Line Is It? Plagiarism in Economics.pdf
    • The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism Policies:A Vector-Autoregression- Intervention Analysis.pdf
    • The Impact of Transnational Terrorism on U.S. Foreign Direct Investment.pdf
    • The term structure of Japanese interest rates:The equilibrium spread with asymmetric dynamics.pdf
    • Theory and Tests of Generalized Purchasing-Power Parity: Common Trends and Real Exchange Rates In the Pacific Rim.pdf
    • Transnational Terrorism in the Post-Cold War Era.pdf
  • 5.99 MB
  • 2008-12-10
  • 274928.rar
       Walter Enders的7篇论文

    • Unit-Root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Whose Line Is It? Plagiarism in Economics.pdf
    • The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism Policies:A Vector-Autoregression- Intervention Analysis.pdf
    • The Impact of Transnational Terrorism on U.S. Foreign Direct Investment.pdf
    • The term structure of Japanese interest rates:The equilibrium spread with asymmetric dynamics.pdf
    • Theory and Tests of Generalized Purchasing-Power Parity: Common Trends and Real Exchange Rates In the Pacific Rim.pdf
    • Transnational Terrorism in the Post-Cold War Era.pdf
  • 5.99 MB
  • 2008-12-10
  • 257792.rar
       [推荐]Stochastic Methods in Finance

    • chaper1 Incomplete and Asymmetric Information in Asset Pricing Theory.pdf
    • chapter2 Modeling and Valuation of Credit Risk.pdf
    • chapter4 Nonlinear Expectations, Nonlinear Evaluations and Risk Measures.pdf
    • back-matter.pdf
    • chapter5 Utility Maximisation in Incomplete Markets.pdf
    • chapter3 Stochastic Control with Application in Insurance.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
  • 2.94 MB
  • 2008-10-20
  • 237401.rar

    • asymmetric_info.pdf
    • auctions.pdf
    • competative_market.pdf
    • consumer_surplus.pdf
    • cost_func.pdf
    • cost_min.pdf
    • demand1.pdf
    • exchange.pdf
    • indi_choice.pdf
    • monopoly1.pdf
    • profit.pdf
    • profit_func.pdf
    • technology.pdf
    • uncertainty.pdf
    • utility.pdf
  • 1.07 MB
  • 2008-8-17
  • 210104.rar

    • Chapter 17 Markets with Asymmetric Information.ppt
    • Chapter 15 Investment, Time, and Capital Market.ppt
    • Chapter 16 General Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency.ppt
    • Chapter 18 Externalities and Public Goods.ppt
    • Chapter 01 Preliminaries.ppt
    • Chapter 02 The Basics of Supply and Demand.ppt
    • Chapter 03 Consumer Behavior.ppt
    • Chapter 04 Individual and Market Demand.ppt
    • Chapter 05 Choice Under Uncertainty.ppt
    • Chapter 06 Production.ppt
    • Chapter 07 The Cost of Production.ppt
    • Chapter 08 Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply.ppt
    • Chapter 09 The Analysis of Competitive Markets.ppt
    • Chapter 10 Maket Power -- Monopoly and Monopsony.ppt
    • Chapter 11 Pricing with Market Power.ppt
    • Chapter 12 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.ppt
    • Chapter 13 Game Theory and Competitive Strategy.ppt
    • Chapter 14 Markets for Factor Inputs.ppt
  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-5-3
  • 202266.pdf
       Collateralized assets and asymmetric information

  • 118.56 KB
  • 2008-3-31
  • 201635.rar

    • Causes for an asymmetric relation between the price of crude oil and refined petroleum products.pdf
    • Euro Pricing of Crude Oil An OPEC's Perspective.pdf
    • Petrol pricing in Australia issues and trends.pdf
    • policy issues related to substituion of the us dollar in oil pricing.pdf
    • Policy Reform in Russia's Oil Sector - Finance & Development.pdf
    • Shock and volatility transmission in the oil, US and Gulf equity markets.pdf
    • Tax Reform in the oil sector of Russia.pdf
    • The euro and the oil market new challenges to the industry.pdf
  • 1.89 MB
  • 2008-3-28
  • 185700.pdf
       Optimal Labour Contracts under Asymmetric Information An Introduction

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2008-1-1
  • 182907.pdf
       (Game Thoery Application) Group Lending under asymmetric information

  • 158.49 KB
  • 2007-12-20
  • 179026.rar
       [下载]情奉献本人最近收集的Risk Management实证文献100篇!

    • Asymmetric effect of basis on dynamic futures hedging - Empirical evidence from commodity markets.pdf
    • Credit enhancement through financial engineering - Freeport McMoRan's gold-denominated depositary shares.pdf
    • A multivariate neuro-fuzzy system for foreign currency risk management decision making.pdf
    • A note on hedging cost and basis risks.pdf
    • A primer on the exposure of non-financial corporations to foreign exchange rate risk.pdf
    • A survey on physical delivery versus cash settlement in futures contracts.pdf
    • An analysis of asymmetry in foreign currency exposure of the Australian equities market.pdf
    • An innovative analysis of taxes and corporate hedging.pdf
    • Bank foreign exchange and interest rate risk management - simultaneous versus separate hedging strategies.pdf
    • Can event study methods solve the currency exposure puzzle.pdf
    • Can the use of foreign currency derivatives explain variations in foreign exchange exposure - Evidence from Australian companies.pdf
    • Cephalon, Inc. Taking risk management theory seriously.pdf
    • Comparative analysis of accounting treatments for derivatives.pdf
    • Comparisons of short and long hedge performance - the case of Taiwan.pdf
    • Congestion management, transmission pricing and area price hedging in the Nordic region.pdf
    • Corporate cash flow and stock price exposures to foreign exchange rate risk.pdf
    • Corporate risk management - A Theoretical Appraisal.pdf
    • Corporate risk management - Costs and benefits.pdf
    • Corporate risk management and asymmetric information.pdf
    • Corporate valuation, capital structure and risk management - A stochastic DCF approach.pdf
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2007-12-3
  • 172183.rar

    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_12(Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly).ppt
    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_13(Game theory and competitive strategy).ppt
    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_14(General equilibrium and market efficiency).ppt
    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_15(Markets with asymmetric information).ppt
    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_16(Externalities and public goods).ppt
    • Tsinghua_2005MBA_Lecture_11(Pricing with market power).ppt
  • 537.9 KB
  • 2007-11-9
  • 162189.rar

    • 02 H-o simulatiom.pdf
    • 03 FTA.pdf
    • 04Emigration and welfare in an economy.pdf
    • 05 brand.pdf
    • 06asymmetric Information.pdf
    • Class02 Basic trade model.ppt
    • Class03 standard trade model.ppt
    • 01 Ricardo.pdf
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2007-10-7
  • 161455.rar

    • asymmetric_info.pdf
    • auctions.pdf
    • competative_market.pdf
    • consumer_surplus.pdf
    • cost_func.pdf
    • cost_min.pdf
    • demand1.pdf
    • exchange.pdf
    • indi_choice.pdf
    • monopoly1.pdf
    • profit.pdf
    • profit_func.pdf
    • technology.pdf
    • uncertainty.pdf
    • utility.pdf
  • 1.07 MB
  • 2007-10-6
  • 115214.pdf
       Interest Rate Defense Against Speculative Attack Under Asymmetric Information

  • 160.33 KB
  • 2007-5-9
  • 109483.rar
       [分享]A Study on the Asymmetric GARCH Model

  • 101.49 KB
  • 2007-4-20
  • 109482.rar
       [分享]A Study on the Asymmetric GARCH Model

    • 不对称GARCH模型的研究.doc
  • 252.93 KB
  • 2007-4-20
  • 92220.pdf
       Asymmetric Bargaining

  • 473.83 KB
  • 2007-2-21
  • 91717.pdf
       Asymmetric English Auctions Revisited

  • 295.87 KB
  • 2007-2-15
  • 76052.rar

    • sandmo Asymmetric Information and Public Economics The Mirrlees-Vickrey Nobel Prize.pdf
    • Malcomson_The Multiperiod Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • Matthews_a technical primer on auction theory.pdf
    • moral hazard and verifiablity hermalin katz.pdf
    • Pratt_Risk Aversion in the Small and in the Large.pdf
    • Raiffa_Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms Comment.pdf
    • Rogerson1985_repeated moral hazard.pdf
    • Rogerson The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems.pdf
    • Rothschild stiglitz_Increasing risik.pdf
    • Rothschild_stiglitz Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information.pdf
    • salop_ Evaluating Uncertain Evidence With Sir Thomas Bayes A Note for Teachers.pdf
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  • 2006-12-5
  • 70006.rar

    • Unit-Root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Panel Evidence with the Null of Stationary Real Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Pooling in Dynamic Panel-Data Models An Application to Forecasting GDP Growth Rates.pdf
    • R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers.pdf
    • The Time Series and Cross-Section Asymptotics of Dynamic Panel Data Estimators.pdf
    • Transactions Costs and Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Unit Roots in the Presence of Abrupt Governmental Interventions with an Application to Brazilian Data.pdf
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  • 2006-11-2
  • 52284.rar

    • Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • The Association between Trading Recommendations and Broker-Analysts' Earnings Forecasts.pdf
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    • The Ultimate Ownership of Western European Corporations.pdf
    • Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance .pdf
    • Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline.pdf
    • A Test of the Free Cash Flow Hypothesis- The Case of Bidder Returns.pdf
    • An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self Interest on Corporate Capital Structure.pdf
    • Asset Sales, Firm Performance, and the Agency Costs of Managerial Discretion.pdf
    • Contagion and Competition Intra-Industry Effects of Bankruptcy Announcements- An Empirical Analysis.pdf
    • Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings .pdf
    • Does Money Explain Asset Returns Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Insider Trading Around Dividend Announcements- Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Leverage, Investment, and Firm Growth.pdf
  • 8.68 MB
  • 2006-5-12
  • 45299.rar

    • 23_Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information_Miller and Rock_1985.pdf
    • 26_Why New Issues are Underpriced_Rock_1986.pdf
    • 27_Seasoned Offerings, Imitation Costs, and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings_Welsh_1989.pdf
    • 21_Dividend Policy, Growth and the Valuation of Shares_Miller and Modigliani_1961.pdf
    • 22_Dividends and Taxes_Miller and Scholes_1978.pdf
    • 24_Two Agency-Cost Explanations of Dividends_Easterbrook_1984.pdf
    • 25_Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers_Jensen_1986.pdf
  • 11.4 MB
  • 2006-3-24
  • 45297.rar

    • 18_Asymmetric Information and Risky Debt Maturity Choice_Flannery_1986.pdf
    • 19_A Rationale for Debt Maturity Structure and Call Provisions in the Agency Theoretic Framework_BarneaHaugen and Senbet_1980.pdf
    • 20_On the Relevance of Debt Maturity Structure_Brick and Ravid_1985.pdf
    • 11_Future Investment Opportunities and the Value of the Call Provision on a Bond_Bodie and Taggart_1978.pdf
    • 12_The Effect of the Firm's Capital Structure on the Systematic Risk of Common Stocks_Hamada_1972.pdf
    • 13_The Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Perfect Capital Markets, and Project Life A Clarification_Miles and Ezzell_1980.pdf
    • 14_Corporate Debt Management and the Value of the Firm_Lewellen and Emery_1986.pdf
    • 15_Systematic Risk and the Theory of the Firm_Subrahmanyam and Themadakis_1980.pdf
    • 16_Leverage, Output Effects and the MM Theorems_Hite_1977.pdf
    • 17_The Capital Structure Puzzle_Myers_1984.pdf
  • 13.12 MB
  • 2006-3-24
  • 20065.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 4

    • Asymmetric Information, Incentives and Price-Cap Regulation.pdf
    • Bargaining under Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • Competition in the Medical Profession-An Application of the Economic Theory of Regulation .pdf
    • b-Toward a More General Theory of Regulation .pdf
    • Coinsurance and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf
    • Collateral and Competitive Equilibria with Moral Hazard and Private Information.pdf
    • Communication in Agencies.pdf
    • Competition and Health Care Policy- Experience and Expectations .pdf
    • Competition and Incentives with Nonexclusive Contracts.pdf
    • Competition for Agency Contracts.pdf
    • Competition in the Medical Profession- An Application of the Theory of Regulation- Comment .pdf
    • Competition in the Medical Profession- An Application of the Theory of Regulation- Reply .pdf
  • 12.9 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 20064.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 3

    • Asymmetric Information and the Pricing of Natural Resources-The Case of Unmetered Water.pdf
    • @The Dynamic Efficiency of Regulatory Constitutions .pdf
    • A Guide to Health Care Reform.pdf
    • a new paradigm of economic regulation.pdf
    • A Renegotiation-Proof Mechanism for a Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection.pdf
    • A Theory of Price Rigidities When Quality is Unobservable.pdf
    • Adverse Selection in Dynamic Moral Hazard.pdf
    • Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
    • Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • An Incentive Approach to Banking Regulation.pdf
    • Are Invisible Hands Good Hands- Moral Hazard, Competition, and the Second-Best in Health Care Markets.pdf
  • 20.63 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 20061.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 2

    • @@Price Regulation Under Uncertainty in an Asymmetric Decision Environment .pdf
    • @@Price Regulation, Product Quality, and Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • @Regulatory Pricing and Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information about Cost .pdf
    • @State Regulation and Hospital Costs .pdf
    • @@Government and the Regulation of Hospital Care .pdf
    • @@Regulation and the Rising Cost of Hospital Care .pdf
    • @@Rent Regulation and Housing-Market Dynamics .pdf
    • @Asymmetry of Information, Regulatory Lags and Optimal Incentive Contracts- Theory and Evidence .pdf
    • @Hospital Rate Regulations, Fee Schedules, and Workers Compensation Medical Payments .pdf
    • @Incomplete Markets, Price Regulation, and Welfare .pdf
    • @Incomplete Markets, Price Regulation, and Welfare.pdf
    • @Product Quality and Price Regulation- A General Equilibrium Analysis .pdf
  • 11.2 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 17675.rar
       Rily 的一组文章

    • asymmetric production possibilities the social gains from inequality and the optimum town.pdf
  • 546.7 KB
  • 2005-6-24
  • 17674.rar
       Rily 的一组文章

    • asymmetric contests a resolution of the tullock paradox.pdf
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  • 2005-6-24
  • 17673.rar
       Rily 的一组文章

    • asymmetric auctions1.pdf
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  • 2005-6-24
  • 17672.rar
       Rily 的一组文章

    • asymmetric auctions.pdf
  • 224.36 KB
  • 2005-6-24
  • 13024.rar
       Grossman and stiglitz 1980 的文献分析。

    • A Model of Intertemporal Asset Prices Under Asymmetric Information.pdf
  • 2.79 MB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 735.rar

    • Interest Rate Defense Against Speculative Attack Under Asymmetric Information.pdf
  • 116.36 KB
  • 2004-7-9