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  • 1.zip

    • Python for Finance Analyze Big Financial Data.pdf
    • Advanced Python Programming-David M Beazley.pdf
    • Beginning Python.pdf
    • Dive into Python-中文版.chm
    • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.pdf
    • Learning Python 4th Edition.pdf
    • Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python.pdf
    • Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook.pdf
    • Python 3 Object oriented Programming.pdf
    • Python Core Programming,2nd Edition.pdf
    • Real World Instrumentation with Python_ Automated Data Acquisition and Control Systems.pdf
    • Violent Python.pdf
  • 48.74 MB
  • 2019-6-28
  • Python_for_Finance.rar
       Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

    • Python_for_Finance.pdf
  • 9.09 MB
  • 2016-8-2
  • Python for Finance Analyze Big Financial Data .rar

    • Python for Finance- Analyze Big Financial Data.pdf
    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.azw3
    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.epub
    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.mobi
  • 22.51 MB
  • 2016-4-29
  • Yves Hilpisch Python for Finance.rar

    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.mobi
    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.azw3
    • Python for Finance - Analyze Big Financial Data.epub
  • 13.83 MB
  • 2014-12-15