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  • Genetically Modified Crops and Agricultural Development.zip

    • Genetically Modified Crops and Agricultural Development.pdf
  • 2.2 MB
  • 2017-1-11
  • 农业经济主文献2.rar

    • 25.Guo XG, Mroz TA, Popkin BM, et al. 2000. Structural change in the impact of income on food consumption in China, 1989-1993.pdf
    • 24.Guo XL. 2001. Land expropriation and rural conflicts in China.pdf
    • 43.Otsuki T, Wilson JS, Sewadeh M. 2001. Saving two in a billion- quantifying the trade effect of European food safety standards on African exports.pdf
    • 42.O'Brien KJ. 2002. Collective action in the Chinese countryside.pdf
    • 41.Nigel Key; Elisabeth Sadoulet; Alain de Janvry. 2000.Transactions costs and agricultural household supply response.pdf
    • 40.Murdoch J. 2000. Networks- a new paradigm of rural development.pdf
    • 38.Lindert PH. 1999. The bad earth- China's soils and agricultural development since the 1930s.pdf
    • 37.Li, G., S. Rozelle and L. Brandt. 1998.Tenure, land rights, and farmer investment incentives in China.pdf
    • 36.Kung JKS. 2002. Choice of land tenure in China- The case of a county with quasi-private property rights.pdf
    • 22.Fuller F, Hayes D, Smith D. 2000. Reconciling Chinese meat production and consumption data.pdf
    • 23.Granovetter, M., 1985. Economic action and Social structure- the problem of embeddedness.pdf
    • 34.Jin SQ, Huang JK, Hu RF, et al.2002.The creation and spread of technology and total factor productivity in china's agriculture.pdf
    • 33.Jean C. Oi. 1995. The Role of the Local State in China's Transitional Economy.pdf
    • 32.Jalan J, Ravallion M. 1999. Are the poor less well insured- Evidence on vulnerability to income risk in rural China.pdf
    • 31.Jacoby HG, Li G, Rozelle S. 2002. Hazards of expropriation Tenure insecurity and investment in Rural China.pdf
    • 30.Huang JK, Hu RF, Rozelle S, et al. 2005. Insect resistant GM rice in farmers' fields Assessing productivity and health effects in China.pdf
    • 29.Hinrichs CG. 2000. Embeddedness and local food systems- notes on two types of direct agricultural market.pdf
    • 28.Harrigan.James 1997. Technology, Factor Supplies, and International Specialization- Estimating the Neoclassical Model.pdf
    • 27.Harrison Glenn W.; John A. List. 2004. Field Experiments.pdf
    • 26.Hardin. Garrett 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons.pdf
  • 23.34 MB
  • 2012-4-8
  • 农业经济学免费文献.rar

    • Market Accessibility and Agricultural Development in Prewar China.pdf
    • Allocative Efficiency vs X-Efficiency.pdf
    • Chinese Rural Poverty Marginalized or Dispersed.pdf
    • Communal Dining and the Chinese Famine of 1958~1961.pdf
    • Development Which Way now.pdf
    • Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • Efficiency of Resource Allocation in Indian Agriculture.pdf
    • Environment Stress and Grain Yields in China.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in China.pdf
    • From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems the Transformation of Asian Agriculture.pdf
    • Infrastructure and Aggregate Agricultural Productivity International Evidence.pdf
    • International Productivity Patterns Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure, and Research.pdf
    • Labor migration and earnings differences The case of rural China.pdf
    • Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector analysis.pdf
    • Price Adjustment, the Responsibility System, and Agricultural Productivity.pdf
    • Reassessing China's Livestock Statistics An Analysis of Discrepancies and the Creation of New Data Series.pdf
    • Reconciling Chinese Meat Production and Consumption Data.pdf
    • Reforms, Investment, and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • Reforms, the Weather, and Productivity Growth in China's Grain Sector.pdf
    • Research Expenditures, Education, and the Aggregate Agricultural Production Function.pdf
    • Returns to Education in China.pdf
    • Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China.pdf
    • Technology, Market, and Community in Contract Choice Rice harvesting in the Philippines.pdf
    • The Peasant in Economic Modernization.pdf
  • 27.55 MB
  • 2010-4-26
  • 121-141.rar

    • Biofuels,Growth and Agricultural Development.pdf
    • A Framework for Assessing of the Impact of Capacity Building.pdf
    • Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water scarce regions:The roles of economic valuation,cost–benefit analysis and discounting.pdf
    • Disease and Behavioral Dynamics for Brucellosis Control in Elk and Cattle in the Greater Yellowstone Area.pdf
    • Economic analysis of summer fallow management to reduce take-all disease and N-leaching in a wheat crop rotation.pdf
    • Energy Input Use and CO2 Emissions in the Major Wheat Growing Regions of India.pdf
    • Exploring production-theoretical insights for analyzing trade-offs between economic performance and environmental pressure at firm level.pdf
    • Fertilizer profitability in East Africa:A Spatially Explicit Policy Analysis.pdf
    • Food Aid and Biofuels:The Effects of Biofuel Policies on Procurement and Delivery.pdf
    • How Important are Peer Effects in Group Lending? Estimating a Static Game of Incomplete Information.pdf
    • IAAE2009_ViaggiRaggiGomez-y-Paloma_final2.pdf
    • Justified hopes or utopian thinking? The suitability of coffee certification schemes as a business model for small-scale producers.pdf
    • Mass Media and Public Policy: Global Evidence from Agricultural Policies.pdf
    • On food quality in domestic markets of developing economies.pdf
    • Optimal crop protection against climate risk in a dynamic cost-loss decision-making model.pdf
    • Rates of Return to Public Agricultural Research in 48 U.S. States.pdf
    • Using multi-agent modeling technique to regionalize key processes and patterns of sustainable agricultural cropping systems in the North China Plain.pdf
    • Where is Basmatirice Coming From?A Global Trade-related Overview.pdf
    • Would Consumers Value New Functional Properties of GM Food?A Choice-Modeling Approach for Rapeseed Oil.pdf
  • 6.22 MB
  • 2009-11-2
  • 215467.rar

    • Market Accessibility and Agricultural Development in Prewar China.pdf
    • Reforms, the Weather, and Productivity Growth in China's Grain Sector.pdf
    • Research Expenditures, Education, and the Aggregate Agricultural Production Function.pdf
    • Returns to Education in China.pdf
    • Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China.pdf
    • Technology, Market, and Community in Contract Choice Rice harvesting in the Philippines.pdf
    • The Peasant in Economic Modernization.pdf
    • The Structure of Rice Production in Japan and Taiwan.pdf
    • Urban Access and Rural Productivity Growth in Post-Mao China.pdf
    • What Explains Wage Gaps.pdf
    • A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries.pdf
    • A test for Relative Economic Efficiency Some Further Results.pdf
    • A Test for Relative Efficiency and Application to Indian Agriculture.pdf
    • Allocative Efficiency vs X-Efficiency.pdf
    • Chinese Rural Poverty Marginalized or Dispersed.pdf
    • Communal Dining and the Chinese Famine of 1958~1961.pdf
    • Development Which Way now.pdf
    • Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • Efficiency of Resource Allocation in Indian Agriculture.pdf
    • Environment Stress and Grain Yields in China.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in China.pdf
    • From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems the Transformation of Asian Agriculture.pdf
    • Infrastructure and Aggregate Agricultural Productivity International Evidence.pdf
    • International Productivity Patterns Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure, and Research.pdf
    • Labor migration and earnings differences The case of rural China.pdf
    • Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector analysis.pdf
    • Price Adjustment, the Responsibility System, and Agricultural Productivity.pdf
    • Reassessing China's Livestock Statistics An Analysis of Discrepancies and the Creation of New Data Series.pdf
    • Reconciling Chinese Meat Production and Consumption Data.pdf
    • Reforms, Investment, and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
  • 33.3 MB
  • 2008-5-27
  • 215461.pdf
       1996-2006Food and Agricultural Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.2

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  • 2008-5-27
  • 200081.rar
       international analysis of agricultural development(免费)

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  • 2008-3-22
  • 186810.rar

    • Market Accessibility and Agricultural Development in Prewar China.pdf
    • Reforms, the Weather, and Productivity Growth in China's Grain Sector.pdf
    • Research Expenditures, Education, and the Aggregate Agricultural Production Function.pdf
    • Returns to Education in China.pdf
    • Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China.pdf
    • Technology, Market, and Community in Contract Choice Rice harvesting in the Philippines.pdf
    • The Peasant in Economic Modernization.pdf
    • The Structure of Rice Production in Japan and Taiwan.pdf
    • Urban Access and Rural Productivity Growth in Post-Mao China.pdf
    • What Explains Wage Gaps.pdf
    • A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries.pdf
    • A test for Relative Economic Efficiency Some Further Results.pdf
    • A Test for Relative Efficiency and Application to Indian Agriculture.pdf
    • Allocative Efficiency vs X-Efficiency.pdf
    • Chinese Rural Poverty Marginalized or Dispersed.pdf
    • Communal Dining and the Chinese Famine of 1958~1961.pdf
    • Development Which Way now.pdf
    • Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • Efficiency of Resource Allocation in Indian Agriculture.pdf
    • Environment Stress and Grain Yields in China.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in China.pdf
    • From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems the Transformation of Asian Agriculture.pdf
    • Infrastructure and Aggregate Agricultural Productivity International Evidence.pdf
    • International Productivity Patterns Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure, and Research.pdf
    • Labor migration and earnings differences The case of rural China.pdf
    • Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector analysis.pdf
    • Price Adjustment, the Responsibility System, and Agricultural Productivity.pdf
    • Reassessing China's Livestock Statistics An Analysis of Discrepancies and the Creation of New Data Series.pdf
    • Reconciling Chinese Meat Production and Consumption Data.pdf
    • Reforms, Investment, and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
  • 33.3 MB
  • 2008-1-6