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  • 引用率最高的20篇经济学季刊(quarterly journal of economics)的经典论文.zip

    • A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth.pdf
    • A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth.pdf
    • A Simple Model of Herd Behavior.pdf
    • A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence.pdf
    • A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation.pdf
    • Africa's Growth Tragedy_ Policies and Ethnic Divisions.pdf
    • Corruption and Growth.pdf
    • Corruption.pdf
    • Does Social Capital Have an Economic Payoff_ A Cross-Country Investigation.pdf
    • Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries.pdf
    • Finance and Growth_ Schumpeter Might be Right.pdf
    • International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle.pdf
    • Job Market Signaling.pdf
    • Loss Aversion in Riskless Choice_ A Reference-Dependent Model.pdf
    • Reversal of Fortune_ Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution.pdf
    • Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation.pdf
    • The Market for lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf
    • Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output Per Worker Than Others_.pdf
  • 15.85 MB
  • 2014-8-20
  • 249506.rar

    • 一项对经济增长实证研究的贡献(1).pdf
    • A contribution to the empirics of economic growth.pdf
  • 1.34 MB
  • 2008-9-22