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国际援助研究实证分析+相关数据:ICRG, AID
9 个回复 - 2439 次查看 国际援助研究实证分析+相关数据:ICRG, AID 1.国际援助相关的实证分析解读 1.当前国际援助体系的特点及发展趋势.pdf 2.Does foreign aid corrupt.pdf 3.Country Policy and Institutional Assessments.pdf ai ...2020-4-19 16:05 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
【独家发布】Detecting regime change in computational finance data science, machine lea
2 个回复 - 2328 次查看 Detecting regime change in computational finance data science, machine learning and algorithmic trading by Chen, Jun Tsang, Edward2021-8-5 22:29 - house_none - 商业数据分析
Wiley文献Exchange Rate Regimes and Foreign Direct Investment Flows to Developing
1 个回复 - 443 次查看 【作者(必填)】andrew 【文题(必填)】Exchange Rate Regimes and Foreign Direct Investment Flows to Developing Countries 【年份(必填)】2012 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://onlinelibrary.wiley ...2021-12-1 14:27 - 凌子墨 - 求助成功区
Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime
2 个回复 - 1483 次查看 【作者(必填)】 James D. Hamilton 【文题(必填)】 Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime 【年份(必填)】 1990 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2012-10-31 22:32 - sqq19860225 - 求助成功区
Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime
1 个回复 - 447 次查看 【作者(必填)】 James D.Hamilton[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】 Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime【年份(必填)】 1990 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-4076( ...2021-8-9 22:10 - 24颗米粒 - 求助成功区
Detecting Regime Change in Computational Finance
4 个回复 - 1386 次查看 Detecting Regime Change in Computational Finance: Data Science, Machine Learning and Algorithmic Trading By 作者:Jun Chen and Edward P K Tsang Hardcover : 164 pages ISBN-10 : 0367536285 ISBN-13 : ...2020-9-17 16:55 - 13950050756 - Forum
Is the Contemporary Chinese Exchange Rate Regime'WTO-Legal?'
1 个回复 - 361 次查看 【作者(必填)】D Ahn[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Is the Contemporary Chinese Exchange Rate Regime'WTO-Legal?'[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】2010 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2020-8-26 19:55 - xiaoxingyunlala - 求助成功区
2 个回复 - 1757 次查看 发达经济体和发展中经济体汇率制度的持久性和表现,EXCHANGE RATE REGIME DURABILITY AND PERFORMANCE IN DEVELOPING VERSUS ADVANCED ECONOMIES,Aasim M. Husain,Ashoka Mody,Kenneth S. Rogoff,发表于July 2004 ...2009-6-19 13:50 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
Global Financial Cycles and the Exchange Rate Regime: A Perspective from Emergin
1 个回复 - 573 次查看 【作者(必填)】Maurice Obstfeld Jonathan D. Ostry Mahvash S. Qureshi 【文题(必填)】Global Financial Cycles and the Exchange Rate Regime: A Perspective from Emerging Markets 【年份(必填)】2018 ...2018-9-14 10:46 - 飞天小鼠 - 求助成功区
Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime
2 个回复 - 630 次查看 【作者(必填)】Hamilton, James D.[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】1990 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 Journal of econom ...2017-12-20 13:54 - rawstone - 求助成功区
Regime-dependent exchange-rate pass-through to import prices
1 个回复 - 485 次查看 【作者(必填)】 RehimKiliç 【文题(必填)】 Regime-dependent exchange-rate pass-through to import prices【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】International Review of Economics & Finance ...2017-12-13 06:41 - jzbd - 求助成功区
求Analysis of Time Series Subject to Changes in Regime
1 个回复 - 859 次查看 【作者(必填)】James D.Hamilton 【文题(必填)】Analysis of Time Series Subject to Changes in Regime 【年份(必填)】1990 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 Journal of EconometricsVolume 45, Issues 1– ...2017-12-3 13:59 - rawstone - 求助成功区
determinants of exchange rate regime switching求助!
1 个回复 - 530 次查看 【作者(必填)】Fiess, Norbert, and Rashmi Shankar 【文题(必填)】determinants of exchange rate regime switching 【年份(必填)】2009 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Journal of International Money a ...2016-7-26 14:44 - ChrisEdward - 求助成功区
Exchange Rate Regimes and the Stability of the International Monetary System
2 个回复 - 1048 次查看 【作者(必填)】Ghosh, A., J. Ostry, and C. Tsangarides 【文题(必填)】 Exchange rate regimes and the stability of the international monetary system[R]. 【年份(必填)】2010 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2016-5-18 13:36 - 小吭 - 文献求助专区
【独家发布】Modeling Time Series with Changes in Regime
0 个回复 - 1226 次查看 原文信息:James Hamilton (1989). A New Approach to theEconomic Analysis of Nonstationary Time Series and the Business Cycle. Econometrica,57: 357-384. 很多宏观经济和金融变量会出现非平稳的特征,即这些 ...2016-5-28 11:02 - 日新少年 - R语言论坛
Monetary Policy with a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime
0 个回复 - 549 次查看 MonetaryPolicy with a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime,Raphael Espinoza,Ghada Fayad,Ananthakrishnan Prasad,2014, Oxford University Press2016-4-22 09:40 - 82903189@qq.com - 文献求助专区
Endogenous Money, Fiscal Policy, Interest Rates and the Exchange Rate Regime: A
3 个回复 - 829 次查看 【作者(必填)】 John Smithin 【文题(必填)】 Endogenous Money, Fiscal Policy, Interest Rates and the Exchange Rate Regime: A Comment on Palley, Tymoigne and Wray 【年份(必填)】 2016 【全文链接或 ...2016-2-26 16:47 - peter - 求助成功区
between capital controls and exchange rate regimes
2 个回复 - 635 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Von Hagen & Zhou 【文题(必填)】between capital controls and exchange rate regimes 【年份(必填)】2008 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10168 ...2016-2-22 01:47 - ddx2009 - 求助成功区
Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime
1 个回复 - 1146 次查看 【作者(必填)】James D. Hamilton 【文题(必填)】Analysis of time series subject to changes in regime 【年份(必填)】1990 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ ...2016-2-1 16:50 - 迷途mitu - 求助成功区
Oil dependency and exchange rate regimes in Arab oil economies:
1 个回复 - 699 次查看 【作者(必填)】Magda Kandila* & Boaz Nandwab 【文题(必填)】Oil dependency and exchange rate regimes in Arab oil economies: 【年份(必填)】2015 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.tandfonlin ...2016-1-4 08:11 - zx8387 - 求助成功区
Estimation of time-varying ARMA models with Markovian changes in regime
2 个回复 - 603 次查看 Estimation of time-varying ARMA models with Markovian changes in regime2015-12-12 16:48 - lucky187 - 求助成功区
【2010】Determinants of Democratization: Explaining Regime Change in the World
20 个回复 - 1484 次查看 【2010】 Determinants of Democratization: Explaining Regime Change in the World, 1972-2006 Book 图书名称: Determinants of Democratization: Explaining Regime Change in the World, 1972-2006 Aut ...2015-11-4 08:17 - kychan - 经管书评
[文献求助] China's Exchange Rate Regime
0 个回复 - 742 次查看 【作者(必填)】China Development Research Foundation 【文题(必填)】China's Exchange Rate Regime 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.amazon.com/Exchange-Routledge-Studie ...2015-10-20 00:53 - duyang76 - 文献求助专区
【2014新书】Currency Speculation in Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes
90 个回复 - 11278 次查看 图书名称:[/backcolor]Currency Speculation in Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes:Theory and Empirical Evidence 作者:Anja Zenker 出版社:Springer 页数:142 出版时间:2014 语 ...2014-7-17 18:09 - 牛尾巴 - 金融学(理论版)
求文献Foreign exchange rates under Markov regime switching
2 个回复 - 758 次查看 【作者(必填)】S. Goutte and B. Zou 【文题(必填)】Foreign exchange rates under Markov regime switching model 【年份(必填)】2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2015-7-2 22:39 - macro-quant - 求助成功区
Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigatio
4 个回复 - 674 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Hamilton J. 【文题(必填)】 Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigation of the term structure of interest rates 【年份(必填)】 1988 【全文链接 ...2015-6-29 16:56 - 15002967574 - 求助成功区
Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigatio
1 个回复 - 668 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Hamilton J 【文题(必填)】 Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigation of the term structure of interest rates 【年份(必填)】 1988 【全文链接或 ...2015-6-29 15:17 - 15002967574 - 求助成功区
The predictability of stock market regime: Evidence from Toronto Stock Exchange
1 个回复 - 624 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Van Norden S, Schaller H 【文题(必填)】 The predictability of stock market regime: Evidence from Toronto Stock Exchange 【年份(必填)】 1993 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 Van Nor ...2015-6-29 17:01 - 15002967574 - 求助成功区
Institutional Change of Accounting Systems: The Adoption of a Regime of Adapted
1 个回复 - 626 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Institutional Change of Accounting Systems: The Adoption of a Regime of Adapted International Financial Reporting Standards 【年份(必填)】2015 【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2015-6-24 14:20 - miaoding - 求助成功区
Foreign Aid and Regime Change
1 个回复 - 542 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Sarah Blodgett Bermeo 【文题(必填)】Foreign Aid and Regime Change: A Role for Donor Intent 【年份(必填)】2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.sciencedirect.com/s ...2015-4-15 09:13 - choukoei - 求助成功区
Regime Changes and Financial Markets
1 个回复 - 898 次查看 【作者(必填)】Andrew Ang12 and Allan Timmermann3 【文题(必填)】 Regime Changes and Financial Markets 【年份(必填)】Annual Review of Financial EconomicsVol. 4: 313-337 (Volume publication date O ...2014-9-27 00:11 - nkky2011 - 求助成功区
Models of Regime Changes
1 个回复 - 956 次查看 http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_165-3?no-access=true2014-9-7 13:07 - jerryren - 求助成功区
Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime
2 个回复 - 1111 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]James D. Hamilton∗ 【文题(必填)】Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigation of the term structure of interest rates 【年份(必填) ...2014-7-16 10:28 - nkky2011 - 求助成功区
Multilateral adjustment, regime switching and real exchange rate dynamics
1 个回复 - 1053 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Jeannine Bailliua, , , [*]Ali Dibb, 1, [*]Takashi Kanoc, , [*]Lawrence Schembria, 【文题(必填)】Multilateral adjustment, regime switching and real exchange rate dynamics ...2014-7-13 16:46 - nkky2011 - 求助成功区
Exchange Rate Pass-through: The Role of Regime
1 个回复 - 2348 次查看 International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 18, No. 3, 301-322, July 2004 Exchange Rate Pass-through: The Role of Regime Changes DOUGLAS STEEL & ALAN KING ABSTRACT We consider the ef ...2011-11-16 22:05 - hezi001 - 世界经济与国际贸易
汇率制度经典论文之二,Masson,Exchange Rate Regime Transitions
1 个回复 - 1356 次查看 汇率制度转换,Exchange rate regime transitions,Masson, Paul R.,发表于Journal of Development Economics.,2001 (64) Abstract The hollowing-out, or two poles hypothesis is tested in the context of ...2009-6-20 11:48 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
2 个回复 - 2292 次查看 发展中经济体的汇率制度:道德风险和国际过度借贷,EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR EMERGING MARKETS:MORAL HAZARD AND INTERNATIONAL OVERBORROWING,Ronald I. McKinnon,Huw Pill,发表于Stanford University, Depart ...2009-6-20 12:16 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
汇率制度经典论文之三Levy-Yeyati,Sturzenegg,Exchange Rate Regimes
1 个回复 - 2035 次查看 汇率制度和经济绩效,Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Performance,EDUARDO LEVY-YEYATI and FEDERICO STURZENEGGER,发表于IMF Staff PapersVol. 47, 2001。 This paper studies the impact of exchange rate ...2009-6-20 11:54 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
汇率制度经典论文之四Levy-Yeyati,Sturzenegg,Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes
5 个回复 - 2660 次查看 划分汇率制度:行动还是语言,Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes:Deeds vs. Words,Eduardo Levy-Yeyati ,Federico sturzenegger,发表于European Economic Review,2005(49) Abstract Most of the empirical l ...2009-6-20 12:09 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
汇率制度经典论文之七,Sebastian Edwards,Exchange Rate Regimes, Capital Flows
4 个回复 - 1623 次查看 汇率制度,资本流动和危机防范,Exchange Rate Regimes, Capital Flows and Crisis Prevention,Sebastian Edwards,发表于National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc in its series NBER Working Papers with numb ...2009-6-20 12:33 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
[原创][推荐]DRUID-Exchange Rate Regimes, Financial Development and ‘Creative Destruc
18 个回复 - 7165 次查看 今年DRUID年会中一篇研究熊彼特创新与金融的文章http://www2.druid.dk/conferences/viewabstract.php?id=5816&cf=32AbstractThe spirit of Schumpeterian economic development theory is ‘innovative destructio ...2009-4-22 06:52 - xiaoyang - 经济史与经济思想史
Exchange Rate Regimes in the Modern Era: Fixed, Floating, and Flaky
2 个回复 - 975 次查看 【作者(必填)】Rose, A. K. 【文题(必填)】Exchange Rate Regimes in the Modern Era: Fixed, Floating, and Flaky 【年份(必填)】 (2011). 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Jstor,Journal of Economic L ...2013-6-29 00:27 - ahnulxy - 求助成功区
现代汇率制度Exchange Rate Regimes in the Modern Era
1 个回复 - 1670 次查看 如题,这个东西还真难找,终于找到了,象征性的收点米。 267页,高清PDF,文字版,非扫描。本人正在阅读!!!2013-5-27 23:06 - ahnulxy - 宏观经济学
Hamilton_1990_“Analysis of Time Series Subject to Changes in Regime,” Journal
1 个回复 - 1372 次查看 【作者(必填)】James D. Hamilton 【文题(必填)】 “Analysis of Time Series Subject to Changes in Regime,” Journal of Econometrics, 45, July/August 1990, pp. 39-70. 【年份(必填)】1990 【全文链接 ...2012-3-6 12:50 - rqj21 - 求助成功区
exchange rate regime
2 个回复 - 2955 次查看 NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES EXCHANGE RATE DYNAMICS REDUX Maurice Obstfeld Kenneth Rogoff Working Paper No. 4693 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA ...2006-8-13 07:56 - lovebeatles - 世界经济与国际贸易
1 个回复 - 1760 次查看 NEW ESTIMATION OF CHINA’S EXCHANGE RATE REGIME2010-7-9 13:08 - Lomeir - 经管书评
Cotton market integration and the impact of China's new exchange rate regime
3 个回复 - 1566 次查看 最近要写有关棉花价格与汇率的文章,查到这篇paper,希望对大家有点帮助吧2010-10-27 12:46 - yoomer - 农林经济学
哈佛大学肯尼迪学院教授Frankel的论文之十五Assessing China’s Exchange Rate Regime
3 个回复 - 1685 次查看 验证中国的汇率制度,Assessing China’s Exchange Rate Regime,by Jeffrey A. Frankel 和Shang-Jin Wei,发表于March 1, 2007,The IMF Articles of Agreement forbid a country from manipulating its currency f ...2009-6-18 15:57 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
求文章《Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and changes in regime
3 个回复 - 2803 次查看 求一篇文章《Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and changes in regime》,James D. Hamiltona, and Raul Susmelb,1994。 急用,请高手帮忙找找,谢谢!2009-11-19 16:44 - lych - 文献求助专区
GuoJin 论文,验证中国汇率制度Examining the Exchange Rate Regime for China
2 个回复 - 1750 次查看 验证中国的汇率制度,Examining the Exchange Rate Regime for China,Guo Jin,Graduate School of Economics, Osaka Prefecture University,International Research Journal of Finance and Economics,Issue 25 ...2009-6-24 18:14 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
[感谢]一篇英文文献Business cycles and the exchange-rate regime
2 个回复 - 1136 次查看 篇名:Business cycles and the exchange-rate regime : Some international evidence 作者:Marianne Baxter, Alan C. Stockman 出处:Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 23, Issue 3, May 1989, Pages 377- ...2009-8-29 10:59 - peter - 文献求助专区
Imad Moosa论文,验证汇率制度Exchange Rate Regime Verification
0 个回复 - 2199 次查看 验证汇率制度:中国是否从盯住美元改为盯住一篮子?Exchange Rate Regime Verification: Has China Actually Moved from a Dollar Peg to a Basket Peg?Imad Moosa, Monash University,Tony Naughton, RMIT,Larry ...2009-6-24 18:26 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
John Williamson 论文之二 The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime
0 个回复 - 1708 次查看 汇率制度选择:可供中国参考的国际经验,The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime: The Relevance of International Experience to China’s Decision,by John Williamson,发表于September 7, 2004。Abstract: Whether ...2009-6-18 16:55 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
哈佛大学肯尼迪学院教授Frankel的论文之六 Verifying Exchange Rate Regimes
0 个回复 - 1290 次查看 验证汇率制度,Verifying Exchange Rate Regimes。by Jeffrey Frankel Harvard University and NBER,Eduardo Fajnzylber University of California, Los Angeles,Sergio Schmukler World Bank,Luis Servén World ...2009-6-18 14:53 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
[求助]找ghosh(2002)exchange rate regimes:choices and consequences的随书光盘
0 个回复 - 2826 次查看 请各位朋友帮帮忙! 我在人大,清华的图书馆都找到这本书,不知道光盘能不能找到 我是复旦的学生,图书馆管理欠佳,随书光盘找不到了,该光盘包含了ghosh搜集的大量国家的宏观数据,我最近的课题急需,请各位朋友帮帮忙. ...2005-6-15 18:52 - jedi - 世界经济与国际贸易