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SAP ERP Financials configuration and design
5 个回复 - 1491 次查看 Naeem Arif其中一个作者,第二版2017-8-28 04:21 - k304 - 会计与财务管理
Financial Statement Analysis Package (FSAP): Version 7.0模型分享
5 个回复 - 2032 次查看 该模型可以用于财务报销分析和预测。你值得拥有,免费分享,如果各位利用模型做了分析,可以分享一下经验和自己的作品。Class-Test Model.xls2016-3-2 16:46 - LeapOSKE - Excel
求Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP 2015 PDF
2 个回复 - 1392 次查看 【作者(必填)】by [/backcolor]Narayanan Veeriah[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP[/backcolor]【年份(必填)】2015 (SAP Press) 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https:/ ...2016-8-28 16:59 - phipe - 求助成功区
SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling: Configuration and Use Management
14 个回复 - 4165 次查看 SAP ERP modules are notoriously hard to configure and use effectively without a lot of practice and experience. But as SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling: Configuration and Use Management sh ...2015-7-9 17:39 - 大家开心 - SAS专版
SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling Configuration and Use Management
2 个回复 - 1387 次查看 SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling Configuration and Use Management2015-12-11 22:10 - kexinkeqing - 会计与财务管理
SAP-FI模块操作演示软件(Financial Mgt,eng,解压后19M)
26 个回复 - 8107 次查看 <br/><p>RT,绝对物超所值</p><p>解压后请运行根目录底下的EXE文件</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> [此贴子已经被作者于2008 ...2007-6-13 22:15 - wildcraft - 商学院
求:Configuring SAP ERP Financials and Controlling
2 个回复 - 1187 次查看 作者:Peter Jones ,(彼得·琼斯), John Burger ,(约翰·巴格) 著2013-7-1 11:49 - 帅到被追杀 - 悬赏大厅