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功夫计量经济学:Mastering ’Metrics The Path from Cause to Effect
19 个回复 - 10583 次查看 安神的《功夫计量经济学》,可惜没有中文翻译版,不过真的是难得的好书。 带目录链接,象征性收1个币。2019-7-1 18:58 - zhengbieguang - 计量经济学与统计软件
Caliendo和Parro (2015)模型部分推导
12 个回复 - 4626 次查看 Caliendo, L., and Parro, F., Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effect of NAFTA, The Review of Economic Studies, 2015 仅论文模型部分的推导过程,供学术交流讨论。若发现推导过程有错误或需要改进的地方, ...2021-12-23 18:52 - 沉默的吃瓜 - 世界经济与国际贸易
粒子统计物理学课后习题答案Statistical Physics of Particles Solutions
3 个回复 - 1313 次查看 粒子统计物理学课后习题答案Statistical Physics of Particles Solutions 粒子统计物理学课后习题答案Statistical Physics of Particles Solutions 粒子统计物理学课后习题答案Statistical Phys ...2021-9-18 07:57 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
高等有机化学课后习题答案Advanced organic chemistry Carey_part_B习题答案
2 个回复 - 1536 次查看 高等有机化学课后习题答案Advanced organic chemistry Carey_part_B习题答案 高等有机化学课后习题答案Advanced organic chemistry Carey_part_B习题答案 高等有机化学课后习题答案Advanced organic chemi ...2022-3-15 19:11 - lotus_sss - 现金交易版
整理上学期的金融计算与建模Part 2:学习课件+计算代码code,CAPM,Copula,VaR,最优投
2 个回复 - 1439 次查看 整理上学期的金融计算与建模Part 2:学习课件+计算代码code,CAPM,Copula,VaR,最优投资组合 08股票市场风险指标分解.ppt 09债券指数计算.ppt 10中国股市CAPM计算.ppt 11最优投资组合选择.ppt 12中国股市CAP ...2020-5-30 13:12 - Tiger-like - 现金交易版
2 个回复 - 893 次查看 财务报告可比性和会计准则趋同:相关研究资料汇总,ACCA,CICPA,CIMA 1. ACCA、CPA+Australia、及析.pdf 2. ACCA与CICPA_CIMA在我国的发展.caj 3. ACCA中国现状与未来发展趋势研:基于ACCA与CICPA的比较.caj ...2020-5-27 14:50 - Tiger-like - 现金交易版
模式识别 2th David G Stork:课后习题答案整理,pattern classification
1 个回复 - 385 次查看 模式识别 2th David G Stork:课后习题答案整理,pattern classification 模式识别 2th David G Stork:课后习题答案整理,pattern classification 模式识别 2th David G Stork:课后习题答案整理,pattern cl ...2021-7-7 09:05 - Tiger-like - 现金交易版
空间计量模型,空间分析案例讲解与实操:Spatical regressionand GIS
1 个回复 - 1184 次查看 空间计量模型,空间分析案例讲解与实操:Spatical regressionand GIS 1.关于城市热岛的空间分析 2.空间计量分析数据:Data 3.实验材料 Lab1.rar 1.关于城市热岛的空间分析 2.空间计量分析数据:Data ...2020-5-1 19:39 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
供应链管理多因子影响模型计算器:Supply Chain Management Impact Calculator
2 个回复 - 1029 次查看 供应链管理多因子影响模型计算器:Supply Chain Management Impact Calculator OUTSIDE IN ANALYSIS for Multi-factors 1.TARGET CO Data Entry 2.TARGET CO Assessment 3.Impact Calculator 4 .Impact R ...2020-3-19 14:04 - Mujahida - 现金交易版
Beginner’s Guide to Spatial, Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Anal
1 个回复 - 932 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Alain F Zuur,Elena N Ieno 【文题(必填)】 Beginner’s Guide to Spatial, Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Analysis with R-INLA Volume II: GAM and zero-inflated models ...2019-12-16 09:24 - SpatialData - 文献求助专区
Tarch, Egarch,Parch,Carch模型实操演示 in Eviews
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【学习笔记】Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts b ...
2 个回复 - 754 次查看 Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts by Steve Nison 大家都棒棒忙找下,谢谢各位同学了!2019-10-17 11:38 - 金融大玩家 - Forum
Mastering ’Metrics The Path from Cause to Effect
4 个回复 - 1235 次查看 精通计量 从原因到结果的探寻之旅 高清最新可复制版本2021-10-24 11:33 - lxxxxxxc - Stata专版
粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)产能管理技术
2 个回复 - 3597 次查看 粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)产能管理技术[/backcolor] 关键词: RCCP, 粗略产能计划[/backcolor] [/backcolor] RCCP的技术被用来确认在每个工作站中适合的产能,此技术是用来发展机器负载报告 ...2019-1-19 11:38 - Mujahida - 现金交易版
Preservation of increasing convex/concave order under the formation of parallel/
3 个回复 - 582 次查看 【作者(必填)】Li, C., & Li, X. 【文题(必填)】Preservation of increasing convex/concave order under the formation of parallel/series system of dependent components 【年份(必填)】2018 【全文链接 ...2020-3-11 16:57 - @zhuanyong - 求助成功区
Patient cost sharing and medical expenditures for the Elderly
3 个回复 - 717 次查看 【作者(必填)】Kazuya Fukushima Sou Mizuoka Shunsuke Yamamoto Toshiaki Iizuka 【文题(必填)】Patient cost sharing and medical expenditures for the Elderly 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2020-2-7 15:39 - zxm403 - 求助成功区
求Technological Regimes,Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and Firm-level Pro
3 个回复 - 794 次查看 【作者(必填)】Castellucci F,Zheng HJ. 【文题(必填)】Technological Regimes,Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and Firm-level Productivity Growth 【年份(必填)】2010 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填 ...2019-11-14 09:25 - 82380039 - 求助成功区
求书电子版《Passion for Work: Theory, Reseach, and Applications》
4 个回复 - 1272 次查看 图书详情如下: Passion for Work: Theory, Reseach, and Applications Robert J. Vallerand and Nathalie Houlfort Print publication date: 2019 Print ISBN-13: 9780190648626 Published to Oxford Schola ...2019-8-26 09:05 - bkjg - 悬赏大厅
two-stage capacity-constrained competition两阶段能力约束竞争
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【2019新书】Patentism Replacing Capitalism: A Prediction from Logical Economics
14 个回复 - 2024 次查看 Patentism Replacing Capitalism: A Prediction from Logical Economics by Samuel Meng (Author) About the Author Dr Samuel Meng is a senior researcher at the Griffith University in Australia. With h ...2019-5-4 06:45 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric Inference Authors: Kosoro
3 个回复 - 4411 次查看 Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric InferenceAuthors: Kosorok, Michael R. A self-contained, linear, and unified introduction to empirical processes and semiparametric inference ...2021-3-25 14:00 - aiyaya222 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary Building with Suffixes
2 个回复 - 819 次查看 【资料名称】:Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary Building with Suffixes 【资料作者】:Dorothy Richmond 【资料来源】:McGraw-Hill Education 【压缩卷】:2个 【资源格式】: PDF 【页数】:450页 ...2020-7-10 08:09 - tombell - 外语学习
Modern Methods in the Calculus of Variations: Lp Spaces
2 个回复 - 814 次查看 【作者(必填)】Irene FonsecaGiovanni Leoni 【文题(必填)】Modern Methods in the Calculus of Variations: Lp Spaces[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】2007[/backcolor] 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https: ...2018-12-2 14:05 - wangt_1997 - 求助成功区
Spatial, Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Analysis with R-INLA
1 个回复 - 695 次查看 【作者(必填)】Alain F Zuur,Elena N Ieno,Anatoly A Saveliev 【文题(必填)】 Beginner’s Guide to Spatial, Temporal, and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Analysis with R-INLAVolume I: Using GLM and ...2019-12-16 09:23 - SpatialData - 文献求助专区
The regulation of multiproduct firms: Part II: Applications to competitive envir
6 个回复 - 531 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Jean-JacquesLaffont Jean tirole 【文题(必填)】The regulation of multiproduct firms: Part II: Applications to competitive environments and policy analysis 【年份(必填)】1990 【全文 ...2019-4-18 09:51 - wuyu0405 - 求助成功区
GraphPad Prism与主成分分析(PCA)方法
1 个回复 - 5473 次查看 什么是【主成分分析(PCA, Principal Component Analysis)】?01 概念 [*]主成分分析(PCA)是一种强大的探索性模型,可以降低数据的维度。它非常适用于有大量变量(列)的情况,也适用于分析那种列多于行的表; ...2020-11-30 10:19 - GraphPad_China - 计量经济学与统计软件
Pain or Gain? Chinese Experience of Capital Account Liberalization
3 个回复 - 817 次查看 Pain or Gain? Chinese Experience of Capital Account Liberalization2021-5-19 15:46 - Pawn-CC - Forum
Graph Algorithms Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j
2 个回复 - 1403 次查看 Learn how graph algorithms can help you leverage relationships within your data to develop intelligent solutions and enhance your machine learning models. With this practical guide,developers and data ...2019-7-17 15:41 - nivastuli - 数据分析与数据挖掘
求书主标题《Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations》
4 个回复 - 1294 次查看 【作者(必填)】Sandip Mazumder 【文题(必填)】Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference and Finite Volume Methods 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】ht ...2018-11-14 21:07 - 钢琴魔法师 - 求助成功区
基于R语言和Stata PCA 主成份分析 Principal Component Analysis
2 个回复 - 827 次查看 基于R语言和Stata PCA 主成份分析 Principal Component Analysis :数据+代码+输出结果解读+案例 13.Principal Component Analysis pca_gsp.csv pca_gsp.dta Principal Component Analysis Exam ...2022-2-3 11:30 - lotus_sss - 现金交易版
基于Duda,Hart,Stork模式识别课后习题答案 Pattern Classification
1 个回复 - 552 次查看 Solutions to Selected Problems In:Pattern Classification by Duda,Hart,Stork Solutions to Selected Problems In:Pattern Classification by Duda,Hart,Stork Solutions to Selected Problems In: ...2022-2-28 10:21 - lotus_sss - 现金交易版
Application of the Political Economy to Rural Health Disparities
3 个回复 - 1429 次查看 Application of the Political Economy to Rural Health Disparities Monica Taylor Springer 20182019-2-24 06:16 - galiusk - 卫生经济学
1 个回复 - 537 次查看 为什么通常建议在校大学生和在职人士先报考ACCA再考CPA呢,因为这是比较科学也是成功率比较高的一种方法,先报考ACCA再考CPA,至少有两方面的好处。 1 时间安排更合理 考ACCA让众多考生感觉难的一点在于,ACCA包含 ...2020-6-29 13:47 - 锐臻教育 - Forum
Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Fourth Ed
4 个回复 - 419 次查看 Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Fourth Edition [*]Publisher: CRC Press; 4 edition (October 24, 2018) [*]Language: English [*]ISBN-10: 1138057797 [*]IS ...2018-12-7 00:43 - chicu - 经管书评
Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal
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The Cambridge Companion to the Harpsichord
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The Cambridge Companion to Roman Comedy
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The Cambridge Companion to Hermeneutics
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The Trump Presidency: From Campaign Trail to World Stage
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人体艺术Nude Photography [DK] - The Art and the Craft by Pascal Baetens
42 个回复 - 2282 次查看 Nude Photography [DK] - The Art and the Craft by Pascal Baetens **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2019-6-17 12:27 - hylpy1 - 经管书评
Calculus I 微积分一_Paul Dawkins_大神notes
1 个回复 - 760 次查看 Calculus I 微积分一_Paul Dawkins大神notes2021-5-25 14:06 - catherine192 - 商业数据分析
空间分析案例全面解读与实操培训:Spatical regressionand GIS
2 个回复 - 910 次查看 空间分析案例全面解读与实操培训资料整理汇总:Spatical regressionand GIS 1. DATA_空间分析数据 2. 关于城市热岛的空间分析 3. 实验 4. 实验材料 1. DATA_空间分析数据 2. 关于城市热岛的空间分析 ...2020-1-10 21:06 - Mujahida - 现金交易版
[PDF] 实用非参数统计 W. J. Conover - Practical Nonparametric Statistics-3rd ed
12 个回复 - 1015 次查看 比较经典的国外统计学教材《Practical Nonparametric Statistics》第三版 发现论坛上暂时没有英文原版,分享一下一个不算很清晰的扫描版本,先拿着看看2019-4-16 12:05 - 呆呆呆头 - 经管书评
1 个回复 - 544 次查看 GIS空间统计数据分析讲义 Lecture Notes on SPATIAL STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS FOR GIS USERS Konstantin Krivoruchko(pdf格式文档) GIS空间统计数据分析讲义 Lecture Notes on SPATIAL STATISTICAL DATA ...2022-4-23 20:23 - lily-2021 - 现金交易版
基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义1 Part l Causal inference without models
1 个回复 - 859 次查看 基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义1(英文)Part l Causal inference without models Lecture Notes on Causal Inference Miguel A.Hernan,James M.Robins ,2018=Causal Inference Part l Causal inference wit ...2022-5-22 09:29 - Mama-2022 - 现金交易版
基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义III(英文)Part Ill Causal inference from com
1 个回复 - 903 次查看 基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义III(英文)Part Ill Causal inference from complex longitudinal data Lecture Notes on Causal Inference Miguel A.Hernan,James M.Robins ,2018 =Causal Inference Part ...2022-5-22 09:39 - Mama-2022 - 现金交易版
COVID-19最新书籍(4) How Data Can Manage Global Health Pandemics
4 个回复 - 3482 次查看 How Data Can Manage Global Health Pandemics_ Analyzing and Understanding Covid-19 Productivity Press (2022)2022-5-9 19:40 - zhou_yl - 金融学(理论版)
11 个回复 - 5683 次查看 有的话请私聊一下我,可付费2021-12-21 17:10 - shiheqiao - CAA、SOA精算师等考证版
Fiscal decentralization, regional disparity, and the role of corruption
1 个回复 - 202 次查看 【作者(必填)】Nupur Nirola[/backcolor], Sohini Sahu[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Fiscal decentralization, regional disparity, and the role of corruption 【年份(必填)】2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选 ...2022-1-13 13:07 - flynnfeng - 文献求助专区
Bundled Payment Episodes Initiated by Physician Group Practices: Medicare Benefi
1 个回复 - 211 次查看 【作者(必填)】Sean R. McClellan PhD[/backcolor][/backcolor][/backcolor], Matthew J. Trombley PhD[/backcolor], Jaclyn Marshall MS[/backcolor], Daver Kahvecioglu PhD[/backcolor], Colleen M. Kummet PhD[/ ...2022-7-14 01:09 - zxm403 - 文献求助专区
Do we care about high-cost patients? Estimating the savings on health spending b
1 个回复 - 304 次查看 【作者(必填)】Karen Geurts[/backcolor][/backcolor][/backcolor], Marc Bruijnzeels[/backcolor] & Erik Schokkaert[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Do we care about high-cost patients? Estimating the savings ...2022-7-13 23:06 - zxm403 - 文献求助专区
I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone.
1 个回复 - 1457 次查看 satisfying [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ] v. 收集、收藏、采集、聚集; 相关搭配有: satisfy oneself 彻底弄明白;satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需要;satisfy the examiners 考试刚刚及 ...2022-6-6 15:51 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
Institutions matter The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the political trust
2 个回复 - 385 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Institutions matter: The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the political trust of young Europeans 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://onlinelibr ...2022-7-4 11:56 - 日新少年 - 求助成功区
An improved approximate formula for calculating sample sizes for comparing two b
1 个回复 - 318 次查看 【作者(必填)】Casagrande, J. T., Pike, M. C., and Smith, P. G 【文题(必填)】An improved approximate formula for calculating sample sizes for comparing two binomial distributions 【年份(必填)】19 ...2022-7-1 20:45 - wl1020_2000 - 文献求助专区
0 个回复 - 649 次查看 需要用到 ethers 这个库 直接上代码 const ethers = require('ethers'); const addresses = { WBNB: "0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c", router: "0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024 ...2022-6-29 16:32 - 系統開發KFZ433 - 比特币与区块链
The impacts of political hierarchy on corporate pollution emissions
2 个回复 - 314 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】The impacts of political hierarchy on corporate pollution emissions: Evidence from a spatial discontinuity in China 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】h ...2022-6-28 21:19 - 日新少年 - 求助成功区
Lithium ion battery pack power fade fault identification based on Shannon entrop
1 个回复 - 359 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 Lithium ion battery pack power fade fault identification based on Shannon entropy in electric vehicles 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.sc ...2022-6-26 23:13 - ticket1988 - 求助成功区
China's anti-corruption campaign and firm productivity
2 个回复 - 886 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】China's anti-corruption campaign and firm productivity 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043951 ...2022-6-26 00:22 - 日新少年 - 求助成功区
基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义II(英文)Part lI Causal inference with model
1 个回复 - 947 次查看 基于Miguel A.Hernan因果推断教学讲义II(英文)Part l Causal inference with models Lecture Notes on Causal Inference Miguel A.Hernan,James M.Robins ,2018 =Causal Inference Part lI Causal inference w ...2022-5-22 09:33 - Mama-2022 - 现金交易版
Smart Syringe Vending Machines: Research Capabilities and Implications for Resea
1 个回复 - 315 次查看 【作者(必填)】David Otiashvili[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】SSmart Syringe Vending Machines: Research Capabilities and Implications for Research Data Collection 【年份(必填)】2021 【全文链接或数据 ...2022-6-21 15:49 - limeiwangxin - 文献求助专区
Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis
3 个回复 - 1065 次查看 Originally published in 1979. A classic in its field, Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis argues that social theory can usefully be conceived in terms of four broad paradigms, based upo ...2022-6-20 13:16 - Bangladesh-WL - 人力资源管理
Improvements for research data repositories: The case of text spam
1 个回复 - 234 次查看 【作者(必填)】Ismael Vázquez 【文题(必填)】Improvements for research data repositories: The case of text spam 【年份(必填)】2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://doi.org/10.1177/016555152 ...2022-6-21 15:27 - limeiwangxin - 文献求助专区
0 个回复 - 686 次查看 pancakeswap也被称之为薄饼或者煎饼系统开发(KFZ433)是基于币安智能链上的BEP20去中心化交易所,是一款十分火爆的应用,币安智能链的项目都会上pancakeswap。煎饼的项目方在实际运营项目的时候就需要运用到很多项目 ...2022-6-13 14:46 - 依白雪 - Forum
求Doubly enhanced Medicaid partnership annuities (dempans)
2 个回复 - 920 次查看 【作者(必填)】Colin M. Ramsay & Victor I. Oguledo 【文题(必填)】Doubly Enhanced Medicaid Partnership Annuities (DEMPANs): A New Tool for Providing Long Term Care to Retired U.S. Seniors in the Medi ...2022-6-8 16:23 - donnac_queen - 求助成功区
IT Capability and Digital Transformation:A Firm Performance Perspective
2 个回复 - 1642 次查看 【作者(必填)】JK Nwankpa[/backcolor],Y Roumani[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】IT Capability and Digital Transformation:A Firm Performance Perspective 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选 ...2022-3-4 21:27 - bbsflyingsnow - 求助成功区
Optimizing Pad Bending Structure Based on Numerical Simulation to Prevent Metal
1 个回复 - 418 次查看 【作者(必填)】Min Zhou Min Zhou [*]This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. 【文题(必填)】Optimizing ...2022-6-6 06:07 - victorbian - 求助成功区
Pharmaceuticals in Asia Pacific 2012
1 个回复 - 453 次查看 Pharmaceuticals in Asia Pacific 2012 (MarketLine)2022-6-4 10:33 - Johnwang20 - 行业分析报告
Impact of 2020 Mega Trends of Chemicals
1 个回复 - 405 次查看 Frost & Sullivan - Impact of 2020 Mega Trends of Chemicals2022-6-4 10:31 - Johnwang20 - 行业分析报告
PAKDD 2020 Alibaba AIOps Competition - Large-Scale Disk Failure Prediction: Thir
1 个回复 - 563 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 PAKDD 2020 Alibaba AIOps Competition - Large-Scale Disk Failure Prediction: Third Place Team 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://link.springer.co ...2022-5-31 20:46 - ticket1988 - 求助成功区
Unified M-estimation of matrix exponential spatial dynamic panel specification
1 个回复 - 470 次查看 【作者(必填)】 2323 【文题(必填)】 Unified M-estimation of matrix exponential spatial dynamic panel specification 【年份(必填)】 2323 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.tandfonline.com/do ...2022-5-29 10:28 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Routines revisited: Exploring the capabilities and practice perspectives
4 个回复 - 654 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Anne Parmigiani; Jennifer Howard-Grenville 【文题(必填)】 Routines revisited: Exploring the capabilities and practice perspectives 【年份(必填)】 2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选 ...2022-5-28 05:53 - younaqiao - 求助成功区
Nonparametric bounds for the survivor function under general dependent truncatio
1 个回复 - 259 次查看 【作者(必填)】 232 【文题(必填)】 Nonparametric bounds for the survivor function under general dependent truncation【年份(必填)】 232 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com ...2022-5-26 18:40 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
超详细教程 | pandas合并之append和concat
0 个回复 - 592 次查看 本篇文章主要介绍了pandas中对series和datafr ame对象进行连接的方法:pd.append()和pd.concat(),文中通过示例代码对这两种方法进行了详细的介绍,希望能对各位python小白的学习有所帮助。 一、df.append(df) 描述 ...2022-5-26 10:27 - AIU人工智能学院 - 数据分析师(CDA)专版
Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the logrank t
6 个回复 - 1078 次查看 【作者(必填)】L S Freedman 【文题(必填)】Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using thelogrank test 【年份(必填)】1982 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2022-5-24 11:53 - wl1020_2000 - 求助成功区
Analysis of sources of innovation, technological innovation capabilities
1 个回复 - 358 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Richard C.M.YamWilliamLoEsther P.Y.TangAntonio K.W.Lau 【文题(必填)】 Analysis of sources of innovation, technological innovation capabilities, and performance: An empirical study of ...2022-5-23 20:50 - tk489663 - 求助成功区
Solving Paradox by Increasing Technological Capacity
2 个回复 - 643 次查看 【作者(必填)】Xin Li 【文题(必填)】Solving Paradox by Increasing Technological Capacity: A Critique of the Concept of Business Model Innovation at TikTok 【年份(必填)】2022 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2022-5-18 20:49 - ericford - 求助成功区
Missing data in palliative care research: estimands and estimators
2 个回复 - 360 次查看 【作者(必填)】Jessica Roydhouse 1 2, Lysbeth Floden 3, Sabine Braat 4, Anneke Grobler 5, Slavica Kochovska 6, David C Currow 6, Melanie L Bell 7 8 【文题(必填)】Missing data in palliative care rese ...2022-5-20 10:49 - dxystata - 求助成功区