分享 Law of Finance第二版Hudson
9 个回复 - 3852 次查看 美国本科生和研究生中非常流行的一本教材。 Alastair Hudson著。 非扫描版,可复制、可搜索。 真金白银买回来的,良心价格!2018-3-27 09:02 - christie9009 - 经管相关法律法规
The Bubble and Beyond by Michael Hudson
15 个回复 - 1159 次查看 The Bubble and Beyond by Michael Hudson THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND describes how the expansive forces of industrial capitalism have been subverted by today's predatory finance capitalism. How did it ...2014-10-24 13:51 - tigerwolf - 商学院
2 个回复 - 1107 次查看 很好的书,也特别应景现在的时事。 Michael Hudson's in-depth and highly controversial study of U.S. financial diplomacy explores the faults built into the core of the World Bank and the IMF at their inc ...2019-5-21 08:12 - FredChow - 爱问频道
2012 Hudson 中国内地薪酬调查报告
7 个回复 - 1741 次查看 2012 salary and employment insights by Hudson2012-9-11 17:33 - sunfun1983 - 经管类求职与招聘
金融帝国:美国金融霸权的来源和基础 (Michael Hudson)
7 个回复 - 4238 次查看 《金融帝国》旨在梳理美国与欧洲和美国与亚洲的金融关系背景,它解释了自1971年黄金非货币化之后,美国财政部的债券标准如何为美国提供了一份免费的午餐,为什么不可以预期国际货币基金组织和世界银行提供帮助。本书 ...2022-4-1 17:43 - #00 - 金融学(理论版)
EARLY DECEMBER IN CROTON-ON-HUDSON(poems 1962-2012,Louise Gluck)
0 个回复 - 1683 次查看 EARLY DECEMBER IN CROTON-ON-HUDSON Spiked sun. The Hudson’s Whittled down by ice. I hear the bone dice Of blown gravel clicking. Bonepale, the recent snow Fastens like fur to the river. Stan ...2020-10-27 15:37 - huangtsingde - 外语学习
【学习笔记】Jennifer Hudson sings a tribute to Kobe Bryant and his daugh ...
0 个回复 - 295 次查看 Jennifer Hudson sings a tribute to Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna before the NBA All-Star game on Sunday in Chicago. 周日在芝加哥举行的NBA全明星赛之前,詹尼弗·赫德森为科比·布莱恩特和他的女儿吉安 ...2020-2-18 23:44 - 5218_1580978959 - Forum
【学习笔记】求助hudson的the law of finance第二版,谢谢
0 个回复 - 442 次查看 求助hudson的the law of finance第二版,谢谢2019-10-17 23:37 - 那年红枫秋夜半 - Forum
【学习笔记】The law of finance Alastair Hudson
1 个回复 - 554 次查看 The law of finance Alastair Hudson2019-9-26 22:31 - 13817929708 - Forum