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Introduction to Python for Econometrics...
54 个回复 - 4137 次查看 Python EconometricsJupyter Notebook Examples for "Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis, 3rd Edition" by Kevin Sheppard, 2018. https://www.kevinsheppard.com/images/b/b3 ...2019-8-6 02:16 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
Using Python for Introductory Econometrics.pdf
4 个回复 - 4007 次查看 看之前有人用爬虫爬的太不清晰了,就自己去爬了一下,合成了一个pdf,已经算很高清了。因为有点大,打了个压缩包。2021-1-14 00:05 - 876816208 - python论坛
Using Python for Introductory Econometrics
2 个回复 - 1986 次查看 如题,我从 http://www.upfie.net/ 上爬取的图片合成的 PDF, 质量不高,凑合可以用,需要的拿走。2020-6-3 23:36 - 骑牛为何 - 爱问频道
Using Python for Introductory Econometrics 网站链接
2 个回复 - 2631 次查看 Using Python for Introductory Econometrics 是针对伍德里奇的计量经济学导论书,用python实现的 可以下载命令 没有书 http://www.upfie.net/index.html http://www.upfie.net/downloads.html 命令文件 ...2020-6-3 22:44 - 蓝色 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Python for Econometrics书籍
14 个回复 - 2987 次查看 Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis 3rd Edition Kevin Sheppard University of Oxford2019-7-20 13:51 - 林荫大道i - 计量经济学与统计软件
书已免费,新增习题答案,Python在计量经济学中的应用 Python for Econometrics,
82 个回复 - 21678 次查看 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1.2 Conventions 1.3 Important Components of the Python Scientific Stack 1.4 Setup 1.5 Using Python 1.6 Exercises 1.A Frequently Encountered Prob ...2014-9-30 22:25 - iamzjk - python论坛
Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis
75 个回复 - 10256 次查看 Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data AnalysisKevin SheppardUniversity of OxfordMonday 24th February, 2014**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2014-6-28 11:06 - Nicolle - python论坛
Introduction to Python for Econometrics,Statistics and Data Analysis 3rd Editio
16 个回复 - 3752 次查看 Introduction to Python for Econometrics,Statistics and Data Analysis 3rd Edition Changes since the Third Edition • Small typo fixes, thanks to Marton Huebler. • Fixed ...2018-10-30 07:35 - kukenghuqian - python论坛
2017最新 Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis
14 个回复 - 3858 次查看 Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data AnalysisKevin SheppardUniversity of OxfordAuguest 21, 20172017-11-4 22:44 - dbw913 - python论坛
【数据分析电子书免费下载】Introduction to Python for Econometrics pdf下载
0 个回复 - 1342 次查看 【数据分析电子书免费下载】《Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis》pdf下载2016-12-31 17:05 - 数据分析闯天下 - 数据分析师(CDA)专版
Python for Econometrics
18 个回复 - 3524 次查看 Python for Econometrics Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis: Third Edition[/backcolor] [/backcolor]Python is a widely used general purpose programming language, ...2019-9-13 17:18 - xuehe - 计量经济学与统计软件
Kevin Sheppard Python for Econometrics
3 个回复 - 1472 次查看 牛津大学Kevin Sheppard的py的高级计量经济学,非常宝贵的课件 http://www.xuebaclub.top/bbs/showthread.php?tid=612017-10-5 23:36 - xiaorenwuhyl - python论坛
Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics
25 个回复 - 6202 次查看 Python for Econometrics New material added to the second edition on July 4, 2014 Python is a widely used general purpose programming language, which happens to be well suited to econom ...2014-12-15 11:31 - yuedragon - Forum
Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis
4 个回复 - 2666 次查看 这个是牛津大学的Kevin Sheppard的Python用于计量经济学、统计和数据分析课程的2014年8月5日版,截止发帖时的最新版, 坛子里有一个老版, 在这里帮助更新一下, 个人觉得这个书还是有可取之处的,分享给大家。 ...2014-12-7 23:41 - firevenus - python论坛