[下载]Eric Zivot: Introductionto Financial Econometrics 14 个回复 - 10687 次查看
<P>Eric Zivot: Introductionto Financial Econometrics
Department of Economics, University of Washington
Chapter 1: Asset Return Calculation
Chapter 2: Reviews of Random Variab ...2005-1-11 09:49 - hanszhu - 计量经济学与统计软件
IntroductiontoEconometrics by Bruce E. Hansen 2 个回复 - 1714 次查看IntroductiontoEconometrics
Bruce E. Hansen
University of Wisconsin
Chapter Headings:
1. Basic Probability Theory
2. Random Variables
3. Parametric Distributions
4. Multivariate Distribution ...2021-1-30 18:36 - hanxinru888 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Takeshi Amemiya. Introductionto Statistics and Econometrics. 4 个回复 - 4121 次查看
Editorial ReviewsReviewIntroductionto Statistics and Econometrics covers probability and statistics, with emphasis on certain topics that are important in econometrics but often overlooked by statist ...2011-6-21 14:24 - yyc0714 - 计量经济学与统计软件
[Stata2006原版新书]AnIntroductionto Modern Econometrics Using Stata 97 个回复 - 40595 次查看
Title:AnIntroductionto Modern Econometrics Using StataAuthor: Christopher F. Baum Publisher: Stata Press Copyright: 2006 Contents1 Introduction1.1 An overview of Stata's distinctive features 1.2 Ins ...2006-10-25 01:32 - mysahara - 计量经济学与统计软件