3 个回复 - 664 次查看 点上面附件图标,上传附件后可设置现金定价2022-6-28 12:21 - 输入指令 - 现金交易版
1 个回复 - 737 次查看 深度学习与Pytorch-学习课件PPT和代码 01-PyTorch初见 02-开发环境安装 03-简单回归宾例 04-简单回归案例实战 05-手写数字问题 06-基本数据类型 07-创建Tensor 08-索引与切片 09-维度变换 10-Broadcas ...2022-2-15 10:37 - lily-2021 - 现金交易版
1 个回复 - 778 次查看 2000-2019碳排放总量,用于熵值法测算绿色金融2022-1-12 11:14 - 胡鑫122 - 现金交易版
基于滚窗VAR模型的DY溢出指数connectedness index
12 个回复 - 14552 次查看 Diebold和Yılmaz创造的这种方法是计量经济学中的一个里程碑,因为它证明了冲击是如何在预定的系统内传播的,从而有助于可视化不同危机的传播机制如何通过各种经济渠道发挥作用。 正如Diebold和Yılmaz( ...2021-4-11 02:39 - 0521787641 - 现金交易版
[PDF] Trading and Investing for Beginners
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Life, Health & Annuity Reinsurance, Fourth Edition, 2015, ACTEX Publications
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Russell Davidson and James G. MacKinnon, Estimation and Inference in Econometric
11 个回复 - 3667 次查看 Russell Davidson and James G. MacKinnon, Estimation and Inference in Econometrics, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993.2022-2-7 20:59 - 蓝色 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Statutary Valuation of Individual Life and Annuity Contracts
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经济数据 佩恩表 PWT 10.0 Penn World Table 10.0 Excel版+Stata版 183国 1950-2019年
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1970-2017年各国金融开放度指数 Chinn-Ito index (KAOPEN)
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基于Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith 微电子电路 第6版 习题答案Microelectronic Ci
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Deep-learning with PyTorch学习课件代码等资料,CNN,GAN
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有朋友投过the annals of regional science吗?
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如何采用基础量价数据,构建深度学习模型Deep Alpha-DNN,实现8年40倍回测收益?
1 个回复 - 938 次查看 作者:邵守田 东北大学金融工程硕士BigQuant首席策略官傅浩晅 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校统计与经济双学位BigQuant算法团队成员 本报告模型构建工具:https://bigquant.com/ 联络咨询:bigq100【微信号】 核心观点 据 ...2021-12-2 11:04 - _wallstreetcat_ - 量化投资
投稿Empirical Econ遇到The file cannot be processed
1 个回复 - 2952 次查看 RT,这是因为什么啊?参考文献通不过。。是不是因为我上传的是pdf 不可编辑啊?还是是稿子的格式的问题??求助下论坛大佬2022-5-19 09:56 - 日新少年 - 学术道德监督
2 个回复 - 971 次查看 请问如果有多个处理组,synth_runner合成的原理是对每个处理组分别按照不同的权重匹配控制组吗?还是把多个处理组当成一个整体,一起对控制组赋以权重呢?这个权重的数据stata可以输出吗2022-4-28 09:50 - fdafaff - Stata专版
cannot write in directory C:\Users\����\ado
37 个回复 - 46662 次查看 新电脑,安装新命令,一直说无法读入 cannot write in directory C:\Users\����\ado\plus\f 请教,如何解决 论坛一直说设置profile.do ,问题是我的安装路径,根本没有这个 ...2021-7-20 14:01 - 6513 - Stata专版
请问journal of environmental planning and management是几区?
15 个回复 - 10171 次查看 请问journal of environmental planning and management是几区?2021-1-18 14:37 - 石大农经 - 环境经济学
求助:stata报错cannot write in directory怎么解决
15 个回复 - 13951 次查看 ssc install asdoc,replace 总报错,显示cannot write in directory C:\2022-3-7 11:53 - laz6 - Stata专版
Invertibility problem: check variability of running variable around cutoff
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Asian Journal of Technology Innovation审稿速度
7 个回复 - 3420 次查看 请教下各位大神,有投过Asian Journal of Technology Innovation这本期刊,审稿速度快吗?从投稿到第一轮review出结果经历多长时间呢? 有一篇技术创新相关的文章考虑投这个期刊,着急毕业不知道审稿速度如何2022-6-21 14:56 - Magritt - 学术道德监督
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation亚洲技术创新杂志投稿
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请问有Asset pricing I: Pricing Models Markus K. Brunnermeier 的中文版吗
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超級思維 蓋布瑞.溫伯格(Gabriel Weinberg)、蘿倫.麥肯(Lauren McCann)
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Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis by Jennifer Maynard
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Journal of Innovation & Knowledge期刊介绍
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【2020Manning新书】微型化Python项目,325页pdf,Tiny Python Projects
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Analysis for Product and Service Innovation: JHU 学习课件
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WinBUGS Check Model出现invalid or excepted token scanned,请大神帮助!
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Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner's Guide
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基于Matlab 神经网络算法代码(可直接运行)+RBF神经网络做回归预测代码,GRNN
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MapIT Minneapolis 地理平台在智慧城市建设中的实践
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Mplus初学者应用指南Mplus for beginner
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基于stata Contour-enhanced meta-analysis funnel plots绘制
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Hausman检验,豪斯曼,Housman,Haussmann,杜宾豪斯曼Durbin–Wu–Hausman test
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用Amos做中介效应显示A bootstrap cannot be performed with missing data?
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Computer Organization and Design,5e,Patterson Hennessy:第1-6章答案
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Annals of Economics and Finance
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KNN,KND,Flow,Mape线性分析,线性预测,数据可视化:学习Python 案例数据+代码
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Green Japan: Environmental Technologies, Innovation Policy, and the Pursuit of G
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求问Mplus运行总是报错mplus has unexpectedly stopped running.
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Dynamic return and volatility connectedness for dominant agricultural commodity
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Python Pandas for Beginners
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【Manning2020新书】深度强化学习实战 原版pdf+jupyter notebook代码
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经济动态递归方法答案Solution Mannual for Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics
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2013 Handbook of insurance G Dionne 第二版 保险经济学 迪翁
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Christopher Heil, Metrics,Norms,Inner Products and Operator Theory, 1e:分章节
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管理信息系统 英文版教材(包括精要版) Kenneth C. Laudon
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求SOA FSA life and annuity track的考试学习群 
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CEO media exposure, political connection and Chinese firms’ stock price synch
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Winning the Losers Game by Charles D. Ellis
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A practical guide to planning and building valuation models
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Pitch Anything An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the
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Supply Chain Management:Strategy, Planning, and Operation 第6版-原版
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