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Does the J-curve hypothesis hold for a small open economy
1 个回复 - 543 次查看 【作者(必填)】MohamedMehdi.Jelassi,Jamel.Trabelsi,and Maryem.Turki 【文题(必填)】Does the J-curve hypothesis hold for a small open economy? Evidence from time-varying coefficients of a distributed- ...2018-6-29 19:13 - hkswen - 求助成功区
An empirical study of credit shock transmission in a small open economy
1 个回复 - 486 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [/backcolor][*]Nathan Bedock; [/backcolor]Dalibor Stevanović 【文题(必填)】An empirical study of credit shock transmission in a small open economy 【年份(必填)】10 May 2017 ...2018-3-8 22:45 - zjying2000 - 求助成功区
Social security and foreign indebtedness in a small open economy
1 个回复 - 446 次查看 【作者(必填)】 SB Nielsen 【文题(必填)】Social security and foreign indebtedness in a small open economy 【年份(必填)】 1994 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://xueshu.baidu.com/s?wd=p ...2017-9-19 15:08 - 毒谷123 - 求助成功区
Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy
2 个回复 - 1154 次查看 Economic growth is an issue of primary concern to policy makers in both developed and developing economies. As a consequence, growth theory has long occupied a central role in economics. In this book, ...2015-9-27 14:17 - exuan1991 - 宏观经济学
Child policy ineffectiveness in an overlapping generations small open economy
3 个回复 - 775 次查看 【作者(必填)】Luciano Fanti1, , Luca Gori 【文题(必填)】Child policyineffectiveness in an overlapping generations small open economy 【年份(必填)】2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2015-1-29 09:42 - magicsun - 求助成功区
Dynare : Closing small open economy SGU(2003): 3.debt elastic interest rate
0 个回复 - 1068 次查看 RT, 虽然曲线动态和论文一致,但是y的变动的具体大小和论文有小的出入,不太明白为什么。 附运算CODE和运算结果。2012-9-13 11:10 - purple1984 - 宏观经济学
Dynare : Closing small open economy SGU(2003): 1.endogenous discount factor
0 个回复 - 1512 次查看 Dynare code : Closing small open economy SGU(2003): 1.endogenous discount factor 以前论坛上貌似没搜到,自己写的,仅供参考 附编码和运行结果2012-9-6 18:05 - purple1984 - 宏观经济学
Financial Accelerator Mechanism in a Small Open Economy
1 个回复 - 369 次查看 【作者(必填)】Lopez,M. R. ,and J. D. Prada【文题(必填)】 Financial Accelerator Mechanism in a Small Open Economy 【年份(必填)】 2008 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2020-4-7 16:23 - 0897200119 - 求助成功区
如何在货币局制度下的small open economy中加入利率冲击
0 个回复 - 1463 次查看 本人在做一个DSGE for small open economy的模型,采用香港的数据做实证分析。众所周知,香港金管局一直采用盯住美元的货币局制度,所以本质上理解,香港没有自己的货币政策,名义利率的波动等于美国的名义利率波动。 ...2014-5-27 17:52 - 彼岸.星空 - 宏观经济学
求JSTOR上的一篇文章。Real Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy
2 个回复 - 791 次查看 求JSTOR上的一篇文章。Real Business Cyclesin a Small Open EconomyAuthor(s):Enrique G. Mendoza,1991Source: The American Economic Review,Vol. 81, No. 4 (Sep., 1991), pp. 797-818 链接: http://ww ...2013-10-17 18:24 - swifty1105 - 爱问频道
请问与small open economy相对的经济模型是什么?
3 个回复 - 1985 次查看 rt,请问与small open economy相对的经济模型是什么?经典的文献或者哪些教材涉及到了哦?谢谢~~2011-3-14 12:06 - sgltrue - 微观经济学