3 个回复 - 4230 次查看 各位,降水量是常用的工具变量指标,现与各位分享中国气象局提供的1960-2020年中国全国1km降水量数据。 中国1km降水量数据1、数据来源:中国科学数据(http://www.csdata.org/p/)2、时间跨度:1960-2020年(月度 ...2022-6-22 21:44 - huiliwei - 现金交易版
R for data scientist advanced+R学习笔记,R语言数据分析学习课件+学习笔记
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DMD,数据、模型和决策导论:在清华的学习资料整理,introduction for data, models an
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Data Science 数据科学真题:数据分析500道高频面试真题+答案解析
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24国主权CDS利差数据 datastream数据库
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A Growth Model of the Data Economy
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基于Stuart A.Klugman 损失模型 第5版 习题答案Loss Models_ From Data to Decisions
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R in Action, Third Edition Data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse
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Business Analytics Data Analysis and Decision Making 7 商业分析:数据分析和决策
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求书:Master Your Data with Power Query in Excel and Power BI
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全套DataStage 学习资料整理,数据仓库,维度建模
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For AER:Time as a Trade Barrier data,probit,时间是贸易壁垒
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stata merge 中 出现not uniquely identify observations in the using data
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Python的隐藏宝石–使Data Science步履维艰的图书馆
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面板数据模型分析用R语言和Stata,Panel Data Models
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61国名义&实际汇率指数-BIS data
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【数据求助】如何在WTO integrated database或者WITS上批量下载关税数据
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Student Solution Manual to Accompany Loss Models From Data to Decisions 5th PDF
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The journal of financial data science期刊质量如何?金融类博士生可以投稿吗?
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Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis 3rd Edition by B. P. Carlin and T. A. Louis
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银行研究数据库(Chinese Bank Research Database, CBRD)
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伍德里奇 计量经济学 第六版 数据_STATAData Sets- STATA
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Stock Price Analysis Through Statistical And Data Science Tools
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求助:Data Science Projects with Python
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Compustat data Item #17: Special Item 的定义?
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AOM: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Network Effects for Creating
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Statistical Foundations Of Data Science(数据科学的统计基础)
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Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics Data Analysis in R
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Ace The Data Science Interview
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Python for Excel A Modern Environment for Automation and Data Analysis
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Data Analysis with RStudio书籍
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Statistics for Data Scientists
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教材资源Data, Models, and Decisions - The Fundamentals of Management Science
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Python for Data Science For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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M-quantile regression for multivariate longitudinal data with an application to
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