½á¹û£ºÕÒµ½¡°C High Performance¡±Ïà¹ØÄÚÈÝ154¸ö£¬ÅÅÐòΪ°´»Ø¸´Ê±¼ä½µÐò£¬ËÑË÷¸ü¶àÏà¹ØÌû×ÓÇëµã»÷¡°¸ß¼¶¡±
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1778 ´Î²é¿´ |- ʵÓÃͶ×ÊÈÚ×Ê·ÖÎöѧϰ×ÊÁÏ - 0 B ¹ÀÖµ½¨Ä£ ²ÆÎñ½¨Ä£Ñ§Ï°×ÊÁÏ |- ´ó¹«Ë¾»ú¹¹Ñо¿±¨¸æ·¶ÎÄ.zip - 109.60 MB |- Excel VBAѧϰ×ÊÁÏ.zip - 1.63 GB |- 400µÀͶÐÐÃæÊÔ¸ßƵBehavioral&Technicalѧϰ ...2020-4-14 14:44 - wz151400 - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
¸ßЧ¡¢°²È«¹©Ó¦Á´¹ÜÀí, ISO28000(performance and security of supply chain)
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 467 ´Î²é¿´ ¸ßЧ¡¢°²È«¹©Ó¦Á´¹ÜÀí,ISO28000High performance and security of supplychain management Agenda:1. È˵ÄÒòËØ2. ¹ÜÀíÄÚÈÝ¡¢ÀíÂÛÓëģʽ¡¢ÒÔ¼°ÊµÕ½·½·¨3. ²»×ã¡¢½¨Òé¡¢ÓëδÀ´µÄÇ÷ÊÆ2019-9-25 22:00 - Mujahida - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 946 ´Î²é¿´ ͼ½âÆß²½Ê½¹¤×÷·½·¨£ºÈÃÄãµÄ¹¤×÷¸ßЧ×öµ½Î»7-step to achieve high performance andefficiency in your workshop 1. Çëʾ¹¤×÷˵·½°¸2. ²¼Öù¤×÷˵±ê×¼3. »ã±¨¹¤×÷ÂÞÁнá¹û(List what we haveachieved?)4. ...2019-9-9 13:40 - Mujahida - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
Monte Carlo Frameworks: Building Customisable High-performance C++ Applications
295 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 32719 ´Î²é¿´ ÕÒÁ˺ܾõÄÊ飬PDF°æ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2012-4-6 19:53 - timothydyc - ½ðÈÚ¹¤³Ì£¨ÊýÁ¿½ðÈÚ£©Óë½ðÈÚÑÜÉúÆ·
C++ High Performance-Packt (2018)
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 640 ´Î²é¿´ C++ High Performance-Packt (2018).pdf2019-8-30 08:06 - bztian - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Energy Efficient High Performance Processors
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High Performance Django
12 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 776 ´Î²é¿´ High Performance Django By ×÷Õß: Peter Baumgartner ¨C Yann Malet ISBN-10 ÊéºÅ: 1508748128 ISBN-13 ÊéºÅ: 9781508748120 ³ö°æÈÕÆÚ: 2015-03-31 pages Ò³Êý: (170) Getting started with Django is easy ...2019-1-11 01:21 - 13950050756 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
¡¾»ª¶û½ÖϵÁС¿High Performance Managed Futures
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¡¾2020°æÐÂÊé¡¿High-Performance Simulation-Based Optimization
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¡¾×îÓÅ»¯¡¿ High Performance Algorithms and Software FOR Nonlinear Optimization
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2971 ´Î²é¿´ High Performance Algorithms and Software FOR Nonlinear Optimization Editors: Gianni Di Pillo, Almerico Murli This volume contains the edited texts of the lectures presented at the Workshop o ...2016-11-19 01:19 - cmwei333 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
¡¾×îÓÅ»¯¡¿ High Performance Algorithms and Software IN Nonlinear Optimization
8 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3250 ´Î²é¿´ High Performance Algorithms and Software IN Nonlinear Optimization Editors: Renato De Leone, Almerico Murli, Panos M. Pardalos, Gerardo Toraldo This book contains a selection of papers prese ...2016-11-19 01:23 - cmwei333 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
High Commitment High Performance
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 718 ´Î²é¿´ High Commitment High Performance How to Build a Resilient Organization for Sustained Advantage2021-6-1 10:52 - crystalrare - ÈËÁ¦×ÊÔ´¹ÜÀí
¡¾¾­µä½Ì²ÄϵÁС¿Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward
19 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5680 ´Î²é¿´ 2013Äê¾­µä½Ì²Ä½µ¼Û³öÊÛÆÚÒѹý£¡ÏëÒªËæʱ¸ú×Ù×îнµ¼ÛºÃÊ飬Çëµã»÷Í·ÏñÏ·½¡°¼Ó¹Ø×¢¡±¡£¹Ø×¢³É¹¦ºó£¬²é¿´ÕâÀï¼´¿É£º¹Ø×¢µÄÌû×Ó¡£ [Ïà¹ØÔĶÁ] ¡¾¾­µä½Ì²ÄϵÁС¿£¨×ÊÁÏ»ã×ÜÌû£¬¸½Á´½Ó£¬³ÖÐøÌí¼ÓÖУ© Contem ...2015-6-28 19:29 - wwqqer - HadoopÂÛ̳
Mastering High Performance with Kotlin
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 764 ´Î²é¿´ Mastering High Performance with Kotlin Igor Kucherenko June 20182018-9-26 11:20 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
High-performance work systems and job satisfaction
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 501 ´Î²é¿´ High-performance work systems and job satisfaction: a multilevel model R Garc¨ªa-Chas, E Neira-Fontela¡­ - Journal of Managerial ¡­, 2016 - emerald.com2021-1-27 15:13 - aronson - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Julia: High Performance Programming
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 910 ´Î²é¿´ 2019-9-15 07:30 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
high performance boards - improving and energizing your governance (2020)
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¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿¸ßЧҺÏàÉ«Æ×·¨ high performance liquid chromatography£¬HPLC ...
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 998 ´Î²é¿´ ¸ßЧҺÏàÉ«Æ×·¨ high performance liquid chromatography£¬HPLC ¶¨Ò壺Ïà¶ÔÓÚ¾­µäÒºÏàÉ«Æ׶øÑÔ£¬Ö÷ÒªÖ¸²ÉÓÃСÁ£¶ÈµÄ·ÖÀëÌîÁÏ£¬Ê¹ÓøßѹÊäÒº±ÃÇý¶¯Á÷¶¯ÏàµÄÏÖ´úÒºÏàÉ«Æ×·¨¡£2020-7-30 06:24 - jxlytsing - Forum
high-performance computing in finance (2018)
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1171 ´Î²é¿´ high-performance computing in finance - problems, methods, and solutions (2018) (.pdf)2018-3-17 12:03 - loneshark - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
¡¾2015ÐÂÊé¡¿Mastering JavaScript High Performance
37 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4805 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾2015ÐÂÊé¡¿Mastering JavaScript High Performance Book ͼÊéÃû³Æ£ºMastering JavaScript High Performance Author ×÷Õߣº Chad R. Adams Publisher ³ö°æÉ磺 Packt Publishing Page Ò³Êý£º 271 Publi ...2015-7-31 16:16 - kychan - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
High Performance Spark: Best practices for scaling and optimizing Apache Spark
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5303 ´Î²é¿´ High Performance Spark: Best practices for scaling and optimizing Apache Spark Book Description If you've successfully used Apache Spark to solve medium sized-problems, but still str ...2016-6-24 23:35 - neuroexplorer - spark¸ßËÙ¼¯Èº¼ÆËãƽ̨
[HPC]High Performance Parallelism Pearls, Volume One
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1333 ´Î²é¿´ [*]Paperback: 600 pages [*]Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (November 17, 2014) [*]Language: English [*]ISBN-10: 0128021187 [*]ISBN-13: 978-0128021187 [*]Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.2 x ...2018-2-1 03:50 - zxb0412 - ÐÂÊÖÈëÃÅÇø
Python High Performance - Second Edition (True PDF)
46 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5851 ´Î²é¿´ English | 2017 | ISBN: 1787282899 | 264 Pages | True PDF | 4.46 MB Python is a versatile language that has found applications in many industries. The clean syntax, rich standard library, and vast s ...2017-7-7 17:13 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
Conquering Big Data with High Performance Computing by Ritu Arora
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1220 ´Î²é¿´ Conquering Big Data with High Performance Computing Editors: Ritu Arora Presents curated information on state-of-the-practice in conquering Big Data challenges by leveraging HPC/HTCCovers th ...2016-9-20 07:34 - cmwei333 - ¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼ÃѧÓëͳ¼ÆÈí¼þ
¡¶Python High Performance¡·
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1201 ´Î²é¿´ ÏÂÔصØÖ·£ºhttps://u20150046.ctfile.com/fs/20150046-394132205 ´óС£º4.47M ¸ñʽ£ºpdf Build high-performing, concurrent, and distributed applications Key Features Identify the bottlenecks in your ...2019-8-22 16:53 - tyu1999 - pythonÂÛ̳
High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 785 ´Î²é¿´ With recent changes in multicore and general-purpose computing on graphics processing units, the way parallel computers are used and programmed has drastically changed. It is important to provide a ...2016-3-5 10:14 - neuroexplorer - ÐÝÏйàË®
High Performance Computing: Modern Systems and Practices
21 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1287 ´Î²é¿´ Morgan Kaufmann | 2018 | ISBN: 978-0-12-420158-3 | 695 pages | PDF **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-5-29 11:12 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High Performance Programming
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 939 ´Î²é¿´ Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High Performance Programming 432 pages Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (March 1, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 0124104142 ISBN-13: 978-0124104143 ...2013-5-25 12:49 - sutonghua - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Implementing high performance HR practices in Asia
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1104 ´Î²é¿´ link.springer.com/10.1007/s10490-016-9466-z2016-4-29 10:13 - һƷСÖí - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Performance persistence in the presence of higher©\order resources
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 452 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Phebo D. Wibbens[/backcolor] ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Performance persistence in the presence of higher©\order resources¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://onlinelibrary. ...2019-3-23 07:11 - jia_jun_19 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
The Relationships of Informal High Performance Work Practices to Job Satisfactio
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 552 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Y Yanadori£¬ DDV Jaarsveld ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿The Relationships of Informal High Performance Work Practices to Job Satisfaction and Workplace Profitability ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2014 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó ...2018-6-29 16:44 - zhouliansd - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
CUDA for Engineers: An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 247 ´Î²é¿´ CUDA for Engineers: An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing by Duane Storti (Author), Mete Yurtoglu (Author) Paperback: 331 pages ³ö°æÉç: Addison Wesley; 01 edition (2 Nov. 2015) La ...2019-1-17 23:30 - 13950050756 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 332 ´Î²é¿´ Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9: Boost your application¡¯s performance with the new features of Java 9 By ×÷Õß: Mayur Ramgir ¨C Nick Samoylov ISBN-10 ÊéºÅ: 1789130514 ISBN-13 ÊéºÅ: 97817891 ...2019-1-13 19:35 - 13950050756 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Accounting for Mathematics Performance of High School Students in Mexico
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 705 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Petra Todd £¬ Kenneth I. Wolpin ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Accounting for Mathematics Performance of High School Students in Mexico: Estimating a Coordination Game in the Classroom¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ...2018-11-23 10:15 - shanxianmin2011 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Accounting for Mathematics Performance of High School Students in Mexico
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 531 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Todd, Petra Wolpin, Kenneth I ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Accounting for Mathematics Performance of High School Students in Mexico: Estimating a Coordination Game in the Classroom ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ...2018-12-8 17:21 - zhaokuipku - ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖúרÇø
Julia High Performance
16 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3496 ´Î²é¿´ Julia High performance by Avik Sengupta 2016 | ISBN: 1785880918 | English | 132 pages | PDF | 16 MB Key Features Learn to code high reliability and high p ...2016-6-11 14:42 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
¡¾Packt¡¿ Julia : High Performance Programming (2016)
10 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3823 ´Î²é¿´ Julia: High Performance Programming Ivo Balbaert, Avik Sengupta, Malcolm Sherrington Leverage the power of Julia to design and develop high performing programs In this learning path, you ...2016-12-20 10:02 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Improving High-Frequency Transit Performance through Headway-Based Dispatching
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 557 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Joshua J. Fabian ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Improving High-Frequency Transit Performance through Headway-Based Dispatching ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿http://journals.sa ...2018-9-19 19:50 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
[Python Package]mlens: Python library for high performance ensemble learning
23 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3235 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****A Python library for high performance ensemble learningML-Ensemble combines a Scikit-learn high-level API with a low-level computational graph framework to build memory effic ...2018-9-8 03:07 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
psy: A meta-analysis of country differences in the high-performance work
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 716 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿By Rabl, Tanja,Jayasinghe, Mevan,Gerhart, Barry,K¨¹hlmann, Torsten M. ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ A meta-analysis of country differences in the high-performance work system¨Cbusiness performance re ...2018-7-27 16:54 - yinhezhiwang - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
[Julia]GeoStats.jl ¨C High-performance geostatistics in Julia
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Starstruck How Hiring High-Status Employees Affects Incumbents¡¯ Performance
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 843 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Matteo Prato[/backcolor] [/backcolor] , [/backcolor]Fabrizio Ferraro[/backcolor] ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Starstruck: How Hiring High-Status Employees Affects Incumbents¡¯ Performance ¡¾Äê ...2018-7-15 11:50 - lyh853 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
PostgreSQL 10 High Performance
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 994 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-6-16 10:35 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
New Frontiers in High Performance Computing and Big Data
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 388 ´Î²é¿´ IOS Press | English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1614998159 | 272 pages | PDF For the last four decades, parallel computing platforms have increasingly formed the basis for the development of high performance ...2018-5-29 10:55 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
high performance python
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Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale
30 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4085 ´Î²é¿´ How well does your organization respond to changing market conditions, customer needs, and emerging technologies when building software-based products? This practical guide presents Lean and Agile pri ...2015-6-23 05:08 - ´ó¼Ò¿ªÐÄ - ÉÌѧԺ
High performance human resource practices and organizational performance: The me
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 464 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Chan, S C H and Mak, W M, ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿High performance human resource practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of occupational safety and health ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ...2018-2-23 17:54 - husteconyy - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
pydnn: High performance GPU neural network library
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 697 ´Î²é¿´ pydnn: High performance GPU neural network library for deep learning in Pythonpydnn is a deep neural network library written in Python using Theano[/backcolor] (symbolic math and optimizing compiler p ...2018-2-10 13:05 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
SD: High performance work system and performance: Opening the black box
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 479 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Mercedes¨²beda-Garc¨ªa ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ High performance work system and performance: Opening the black box through the organizational ambidexterity and human resource flexibility ¡¾Äê·Ý ...2018-2-8 13:24 - yinhezhiwang - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1565 ´Î²é¿´ [*]High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition [*]By: Baron Schwartz; Peter Zaitsev; Vadim Tkachenko [*]Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. [*]Pub. Date: March 23, 2012 [*]Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4493-1428-6 ...2015-7-9 08:04 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
The use of high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 497 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºIn this study, the potential of high performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC–QTOFMS) for metabolom...http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/21 ...2018-2-3 04:30 - DL-er - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
[SQL SERVERÊé¼®]SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions
12 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2913 ´Î²é¿´ Apply powerful window functions in T-SQL¡ªand increase the performance and speed of your queries Optimize your queries¡ªand obtain simple and elegant solutions to a variety of problems¡ªusing win ...2015-4-9 15:27 - jerker - SQL¼°¹ØϵÐÍÊý¾Ý¿âÊý¾Ý·ÖÎö
[HPC]High Performance Parallelism Pearls, Volume Two
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 717 ´Î²é¿´ [*]Paperback: 592 pages [*]Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (August 6, 2015) [*]Language: English [*]ISBN-10: 0128038195 [*]ISBN-13: 978-0128038192 [*]Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.3 x 9.2 i ...2018-2-1 03:42 - zxb0412 - ÐÂÊÖÈëÃÅÇø
High-performance prediction of functional residues in proteins with machine..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 335 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºOne of the major challenges in genomics is to understand the function of gene products from their 3D structures. Computational methods are needed for the h...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ...2018-1-27 02:29 - ÂÛÎÄ¿â - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
High Performance Computing for Big Data : Methodologies and Applications (True P
15 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 724 ´Î²é¿´ English | 2018 | ISBN: 1498783996 | 286 Pages | True PDF | 7.9 MB High-Performance Computing for Big Data: Methodologies and Applications explores emerging high-performance architectures for da ...2018-1-20 22:27 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Identification of Multiple Theoretical Linkages for High Performance Work Syste
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 443 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Marathe G, Pathak K G. ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Identification of Multiple Theoretical Linkages for High Performance Work System: A Literature Review ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2013 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû ...2018-1-18 14:35 - bxmzone - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Neural-network-based model reference adaptive systems for high-performance ..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 382 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºA number of techniques have been developed for estimation of speed or position in motor drives. The accuracy of these techniques is affected by the variati...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ ...2018-1-17 11:30 - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜ-AI - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
High©\performance prediction of functional residues in proteins with machin..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 351 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºOne of the major challenges in genomics is to understand the function of gene products from their 3D structures. Computational methods are needed for the h...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://onlinelibrary.wiley. ...2018-1-17 10:30 - AIworld - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
High performance drive of DC brushless motors using neural network
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 413 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºIn this paper, a multi-layer neural network (NN) architecture is proposed for the identification and control of DC brushless motors operating in a high per...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ ...2018-1-16 10:30 - ÂÛÎÄ¿â - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
High Performance Computing
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 428 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-1-15 10:26 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Python High Performance Second Edition (azw3)
84 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 6661 ´Î²é¿´ Packt | 2017 | ISBN 978-1-78728-289-6 | 279 pages | azw3 | 1.8 Mb **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2017-6-11 10:58 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
Learning PHP 7 High Performance (2016, EPUB)
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1008 ´Î²é¿´ Learning PHP 7 High Performance Altaf Hussain Êé¼®½éÉÜ + PDF: http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-4876424-1-1.html EPUB: **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2016-10-26 12:51 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Learning PHP 7 High Performance (2016, PDF)
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1735 ´Î²é¿´ Learning PHP 7 High Performance Altaf Hussain Improve the performance of your PHP application to ensure the application users aren't left waiting PHP is a great language for building web ...2016-10-13 07:57 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Learning .NET High-performance Programming
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 598 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2016-12-8 09:55 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
High Performance CAQDAS Platforms
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 810 ´Î²é¿´ Listed below are some good examples of high performance CAQDAS platforms that are offered free of charge. Some have graphical user interfaces (GUI) and others do not. Some investigation will be requir ...2016-12-10 10:09 - Eviewschen - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Haskell High Performance Programming
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1097 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2017-9-18 03:34 - Lisrelchen - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
High Performance Computing for Big Data: Methodologies and Applications
13 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1339 ´Î²é¿´ English | 16 Oct. 2017 | ISBN: 1498783996 | ASIN: B076H9X5QX | 288 Pages | AZW3 | 8.36 MB High-Performance Computing for Big Data: Methodologies and Applications explores emerging high-performance ...2017-10-20 15:58 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
High-Performance Scientific Computing
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 603 ´Î²é¿´ High-Performance Scientific Computing First JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016 Aachen, Germany, October 4¨C5, 2016 Revised Selected Papers2017-10-16 20:38 - liucg9999 - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
High Performance Spark (True PDF£©
33 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2523 ´Î²é¿´ English | June 16th, 2017 | ISBN: 1491943203 | 356 pages | True PDF | 7.00 MB Apache Spark is amazing when everything clicks. But if you haven¡¯t seen the performance improvements you expected, or ...2017-8-31 14:27 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Clojure: High Performance JVM Programming
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High Performance Spark Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark
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When East meets West: comparing the utilization of high-performance work systems
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 490 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Fu, N (Fu, Na)[ 1 ] ; Ma, QH (Ma, Qinhai)[ 2,3 ] ; Flood, PC (Flood, Patrick C.)[ 4 ] ; Bosak, J (Bosak, Janine)[ 5,6 ] ...2017-8-29 13:47 - forhanxue22 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿PostgreSQL 9.6 High Performance
10 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2018 ´Î²é¿´ PostgreSQL 9.6 High Performance2017Äê7ÔÂ25ÈÕG117 views·¢±íÆÀÂÛÔĶÁÆÀÂÛ [/backcolor] **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø **** [/backcolor]2017-7-26 06:55 - Reader's - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
High Performance Computing in R
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 797 ´Î²é¿´ 2017-8-15 20:42 - xlk75 - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳
Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing 2nd
33 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3216 ´Î²é¿´ English | Dec. 28, 2015 | ISBN: 1257992546 | 532 Pages | PDF | 39 MB This is a textbook that teaches the bridging topics between numerical analysis, parallel computing, code performance, large scal ...2017-6-20 13:57 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
¡¾¸ßЧ´óÊý¾Ý·ÖÎö¡¿ High-Performance Big-Data Analytics
26 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3662 ´Î²é¿´ High-Performance Big-Data Analytics Computing Systems and Approaches Authors: Pethuru Raj, Anupama Raman, Dhivya Nagaraj, Siddhartha Duggirala Vividly illustrates the benefits of using high ...2017-1-3 21:10 - cmwei333 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
¡¾´óÊý¾ÝÓë¸ßÐÔÄܼÆËã¡¿ Big Data and High Performance Computing
23 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3499 ´Î²é¿´ Big Data and High Performance Computing Editors Grandinetti, L., Joubert, G.R., Kunze, M., Pascucci, V. Big Data has been much in the news in recent years, and the advantages conferred by t ...2017-1-15 09:47 - cmwei333 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
Cassandra High Performance Cookbook
7 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1512 ´Î²é¿´ Cassandra High Performance CookbookEdward Capriolo Product DescriptionProduct DescriptionThis is a cookbook and all tasks are approached as recipes. A recipe describes a task and outlines th ...2015-4-17 09:14 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾GitHub¡¿High Performance Spark By Example
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1360 ´Î²é¿´ High Performance Spark By ExampleExamples for High Performance Spark[/backcolor]BuildingMost of the examples can be built with sbt, the C and Fortran components depend on gcc, g77, and cmake.[/backcol ...2017-2-20 00:14 - Nicolle - spark¸ßËÙ¼¯Èº¼ÆËãƽ̨
R High Performance Programming
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 805 ´Î²é¿´ R ¸ßÐÔÄܱà³Ì Êé¼®ÒÔ¼°´úÂë2017-2-28 13:21 - AlexYoung757 - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳