Are you just doing this to prove a point?
2 个回复 - 249 次查看
prove /pruːv/If you prove that something is true, you show by means of argument or evidence that it is definitely true.VERB 证明;证实
e.g. Are you just doing this to prove a point?
你这么做就 ...
2023-10-26 07:49 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
FYI For Your Improvement 中文版 如何自我提升 最新版
90 个回复 - 28170 次查看
作者: Michael M. Lombaedo / Robert W. Eichinger
出版社: Lominger Korn/Ferry
副标题: Un guide de developpement et d' encadrement destine aux- Apprenants, Dirigeants, Mentors et Donneurs de Feed-back ...
2015-2-10 13:55 - keooks - 经管书评