结果:找到“id string”相关内容10个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
【独家发布】CRAN Recipes: DPLYR, Stringr, Lubridate, and RegEx in R
16 个回复 - 1125 次查看 CRAN Recipes: DPLYR, Stringr, Lubridate, and RegEx in R2021-5-25 08:39 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
求问AMOS运算出错 invalid wide char in anywidthstring class constructor
3 个回复 - 3545 次查看 新手求助TAT 用的是老师上课的示范模型,别的同学都能运算,我就不行,一直显示提示框 invalid wide char in anywidthstring class constructor,是软件安装有问题吗?重装了一遍也不行。2017-9-28 23:05 - 杠杠杠 - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件
RStudio显示:Error in nchar(homeDir) : invalid multibyte string 1是什么原因?
20 个回复 - 24910 次查看 安装完之后 经常显示这个错误 比如 调用完某个package 就一定会显示这个错误 求解答2015-3-31 17:17 - rick_li - R语言论坛
【求助】为什么总是出现varlist: id: string variable not allowed
13 个回复 - 41306 次查看 如题,想用面板数据来做普通回归,在宣布面板的时候为什么输入xtset id year 出来的结果是varlist: id: string variable not allowed 这样的?数据部分如图 看到论坛上的方法,用destring 和encode 结果如图2015-7-9 22:14 - 棒棒牛牛 - Stata专版
使用R爬取数据遇到了invalid multibyte string 5
3 个回复 - 4661 次查看 library(XML) table = readHTMLTable("http://www.pm25.in/rank", encoding = "UTF-8",stringsAsFactors = F)[[1]] 错误信息:Error in make.names(vnames, unique = TRUE) : invalid ...2017-11-9 23:33 - 745163262 - R语言论坛
Converting string IDs into numbers in a multilevel analysis using R
4 个回复 - 1552 次查看 I have two data sets, one for student level data and another one for class level data. Student and class level IDs are generated as string values like:Student data set:student ID ->141PSDM2L,1420CHY1L ...2014-5-5 23:17 - Nicolle - HLM专版
请教,Error in toupper(stormdata$EVTYPE) : invalid multibyte string 56613
3 个回复 - 2219 次查看 > stormdata$FATALITIES stormdata$INJURIES stormdata$EVTYPE eventtype stormdata$EVTYPE2015-10-25 21:44 - 08liurenxing - R语言论坛
Delete String Variables with Width More Than 500?
1 个回复 - 1327 次查看 Hi I am new to SPSS and I am looking for a syntax to delete variables than have width more than 500. I want to delete all string variables themselves that are more than 500 characters. So far I hav ...2014-5-14 01:34 - ReneeBK - SPSS论坛
[讨论]How can we subdivide a mixed string into seperate cells containing only Numb
3 个回复 - 2187 次查看 How can we subdivide a mixed string into seperate cells containing only Numbers or Characters? Thanks [此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-5 11:06:28编辑过]2007-10-5 10:15 - hanszhu - EViews专版