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P1. 1. Introduction and Probability Review.flv
P2. 2. More Review; The Bernoulli Process.flv
P3. 3. Law of Large Numbers, Convergence.flv
P4. 4. Poisson the Perfect Arrival Process.flv
P5. ...
2020-7-19 10:18 - 卡住的水管工 - 现金交易版
0 个回复 - 981 次查看
Betweenness centrality – a metric of a node in a network that measures how likely an arbitrary shortest path in the network will go through the node.
Burst terms – single or multi-word phrases extr ...
2018-6-4 12:07 - daka123 - 现金交易版
JSTOR论文:Models for exceedances over high thresholds
2 个回复 - 1456 次查看
Models for exceedances over high thresholdsAC Davison, RL Smith - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B ( …, 1990 - JSTOR
SUMMARY We discuss the analysis of the extremes of data by mode ...
2011-8-16 10:06 - 酱油哥哥 - 求助成功区