0 个回复 - 75 次查看 MBIT职业性格测试 1.在聚会中,你 一般A.和诸多人交谈, 涉及陌生人 B.只和少数 结识旳人交谈2.你比较 A.喜欢实际 旳事务 B. 注重想象摸索旳事物3.你觉得下列哪种比较不好? A.过于想象化 忽视实际旳问题 B. ...2024-9-24 16:07 - W160730202752Fy - 现金交易版
0 个回复 - 187 次查看 全球世界各国地区ITU世界电信ICT指标订阅固定宽带上网用户数1998-2023固定电话收费电视捆绑 亚洲非洲南北拉丁美洲东盟欧盟APEC欧洲大洋洲等 数据来源:ceic经济数据库,主要来源于世界银行、联合国、各国统计年鉴 ...2024-8-23 12:31 - yusb - 现金交易版
0 个回复 - 259 次查看 世界各国技术发展数据/ICT基础设施水平/高技术人才水平/研究与开发水平/高技术工业水平/获得融资能力2008-2021年 面板数据可以直接使用!! Overall index(整体指标):该指数由ICT部署、技能、研发活动、行业活 ...2023-12-11 13:30 - 喵喵我睡着了 - 现金交易版
2 个回复 - 1423 次查看 gambit-15.1.1及使用介绍2020-4-19 11:41 - xsportshiyu - 博弈论
世界顶级公司该数据集包含来自 Ambition Box 的 10,000 家不同公司的信息
0 个回复 - 85 次查看 数据文档 数据说明Company_name:Ambition Box 上列出的公司名称。 描述:对公司的简要描述,通常来自其简介或网站。 评分:用户在 Ambition Box 上提供的公司的总体评分。 Highly_rated_for:用户高度评价的公司 ...2024-3-26 23:18 - 涛1涛涛 - 现金交易版
17 个回复 - 3493 次查看 学博弈论绝对有用的好软件gambit2009-6-19 00:18 - myk626 - 博弈论
Breaking Rockefeller: The Incredible Story of the Ambitious Rivals Who Toppled
3 个回复 - 571 次查看 Review“Breaking Rockefeller emulates the best oil literature, in which geology and geopolitics go hand in hand.” —The Wall Street Journal “[Marcus Samuel and Henri Deterding’s] story, though n ...2016-8-15 12:47 - -Nathan - 经管书评
Bureaucratic ambition: Careers, motives, and the innovative administrator
3 个回复 - 624 次查看 【作者(必填)】Teodoro, Manuel[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Bureaucratic ambition: Careers, motives, and the innovative administrator 【年份(必填)】2011 (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press) ...2018-10-23 18:14 - oxfordyy - 求助成功区
博弈论软件 gambit-0.2007.12.04
10 个回复 - 4058 次查看 博弈论软件 gambit-0.2007.12.042010-9-24 15:10 - ludao - 博弈论
26 个回复 - 11007 次查看 博弈论软件gambit最新版,希望更多人使用相互探讨交流!,更多详细信息见网址:http://gambit.sourceforge.net/download.html如果哪位大侠能用过,能冒个泡吗?这个软件能用来计算全部是变量的模型吗?谢谢指点!2008-11-3 15:07 - huangxinfh - 博弈论
【国际政经系列】野心时代:在新中国追逐财富、真相和信仰 Age of Ambition
169 个回复 - 31254 次查看 正所谓:“知己知彼,百战不殆”,美国总统奥巴马也深谙此道。此书是他在2014年感恩节买的17本书之一,想借此了解一下当代中国(http://world.chinadaily.com.cn/2014-11/30/content_18999042.htm)。另外,最近 ...2015-1-12 10:19 - wwqqer - 金融学(理论版)
international finance, nov 2018 - china's ambitious roadmap to global dominance
1 个回复 - 490 次查看 international finance, nov 2018 - china's ambitious roadmap to global dominance2018-11-6 21:55 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
Ambit Stochastics
3 个回复 - 545 次查看 【作者(必填)】Ole E. Barndorff-NielsenFred Espen BenthAlmut E. D. Veraart 【文题(必填)】Ambit Stochastics 【年份(必填)】2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007 ...2018-11-3 08:39 - nivastuli - 求助成功区
【勇敢的抱负:美国革命的命运】 Valiant Ambition (2016)
12 个回复 - 1118 次查看 Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution by Nathaniel Philbrick (Author) "May be one of the greatest what-if books of the age—a volume ...2016-12-1 03:28 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
2 个回复 - 2179 次查看 Gambit的中文教程有吗?请推荐2011-7-24 18:32 - lg21c - 博弈论
43 个回复 - 18935 次查看 网址 http://econweb.tamu.edu/gambit/ 另外有分,有钱的赞助给兄弟点,好多文章要钱下不了!谢谢2005-11-30 17:59 - abluemoon - 博弈论
【学习笔记】4.26早读 A man should never be ashamed of ambition, only the ...
0 个回复 - 424 次查看 4.26早读 A man should never be ashamed of ambition, only the lack of it. 一个人无需为拥有野心而羞耻,相反该为缺乏不安。2020-4-26 08:07 - 不见思念 - Forum
【学习笔记】ambiguous a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的 ambition n.对 ...
1 个回复 - 817 次查看 ambiguous a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的 ambition n.对(成功、权力等)的强烈欲望,野心;雄心 ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的 ambulance n.救护车,救护船,救护飞机 amend vt.修改,修订,改 ...2019-8-24 21:51 - 2019珍惜时间 - Forum
Ambition 抱负
0 个回复 - 539 次查看 Ambition 抱负 It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: with out demands, without abrasions, without disappointments.一个缺乏抱负的世界将会怎样,这 ...2018-12-28 22:32 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
4 个回复 - 4564 次查看 最近在研究gambit软件,据说可以用来做博弈结论的数值模拟分析。可是看教程完全不是经济学的数值模拟分析啊!求各位大神指导啊,做数据模拟分析到底该咋搞啊!2017-1-16 20:05 - daxian123a - 博弈论
赵明昊:Mutual great power ambitions bring India and J
0 个回复 - 500 次查看 摘要: 赵明昊: Mutual great power ambitions bring India and Japan together 原载于:环球时报英文版,9月11日 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled ...2018-11-23 00:12 - 一带一路数据 - Forum
Zhang Jingwei:India's ambition is not setback for
0 个回复 - 439 次查看 摘要: 原题为:India's ambition is not setback for made-in-China 原载于:China.org.cn, August 21 What happened to China's manufacturing industries? As t ...2018-11-9 05:32 - 一带一路网 - Forum
Belt and Road: China’s grand gambit
2 个回复 - 981 次查看 2018-9-5 17:17 - quentinpanne - 世界经济与国际贸易
31 个回复 - 14373 次查看 Gambit Developed by: Richard D. McKelvey Main Programmer: Theodore Turocy Front End: Eugene Grayver California Institute of Technology Fri Feb 28 14:52:54 1997. Version 0.94 Part of the ...2006-1-8 11:34 - Newton - 博弈论
1 个回复 - 1165 次查看 Gambit,其优势在于无须另外编程,而且用户界面非常直观。 这里需要指出Gambit作为简单的博弈论软件还有很多缺陷,比如不能处理无数个解的博弈论问题,这是就需要更高级的仿真软件来模拟博弈中人的行为。2017-4-3 15:12 - 黄岩岛主 - R语言论坛
0 个回复 - 1353 次查看 gambit中 怎么把图1中的数据,转换成图2的曲线图,急求啊!!!!2016-8-30 17:48 - huxin1014 - 博弈论
9 个回复 - 8244 次查看 论坛里面有哪位用过博弈论软件gambit,想探讨交流一下心得。我到http://gambit.sourceforge.net/download.html下载新版本怎么下不到呢。如果哪位大侠能用过,能冒个泡吗?这个软件能用来计算全部是变量的模型吗?谢谢 ...2008-11-1 18:47 - huangxinfh - 博弈论
Hays--Power Female Ambition Develop Career Opportunites
0 个回复 - 873 次查看 Power Female Ambition Develop Career OpportunitesGlobal Gender Diversity Report 2016 Foreword 1Introduction 2Ambition 3Self-promotion 6Equal pay 8Career opportunities 13Gender diversity policies 14 ...2016-5-3 16:29 - skystarleather - 人力资源管理
China’s Antifragile Ambitions
5 个回复 - 2585 次查看 China has once again reached a crossroads on its journeytoward inclusive, sustainable prosperity. At the Chinese Communist Party’scongress in November, the new leadership was tasked with plotting ...2013-1-17 01:40 - gongtianyu - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
age of ambition
4 个回复 - 2473 次查看 转自豆瓣:http://book.**.com/subject/25740186/From abroad, we often see China as a caricature: a nation of pragmatic plutocrats and ruthlessly dedicated students destined to rule the global economy—o ...2014-8-29 10:12 - alanparson - 经管书评
博弈论 gambit
6 个回复 - 1497 次查看 gambit2015-10-17 23:24 - 甄子L - 博弈论
0 个回复 - 4098 次查看 好像我只能点出来一个树根,下面的树枝部分就不知道该怎么画了,求大神指教!2015-10-10 23:54 - 474018459 - 博弈论
1 个回复 - 2842 次查看 大家好,请问哪位大虾有gambit的源文件(非安装文件),或者谁知道gambit的python扩展是怎么回事,如何修改显示出来的图形。。。非常感谢!2011-3-24 09:31 - xiao1xiao123 - python论坛
Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion
1 个回复 - 729 次查看 Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion Wed 9 May 2012 16:00, Kelly Ge Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion Baidu has dominated China for quite long and no company has the ability to shake its top ...2015-2-13 15:05 - yuwenjun720731 - 投资人(实务版)
Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion
0 个回复 - 638 次查看 2015-2-13 15:03 - yuwenjun720731 - 投资人(实务版)
Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion
0 个回复 - 852 次查看 Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion Wed 9 May 2012 16:00, Kelly Ge Ambition of Baidu on Global expansion Baidu has dominated China for quite long and no company has the ability to shake its top ...2015-2-5 15:52 - yuwenjun720731 - 投资人(实务版)
Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption
2 个回复 - 1061 次查看 Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner English | 2011 | ISBN: 0805091203 | 352 pages | PDF | 7 MB Th ...2014-12-6 13:01 - tigerwolf - 商学院
20 个回复 - 3742 次查看 想实现这个功能不知道怎么编有a、b、c、d、e、f等等按照从小到大排列的一列数 如图所示 首先比较第一个数与第二个数的差,即上图的 a与b的差 如果a-b》4 不用做任何处理 直接开始比较第二个数与第三个数的差( ...2014-5-25 15:17 - lpw3582288 - Stata专版
2 个回复 - 3137 次查看 Gambit教程,大家可以学习一下!中文的治疗不多2011-7-24 18:30 - lg21c - 博弈论
16 个回复 - 11269 次查看 <p>博弈论软件gambit最新版的说明书PDF版本。但是,根据本人仔细验证,可能与本论坛的该软件有点出入。记住了:输入完数值后必须回车才行!这个已经是非常详细的了,只要稍微懂点英文就可以。</p><p>< ...2009-4-4 11:31 - campus2005 - 博弈论
4 个回复 - 2016 次查看 例子如下: Code Date Market_Cap 100000 2005-06-30 1000 100000 2005-12-31 1200 100000 2006-06-30 . 100000 2006-1 ...2013-3-20 10:40 - mirandaling - SAS专版
TiMBiTS 2010 Annual Report
0 个回复 - 794 次查看 We are one of North America’s largest developers and franchisors of quick service restaurants, with 3,750 systemwide restaurants. We are North America’s fourth-largest publicly-traded restaurant ...2012-10-23 13:24 - Jameszone - 行业分析报告
Hainan’s sea of ambitions
1 个回复 - 1470 次查看 The southern island province of Hainan is currently known for its beach resorts, but officials have a grander plan for the island as a strategic pole for China's commercial activity with its southern ...2012-8-2 12:39 - xjqxxjjqq - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Europe’s Ambitious Muddling Through
1 个回复 - 1151 次查看 Following the escalation of the euro crisis and decisions taken at theEuropean Union’s last summit, especially EU leaders’ commitment to embark on the road “Towardsa Genuine Economic and Monetary ...2012-7-26 18:42 - gongtianyu - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
2 个回复 - 1398 次查看 放在这里显得不伦不类的, 感觉很别扭。2009-8-10 12:50 - Leokeeper - 论文版
A Journal Ranking for the Ambitious Economist - K. M. Engemann and H.J.Wall
0 个回复 - 1265 次查看 The authors devise an “ambition-adjusted” journal ranking based on citations from a short list of top general-interest journals in economics. Underlying this ranking is the notion that an ambitious ...2012-3-31 10:16 - rich07 - 会计与财务管理
20111230 Follow Me 234 China Lays Out Ambitious 5-Year Plan to Explore Space
22 个回复 - 3356 次查看 China Lays Out Ambitious 5-Year Plan to Explore Space Photo: AP Chinese workers prepare the Long March 2F carrier rocket, to launch the Shenzhou-8 unmanned spacecraft into space. (File Photo - Sep ...2011-12-30 06:50 - lzguo568 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
2 个回复 - 2213 次查看 MBTI的全名是Myers-Briggs Type Indicator。它是一种迫选型、自我报告式的性格评估理论模型,用以衡量和描述人们在获取信息、作出决策、对待生活等方面的心理活动规律和性格类型。经过70多年的实践和发展,MBTI现在已 ...2011-6-14 19:36 - 风细细 - 哲学与心理学版
India’s ‘Soft Power’ Ambition in Asia
1 个回复 - 1013 次查看 This paper makes the argument that India’s enormous ‘soft power’ potential in Asia is based on the fact that a rising India (unlike China) complements rather than challenges the preferred strategic ...2010-8-23 10:18 - dennywang - 经管书评
0 个回复 - 1629 次查看 hen the People's Liberation Army shows off its latest weaponry on October 1 in China's biggest military parade in a decade, the images of goose-stepping soldiers, fighter jets and cruise missiles will ...2009-10-12 17:23 - tswangqiang - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Do Sensitive Products Undermine Ambition?
0 个回复 - 453 次查看 2006-5-30 23:03 - 租赁税646 - Forum
Ambit fields: survey and new challenges
0 个回复 - 260 次查看 2004-11-26 20:44 - 股东权益比率624 - Forum