8 个回复 - 1466 次查看 更新!【更新至2022】上市公司违规处罚(数据+处理代码) 更新时间:2023年5月29日 处理软件:Stata16 样本区间:2000-2022(可根据需要自行调整) 观测值:60669 数据说明:本数据为2000-2022上市公司违规处 ...2023-5-29 09:49 - zhaozimeng - 现金交易版
Analysis in Banach Spaces Volume II Probabilistic Methods and Operator Theory
7 个回复 - 1482 次查看 This second volume of Analysis in Banach Spaces, Probabilistic Methods and Operator Theory, is the successor to Volume I, Martingales and Littlewood-Paley Theory. It presents a thorough study of the f ...2018-2-15 07:17 - nivastuli - 博弈论
【学习笔记】求助:The top ten operational risks:a survival guide for inv ...
3 个回复 - 956 次查看 求助:The top ten operational risks:a survival guide for investment management firms and hedge funds,Miller and Lawton 2010 请问谁有这个资料呀?2020-1-20 22:42 - Chenyu_van - Forum
European Journal of Operational Research审稿与发表时间
8 个回复 - 4103 次查看 供应链管理方面的论文 2020.5.12 投稿到EJOR,2020.8.3 收到审稿意见, 大修。3个审稿人的意见,都很专业。其中一个意见非常positive,一个比较中性提了一些较为常规的问题,一个比较尖锐,觉得model有错误。 2020. ...2021-5-18 12:33 - frankliuuk - 学术道德监督
Spark for Python Developers Code
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Eleventh Edition Operations Management William J. Stevenson:习题答案等/运筹学
0 个回复 - 84 次查看 MA312 Operations Management(11th Edition)/Eleventh Edition Operations Management William J. Stevenson:习题答案等/运筹学 Textbook:Eleventh Edition Operations Management William J. Stevenson 课 ...2024-5-11 10:27 - 2023D - 现金交易版
History of Banach Spaces and Linear Operators
1 个回复 - 181 次查看 History of Banach Spaces and Linear Operators 作者: Albrecht Pietsch 出版社: Birkhäuser Boston 出版年: 2007-04-11 页数: 880 定价: USD 139.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780817643676 ...2024-5-11 06:02 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Extremum Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators
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运筹学Operations Research/管理科学-南京大学商学院/作业及参考答案
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Dirac Operators in Representation Theory
0 个回复 - 156 次查看 Dirac Operators in Representation Theory 作者: Jing-Song Huang / Pavle Pandzic 出版社: Birkhäuser Boston 副标题: Mathematics: Theory & Applications 出版年: 2006-7-27 页数: 199 定价: USD 7 ...2024-5-4 05:27 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
xtabond2后老是显示operator invalid,怎么回事呢?并且运行很慢。
0 个回复 - 419 次查看 比如说xtabond2 Y L.Y L2.Y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 i.time,为什么会报错1b: operator invalid ,有网友说因为虚拟变量不能以i.year的形式引入,可tab year,ge(year1)后,再以“year1-n”的形式加入即可, ...2024-5-2 18:41 - 上官清明 - Stata专版
书籍分析Models in Cooperative Game Theory
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Morgan Stanley-China Property Management Services 2023 Results Recap
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Factorization of Matrix and Operator Functions
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Basic Operator Theory
2 个回复 - 239 次查看 Basic Operator Theory 作者: Gohberg; Goldberg; Gohberg, Israel 出版年: 1981-1 页数: 317 定价: $ 79.04 ISBN: 97808176302872024-4-21 05:30 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management (4ed)
10 个回复 - 2052 次查看 Cachon Matching Supply with Demand 4e is a clear, concise and more rigorous approach to an introductory Operations management course. Written by Wharton authors who use their guiding principles “ ...2021-2-27 09:09 - ccfenghuang - 运营管理(物流与供应链管理)
高级操作系统Advanced Operating System-人大
0 个回复 - 103 次查看 高级操作系统Advanced Operating System Advanced Operating System Distributed Systems Concepts and design 朱青Qing Zhu, Department of Computer Science,Renmin University of China 中国人民大学信息 ...2024-4-22 12:44 - 2025TS - 现金交易版
Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications
1 个回复 - 171 次查看 Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications (Operator Theory 作者: Jung, Il Bong 编 出版社: Birkhäuser Basel 副标题: Advances and Applications) 出版年: 2008-11-21 页数: 247 定价: ...2024-4-22 05:16 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
用stata做分位数回归一直显示time-series operators not allowed
4 个回复 - 543 次查看 以下是我的命令 qreg L.托宾Q值 创新投入强度 DT 两职合一 独董占比 企业年龄 企业规模 企业现金流水平 i.year i.id, vce(robust) quantile(0.25) nolog2024-4-18 15:29 - 不知道去什么名 - Stata专版
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III
1 个回复 - 232 次查看 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III 作者: Lars Hörmander 出版社: Springer 副标题: Pseudo-Differential Operators 出版年: 2007-4-19 页数: 537 定价: USD 69.95 装帧: Pa ...2024-4-20 04:08 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV
0 个回复 - 181 次查看 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV 作者: Lars Hörmander 出版社: Springer 副标题: Fourier Integral Operators 出版年: 2009-5-28 页数: 360 定价: USD 69.95 装帧: Paperb ...2024-4-20 04:05 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II
0 个回复 - 200 次查看 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II 作者: Lars Hörmander 出版社: Springer 副标题: Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients 出版年: 2004-12-22 页数: 402 定价: ...2024-4-20 04:02 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Linear Differential Operators
2 个回复 - 228 次查看 Linear Differential Operators 作者: Lanczos, Cornelius 出版社: Society for Industrial & Applied 页数: 582 定价: 630.00 元 装帧: Pap 丛书: Classics in Applied Mathematics ISBN: 9780898713701 ...2024-4-13 04:38 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
对滞后一期的自变量去中心化:factor-variable and time-series operators not allo
4 个回复 - 3185 次查看 已经平衡面板数据了。对自变量RDC和RDP去中心化处理,如下: . center RDC,prefix(c) (generated variables: cRDC) 当期可以 .center L.RDP L2.RDP,prefix(c) factor-variable and time-series operators not ...2020-11-2 10:32 - LLZ-DAD - Stata专版
Operations Research上的文献【我已经下载到了,求助结束】
1 个回复 - 123 次查看 【作者(必填)】Yuyu Chen[/backcolor] [/backcolor] , Paul Embrechts[/backcolor] , Ruodu Wang[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】An Unexpected Stochastic Dominance: Pareto Distributions, Dependence, and Di ...2024-3-27 15:05 - 量子奥秘 - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 503 次查看 2023.05 投稿ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2023.12 还是with editor for review 写了一封催稿信 发外审了....(这期刊编辑都是兼职的吗) 至今 还是under review 麻了2024-3-22 10:44 - 妙鲜阁 - 学术道德监督
Journal of the Operational Research Society 文献一篇
2 个回复 - 710 次查看 【作者(必填)】K-R LouEmail author, W-C Wang 【文题(必填)】Optimal trade credit and order quantity when trade credit impacts on both demand rate and default risk 【年份(必填)】2012 【全文链接或 ...2019-8-5 20:33 - xiecuihua2005 - 求助成功区
Artificial intelligence in operations management and supply chain
1 个回复 - 178 次查看 【作者(必填)】Petri Heloand Yuqiuge Hao 【文题(必填)】Artificial intelligence in operations management and supply chain management:an exploratory case study 【年份(必填)】2022 【全文链接或数据 ...2024-3-2 15:08 - sailing3200 - 求助成功区
Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis
2 个回复 - 274 次查看 Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis 作者: H. Garth Dales / Pietro Aiena / Jörg Eschmeier / Kjeld Laursen / George A. Willis 出版社: Cambridge University Press 出 ...2024-3-14 05:50 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Predictive modelling of turning operations using response surface methodology
1 个回复 - 534 次查看 【作者(必填)】Amit Kumar Gupta 【文题(必填)】Predictive modelling of turning operations using response surface methodology, artificial neural networks and support vector regression 【年份(必填)】 ...2024-2-25 21:18 - wlou64 - 求助成功区
The Exact Finite Sample Properties of the Estimators of Coefficients in the Erro
1 个回复 - 99 次查看 【作者(必填)】P. A. V. B. Swamy and S. S. Arora 【文题(必填)】The Exact Finite Sample Properties of the Estimators of Coefficients in the Error Components Regression Models 【年份(必填)】1972 ...2024-2-24 07:58 - magicsun - 求助成功区
空间面板Tobit(sptobitsemxt):空间误差面板模型出现matrix operation not found
38 个回复 - 13868 次查看 如题。我使用stata进行空间面板tobit分析。 使用sptobitsemxt命令分析空间误差模型时,出现matrix operation not found。 搜索了论坛里,貌似也有同学出现了类似的情况。 我的数据结构是一个包含全国31个省市5年 ...2018-5-24 18:11 - 听见海涛声 - Stata专版
The Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations
1 个回复 - 220 次查看 The Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations 作者: Baues, Hans-Joachim 出版社: Springer Verlag 页数: 483 定价: $ 190.97 装帧: HRD 丛书: Progress in Mathematics ISBN: 9783764374488 ...2024-2-2 05:33 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Coordination in Non-Cooperative Game Theory/非合作博弈论中的协调教学讲义
0 个回复 - 167 次查看 Lecture Note on Coordination in Non-Cooperative Game Theory/非合作博弈论中的协调教学讲义 新加坡大学金融研究生学习资料 Game theory for MBAs and Masters of Finance Sing**re Management University ...2024-2-18 10:23 - 2025TS - 现金交易版
JPMorgan-ChinaHK Property The
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Lecture Note on Models in Cooperative Game Theory/合作博弈模型教学讲义
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European Journal of Operational Research投稿经验分享
13 个回复 - 18009 次查看 European Journal of Operational Research是SCI的Q1区,中科院JCR二区Top期刊。 本人2017年11月投稿;2018年4月第一次返修,10月修回;2019年1月第二次返修,2月修回;3月录用。 历时1年4个月,EJOR要求较高, ...2019-3-5 19:31 - shzhy86 - 学术道德监督
On the proper bounds of the Gini correlation
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SQL Server Management Studio 和 Oracle Based SQL Developer 有什么主要不同?
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Some properties of incomplete U-statistics
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State Agricultural Experiment Stations and Intellectual Property Rights
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The Small Sample Nonnull Properties of Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance for
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运营与供应链管理导论Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management
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Quaternions as the Result of Algebraic Operations
0 个回复 - 213 次查看 Quaternions as the Result of Algebraic Operations 作者: 1853-1934, Baker Arthur Latham 出版社: Hardpress Publishing 页数: 92 ISBN: 97813146050202024-1-27 11:49 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
Operations Management 9th Edition Nigel Slack
2 个回复 - 825 次查看 2019-12-4 06:18 - skyk816 - 行业分析报告
Value Creation, Value Appropriation, and Cooperation in Team Production
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Bruce Cooperstein-Advanced Linear Algebra第2版习题答案
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Opportunities for system dynamics research in operations management
2 个回复 - 119 次查看 【作者(必填)】Edward G. Anderson 【文题(必填)】Opportunities for system dynamics research in operations management for public policy 【年份(必填)】2023 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2024-1-16 10:05 - sailing3200 - 求助成功区
Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. V2
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Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. V1
1 个回复 - 193 次查看 Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. V1 作者: Kadison,RichardV ISBN: 9780123933010 n, Author ISBN: 97801239330102024-1-10 07:26 - wxwpxh - 经济金融数学专区
中介因子检验遇到factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed
5 个回复 - 10583 次查看 请问我做中介因子检验时,输入sgmediation 因变量,mv() iv( ) cv( 有5个)时,提示factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed要怎么解决呀?(为了简便,因变量、自变量、中介变量这些我都没有打出来) ...2021-10-8 16:47 - 冷漠艺术家 - Stata专版
【教材更新】12th Edition Operations Management Processes and Supply Chains
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stata出现factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed
1 个回复 - 609 次查看 gologit2 Y X2 X5, auto iter(3) tolerance(1e-6) nolog est store m3 esttab m3 using 平行线检验.rtf, replace star( * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01 ) nogaps compress /// title(esttab_Table: 平行线检验) ...2024-1-7 23:32 - 524315734 - Stata专版
Operations and Process Management 5th
22 个回复 - 3149 次查看 English | 14 Feb. 2018 | ISBN: 129217613X | 600 Pages | PDF Written by best-selling authors in their field, the fifth edition of Operations and Process Management inspires a critical and applied ma ...2018-8-4 14:37 - igs816 - 运营管理(物流与供应链管理)
0 个回复 - 147 次查看 这是我自己翻译的,如果有看不懂的地方直接在下面评论,我们一起讨论,我这边还有SBM模型的原始文献,可以免费送给大家。对于初学DEA的小伙伴非常友好,希望大家赶紧来下载。2023-12-13 11:31 - 米王丽晴 - 现金交易版
Evolutionary Dynamics of Cooperation in the Public Goods Game
1 个回复 - 98 次查看 【作者(必填)】Qiang Wang;Linjie Liu;Xiaojie Chen 【文题(必填)】Evolutionary Dynamics of Cooperation in the Public Goods Game with Individual Disguise and Peer Punishment 【年份(必填)】2019 【 ...2024-1-3 16:37 - jgxlmf - 求助成功区
Super-rational aspiration promotes cooperation in the asymmetric game with peer
1 个回复 - 109 次查看 【作者(必填)】Wang Si-Yi;Yao Xin;Yang Yi-Mei;Chen Daniel;Wang Rui-Wu;Xie Feng-Jie 【文题(必填)】Super-rational aspiration promotes cooperation in the asymmetric game with peer exit punishment and r ...2024-1-2 15:31 - jgxlmf - 求助成功区
Evolution of Cooperation with Peer Punishment under Prospect Theory
2 个回复 - 121 次查看 【作者(必填)】Satoshi Uchida;Hitoshi Yamamoto;Isamu Okada;Tatsuya Sasaki 【文题(必填)】Evolution of Cooperation with Peer Punishment under Prospect Theory 【年份(必填)】2019 【全文链接或数据库 ...2024-1-2 15:35 - jgxlmf - 求助成功区
Introduction-to-Operations-Research 11th 运筹学导论第十一版 英文版
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Agricultural Supply Chains in Emerging Markets: Competition and Cooperation Unde
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Pseudoperiodic Topology
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Variational Principles for Nonpotential Operators
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操作系统概念第7版习题答案 Operating System Concepts
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合作博弈教材 Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games,by Bezalel Peleg,
4 个回复 - 719 次查看 In this book we study systematically the main solutions of cooperative games: the core, bargaining set, kernel, nucleolus, and the Shapley value of TU games, and the core, the Shapley value, and the ...2023-9-27 11:59 - ygjxidian - 博弈论
Introduction to Operations Research, 11th Edition
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如何解决在R中用QCA遇到了Error: non-numeric argument to binary operator?(语言-r
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Functional Operators, Volume 2 The Geometry of Orthogonal Spaces
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Functional operators, vol.1.. measures and integrals
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求助下载Extremes and Related Properties of Random Sequences and Processes
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Strategic and Operational Determinants of Relationship Outcomes
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Artificial intelligence for decision support systems in the field of operations
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Carbon emissions affected by real-time reservoir operation
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Solving the Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem with Parametric Operational
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操作系统原理(Principles of Operating Systems)-北京大学
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操作系统_清华大学(向勇、陈渝老师主讲)Operating system
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Operating System concept
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运筹学基础及应用,运筹学 Operations Research:课件+章节习题答案
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Modern Operating System 现代操作系统-北大
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