家谱 爬虫数据原始版本(来源上海图书馆);宗族文化测度;族谱
7 个回复 - 1014 次查看 数据来自《中国家谱总目录》。已有文献利用该数据来测量地区宗族强度。该目录由上海图书馆出版,包括公共和私人收藏以及国内外收藏,是中国最大的家谱收藏资料。每个谱系都被编码为目录中的一个条目,包含姓氏、位置 ...2023-5-17 21:10 - 弑情弦 - 现金交易版
calamity and reform in China YANG Dali
2 个回复 - 1891 次查看 calamity and reform in china state rural society and institution change since great leap famine yang dali stanford university2013-4-17 20:59 - kuchafudan - 制度经济学
Calamity Janeiro A state financial crisis is another threat to the games
0 个回复 - 836 次查看 ‘Read Econmic News Together’ Series Calamity Janeiro [/backcolor] [/backcolor] A state financial crisis is another threat to the games[/backcolor] [/backcolor]RIO DE JANEIRO does not look lik ...2016-7-3 18:16 - 晓七 - 外语学习
Calamity Janeiro: A state financial crisis is another threat to the games
0 个回复 - 678 次查看 ‘Read Econmic News Together’ Series Calamity Janeiro [/backcolor]A state financial crisis is another threat to the games[/backcolor] [/backcolor]RIO DE JANEIRO does not look like a disaster zone. ...2016-7-3 18:12 - 晓七 - 外语学习
20120807 Follow Me 453 The college-cost calamity
2 个回复 - 190 次查看 The college-cost calamity Many American universities are in financial trouble Aug 4th 2012 | CHICAGO | from the print edition http://www.economist.com/node/21559936 Everyone is welcome to comment ...2012-8-7 02:47 - reduce_fat - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)