B. Beaver-IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics第12版习题答案 2 个回复 - 204 次查看
B. Beaver-IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics第12版习题答案,概率与统计导论
IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics - Mendenhall, Beaver and Beaver [STUDENT'S SOLUTION MANUAL], 12th Ed ...2023-12-30 12:25 - 2025TS - 现金交易版
Stochastics: Introduction To ProbabilityAnd Statistics (2nd edition) 25 个回复 - 1231 次查看
2013 | ISBN-10: 3110292548 | 420 pages | PDF
This textbook, now in its second revised and extended edition, presents the fundamental ideas and results of both probability theory and statistics. It ...2018-10-25 13:48 - igs816 - 经管书评
【2012年14版】IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics 192 个回复 - 19835 次查看IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics
William Mendenhall (Author), Robert J. Beaver (Author), Barbara M. Beaver (Author)
Publication Date: January 1, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1133103758 | IS ...2013-2-23 00:14 - leonkd - 计量经济学与统计软件
AnIntroductiontoProbability and Statistics 2nd Edition 19 个回复 - 2411 次查看
The second edition of a well-received book that was published 24 years ago and continues to sell to this day, AnIntroductiontoProbability and Statistics is now revised to incorporate new inform ...2015-5-30 07:59 - 16POP - 经济金融数学专区
Springer05 - A Modern IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics 2 个回复 - 2987 次查看
A Modern IntroductiontoProbability and StatisticsUnderstanding Why and HowPublisher: Springer 2005Authors: F.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaa, L.E. MeesterContents1 Why probability and statist ...2008-10-7 02:30 - lj1001 - 计量经济学与统计软件
IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics Using R 4 个回复 - 3565 次查看IntroductiontoProbability and Statistics Using RContents
Preface vii
List of Figures xiii
List of Tables xv
1 AnIntroductiontoProbability and Statistics 1
1.1 Probability . . . . . . . . . . ...2010-10-22 15:25 - aimms - R语言论坛